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'Michel Deza'
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'Michel Deza'
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''''Michel Marie Deza''' is a French mathematician <ref>http://www.liga.ens.fr/~deza/ - M. Deza </ref>, specialized in [[combinatorics]] and [[graph theory]]. He is known for his work on Erdös–Ko–Rado Theorem—22 Years Later. Deza wrote papers with [[Paul Erdős]], giving him an [[Erdős number]] of 1.<ref> http://www.oakland.edu/enp/ Erdos Number Project </ref> ==Selected publications and books== ===Books=== * Geometry of Cuts and Metrics (Algorithms and Combinatorics) by Michel M. Deza and Monique Laurent (Hardcover - Jun 27, 1997) * on Amazon - <ref>http://www.amazon.com/s?ie=UTF8&search-type=ss&index=books&field-author=Michel%20M.%20Deza&page=1 - Books on Amazon </ref> ===Publications=== * Michel Deza, Peter Frankl, [[Navin M. Singhi | N. M. Singhi]]: On Functions of Strenth t. Combinatorica 3(3): 331-339 (1983) * On Google - <ref>http://scholar.google.com/scholar?q=%22M+Deza%22&hl=en&lr= - On Google Scholar </ref> ==References== {{reflist}} {{France-mathematician-stub}} [[Category:Year of birth missing (living people)]] [[Category:Living people]] [[Category:French mathematicians]] [[Category:Combinatorists]]'
New page wikitext, after the edit (new_wikitext)
''''Michel Marie Deza''' is a French mathematician <ref>http://www.liga.ens.fr/~deza/ - M. Deza </ref>, specialized in [[combinatorics]] and [[graph theory]]. He is known for his work on Erdös–Ko–Rado Theorem—22 Years Later. Deza wrote four papers with [[Paul Erdős]], giving him an [[Erdős number]] of 1.<ref> http://www.oakland.edu/enp/ Erdos Number Project </ref> ==Selected publications and books== ===Books=== * Geometry of Cuts and Metrics (Algorithms and Combinatorics) by Michel M. Deza and Monique Laurent (Hardcover - Jun 27, 1997) * on Amazon - <ref>http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss_b?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=m.+deza&x=10&y=15 - Books on Amazon </ref> ===Publications=== * Michel Deza, Peter Frankl, [[Navin M. Singhi | N. M. Singhi]]: On Functions of Strenth t. Combinatorica 3(3): 331-339 (1983) * On Google - <ref>http://scholar.google.com/scholar?q=%22M+Deza%22&hl=en&lr= - On Google Scholar </ref> ==References== {{reflist}} {{France-mathematician-stub}} [[Category:Year of birth missing (living people)]] [[Category:Living people]] [[Category:French mathematicians]] [[Category:Combinatorists]] [[Category:Journal editors]]'
Whether or not the change was made through a Tor exit node (tor_exit_node)