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{{Use dmy dates|date=March 2017}}
{{Infobox food
| name = Oatmeal Ball
| image = Chokladbollar.jpg
| image_size = 250px
| caption = Oatmeal balls rolled in shredded coconut
| alternate_name =
| country =[[Sweden]]
| region =
| creator =
| course =
| type =
| served =
| main_ingredient = [[Oatmeal]], [[sugar]], [[coffee]], [[Cocoa solids|cocoa]], [[butter]]
| variations =
| calories =
| other =
|cookbook=Chokladboll (Swedish Chocolate Balls)}}
The '''oatmeal ball''' ({{Lang-da|havregrynskugle}}) or the '''chocolate ball''' ({{Lang-sv|chokladboll}}) is a type of unbaked pastry that is a popular [[Danish cuisine|Danish]] and [[Swedish cuisine|Swedish]] [[confectionery]].
Oatmeal balls consist of [[oatmeal]], sugar, [[Cocoa solids|cocoa]],<ref name="Institute 2013" /> [[vanilla sugar]], butter, and sometimes a small amount of coffee mixed until they become a compact mass. To make them creamier and softer, some people also like to mix in a splash of cream. From the dough, balls are hand-formed to a size usually slightly smaller than [[golf ball]]s, then rolled in shredded [[coconut]],<ref name="Institute 2013" /> [[pearl sugar]]<ref>{{Cite news |date=2003-07-31 |title=Ordet "negerboll" ska granskas av DO |trans-title=The word "negro ball" will be reviewed by DO |url=https://sverigesradio.se/artikel/268408 |access-date=2024-07-10 |work=[[Sveriges Radio]] |language=sv |quote=det sfäriska bakverk som vanligen är rullat i kokos eller pärlsocker, som många kallar chokladboll eller kokosboll idag. |trans-quote=the spherical pastry which is normally rolled in shredded coconut or pearl sugar, which many call chocolate ball or shredded-coconut-ball today.}}</ref> or [[sprinkles]]. The balls can be eaten immediately, but usually they are first chilled in a refrigerator.
Because of the simple, non-bake recipe, oatmeal balls can be quickly made by anyone, which makes them one of the most popular homemade sweets and a common sight at children's parties.
Variations on the oatmeal ball are popular in other countries too. In [[Israel]], [[Petit Beurre]] crumbs take the place of the oatmeal, and the candy is called {{transliteration|he|Kadur Shokolad}} ({{Lang-he|כדור שוקולד}}, {{lit|chocolate ball}}). Popular in Austria, especially around Christmastime, is the ''[[Rum ball|Rumkugel]]'' (plural ''Rumkugeln''), which contains the same ingredients as oatmeal balls but adds a small amount of [[rum]] to the mix. In the Canadian province of [[Newfoundland and Labrador]], the snowball is a popular [[Christmas]] treat, which uses the same ingredients with the addition of [[evaporated milk]].
== History ==
The oatmeal ball was most likely invented during [[World War II]], when, because of [[rationing]], there was a limited supply of [[wheat flour]], which caused a search for substitutes. In 1943, the Danish [[Nationaltidende]] published a small booklet for housewives called ''Ingenuity in a time of crisis'' ({{Lang-da|Opfindsomhed i en krisetid}}) containing the recipe for ''havregrynskugle''.<ref>{{cite book|last1=Palsbo|first1=Susanne|title=Opfindsomhed i en Krisetid : en Haandfuld Rationeringsopskrifter og aktuelle Husholdningsraad|date=1943|publisher=Nationaltidende|location=Copenhagen|page=62|language=da}}</ref> There is also a [[Classified advertising|classified ad]] for a [[konditorei]] product with the name ''negerbollar'' from 1918 in the Swedish newspaper ''[[Svenska Dagbladet]]''. Although the content is unknown, they are described as "chocolate-coco" and are sold in boxes of 300 at {{convert|1.5|kg}}.<ref>{{cite news |title=Negerbollar |url=https://tidningar.kb.se/1767385/1918-07-08/edition/10979/part/1/page/14/?q=negerbollar&from=1918-01-01&to=1918-12-31 |access-date=20 August 2020 |work=Svenska Dagbladet |date=8 July 1918 |page=14}}{{closed access}}</ref>
== Names in Swedish ==
[[File:01 Chokladbollar.jpg|thumb|upright|Close-up view of {{Lang|sv|chokladboll}}]]
One traditional name for the pastry in Swedish is {{Lang|sv|negerboll}} ("[[negro]] ball").<ref>{{cite news| date=1943-12-14|title=Vi jular gott |url=https://www.svd.se/arkiv/1943-12-14/9 |work=Svenska Dagbladet |access-date=2018-11-15}}</ref> Due to possible [[racism|racist]] connotations, this name has fallen out of favor in recent decades, with {{Lang|sv|chokladboll}} (chocolate ball) now being the most commonly used name. When made with shredded coconut, it is also known as {{Lang|sv|kokosboll}} (coconut ball).
The appropriateness of {{Lang|sv|negerboll}} as the name of the pastry has been the subject of media debate, intensified by {{Lang|sv|neger}} now generally being considered an ethnic slur, having undergone a similar change in tone to English ''Negro''.<ref name="Global 2015" /> {{Lang|sv|Chokladboll}} was first added to the [[Swedish Academy]]'s [[Spelling#Spelling standards and conventions|spelling dictionary]] ''[[Svenska Akademiens ordlista]]'' in 2006, with only {{Lang|sv|negerboll}} being listed prior. In the 13th (2006) edition, the pastry can be found under both names, with a comment that {{Lang|sv|chokladboll}} is the recommended term.<ref name="SA dictionary">[http://spraakdata.gu.se/saolhist/detalj_en.php?mode=SAOLprod&lemma=negerboll&med=SAOL13&finns=SAOL13 Page 611] in ''[[Svenska Akademiens ordlista]]'' över svenska språket, 2006</ref> In the 14th edition (2015) {{Lang|sv|negerboll}} was removed.<ref>{{cite web|url=https://www.aftonbladet.se/nyheter/article20512864.ab|title=Nu tas "negerboll" och andra kränkande ord bort ur ordlistan|publisher=Aftonbladet|language=sv|date=23 March 2015|access-date=7 May 2018}}</ref><ref>[http://spraakdata.gu.se/saolhist/bildfiler//SAOL14//SAOL14_00869.png Page 869] in Svenska Akademiens ordlista över svenska språket 2015.</ref>
In mid-2003, a bakery owner from [[Sjöbo]] was reported to the Swedish [[Ombudsman]] against Ethnic Discrimination for using the word {{Lang|sv|negerboll}} on a sign in her bakery shop.<ref>{{cite news|url=https://www.svd.se/negerboll-kan-kranka-enskild|title=Negerboll kan kränka enskild|newspaper=Svenska dagbladet|language=sv|date=24 January 2004|access-date=14 March 2017}}</ref> However, the case was dismissed since the person reporting it did not consider herself personally insulted.
Note that the Danish word {{Lang|da|negerbolle}} is a similarly dated term for a similar but different confection, namely the [[flødebolle]].
== See also ==
* [[Bourbon ball]]
* [[Brigadeiro]]
* [[Bánh bò]]
* [[Chocolate truffle]]
* [[Rum ball]]
* [[Lo mai chi]]
* [[Kozhukkatta]]
* [[Cocada]]
* [[Coconut sugar]]
* [[Gulha]]
* [[Lamington]]
== References ==
<ref name="Institute 2013">{{cite book |title=Swedish Phrasebook | publisher=Eton Institute | series=Eton Institute – Language Phrasebook | year=2013 | url=https://books.google.com/books?id=jYfhAAAAQBAJ&pg=PT20 | access-date=29 January 2017 | page=pt20}}</ref>
<ref name="Global 2015">{{cite web | title='Negro ball' scrapped from Swedish dictionary | website=The Local | date=23 March 2015 | url=http://www.thelocal.se/20150323/swedish-dictionary-to-advise-against-racist-words | access-date=29 January 2017}}</ref>
== External links ==
{{Commons category|Chokladbollar}}
* [http://www.gretchencooks.com/recipes/732_NoBake_Chocolate_Cookies_Chokladbollar Chokladboll recipe]
{{Chocolate desserts}}
[[Category:Danish confectionery]]
[[Category:Coconut desserts]]
[[Category:Chocolate desserts]]
[[Category:Oat-based dishes]]' |
New page wikitext, after the edit (new_wikitext ) | '{{short description|Type of confectionery popular in Sweden}}
{{Use dmy dates|date=March 2017}}
{{Infobox food
| name = Oatmeal Balls(Neger Bollar)
| image = Chokladbollar.jpg
| image_size = 250px
| caption = Oatmeal balls rolled in shredded coconut
| alternate_name =
| country =[[Sweden]]
| region =
| creator =
| course =
| type =
| served =
| main_ingredient = [[Oatmeal]], [[sugar]], [[coffee]], [[Cocoa solids|cocoa]], [[butter]]
| variations =
| calories =
| other =
|cookbook=Chokladboll (Swedish Chocolate Balls)}}
The '''oatmeal ball''' ({{Lang-da|havregrynskugle}}) or the '''chocolate ball''' ({{Lang-sv|chokladboll}}) is a type of unbaked pastry that is a popular [[Danish cuisine|Danish]] and [[Swedish cuisine|Swedish]] [[confectionery]].
Oatmeal balls consist of [[oatmeal]], sugar, [[Cocoa solids|cocoa]],<ref name="Institute 2013" /> [[vanilla sugar]], butter, and sometimes a small amount of coffee mixed until they become a compact mass. To make them creamier and softer, some people also like to mix in a splash of cream. From the dough, balls are hand-formed to a size usually slightly smaller than [[golf ball]]s, then rolled in shredded [[coconut]],<ref name="Institute 2013" /> [[pearl sugar]]<ref>{{Cite news |date=2003-07-31 |title=Ordet "negerboll" ska granskas av DO |trans-title=The word "negro ball" will be reviewed by DO |url=https://sverigesradio.se/artikel/268408 |access-date=2024-07-10 |work=[[Sveriges Radio]] |language=sv |quote=det sfäriska bakverk som vanligen är rullat i kokos eller pärlsocker, som många kallar chokladboll eller kokosboll idag. |trans-quote=the spherical pastry which is normally rolled in shredded coconut or pearl sugar, which many call chocolate ball or shredded-coconut-ball today.}}</ref> or [[sprinkles]]. The balls can be eaten immediately, but usually they are first chilled in a refrigerator.
Because of the simple, non-bake recipe, oatmeal balls can be quickly made by anyone, which makes them one of the most popular homemade sweets and a common sight at children's parties.
Variations on the oatmeal ball are popular in other countries too. In [[Israel]], [[Petit Beurre]] crumbs take the place of the oatmeal, and the candy is called {{transliteration|he|Kadur Shokolad}} ({{Lang-he|כדור שוקולד}}, {{lit|chocolate ball}}). Popular in Austria, especially around Christmastime, is the ''[[Rum ball|Rumkugel]]'' (plural ''Rumkugeln''), which contains the same ingredients as oatmeal balls but adds a small amount of [[rum]] to the mix. In the Canadian province of [[Newfoundland and Labrador]], the snowball is a popular [[Christmas]] treat, which uses the same ingredients with the addition of [[evaporated milk]].
== History ==
The oatmeal ball was most likely invented during [[World War II]], when, because of [[rationing]], there was a limited supply of [[wheat flour]], which caused a search for substitutes. In 1943, the Danish [[Nationaltidende]] published a small booklet for housewives called ''Ingenuity in a time of crisis'' ({{Lang-da|Opfindsomhed i en krisetid}}) containing the recipe for ''havregrynskugle''.<ref>{{cite book|last1=Palsbo|first1=Susanne|title=Opfindsomhed i en Krisetid : en Haandfuld Rationeringsopskrifter og aktuelle Husholdningsraad|date=1943|publisher=Nationaltidende|location=Copenhagen|page=62|language=da}}</ref> There is also a [[Classified advertising|classified ad]] for a [[konditorei]] product with the name ''negerbollar'' from 1918 in the Swedish newspaper ''[[Svenska Dagbladet]]''. Although the content is unknown, they are described as "chocolate-coco" and are sold in boxes of 300 at {{convert|1.5|kg}}.<ref>{{cite news |title=Negerbollar |url=https://tidningar.kb.se/1767385/1918-07-08/edition/10979/part/1/page/14/?q=negerbollar&from=1918-01-01&to=1918-12-31 |access-date=20 August 2020 |work=Svenska Dagbladet |date=8 July 1918 |page=14}}{{closed access}}</ref>
== Names in Swedish ==
[[File:01 Chokladbollar.jpg|thumb|upright|Close-up view of {{Lang|sv|chokladboll}}]]
One traditional name for the pastry in Swedish is {{Lang|sv|negerboll}} ("[[negro]] ball").<ref>{{cite news| date=1943-12-14|title=Vi jular gott |url=https://www.svd.se/arkiv/1943-12-14/9 |work=Svenska Dagbladet |access-date=2018-11-15}}</ref> Due to possible [[racism|racist]] connotations, this name has fallen out of favor in recent decades, with {{Lang|sv|chokladboll}} (chocolate ball) now being the most commonly used name. When made with shredded coconut, it is also known as {{Lang|sv|kokosboll}} (coconut ball).
The appropriateness of {{Lang|sv|negerboll}} as the name of the pastry has been the subject of media debate, intensified by {{Lang|sv|neger}} now generally being considered an ethnic slur, having undergone a similar change in tone to English ''Negro''.<ref name="Global 2015" /> {{Lang|sv|Chokladboll}} was first added to the [[Swedish Academy]]'s [[Spelling#Spelling standards and conventions|spelling dictionary]] ''[[Svenska Akademiens ordlista]]'' in 2006, with only {{Lang|sv|negerboll}} being listed prior. In the 13th (2006) edition, the pastry can be found under both names, with a comment that {{Lang|sv|chokladboll}} is the recommended term.<ref name="SA dictionary">[http://spraakdata.gu.se/saolhist/detalj_en.php?mode=SAOLprod&lemma=negerboll&med=SAOL13&finns=SAOL13 Page 611] in ''[[Svenska Akademiens ordlista]]'' över svenska språket, 2006</ref> In the 14th edition (2015) {{Lang|sv|negerboll}} was removed.<ref>{{cite web|url=https://www.aftonbladet.se/nyheter/article20512864.ab|title=Nu tas "negerboll" och andra kränkande ord bort ur ordlistan|publisher=Aftonbladet|language=sv|date=23 March 2015|access-date=7 May 2018}}</ref><ref>[http://spraakdata.gu.se/saolhist/bildfiler//SAOL14//SAOL14_00869.png Page 869] in Svenska Akademiens ordlista över svenska språket 2015.</ref>
In mid-2003, a bakery owner from [[Sjöbo]] was reported to the Swedish [[Ombudsman]] against Ethnic Discrimination for using the word {{Lang|sv|negerboll}} on a sign in her bakery shop.<ref>{{cite news|url=https://www.svd.se/negerboll-kan-kranka-enskild|title=Negerboll kan kränka enskild|newspaper=Svenska dagbladet|language=sv|date=24 January 2004|access-date=14 March 2017}}</ref> However, the case was dismissed since the person reporting it did not consider herself personally insulted.
Note that the Danish word {{Lang|da|negerbolle}} is a similarly dated term for a similar but different confection, namely the [[flødebolle]].
== See also ==
* [[Bourbon ball]]
* [[Brigadeiro]]
* [[Bánh bò]]
* [[Chocolate truffle]]
* [[Rum ball]]
* [[Lo mai chi]]
* [[Kozhukkatta]]
* [[Cocada]]
* [[Coconut sugar]]
* [[Gulha]]
* [[Lamington]]
== References ==
<ref name="Institute 2013">{{cite book |title=Swedish Phrasebook | publisher=Eton Institute | series=Eton Institute – Language Phrasebook | year=2013 | url=https://books.google.com/books?id=jYfhAAAAQBAJ&pg=PT20 | access-date=29 January 2017 | page=pt20}}</ref>
<ref name="Global 2015">{{cite web | title='Negro ball' scrapped from Swedish dictionary | website=The Local | date=23 March 2015 | url=http://www.thelocal.se/20150323/swedish-dictionary-to-advise-against-racist-words | access-date=29 January 2017}}</ref>
== External links ==
{{Commons category|Chokladbollar}}
* [http://www.gretchencooks.com/recipes/732_NoBake_Chocolate_Cookies_Chokladbollar Chokladboll recipe]
{{Chocolate desserts}}
[[Category:Danish confectionery]]
[[Category:Coconut desserts]]
[[Category:Chocolate desserts]]
[[Category:Oat-based dishes]]' |
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