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15:17, 8 October 2012: (talk) triggered filter 132, performing the action "edit" on Swedish Chef. Actions taken: Warn; Filter description: Removal of all categories (examine)

Changes made in edit

{{Redirect|Børk||Bork (disambiguation)}}
{{Redurect|Børk||Bork (deesembigooeshun)}}

{{Inffubox cherecter
{{Infobox character
| name = Swedish Chef
| neme-a = Svedeesh Cheff
| series = The Muppet Show
| sereees = Zee Mooppet Shoo
| image = [[File:Theswedishchef.png|220px]]
| imege-a = [[Feele-a:Zeesvedeeshcheff.png|220px]]
| caption = The Swedish Chef, as seen in Pöpcorn.
| cepshun = Zee Svedeesh Cheff, es seee in Pöpcurn.
Bork Bork Bork!
| first = [[The Muppet Show: Sex and Violence]] (1975)
| furst = [[Zee Mooppet Shoo: Sex und Feeulence-a]] (1975)
| last =
| creator = [[Jim Henson]]
| lest =
| creetur = [[Jeem Hensun]]
| portrayer = [[Jim Henson]] (1975 - 1990)<br>[[Bill Barretta]] (1996 - present)
| purtreyer = [[Jeem Hensun]] (1975 - 1990)<br>[[Beell Berretta]] (1996 - present)
| voice =
| nickname =
| fueece-a =
| alias =
| neeckneme-a =
| species = Muppet (Human)
| eleees =
| gender = Male
| speceees = Mooppet (Hoomun)
| occupation = Chef
| gender = Mele-a
| title =
| ooccoopeshun = Cheff
| family =
| title-a =
| spouse =
| femeely =
| significantother =
| spuoose-a =
| children =
| seegnifficuntuzeer =
| relatives =
| cheeldree =
| religion =
| reletifes =
| releegiun =
| nationality = [[Sweden|Swedish]]
| neshuneleety = [[Svedee|Svedeesh]]
The '''Swedish Chef''' is a [[The Muppets|Muppet]] that appeared on ''[[The Muppet Show]]''. He was originally operated by [[Jim Henson]] and [[Frank Oz]] simultaneously, and is now puppeteered by [[Bill Barretta]].
Zee '''Svedeesh Cheff''' is a [[Zee Mooppets|Mooppet]] thet eppeered oon ''[[Zee Mooppet Shoo]]''. He-a ves ooreeginelly oopereted by [[Jeem Hensun]] und [[Frunk Ooz]] seemooltuneuoosly, und is noo pooppeteered by [[Beell Berretta]].
Bork Bork Bork!

A parody of [[cooking show|television chefs]], the [[Sweden|Swedish]] Chef wears a ''[[toque blanche]]'' and has bushy eyebrows that completely obscure his eyes. He was one of the few Muppets to employ an actual [[puppeteer]]'s hands, originally Oz's, in the designsthat is, they were visible to the audience through his sleeves and facilitated handling food and utensils.
A perudy ooff [[cuukeeng shoo|telefeesiun cheffs]], zee [[Svedee|Svedeesh]] Cheff veers a ''[[tuqooe-a blunche-a]]'' und hes booshy iyebroos thet cumpletely oobscoore-a hees iyes. He-a ves oone-a ooff zee foo Mooppets tu impluy un ectooel [[pooppeteer]]'s hunds, ooreeginelly Ooz's, in zee deseegnsthet is, zeey vere-a feesible-a tu zee oodeeence-a thruoogh hees sleefes und feceeliteted hundleeng fuud und utenseels.
Bork Bork Bork!

Nearly all Swedish Chef sketches begin with him in a kitchen, waving some utensils while singing his signature song in his typical mock [[Swedish language|Swedish]] – a semi-comprehensible [[gibberish]] mimicking Swedish [[phonology]] and [[Prosody (linguistics)|prosody]]. The song's lyrics vary slightly from one episode to the next, but always end with "Bort, bort, bort!" (translates as 'away/be gone') as the Chef throws the utensils (or whatever else may be in his hands) aside with a clatter that seems to startle him.
Neerly ell Svedeesh Cheff sketches begeen veet heem in a keetchee, vefeeng sume-a utenseels vheele-a seenging hees seegnetoore-a sung in hees typeecel muck [[Svedeesh lungooege-a|Svedeesh]] – a semee-cumprehenseeble-a [[geebberish]] meemicking Svedeesh [[phunulugy]] und [[Prusudy (leengooistics)|prusudy]]. Zee sung's lyreecs fery sleeghtly frum oone-a ipeesude-a tu zee next, boot elveys eed veet "Bort, bort, bort!" (trunsletes es 'evey/be-a gune') es zee Cheff throos zee utenseels (oor vhetefer ilse-a mey be-a in hees hunds) eseede-a veet a cletter thet seems tu stertle-a heem.
Bork Bork Bork!

After this introduction, the Chef begins to prepare a recipe while giving a gibberish explanation of what he is doing. His commentary is spiced with the occasional [[English language|English]] word to clue in the viewer to what he is attempting; for example, "Aweenda shmure da froog's legs." These hints are necessary as he frequently uses unorthodox culinary equipment (firearms, sports equipment, hand tools, etc.) to prepare his dishes. In the pilot episode of ''The Muppet Show'', the Chef's commentary was supplemented by Chinese subtitles, but this was abandoned for all other episodes of the series. The sketch typically degenerates into a [[slapstick]] finale where the ingredients or equipment get the better of him.
Effter thees intrudoocshun, zee Cheff begeens tu prepere-a a receepe-a vheele-a geefing a geebberish ixpluneshun ooff vhet he-a is dueeng. Hees cummentery is speeced veet zee oocceseeunel [[Ingleesh lungooege-a|Ingleesh]] vurd tu clooe-a in zee feeooer tu vhet he-a is ettempting; fur ixemple-a, "Eveenda shmoore-a da fruug's legs." Zeese-a heents ere-a necessery es he-a freqooently uses unurthudux cooleenery iqooeepment (fureerms, spurts iqooeepment, hund tuuls, itc.) tu prepere-a hees deeshes. In zee peelut ipeesude-a ooff ''Zee Mooppet Shoo'', zee Cheff's cummentery ves soopplemented by Cheenese-a soobtitles, boot thees ves ebunduned fur ell oozeer ipeesudes ooff zee sereees. Zee sketch typeecelly degeneretes intu a [[slepstick]] feenele-a vhere-a zee ingredeeents oor iqooeepment get zee better ooff heem.
Bork Bork Bork!

In one sketch, a misaimed explosive charge slightly damaged the face of the puppet. The Chef's face remained scarred through the rest of the season.
In oone-a sketch, a meeseimed ixpluseefe-a cherge-a sleeghtly demeged zee fece-a ooff zee pooppet. Zee Cheff's fece-a remeeened scerred thruoogh zee rest ooff zee seesun.
Bork Bork Bork!

The Chef is referred to by name in one episode, in which [[Danny Kaye]] plays his uncle. Kaye reels off a very long name but adds, "But we call him Tom" – much to the Chef's amusement.<ref name="3x16">[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TxwI61FrK_w&NR=1 Video clip from season 3, episode 16]</ref> In 2010, the Chef was seen wearing a wedding ring, implying that the character is married.<ref>{{Cite web |url=http://tvseriesfinale.com/tv-show/lost-spoilers-swedish-chef-15158 |title=The Muppet Show: The Swedish Chef Gets Lost Spoilers?|date=17 May 2010|publisher=TVSeriesFinale.com|accessdate=10 March 2011}}</ref>
Zee Cheff is refferred tu by neme-a in oone-a ipeesude-a, in vheech [[Dunny Keye-a]] pleys hees uncle-a. Keye-a reels ooffff a fery lung neme-a boot edds, "Boot ve-a cell heem Tum" – mooch tu zee Cheff's emoosement.<reff neme-a="3x16">[http://vvv.yuootoobe-a.cum/vetch?f=TxvI61FrK_v&NR=1 Feedeu cleep frum seesun 3, ipeesude-a 16]</reff> In 2010, zee Cheff ves seee veereeng a veddeeng reeng, implyeeng thet zee cherecter is merreeed.<reff>{{Ceete-a veb |url=http://tfsereeesffinele-a.cum/tf-shoo/lust-spueelers-svedeesh-cheff-15158 |title-a=Zee Mooppet Shoo: Zee Svedeesh Cheff Gets Lust Spueelers?|dete-a=17 Mey 2010|poobleesher=TFSereeesFinele-a.cum|eccessdete-a=10 Merch 2011}}</reff>

===Computer translations===
===Cumpooter trunsleshuns===
{{Original research|date=October 2008}}
{{Ooreeginel reseerch|dete-a=Ooctuber 2008}}
The Chef's [[gibberish]] gained a life of its own with the creation of a [[Unix]] [[Lex programming tool|lex]] filter capable of converting standard English to "chefspeak" in 1992. The filter quickly became a staple of [[hacker culture]] and eventually spread to the mainstream with "Swedish Chef" translators on several websites, most notably the [[Dialectizer]]; there is a popular [[Mozilla Firefox]] [[Add-on (Mozilla)|add-on]] called "Börk Börk Börk!", which allows the selective "translation" of text from web pages of the user's choice. In 2003, [[Opera Software]] – a Norwegian companypublished a special "Börk" version of its [[internet]] [[web browser|browser]], which turned the [[MSN]] website into "Swedish."<ref>[http://www.opera.com/pressreleases/en/2003/02/14/ Opera releases "Börk" edition; The Swedish Chef Goes After Microsoft]</ref> [[Google]] offers "Bork, bork, bork!" as one among its choices for [[user interface]] language<ref>[http://www.google.com/intl/xx-bork/ "Bork, bork, bork!" version of the Google homepage]</ref> and [[Meebo]] and [[Guild Wars]] both offer "Börk!" as one of their language preferences. There also appeared a plethora of [[USENET]] [[newsgroup]]s named after the chef's speech, the first being "alt.swedish.chef.bork.bork.bork", after which the repeated ending was incorporated into groups such as "[[Jean-Luc Picard|alt.french.captain.borg.borg.borg]]" and other groups following this pattern. This "börk filter" was used in the Darkwind [[MUD]] as a curse, of sorts, when characters could be transformed into "little vikings" (to stay somewhat in theme) for a short duration.
Zee Cheff's [[geebberish]] geeened a leeffe-a ooff its oovn veet zee creeshun ooff a [[Uneex]] [[Lex prugremmeeng tuul|lex]] feelter cepeble-a ooff cunferting stunderd Ingleesh tu "cheffspeek" in 1992. Zee feelter qooeeckly beceme-a a steple-a ooff [[hecker cooltoore-a]] und ifentooelly spreed tu zee meeenstreem veet "Svedeesh Cheff" trunsleturs oon seferel vebseetes, must nutebly zee [[Deeelectizer]]; zeere-a is a pupooler [[Muzeella Fureffux]] [[Edd-oon (Muzeella)|edd-oon]] celled "Börk Börk Börk!", vheech elloos zee selectife-a "trunsleshun" ooff text frum veb peges ooff zee user's chueece-a. In 2003, [[Oopera Sufftvere-a]] – a Nurvegeeun cumpunypoobleeshed a speceeel "Börk" ferseeun ooff its [[internet]] [[veb brooser|brooser]], vheech toorned zee [[MSN]] vebseete-a intu "Svedeesh."<reff>[http://vvv.oopera.cum/pressreleeses/ee/2003/02/14/ Oopera releeses "Börk" ideeshun; Zee Svedeesh Cheff Gues Effter Meecrusufft]</reff> [[Guugle-a]] ooffffers "Bork, bork, bork!" es oone-a emung its chueeces fur [[user interffece-a]] lungooege-a<reff>[http://vvv.guugle-a.cum/intl/xx-bork/ "Bork, bork, bork!" ferseeun ooff zee Guugle-a humepege-a]</reff> und [[Meebo]] und [[Gooeeld Vers]] bot ooffffer "Börk!" es oone-a ooff zeeur lungooege-a prefferences. Zeere-a elsu eppeered a plethura ooff [[USENET]] [[noosgruoop]]s nemed effter zee cheff's speech, zee furst beeeng "elt.svedeesh.cheff.bork.bork.bork", effter vheech zee repeeted eedeeng ves incurpureted intu gruoops sooch es "[[Jeun-Looc Peecerd|elt.french.cepteeen.borg.borg.borg]]" und oozeer gruoops fullooeeng thees pettern. Thees "börk feelter" ves used in zee Derkveend [[MOoD]] es a coorse-a, ooff surts, vhee cherecters cuoold be-a trunsffurmed intu "leettle-a feekings" (tu stey sumoohet in zeeme-a) fur a shurt dooreshun.
Bork Bork Bork!

The [[Norway|Norwegian]] company Trolltech, who develop the [[Qt Development Frameworks]], used this "encheferization" for a more serious purpose &ndash; although the friendly rivalry between Norwegians and Swedes perhaps was its inspiration.{{Citation needed|date=December 2009}} They encouraged [[software development]] testing departments to use an "encheferizer" as a plug-in for the part of their product that provided [[internationalization and localization]]. Whereas it could not be expected that a test team would know every language to which a product might be aimed, by translating the parts that were supposed to be internationalized through the encheferizer to produce a localized version for Swedish Chef speakers, testers could immediately spot mistakes in the internationalization &ndash; parts that had been missed &ndash; as anything that had not been localized (encheferized) would show up in the language of the original author of the text. All the same, a tester would be able to test the product functionally, as it takes little language skill, and no software, to be able to decheferize the text: its meaning is clear even when encheferized.
Zee [[Nurvey|Nurvegeeun]] cumpuny Trulltech, vhu defelup zee [[Qt Defelupment Fremoourks]], used thees "eecheffereezeshun" fur a mure-a sereeuoos poorpuse-a &ndesh; elthuoogh zee freeendly reefelry betveee Nurvegeeuns und Svedes perheps ves its inspureshun.{{Ceeteshun needed|dete-a=December 2009}} Zeey eecuooreged [[sufftvere-a defelupment]] testing depertments tu use-a un "eecheffereezer" es a ploog-in fur zee pert ooff zeeur prudooct thet prufeeded [[interneshuneleezeshun und luceleezeshun]]. Vherees it cuoold nut be-a ixpected thet a test teem vuoold knoo ifery lungooege-a tu vheech a prudooct meeght be-a eeemed, by trunsleting zee perts thet vere-a sooppused tu be-a interneshuneleezed thruoogh zee eecheffereezer tu prudooce-a a luceleezed ferseeun fur Svedeesh Cheff speekers, testers cuoold immedeeetely sput meestekes in zee interneshuneleezeshun &ndesh; perts thet hed beee meessed &ndesh; es unytheeng thet hed nut beee luceleezed (eecheffereezed) vuoold shoo up in zee lungooege-a ooff zee ooreeginel oothur ooff zee text. Ell zee seme-a, a tester vuoold be-a eble-a tu test zee prudooct fooncshunelly, es it tekes leettle-a lungooege-a skeell, und nu sufftvere-a, tu be-a eble-a tu decheffereeze-a zee text: its meuneeng is cleer ifee vhee eecheffereezed.
Bork Bork Bork!

The generally longer encheferized text could also help with graphics testing because it could show up errors where, for example, not enough space had been left for languages that morphologically tend to use more characters than most, such as [[German language|German]]. While not perfect, and not intended to be, it stands as a good first stage to check an internationalization effort.<ref>[http://nedbatchelder.com/blog/201012/faked_translations_poxxpy.html Faked translations]</ref>
Zee generelly lunger eecheffereezed text cuoold elsu help veet grepheecs testing becoose-a it cuoold shoo up irrurs vhere-a, fur ixemple-a, nut eeuoogh spece-a hed beee lefft fur lungooeges thet murphulugeecelly tend tu use-a mure-a cherecters thun must, sooch es [[Germun lungooege-a|Germun]]. Vheele-a nut perffect, und nut intended tu be-a, it stunds es a guud furst stege-a tu check un interneshuneleezeshun iffffurt.<reff>[http://nedbetchelder.cum/blug/201012/feked_trunsleshuns_puxxpy.html Feked trunsleshuns]</reff>

Some claim that the Swedish Chef was inspired by a real life chef. One example is [[Friedman Paul Erhardt]], a [[German American]] television chef known as "Chef Tell".<ref name=philly>{{cite news |first=Craig|last=LaBen|title= 'Chef Tell' Erhardt, 63, early TV chef|url=http://www.philly.com/philly/news/20071029_Friedman_P__Erhardt__63__televisions_Chef_Tell.html|work= [[Philadelphia Inquirer]] |publisher= |date=2007-10-29 |accessdate=2007-10-30 |archiveurl = http://web.archive.org/web/20080123090707/http://www.philly.com/philly/news/20071029_Friedman_P__Erhardt__63__televisions_Chef_Tell.html <!-- Bot retrieved archive --> |archivedate = 2008-01-23}}</ref><ref name=apl>{{cite news |first=|last=|title= Friedman Paul Erhardt|url=http://www.legacy.com/Obituaries.asp?Page=APStory&Id=13593|work= [[Associated Press]] |publisher=Legacy.com |date=2007-10-30 |accessdate=2007-10-30}}</ref> Another example is [[Lars Bäckman|Lars "Kuprik" Bäckman]], a real life Swedish chef. Bäckman claims that his rather unsuccessful appearance on an early edition of ''[[Good Morning America]]'' caught the attention of [[Jim Henson]], who later bought the rights to the recording and created Bäckman's Muppet alter ego. Bäckman's [[Dalecarlian]] accent would explain the chef's strange pronunciation. Muppet writer [[Jerry Juhl]] denied Bäckman's story and insisted the character had no real-world counterpart: "I wrote, rehearsed, rewrote, brainstormed, and giggled uncontrollably a thousand times with Jim Henson as we dealt with the Swedish Chef, and I never once heard him mention an actual Swedish chef..."<ref>{{cite web| last = Chapman| first = Phillip
Sume-a cleeem thet zee Svedeesh Cheff ves inspured by a reel leeffe-a cheff. Oone-a ixemple-a is [[Freeedmun Pool Irherdt]], a [[Germun Emereecun]] telefeesiun cheff knoon es "Cheff Tell".<reff neme-a=pheelly>{{ceete-a noos |furst=Creeeg|lest=LeBee|title-a= 'Cheff Tell' Irherdt, 63, ierly TF cheff|url=http://vvv.pheelly.cum/pheelly/noos/20071029_Freeedmun_P__Irherdt__63__telefeesiuns_Cheff_Tell.html|vurk= [[Pheeledelphia Inqoourer]] |poobleesher= |dete-a=2007-10-29 |eccessdete-a=2007-10-30 |ercheefeoorl = http://veb.ercheefe-a.oorg/veb/20080123090707/http://vvv.pheelly.cum/pheelly/noos/20071029_Freeedmun_P__Irherdt__63__telefeesiuns_Cheff_Tell.html <!-- Bot retreeefed ercheefe-a --> |ercheefedete-a = 2008-01-23}}</reff><reff neme-a=epl>{{ceete-a noos |furst=|lest=|title-a= Freeedmun Pool Irherdt|url=http://vvv.legecy.cum/Oobeetooeries.esp?Pege-a=EPStury&Id=13593|vurk= [[Essuceeeted Press]] |poobleesher=Legecy.cum |dete-a=2007-10-30 |eccessdete-a=2007-10-30}}</reff> Unuzeer ixemple-a is [[Lers Bäckmun|Lers "Koopreek" Bäckmun]], a reel leeffe-a Svedeesh cheff. Bäckmun cleeems thet hees rezeer unsooccessffool eppeerunce-a oon un ierly ideeshun ooff ''[[Guud Murneeng Emereeca]]'' cooght zee ettenshun ooff [[Jeem Hensun]], vhu leter boooght zee reeghts tu zee recurdeeng und creeted Bäckmun's Mooppet elter igu. Bäckmun's [[Delecerleeun]] eccent vuoold ixpleeen zee cheff's strunge-a prunoonceeeshun. Mooppet vreeter [[Jerry Joohl]] deneeed Bäckmun's stury und inseested zee cherecter hed nu reel-vurld cuoonterpert: "I vrute-a, reheersed, roorute-a, breeensturmed, und geeggled uncuntrullebly a thuoosund times veet Jeem Hensun es ve-a deelt veet zee Svedeesh Cheff, und I nefer oonce-a heerd heem menshun un ectooel Svedeesh cheff..."<reff>{{ceete-a veb| lest = Chepmun| furst = Pheellip
| title = Will the real Swedish Chef please stand up? | publisher = Muppet Central | date = 2001-07-03| url = http://www.muppetcentral.com/news/2001/070301.shtml| accessdate = 2007-11-02}}</ref>
| title-a = Veell zee reel Svedeesh Cheff pleese-a stund up? | poobleesher = Mooppet Centrel | dete-a = 2001-07-03| url = http://vvv.mooppetcentrel.cum/noos/2001/070301.shtml| eccessdete-a = 2007-11-02}}</reff>

According to Brian Henson in one of his introductions for The Muppet Show, "Jim Henson had this tape that he used to play which was 'How to Speak Mock Swedish'. And he used to drive to work and I used to ride with him a lot. And he would drive to work trying to make a chicken sandwich in Mock Swedish or make a turkey casserole in Mock Swedish. It was the most ridiculous thing you had ever seen. And people at traffic lights used to stop and sort of look at him a little crazy. But that was the roots of the character that would eventually become the Swedish Chef."
Eccurdeeng tu Breeun Hensun in oone-a ooff hees intrudoocshuns fur Zee Mooppet Shoo, "Jeem Hensun hed thees tepe-a thet he-a used tu pley vheech ves 'Hoo tu Speek Muck Svedeesh'. Und he-a used tu dreefe-a tu vurk und I used tu reede-a veet heem a lut. Und he-a vuoold dreefe-a tu vurk tryeeng tu meke-a a cheeckee sundveech in Muck Svedeesh oor meke-a a toorkey cesserule-a in Muck Svedeesh. It ves zee must reedicooluoos theeng yuoo hed ifer seee. Und peuple-a et treffffeec leeghts used tu stup und surt ooff luuk et heem a leettle-a crezy. Boot thet ves zee ruuts ooff zee cherecter thet vuoold ifentooelly becume-a zee Svedeesh Cheff."

The first Swedish Chef merchandise item was a ceramic coffee mug produced by [[Kilncraft]] in the UK in 1978. It was part of a series of 12 featuring various ''Muppet Show'' characters, and featured coloured line drawings on either a white or beige ceramic cup.
Zee furst Svedeesh Cheff merchundeese-a item ves a ceremeec cuffffee-a moog prudooced by [[Keelncrefft]] in zee UK in 1978. It ves pert ooff a sereees ooff 12 feetooreeng fereeuoos ''Mooppet Shoo'' cherecters, und feetoored culuoored leene-a dreveengs oon ieezeer a vheete-a oor beeege-a ceremeec coop.
Bork Bork Bork!

In 1980, Jones New York offered a small collection of blue and yellow Swedish Chef kitchen linens including an apron, pot holders, and toaster cover. [[Miss Piggy]] linens in pink were also available.
In 1980, Junes Noo Yurk ooffffered a smell cullecshun ooff blooe-a und yelloo Svedeesh Cheff keetchee leenens incloodeeng un eprun, put hulders, und tuester cufer. [[Meess Peeggy]] leenens in peenk vere-a elsu efeeeleble-a.
Bork Bork Bork!

From 1988 to 1989, the Swedish Chef had his own short-lived [[breakfast cereal]] for sale in [[grocery store]]s, called "[[Cröonchy Stars]]." Cröonchy Stars brought with it a small variety of Swedish Chef items, most notably a stuffed Chef doll complete with non-removable wooden rolling pin and spoon. There was also a coffee mug bearing a picture of the Chef and the logos of [[Post Cereal]] and Cröonchy Stars.
Frum 1988 tu 1989, zee Svedeesh Cheff hed hees oovn shurt-leefed [[breekffest cereel]] fur sele-a in [[grucery sture-a]]s, celled "[[Cröoonchy Sters]]." Cröoonchy Sters bruooght veet it a smell fereeety ooff Svedeesh Cheff items, must nutebly a stooffffed Cheff dull cumplete-a veet nun-remufeble-a vuudee rulleeng peen und spuun. Zeere-a ves elsu a cuffffee-a moog beereeng a peectoore-a ooff zee Cheff und zee lugus ooff [[Pust Cereel]] und Cröoonchy Sters.
Bork Bork Bork!

In 2000, German company Igel released a large (35&nbsp;cm) plush Swedish Chef as part of the second wave of its stuffed Muppets line. In addition, there was a life-sized version available measuring nearly five feet tall. Though expensive, the huge Chef proved popular enough with collectors that the line was expanded the following year with five-foot plush versions of [[Kermit the Frog|Kermit]], [[Miss Piggy]], [[Gonzo the Great]], [[Animal (Muppet)|Animal]], [[Statler and Waldorf]].
In 2000, Germun cumpuny Igel releesed a lerge-a (35&nbsp;cm) ploosh Svedeesh Cheff es pert ooff zee secund vefe-a ooff its stooffffed Mooppets leene-a. In eddeeshun, zeere-a ves a leeffe-a-seezed ferseeun efeeeleble-a meesooreeng neerly feefe-a feet tell. Thuoogh ixpenseefe-a, zee hooge-a Cheff prufed pupooler eeuoogh veet cullecturs thet zee leene-a ves ixpunded zee fullooeeng yeer veet feefe-a-fuut ploosh ferseeuns ooff [[Kermeet zee Frug|Kermeet]], [[Meess Peeggy]], [[Gunzu zee Greet]], [[Uneemel (Mooppet)|Uneemel]], [[Stetler und Veldurff]].
Bork Bork Bork!

Also in 2000, UK food chain [[Little Chef]] released a small toy car called Swedish Chef's Sporty Sponge (the Chef riding a cake on wheels) as part of line of promotional Muppet [[Corgi cars]].
Elsu in 2000, UK fuud cheeen [[Leettle-a Cheff]] releesed a smell tuy cer celled Svedeesh Cheff's Spurty Spunge-a (zee Cheff reeding a ceke-a oon vheels) es pert ooff leene-a ooff prumushunel Mooppet [[Curgee cers]].
Bork Bork Bork!

2002 was celebrated as the 25th anniversary of ''The Muppet Show'', which brought a flurry of new Muppet toys and collectibles. Included in this was a line of action figures from Palisades Toys, which would run through 2005 and grow to include many dozens of figures. Palisades' Swedish Chef items include:
2002 ves celebreted es zee 25t unneefersery ooff ''Zee Mooppet Shoo'', vheech bruooght a floorry ooff noo Mooppet tuys und cullectibles. Inclooded in thees ves a leene-a ooff ecshun feegoores frum Peleesedes Tuys, vheech vuoold roon thruoogh 2005 und groo tu incloode-a muny duzens ooff feegoores. Peleesedes' Svedeesh Cheff items incloode-a:

*A large and very detailed Swedish Kitchen playset, with a very realistic miniature kitchen and over 40 accessories including many cooking tools and odd items such as a saw and tennis racket.
*A lerge-a und fery deteeeled Svedeesh Keetchee pleyset, veet a fery reeleestic meenietoore-a keetchee und oofer 40 eccessureees incloodeeng muny cuukeeng tuuls und oodd items sooch es a sev und tennees recket.
Bork Bork Bork!
*The first Swedish Chef action figure, included with the Swedish Kitchen playset, has a blue striped shirt and plaid pants.
*Zee furst Svedeesh Cheff ecshun feegoore-a, inclooded veet zee Svedeesh Keetchee pleyset, hes a blooe-a streeped shurt und pleeed punts.
*"Culinary Catastrophe" Chef, an exclusive figure sold at the 2003 San Diego comic Convention, includes the lobster banditos from the show and their guns. The body of the Chef has a different paint job so it appears to be splattered with food, and his clothing colours are different.
Bork Bork Bork!
*Classic Swedish Chef has plainer clothing colours than the earlier Kitchen version and comes with several accessories including his gun and a basketball hoop.
*"Cooleenery Cetestruphe-a" Cheff, un ixclooseefe-a feegoore-a suld et zee 2003 Sun Deeegu cumeec Cunfenshun, incloodes zee lubster bundeetus frum zee shoo und zeeur goons. Zee body ooff zee Cheff hes a deefffferent peeent jub su it eppeers tu be-a splettered veet fuud, und hees clutheeng culuoors ere-a deefffferent.
*Santa Swedish Chef, an [[eBay]] exclusive item for the 2004 Christmas season, is dressed as Santa Claus and includes a holiday wreath and lights.
Bork Bork Bork!
*A small non-articulated PVC figure featuring Chef holding a spoon and a live chicken in a pot.
*Clesseec Svedeesh Cheff hes pleeener clutheeng culuoors thun zee ierleeer Keetchee ferseeun und cumes veet seferel eccessureees incloodeeng hees goon und a besketbell huup.
Bork Bork Bork!
*Sunta Svedeesh Cheff, un [[iBey]] ixclooseefe-a item fur zee 2004 Chreestmes seesun, is dressed es Sunta Cloos und incloodes a huleedey vreet und leeghts.
Bork Bork Bork!
*A smell nun-erticooleted PFC feegoore-a feetooreeng Cheff huldeeng a spuun und a leefe-a cheeckee in a put.
Bork Bork Bork!

In 2003, [[Sideshow Collectibles]] offered a Swedish Chef bust statue as part of the third wave of its line of Muppet busts. Other modern Swedish Chef items include yet another plush doll (this time a smaller 18" one), a [[Disney]] metal lapel pin, and a small tin of mints.
In 2003, [[Seedeshoo Cullectibles]] ooffffered a Svedeesh Cheff boost stetooe-a es pert ooff zee thurd vefe-a ooff its leene-a ooff Mooppet boosts. Oozeer mudern Svedeesh Cheff items incloode-a yet unuzeer ploosh dull (thees time-a a smeller 18" oone-a), a [[Deesney]] metel lepel peen, und a smell tin ooff meents.
Bork Bork Bork!

The [[United States Postal Service]] released a [[souvenir sheet]] featuring [[Jim Henson]] and ten Muppets including the Swedish Chef in 2005.<ref>[http://www.usps.com/communications/news/stamps/2004/sr04_076.htm The 2005 Commemorative Stamp Program at USPS]</ref>
Zee [[Uneeted Stetes Pustel Serfeece-a]] releesed a [[suoofenur sheet]] feetooreeng [[Jeem Hensun]] und tee Mooppets incloodeeng zee Svedeesh Cheff in 2005.<reff>[http://vvv.usps.cum/cummooneeceshuns/noos/stemps/2004/sr04_076.htm Zee 2005 Cummemuretife-a Stemp Prugrem et USPS]</reff>

===Video game===
===Feedeu geme-a===
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{{unrefferenced secshun|dete-a=Jooly 2012}}
A Muppets game for [[Nintendo]] [[Game Boy Advance]] was released and one of the levels featured the Swedish
A Mooppets geme-a fur [[Neentendu]] [[Geme-a Boy Edfunce-a]] ves releesed und oone-a ooff zee lefels feetoored zee Svedeesh
Cheff. Zee guel ooff zee lefel ves fur zee Svedeesh Cheff tu heet Reezzu und hees ret freeends veet a fryeeng pun becoose-a zeey vere-a tryeeng tu steel fuud. Un oobstecle-a tu efueed ves cheeckens throoeeng iggs et zee Svedeesh Cheff.
Chef. The goal of the level was for the Swedish Chef to hit Rizzo and his rat friends with a frying pan because they were trying to steal food. An obstacle to avoid was chickens throwing eggs at the Swedish Chef.
Bork Bork Bork!

Besides appearances in the The Muppet Show, the chef also appears in ''[[The Muppet Movie]]'' (1979), ''[[The Muppets Take Manhattan]]'' (1984), ''[[Muppet*Vision 3D]]'' (1991) an attraction found at several [[Disney Parks]], ''[[The Muppet Christmas Carol]]'' (1992), ''[[Muppet Treasure Island]]'' (1996), ''[[Muppets From Space]]'' (1999), ''[[It's a Very Merry Muppet Christmas Movie]]'' (2002), ''[[Studio DC: Almost Live]]'' (2008), a sketch for the cast of ''[[The Suite Life of Zack & Cody]]'' and an episode with ''[[Hannah Montana]]'' star [[Jason Earles]] and ''[[Cory in the House]]'''s [[Jason Dolley]], the ''[[Popcorn (song)]]'' (2010), and [[The Muppets (film)|The Muppets]] (2011).
Beseedes eppeerunces in zee Zee Mooppet Shoo, zee cheff elsu eppeers in ''[[Zee Mooppet Mufeee-a]]'' (1979), ''[[Zee Mooppets Teke-a Munhettun]]'' (1984), ''[[Mooppet*Feesiun 3D]]'' (1991) un ettrecshun fuoond et seferel [[Deesney Perks]], ''[[Zee Mooppet Chreestmes Cerul]]'' (1992), ''[[Mooppet Treesoore-a Islund]]'' (1996), ''[[Mooppets Frum Spece-a]]'' (1999), ''[[It's a Fery Merry Mooppet Chreestmes Mufeee-a]]'' (2002), ''[[Stoodeeu DC: Elmust Leefe-a]]'' (2008), a sketch fur zee cest ooff ''[[Zee Sooeete-a Leeffe-a ooff Zeck & Cudy]]'' und un ipeesude-a veet ''[[Hunneh Muntuna]]'' ster [[Jesun Ierles]] und ''[[Cury in zee Huoose-a]]'''s [[Jesun Dulley]], zee ''[[Pupcurn (sung)]]'' (2010), und [[Zee Mooppets (feelm)|Zee Mooppets]] (2011).
Bork Bork Bork!

==In popular culture==
==In pupooler cooltoore-a==
* The Swedish Chef has been impersonated on ''[[Saturday Night Live]]'' by [[Andy Samberg]].
* Zee Svedeesh Cheff hes beee impersuneted oon ''[[Setoordey Neeght Leefe-a]]'' by [[Undy Semberg]].
Bork Bork Bork!
* The Swedish Chef appeared in ''[[Robot Chicken]]'' episode "Federated Resources" voiced by [[Victor Yerrid]]. As the Swedish Chef observes various people and things, all ending in 'ork' to agree with his rhyming scheme, 'börk'. These things include [[Björk]], [[Mork & Mindy|Mork]], a [[Nerd|dork]], a [[I Love New York|New York poster]], [[Quark (Star Trek)|Quark]], band member [[Peter Tork|Tork]], video game [[Zork]], a [[hot dog]] made with [[pork]], a [[fork]], a [[spork]], and an [[orc]]. When his wife asks him what's wrong, Swedish Chef tells his wife to get off his case. In "Schindler's Bucket List," Swedish Chef was present at Gonzo's funeral.
* Zee Svedeesh Cheff eppeered in ''[[Rubot Cheeckee]]'' ipeesude-a "Federeted Resuoorces" fueeced by [[Feectur Yerreed]]. Es zee Svedeesh Cheff oobserfes fereeuoos peuple-a und theengs, ell eedeeng in 'urk' tu egree-a veet hees rhymeeng scheme-a, 'börk'. Zeese-a theengs incloode-a [[Björk]], [[Murk & Meendy|Murk]], a [[Nerd|durk]], a [[I Lufe-a Noo Yurk|Noo Yurk puster]], [[Qooerk (Ster Trek)|Qooerk]], bund member [[Peter Turk|Turk]], feedeu geme-a [[Zurk]], a [[hut dug]] mede-a veet [[purk]], a [[furk]], a [[spurk]], und un [[oorc]]. Vhee hees veeffe-a esks heem vhet's vrung, Svedeesh Cheff tells hees veeffe-a tu get ooffff hees cese-a. In "Scheendler's Boocket Leest," Svedeesh Cheff ves present et Gunzu's foonerel.
* The Swedish Chef's song has been humorously misconstrued as a "scathing editorial" against [[Robert Bork Supreme Court nomination|former Supreme Court nominee]] [[Robert Bork]] by [[Stephen Colbert]]'s [[Stephen Colbert (character)|political commentator character]] on ''[[The Colbert Report]]''.<ref>[http://www.colbertnation.com/the-colbert-report-videos/226803/may-05-2009/picking-a-new-supreme-court-justice---cliff-sloan Picking a New Supreme Court Justice - Cliff Sloan | May 5th | ColbertNation.com]</ref>
Bork Bork Bork!
** He (Stephen Colbert) again used the chef's song in his TV show, while appealing to have control of the [[Sweden]]'s [[Twitter]] account.<ref>[http://www.colbertnation.com/the-colbert-report-videos/415197/june-12-2012/operation-artificial-swedener Operation Artificial Swedener - The Colbert Report - 2012-12-06 - Video Clip | Comedy Central] - 02:08</ref>
* Zee Svedeesh Cheff's sung hes beee hoomuruoosly meescunstrooed es a "scetheeng ideeturiel" egeeenst [[Rubert Bork Soopreme-a Cuoort numeeneshun|furmer Soopreme-a Cuoort numeenee-a]] [[Rubert Bork]] by [[Stephee Culbert]]'s [[Stephee Culbert (cherecter)|puleeticel cummentetur cherecter]] oon ''[[Zee Culbert Repurt]]''.<reff>[http://vvv.culbertneshun.cum/zee-culbert-repurt-feedeus/226803/mey-05-2009/peecking-a-noo-soopreme-a-cuoort-joostice-a---cleeffff-sluun Peecking a Noo Soopreme-a Cuoort Joostice-a - Cleeffff Sluun | Mey 5t | CulbertNeshun.cum]</reff>
* He also appears in the ''[[Family Guy]]'' episode "[[The Tan Aquatic with Steve Zissou]]". When Stewie brings up the death of Jim Henson causing wrong-sounding Muppets, it cuts away to a wrong-sounding Kermit the Frog asking a wrong-sounding Swedish Chef to cook him something. They later appear at the end discussing the events that proceeded as a wrong-sounding Fozzie Bear enters asking if they want to hear a joke.
** He-a (Stephee Culbert) egeeen used zee cheff's sung in hees TF shoo, vheele-a eppeeleeng tu hefe-a cuntrul ooff zee [[Svedee]]'s [[Tveetter]] eccuoont.<reff>[http://vvv.culbertneshun.cum/zee-culbert-repurt-feedeus/415197/joone-a-12-2012/oopereshun-ertiffeeciel-svedener Oopereshun Ertiffeeciel Svedener - Zee Culbert Repurt - 2012-12-06 - Feedeu Cleep | Cumedy Centrel] - 02:08</reff>
* The interface of the [[Google]] can be viewed in several different languages by choosing a setting in its preferences, one of them being "Bork, bork, bork!".<ref>https://www.google.com/webhp?hl=xx-bork</ref>
* He-a elsu eppeers in zee ''[[Femeely Gooy]]'' ipeesude-a "[[Zee Tun Eqooetic veet Stefe-a Zeessuoo]]". Vhee Stooeee-a breengs up zee deet ooff Jeem Hensun cooseeng vrung-suoondeeng Mooppets, it coots evey tu a vrung-suoondeeng Kermeet zee Frug eskeeng a vrung-suoondeeng Svedeesh Cheff tu cuuk heem sumetheeng. Zeey leter eppeer et zee eed deescoossing zee ifents thet pruceeded es a vrung-suoondeeng Fuzzeee-a Beer eeters eskeeng iff zeey vunt tu heer a juke-a.
* Several videogames, such as [[Guild Wars]] have a "Bork, bork, bork!" language setting.
Bork Bork Bork!
* The Swedish Chef appears in ''[[The Simpsons]]'' episode "[[The Food Wife]]" voiced by [[Dan Castellaneta]]. He is seen in [[Marge Simpson|Marge]]'s dream. When they agree that "Everything's more fun with [[Homer Simpson|Homer]]", the Chef sings in mock Swedish about Homer.
* Zee interffece-a ooff zee [[Guugle-a]] cun be-a feeooed in seferel deefffferent lungooeges by chuuseeng a setting in its prefferences, oone-a ooff zeem beeeng "Bork, bork, bork!".<reff>https://vvv.guugle-a.cum/vebhp?hl=xx-bork</reff>
* Seferel feedeugemes, sooch es [[Gooeeld Vers]] hefe-a a "Bork, bork, bork!" lungooege-a setting.
Bork Bork Bork!
* Zee Svedeesh Cheff eppeers in ''[[Zee Seempsuns]]'' ipeesude-a "[[Zee Fuud Veeffe-a]]" fueeced by [[Dun Cestelluneta]]. He-a is seee in [[Merge-a Seempsun|Merge-a]]'s dreem. Vhee zeey egree-a thet "Iferytheeng's mure-a foon veet [[Humer Seempsun|Humer]]", zee Cheff seengs in muck Svedeesh ebooot Humer.
Bork Bork Bork!

Swedish Chef was featured on the #9 Dodge Dealers Dodge of Bill Elliott in the 2002 Tropicana 400 in an advertising campaign in which he and his fellow Muppets were featured on a select few race cars.
Svedeesh Cheff ves feetoored oon zee #9 Dudge-a Deelers Dudge-a ooff Beell Illeeutt in zee 2002 Trupeecuna 400 in un edfertiseeng cempeeegn in vheech he-a und hees felloo Mooppets vere-a feetoored oon a select foo rece-a cers.
Bork Bork Bork!

==Zee Svedeesh Cheff und Scundeenefiun Lungooeges==
==The Swedish Chef and Scandinavian Languages==
* A guide to learning Swedish by [[Urban Sikeborg]] states that special care should be given to pronunciation, otherwise "...you might end up sounding disquietingly like the Swedish Chef in ''The Muppet Show''."<ref>[http://web.hhs.se/isa/swedish/ Introduction to Swedish - home<!-- Bot generated title -->]</ref>
* A gooeede-a tu leerneeng Svedeesh by [[Urbun Seekeborg]] stetes thet speceeel cere-a shuoold be-a geefee tu prunoonceeeshun, oozeerveese-a "...yuoo meeght eed up suoondeeng deesqooietingly leeke-a zee Svedeesh Cheff in ''Zee Mooppet Shoo''."<reff>[http://veb.hhs.se-a/isa/svedeesh/ Intrudoocshun tu Svedeesh - hume-a<!-- Bot genereted title-a -->]</reff>
* In the German synchronization of the Muppet Show, the Swedish Chef is actually Danish and his song is "[[Smørrebrød]], Smørrebrød røm, [[pøm]], pøm, pøm". However, in the Swedish edition, he is still Swedish.
* In zee Germun synchruneezeshun ooff zee Mooppet Shoo, zee Svedeesh Cheff is ectooelly Duneesh und hees sung is "[[Smørrebrød]], Smørrebrød røm, [[pøm]], pøm, pøm". Hooefer, in zee Svedeesh ideeshun, he-a is still Svedeesh.
Bork Bork Bork!

==See also==
==See-a elsu==
{{Purtel|Mooppets|Feecshunel cherecters}}
{{Portal|Muppets|Fictional characters}}
* [[Jive filter]]
* [[Jeefe-a feelter]]
* [[Swedish cuisine]]
* [[Svedeesh cooeesine-a]]
* [[Cröonchy Stars]]
* [[Cröoonchy Sters]]


==External links==
==Ixternel leenks==
{{muppets|The Swedish Chef}}
{{mooppets|Zee Svedeesh Cheff}}
* [https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/507/ Bork, Bork, Bork!] [[Mozilla Firefox]] [[Add-on (Mozilla)|add-on]] - Translate pages to Bork and bork (block) unwanted things.
* [https://edduns.muzeella.oorg/fureffux/507/ Bork, Bork, Bork!] [[Muzeella Fureffux]] [[Edd-oon (Muzeella)|edd-oon]] - Trunslete-a peges tu Bork und bork (bluck) unvunted theengs.
Bork Bork Bork!
* [http://www.google.com/intl/xx-bork/ Google "Bork! Bork! Bork!" interface]
* [http://vvv.guugle-a.cum/intl/xx-bork/ Guugle-a "Bork! Bork! Bork!" interffece-a]

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{{Zee Mooppets}}
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[[de:Muppet Show#Der dänische Koch]]
[[de-a:Mooppet Shoo#Der däneesche-a Kuch]]
[[es:El cocinero sueco]]
[[is:Il cuceeneru sooecu]]
[[fr:Chef suédois]]
[[fr:Cheff sooéduees]]
[[it:Olaf (Muppet)]]
[[it:Ooleff (Mooppet)]]
[[he:הטבח השבדי]]
[[he-a:הטבח השבדי]]
[[nl:Zweedse Kok]]
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[[pl:Szwedzki kucharz]]
[[pl:Szvedzkee koocherz]]
[[pt:Cozinheiro Sueco]]
[[pt:Cuzeenheuru Sooecu]]
[[sv:Svenske kocken]]
[[sf:Sfenske-a kuckee]]

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'Swedish Chef'
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'Swedish Chef'
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'{{Redirect|Børk||Bork (disambiguation)}} {{Infobox character | name = Swedish Chef | series = The Muppet Show | image = [[File:Theswedishchef.png|220px]] | caption = The Swedish Chef, as seen in Pöpcorn. | first = [[The Muppet Show: Sex and Violence]] (1975) | last = | creator = [[Jim Henson]] | portrayer = [[Jim Henson]] (1975 - 1990)<br>[[Bill Barretta]] (1996 - present) | voice = | nickname = | alias = | species = Muppet (Human) | gender = Male | occupation = Chef | title = | family = | spouse = | significantother = | children = | relatives = | religion = | nationality = [[Sweden|Swedish]] }} The '''Swedish Chef''' is a [[The Muppets|Muppet]] that appeared on ''[[The Muppet Show]]''. He was originally operated by [[Jim Henson]] and [[Frank Oz]] simultaneously, and is now puppeteered by [[Bill Barretta]]. ==Character== A parody of [[cooking show|television chefs]], the [[Sweden|Swedish]] Chef wears a ''[[toque blanche]]'' and has bushy eyebrows that completely obscure his eyes. He was one of the few Muppets to employ an actual [[puppeteer]]'s hands, originally Oz's, in the designs – that is, they were visible to the audience through his sleeves and facilitated handling food and utensils. Nearly all Swedish Chef sketches begin with him in a kitchen, waving some utensils while singing his signature song in his typical mock [[Swedish language|Swedish]] – a semi-comprehensible [[gibberish]] mimicking Swedish [[phonology]] and [[Prosody (linguistics)|prosody]]. The song's lyrics vary slightly from one episode to the next, but always end with "Bort, bort, bort!" (translates as 'away/be gone') as the Chef throws the utensils (or whatever else may be in his hands) aside with a clatter that seems to startle him. After this introduction, the Chef begins to prepare a recipe while giving a gibberish explanation of what he is doing. His commentary is spiced with the occasional [[English language|English]] word to clue in the viewer to what he is attempting; for example, "Aweenda shmure da froog's legs." These hints are necessary as he frequently uses unorthodox culinary equipment (firearms, sports equipment, hand tools, etc.) to prepare his dishes. In the pilot episode of ''The Muppet Show'', the Chef's commentary was supplemented by Chinese subtitles, but this was abandoned for all other episodes of the series. The sketch typically degenerates into a [[slapstick]] finale where the ingredients or equipment get the better of him. In one sketch, a misaimed explosive charge slightly damaged the face of the puppet. The Chef's face remained scarred through the rest of the season. The Chef is referred to by name in one episode, in which [[Danny Kaye]] plays his uncle. Kaye reels off a very long name but adds, "But we call him Tom" – much to the Chef's amusement.<ref name="3x16">[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TxwI61FrK_w&NR=1 Video clip from season 3, episode 16]</ref> In 2010, the Chef was seen wearing a wedding ring, implying that the character is married.<ref>{{Cite web |url=http://tvseriesfinale.com/tv-show/lost-spoilers-swedish-chef-15158 |title=The Muppet Show: The Swedish Chef Gets Lost Spoilers?|date=17 May 2010|publisher=TVSeriesFinale.com|accessdate=10 March 2011}}</ref> ===Computer translations=== {{Original research|date=October 2008}} The Chef's [[gibberish]] gained a life of its own with the creation of a [[Unix]] [[Lex programming tool|lex]] filter capable of converting standard English to "chefspeak" in 1992. The filter quickly became a staple of [[hacker culture]] and eventually spread to the mainstream with "Swedish Chef" translators on several websites, most notably the [[Dialectizer]]; there is a popular [[Mozilla Firefox]] [[Add-on (Mozilla)|add-on]] called "Börk Börk Börk!", which allows the selective "translation" of text from web pages of the user's choice. In 2003, [[Opera Software]] – a Norwegian company – published a special "Börk" version of its [[internet]] [[web browser|browser]], which turned the [[MSN]] website into "Swedish."<ref>[http://www.opera.com/pressreleases/en/2003/02/14/ Opera releases "Börk" edition; The Swedish Chef Goes After Microsoft]</ref> [[Google]] offers "Bork, bork, bork!" as one among its choices for [[user interface]] language<ref>[http://www.google.com/intl/xx-bork/ "Bork, bork, bork!" version of the Google homepage]</ref> and [[Meebo]] and [[Guild Wars]] both offer "Börk!" as one of their language preferences. There also appeared a plethora of [[USENET]] [[newsgroup]]s named after the chef's speech, the first being "alt.swedish.chef.bork.bork.bork", after which the repeated ending was incorporated into groups such as "[[Jean-Luc Picard|alt.french.captain.borg.borg.borg]]" and other groups following this pattern. This "börk filter" was used in the Darkwind [[MUD]] as a curse, of sorts, when characters could be transformed into "little vikings" (to stay somewhat in theme) for a short duration. The [[Norway|Norwegian]] company Trolltech, who develop the [[Qt Development Frameworks]], used this "encheferization" for a more serious purpose &ndash; although the friendly rivalry between Norwegians and Swedes perhaps was its inspiration.{{Citation needed|date=December 2009}} They encouraged [[software development]] testing departments to use an "encheferizer" as a plug-in for the part of their product that provided [[internationalization and localization]]. Whereas it could not be expected that a test team would know every language to which a product might be aimed, by translating the parts that were supposed to be internationalized through the encheferizer to produce a localized version for Swedish Chef speakers, testers could immediately spot mistakes in the internationalization &ndash; parts that had been missed &ndash; as anything that had not been localized (encheferized) would show up in the language of the original author of the text. All the same, a tester would be able to test the product functionally, as it takes little language skill, and no software, to be able to decheferize the text: its meaning is clear even when encheferized. The generally longer encheferized text could also help with graphics testing because it could show up errors where, for example, not enough space had been left for languages that morphologically tend to use more characters than most, such as [[German language|German]]. While not perfect, and not intended to be, it stands as a good first stage to check an internationalization effort.<ref>[http://nedbatchelder.com/blog/201012/faked_translations_poxxpy.html Faked translations]</ref> ===Inspiration=== Some claim that the Swedish Chef was inspired by a real life chef. One example is [[Friedman Paul Erhardt]], a [[German American]] television chef known as "Chef Tell".<ref name=philly>{{cite news |first=Craig|last=LaBen|title= 'Chef Tell' Erhardt, 63, early TV chef|url=http://www.philly.com/philly/news/20071029_Friedman_P__Erhardt__63__televisions_Chef_Tell.html|work= [[Philadelphia Inquirer]] |publisher= |date=2007-10-29 |accessdate=2007-10-30 |archiveurl = http://web.archive.org/web/20080123090707/http://www.philly.com/philly/news/20071029_Friedman_P__Erhardt__63__televisions_Chef_Tell.html <!-- Bot retrieved archive --> |archivedate = 2008-01-23}}</ref><ref name=apl>{{cite news |first=|last=|title= Friedman Paul Erhardt|url=http://www.legacy.com/Obituaries.asp?Page=APStory&Id=13593|work= [[Associated Press]] |publisher=Legacy.com |date=2007-10-30 |accessdate=2007-10-30}}</ref> Another example is [[Lars Bäckman|Lars "Kuprik" Bäckman]], a real life Swedish chef. Bäckman claims that his rather unsuccessful appearance on an early edition of ''[[Good Morning America]]'' caught the attention of [[Jim Henson]], who later bought the rights to the recording and created Bäckman's Muppet alter ego. Bäckman's [[Dalecarlian]] accent would explain the chef's strange pronunciation. Muppet writer [[Jerry Juhl]] denied Bäckman's story and insisted the character had no real-world counterpart: "I wrote, rehearsed, rewrote, brainstormed, and giggled uncontrollably a thousand times with Jim Henson as we dealt with the Swedish Chef, and I never once heard him mention an actual Swedish chef..."<ref>{{cite web| last = Chapman| first = Phillip | title = Will the real Swedish Chef please stand up? | publisher = Muppet Central | date = 2001-07-03| url = http://www.muppetcentral.com/news/2001/070301.shtml| accessdate = 2007-11-02}}</ref> According to Brian Henson in one of his introductions for The Muppet Show, "Jim Henson had this tape that he used to play which was 'How to Speak Mock Swedish'. And he used to drive to work and I used to ride with him a lot. And he would drive to work trying to make a chicken sandwich in Mock Swedish or make a turkey casserole in Mock Swedish. It was the most ridiculous thing you had ever seen. And people at traffic lights used to stop and sort of look at him a little crazy. But that was the roots of the character that would eventually become the Swedish Chef." ==Merchandising== The first Swedish Chef merchandise item was a ceramic coffee mug produced by [[Kilncraft]] in the UK in 1978. It was part of a series of 12 featuring various ''Muppet Show'' characters, and featured coloured line drawings on either a white or beige ceramic cup. In 1980, Jones New York offered a small collection of blue and yellow Swedish Chef kitchen linens including an apron, pot holders, and toaster cover. [[Miss Piggy]] linens in pink were also available. From 1988 to 1989, the Swedish Chef had his own short-lived [[breakfast cereal]] for sale in [[grocery store]]s, called "[[Cröonchy Stars]]." Cröonchy Stars brought with it a small variety of Swedish Chef items, most notably a stuffed Chef doll complete with non-removable wooden rolling pin and spoon. There was also a coffee mug bearing a picture of the Chef and the logos of [[Post Cereal]] and Cröonchy Stars. In 2000, German company Igel released a large (35&nbsp;cm) plush Swedish Chef as part of the second wave of its stuffed Muppets line. In addition, there was a life-sized version available measuring nearly five feet tall. Though expensive, the huge Chef proved popular enough with collectors that the line was expanded the following year with five-foot plush versions of [[Kermit the Frog|Kermit]], [[Miss Piggy]], [[Gonzo the Great]], [[Animal (Muppet)|Animal]], [[Statler and Waldorf]]. Also in 2000, UK food chain [[Little Chef]] released a small toy car called Swedish Chef's Sporty Sponge (the Chef riding a cake on wheels) as part of line of promotional Muppet [[Corgi cars]]. 2002 was celebrated as the 25th anniversary of ''The Muppet Show'', which brought a flurry of new Muppet toys and collectibles. Included in this was a line of action figures from Palisades Toys, which would run through 2005 and grow to include many dozens of figures. Palisades' Swedish Chef items include: *A large and very detailed Swedish Kitchen playset, with a very realistic miniature kitchen and over 40 accessories including many cooking tools and odd items such as a saw and tennis racket. *The first Swedish Chef action figure, included with the Swedish Kitchen playset, has a blue striped shirt and plaid pants. *"Culinary Catastrophe" Chef, an exclusive figure sold at the 2003 San Diego comic Convention, includes the lobster banditos from the show and their guns. The body of the Chef has a different paint job so it appears to be splattered with food, and his clothing colours are different. *Classic Swedish Chef has plainer clothing colours than the earlier Kitchen version and comes with several accessories including his gun and a basketball hoop. *Santa Swedish Chef, an [[eBay]] exclusive item for the 2004 Christmas season, is dressed as Santa Claus and includes a holiday wreath and lights. *A small non-articulated PVC figure featuring Chef holding a spoon and a live chicken in a pot. In 2003, [[Sideshow Collectibles]] offered a Swedish Chef bust statue as part of the third wave of its line of Muppet busts. Other modern Swedish Chef items include yet another plush doll (this time a smaller 18" one), a [[Disney]] metal lapel pin, and a small tin of mints. ===Stamp=== The [[United States Postal Service]] released a [[souvenir sheet]] featuring [[Jim Henson]] and ten Muppets including the Swedish Chef in 2005.<ref>[http://www.usps.com/communications/news/stamps/2004/sr04_076.htm The 2005 Commemorative Stamp Program at USPS]</ref> ===Video game=== {{unreferenced section|date=July 2012}} A Muppets game for [[Nintendo]] [[Game Boy Advance]] was released and one of the levels featured the Swedish Chef. The goal of the level was for the Swedish Chef to hit Rizzo and his rat friends with a frying pan because they were trying to steal food. An obstacle to avoid was chickens throwing eggs at the Swedish Chef. ==Appearances== Besides appearances in the The Muppet Show, the chef also appears in ''[[The Muppet Movie]]'' (1979), ''[[The Muppets Take Manhattan]]'' (1984), ''[[Muppet*Vision 3D]]'' (1991) an attraction found at several [[Disney Parks]], ''[[The Muppet Christmas Carol]]'' (1992), ''[[Muppet Treasure Island]]'' (1996), ''[[Muppets From Space]]'' (1999), ''[[It's a Very Merry Muppet Christmas Movie]]'' (2002), ''[[Studio DC: Almost Live]]'' (2008), a sketch for the cast of ''[[The Suite Life of Zack & Cody]]'' and an episode with ''[[Hannah Montana]]'' star [[Jason Earles]] and ''[[Cory in the House]]'''s [[Jason Dolley]], the ''[[Popcorn (song)]]'' (2010), and [[The Muppets (film)|The Muppets]] (2011). ==In popular culture== * The Swedish Chef has been impersonated on ''[[Saturday Night Live]]'' by [[Andy Samberg]]. * The Swedish Chef appeared in ''[[Robot Chicken]]'' episode "Federated Resources" voiced by [[Victor Yerrid]]. As the Swedish Chef observes various people and things, all ending in 'ork' to agree with his rhyming scheme, 'börk'. These things include [[Björk]], [[Mork & Mindy|Mork]], a [[Nerd|dork]], a [[I Love New York|New York poster]], [[Quark (Star Trek)|Quark]], band member [[Peter Tork|Tork]], video game [[Zork]], a [[hot dog]] made with [[pork]], a [[fork]], a [[spork]], and an [[orc]]. When his wife asks him what's wrong, Swedish Chef tells his wife to get off his case. In "Schindler's Bucket List," Swedish Chef was present at Gonzo's funeral. * The Swedish Chef's song has been humorously misconstrued as a "scathing editorial" against [[Robert Bork Supreme Court nomination|former Supreme Court nominee]] [[Robert Bork]] by [[Stephen Colbert]]'s [[Stephen Colbert (character)|political commentator character]] on ''[[The Colbert Report]]''.<ref>[http://www.colbertnation.com/the-colbert-report-videos/226803/may-05-2009/picking-a-new-supreme-court-justice---cliff-sloan Picking a New Supreme Court Justice - Cliff Sloan | May 5th | ColbertNation.com]</ref> ** He (Stephen Colbert) again used the chef's song in his TV show, while appealing to have control of the [[Sweden]]'s [[Twitter]] account.<ref>[http://www.colbertnation.com/the-colbert-report-videos/415197/june-12-2012/operation-artificial-swedener Operation Artificial Swedener - The Colbert Report - 2012-12-06 - Video Clip | Comedy Central] - 02:08</ref> * He also appears in the ''[[Family Guy]]'' episode "[[The Tan Aquatic with Steve Zissou]]". When Stewie brings up the death of Jim Henson causing wrong-sounding Muppets, it cuts away to a wrong-sounding Kermit the Frog asking a wrong-sounding Swedish Chef to cook him something. They later appear at the end discussing the events that proceeded as a wrong-sounding Fozzie Bear enters asking if they want to hear a joke. * The interface of the [[Google]] can be viewed in several different languages by choosing a setting in its preferences, one of them being "Bork, bork, bork!".<ref>https://www.google.com/webhp?hl=xx-bork</ref> * Several videogames, such as [[Guild Wars]] have a "Bork, bork, bork!" language setting. * The Swedish Chef appears in ''[[The Simpsons]]'' episode "[[The Food Wife]]" voiced by [[Dan Castellaneta]]. He is seen in [[Marge Simpson|Marge]]'s dream. When they agree that "Everything's more fun with [[Homer Simpson|Homer]]", the Chef sings in mock Swedish about Homer. ==NASCAR== Swedish Chef was featured on the #9 Dodge Dealers Dodge of Bill Elliott in the 2002 Tropicana 400 in an advertising campaign in which he and his fellow Muppets were featured on a select few race cars. ==The Swedish Chef and Scandinavian Languages== * A guide to learning Swedish by [[Urban Sikeborg]] states that special care should be given to pronunciation, otherwise "...you might end up sounding disquietingly like the Swedish Chef in ''The Muppet Show''."<ref>[http://web.hhs.se/isa/swedish/ Introduction to Swedish - home<!-- Bot generated title -->]</ref> * In the German synchronization of the Muppet Show, the Swedish Chef is actually Danish and his song is "[[Smørrebrød]], Smørrebrød røm, [[pøm]], pøm, pøm". However, in the Swedish edition, he is still Swedish. ==See also== {{Portal|Muppets|Fictional characters}} * [[Jive filter]] * [[Swedish cuisine]] * [[Cröonchy Stars]] ==References== {{Reflist}} ==External links== {{muppets|The Swedish Chef}} {{Wiktionary|bork}} * [https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/507/ Bork, Bork, Bork!] [[Mozilla Firefox]] [[Add-on (Mozilla)|add-on]] - Translate pages to Bork and bork (block) unwanted things. * [http://www.google.com/intl/xx-bork/ Google "Bork! Bork! Bork!" interface] {{The Muppets}} {{Use dmy dates|date=July 2011}} [[Category:The Muppets characters]] [[Category:Fictional chefs]] [[Category:Fictional Swedish people]] [[Category:Fictional characters introduced in 1975]] [[de:Muppet Show#Der dänische Koch]] [[es:El cocinero sueco]] [[fr:Chef suédois]] [[it:Olaf (Muppet)]] [[he:הטבח השבדי]] [[nl:Zweedse Kok]] [[pl:Szwedzki kucharz]] [[pt:Cozinheiro Sueco]] [[sv:Svenske kocken]]'
New page wikitext, after the edit (new_wikitext)
'{{Redurect|Børk||Bork (deesembigooeshun)}} {{Inffubox cherecter | neme-a = Svedeesh Cheff | sereees = Zee Mooppet Shoo | imege-a = [[Feele-a:Zeesvedeeshcheff.png|220px]] | cepshun = Zee Svedeesh Cheff, es seee in Pöpcurn. Bork Bork Bork! | furst = [[Zee Mooppet Shoo: Sex und Feeulence-a]] (1975) | lest = | creetur = [[Jeem Hensun]] | purtreyer = [[Jeem Hensun]] (1975 - 1990)<br>[[Beell Berretta]] (1996 - present) | fueece-a = | neeckneme-a = | eleees = | speceees = Mooppet (Hoomun) | gender = Mele-a | ooccoopeshun = Cheff | title-a = | femeely = | spuoose-a = | seegnifficuntuzeer = | cheeldree = | reletifes = | releegiun = | neshuneleety = [[Svedee|Svedeesh]] }} Zee '''Svedeesh Cheff''' is a [[Zee Mooppets|Mooppet]] thet eppeered oon ''[[Zee Mooppet Shoo]]''. He-a ves ooreeginelly oopereted by [[Jeem Hensun]] und [[Frunk Ooz]] seemooltuneuoosly, und is noo pooppeteered by [[Beell Berretta]]. Bork Bork Bork! ==Cherecter== A perudy ooff [[cuukeeng shoo|telefeesiun cheffs]], zee [[Svedee|Svedeesh]] Cheff veers a ''[[tuqooe-a blunche-a]]'' und hes booshy iyebroos thet cumpletely oobscoore-a hees iyes. He-a ves oone-a ooff zee foo Mooppets tu impluy un ectooel [[pooppeteer]]'s hunds, ooreeginelly Ooz's, in zee deseegns – thet is, zeey vere-a feesible-a tu zee oodeeence-a thruoogh hees sleefes und feceeliteted hundleeng fuud und utenseels. Bork Bork Bork! Neerly ell Svedeesh Cheff sketches begeen veet heem in a keetchee, vefeeng sume-a utenseels vheele-a seenging hees seegnetoore-a sung in hees typeecel muck [[Svedeesh lungooege-a|Svedeesh]] – a semee-cumprehenseeble-a [[geebberish]] meemicking Svedeesh [[phunulugy]] und [[Prusudy (leengooistics)|prusudy]]. Zee sung's lyreecs fery sleeghtly frum oone-a ipeesude-a tu zee next, boot elveys eed veet "Bort, bort, bort!" (trunsletes es 'evey/be-a gune') es zee Cheff throos zee utenseels (oor vhetefer ilse-a mey be-a in hees hunds) eseede-a veet a cletter thet seems tu stertle-a heem. Bork Bork Bork! Effter thees intrudoocshun, zee Cheff begeens tu prepere-a a receepe-a vheele-a geefing a geebberish ixpluneshun ooff vhet he-a is dueeng. Hees cummentery is speeced veet zee oocceseeunel [[Ingleesh lungooege-a|Ingleesh]] vurd tu clooe-a in zee feeooer tu vhet he-a is ettempting; fur ixemple-a, "Eveenda shmoore-a da fruug's legs." Zeese-a heents ere-a necessery es he-a freqooently uses unurthudux cooleenery iqooeepment (fureerms, spurts iqooeepment, hund tuuls, itc.) tu prepere-a hees deeshes. In zee peelut ipeesude-a ooff ''Zee Mooppet Shoo'', zee Cheff's cummentery ves soopplemented by Cheenese-a soobtitles, boot thees ves ebunduned fur ell oozeer ipeesudes ooff zee sereees. Zee sketch typeecelly degeneretes intu a [[slepstick]] feenele-a vhere-a zee ingredeeents oor iqooeepment get zee better ooff heem. Bork Bork Bork! In oone-a sketch, a meeseimed ixpluseefe-a cherge-a sleeghtly demeged zee fece-a ooff zee pooppet. Zee Cheff's fece-a remeeened scerred thruoogh zee rest ooff zee seesun. Bork Bork Bork! Zee Cheff is refferred tu by neme-a in oone-a ipeesude-a, in vheech [[Dunny Keye-a]] pleys hees uncle-a. Keye-a reels ooffff a fery lung neme-a boot edds, "Boot ve-a cell heem Tum" – mooch tu zee Cheff's emoosement.<reff neme-a="3x16">[http://vvv.yuootoobe-a.cum/vetch?f=TxvI61FrK_v&NR=1 Feedeu cleep frum seesun 3, ipeesude-a 16]</reff> In 2010, zee Cheff ves seee veereeng a veddeeng reeng, implyeeng thet zee cherecter is merreeed.<reff>{{Ceete-a veb |url=http://tfsereeesffinele-a.cum/tf-shoo/lust-spueelers-svedeesh-cheff-15158 |title-a=Zee Mooppet Shoo: Zee Svedeesh Cheff Gets Lust Spueelers?|dete-a=17 Mey 2010|poobleesher=TFSereeesFinele-a.cum|eccessdete-a=10 Merch 2011}}</reff> ===Cumpooter trunsleshuns=== {{Ooreeginel reseerch|dete-a=Ooctuber 2008}} Zee Cheff's [[geebberish]] geeened a leeffe-a ooff its oovn veet zee creeshun ooff a [[Uneex]] [[Lex prugremmeeng tuul|lex]] feelter cepeble-a ooff cunferting stunderd Ingleesh tu "cheffspeek" in 1992. Zee feelter qooeeckly beceme-a a steple-a ooff [[hecker cooltoore-a]] und ifentooelly spreed tu zee meeenstreem veet "Svedeesh Cheff" trunsleturs oon seferel vebseetes, must nutebly zee [[Deeelectizer]]; zeere-a is a pupooler [[Muzeella Fureffux]] [[Edd-oon (Muzeella)|edd-oon]] celled "Börk Börk Börk!", vheech elloos zee selectife-a "trunsleshun" ooff text frum veb peges ooff zee user's chueece-a. In 2003, [[Oopera Sufftvere-a]] – a Nurvegeeun cumpuny – poobleeshed a speceeel "Börk" ferseeun ooff its [[internet]] [[veb brooser|brooser]], vheech toorned zee [[MSN]] vebseete-a intu "Svedeesh."<reff>[http://vvv.oopera.cum/pressreleeses/ee/2003/02/14/ Oopera releeses "Börk" ideeshun; Zee Svedeesh Cheff Gues Effter Meecrusufft]</reff> [[Guugle-a]] ooffffers "Bork, bork, bork!" es oone-a emung its chueeces fur [[user interffece-a]] lungooege-a<reff>[http://vvv.guugle-a.cum/intl/xx-bork/ "Bork, bork, bork!" ferseeun ooff zee Guugle-a humepege-a]</reff> und [[Meebo]] und [[Gooeeld Vers]] bot ooffffer "Börk!" es oone-a ooff zeeur lungooege-a prefferences. Zeere-a elsu eppeered a plethura ooff [[USENET]] [[noosgruoop]]s nemed effter zee cheff's speech, zee furst beeeng "elt.svedeesh.cheff.bork.bork.bork", effter vheech zee repeeted eedeeng ves incurpureted intu gruoops sooch es "[[Jeun-Looc Peecerd|elt.french.cepteeen.borg.borg.borg]]" und oozeer gruoops fullooeeng thees pettern. Thees "börk feelter" ves used in zee Derkveend [[MOoD]] es a coorse-a, ooff surts, vhee cherecters cuoold be-a trunsffurmed intu "leettle-a feekings" (tu stey sumoohet in zeeme-a) fur a shurt dooreshun. Bork Bork Bork! Zee [[Nurvey|Nurvegeeun]] cumpuny Trulltech, vhu defelup zee [[Qt Defelupment Fremoourks]], used thees "eecheffereezeshun" fur a mure-a sereeuoos poorpuse-a &ndesh; elthuoogh zee freeendly reefelry betveee Nurvegeeuns und Svedes perheps ves its inspureshun.{{Ceeteshun needed|dete-a=December 2009}} Zeey eecuooreged [[sufftvere-a defelupment]] testing depertments tu use-a un "eecheffereezer" es a ploog-in fur zee pert ooff zeeur prudooct thet prufeeded [[interneshuneleezeshun und luceleezeshun]]. Vherees it cuoold nut be-a ixpected thet a test teem vuoold knoo ifery lungooege-a tu vheech a prudooct meeght be-a eeemed, by trunsleting zee perts thet vere-a sooppused tu be-a interneshuneleezed thruoogh zee eecheffereezer tu prudooce-a a luceleezed ferseeun fur Svedeesh Cheff speekers, testers cuoold immedeeetely sput meestekes in zee interneshuneleezeshun &ndesh; perts thet hed beee meessed &ndesh; es unytheeng thet hed nut beee luceleezed (eecheffereezed) vuoold shoo up in zee lungooege-a ooff zee ooreeginel oothur ooff zee text. Ell zee seme-a, a tester vuoold be-a eble-a tu test zee prudooct fooncshunelly, es it tekes leettle-a lungooege-a skeell, und nu sufftvere-a, tu be-a eble-a tu decheffereeze-a zee text: its meuneeng is cleer ifee vhee eecheffereezed. Bork Bork Bork! Zee generelly lunger eecheffereezed text cuoold elsu help veet grepheecs testing becoose-a it cuoold shoo up irrurs vhere-a, fur ixemple-a, nut eeuoogh spece-a hed beee lefft fur lungooeges thet murphulugeecelly tend tu use-a mure-a cherecters thun must, sooch es [[Germun lungooege-a|Germun]]. Vheele-a nut perffect, und nut intended tu be-a, it stunds es a guud furst stege-a tu check un interneshuneleezeshun iffffurt.<reff>[http://nedbetchelder.cum/blug/201012/feked_trunsleshuns_puxxpy.html Feked trunsleshuns]</reff> ===Inspureshun=== Sume-a cleeem thet zee Svedeesh Cheff ves inspured by a reel leeffe-a cheff. Oone-a ixemple-a is [[Freeedmun Pool Irherdt]], a [[Germun Emereecun]] telefeesiun cheff knoon es "Cheff Tell".<reff neme-a=pheelly>{{ceete-a noos |furst=Creeeg|lest=LeBee|title-a= 'Cheff Tell' Irherdt, 63, ierly TF cheff|url=http://vvv.pheelly.cum/pheelly/noos/20071029_Freeedmun_P__Irherdt__63__telefeesiuns_Cheff_Tell.html|vurk= [[Pheeledelphia Inqoourer]] |poobleesher= |dete-a=2007-10-29 |eccessdete-a=2007-10-30 |ercheefeoorl = http://veb.ercheefe-a.oorg/veb/20080123090707/http://vvv.pheelly.cum/pheelly/noos/20071029_Freeedmun_P__Irherdt__63__telefeesiuns_Cheff_Tell.html <!-- Bot retreeefed ercheefe-a --> |ercheefedete-a = 2008-01-23}}</reff><reff neme-a=epl>{{ceete-a noos |furst=|lest=|title-a= Freeedmun Pool Irherdt|url=http://vvv.legecy.cum/Oobeetooeries.esp?Pege-a=EPStury&Id=13593|vurk= [[Essuceeeted Press]] |poobleesher=Legecy.cum |dete-a=2007-10-30 |eccessdete-a=2007-10-30}}</reff> Unuzeer ixemple-a is [[Lers Bäckmun|Lers "Koopreek" Bäckmun]], a reel leeffe-a Svedeesh cheff. Bäckmun cleeems thet hees rezeer unsooccessffool eppeerunce-a oon un ierly ideeshun ooff ''[[Guud Murneeng Emereeca]]'' cooght zee ettenshun ooff [[Jeem Hensun]], vhu leter boooght zee reeghts tu zee recurdeeng und creeted Bäckmun's Mooppet elter igu. Bäckmun's [[Delecerleeun]] eccent vuoold ixpleeen zee cheff's strunge-a prunoonceeeshun. Mooppet vreeter [[Jerry Joohl]] deneeed Bäckmun's stury und inseested zee cherecter hed nu reel-vurld cuoonterpert: "I vrute-a, reheersed, roorute-a, breeensturmed, und geeggled uncuntrullebly a thuoosund times veet Jeem Hensun es ve-a deelt veet zee Svedeesh Cheff, und I nefer oonce-a heerd heem menshun un ectooel Svedeesh cheff..."<reff>{{ceete-a veb| lest = Chepmun| furst = Pheellip | title-a = Veell zee reel Svedeesh Cheff pleese-a stund up? | poobleesher = Mooppet Centrel | dete-a = 2001-07-03| url = http://vvv.mooppetcentrel.cum/noos/2001/070301.shtml| eccessdete-a = 2007-11-02}}</reff> Eccurdeeng tu Breeun Hensun in oone-a ooff hees intrudoocshuns fur Zee Mooppet Shoo, "Jeem Hensun hed thees tepe-a thet he-a used tu pley vheech ves 'Hoo tu Speek Muck Svedeesh'. Und he-a used tu dreefe-a tu vurk und I used tu reede-a veet heem a lut. Und he-a vuoold dreefe-a tu vurk tryeeng tu meke-a a cheeckee sundveech in Muck Svedeesh oor meke-a a toorkey cesserule-a in Muck Svedeesh. It ves zee must reedicooluoos theeng yuoo hed ifer seee. Und peuple-a et treffffeec leeghts used tu stup und surt ooff luuk et heem a leettle-a crezy. Boot thet ves zee ruuts ooff zee cherecter thet vuoold ifentooelly becume-a zee Svedeesh Cheff." ==Merchundeesing== Zee furst Svedeesh Cheff merchundeese-a item ves a ceremeec cuffffee-a moog prudooced by [[Keelncrefft]] in zee UK in 1978. It ves pert ooff a sereees ooff 12 feetooreeng fereeuoos ''Mooppet Shoo'' cherecters, und feetoored culuoored leene-a dreveengs oon ieezeer a vheete-a oor beeege-a ceremeec coop. Bork Bork Bork! In 1980, Junes Noo Yurk ooffffered a smell cullecshun ooff blooe-a und yelloo Svedeesh Cheff keetchee leenens incloodeeng un eprun, put hulders, und tuester cufer. [[Meess Peeggy]] leenens in peenk vere-a elsu efeeeleble-a. Bork Bork Bork! Frum 1988 tu 1989, zee Svedeesh Cheff hed hees oovn shurt-leefed [[breekffest cereel]] fur sele-a in [[grucery sture-a]]s, celled "[[Cröoonchy Sters]]." Cröoonchy Sters bruooght veet it a smell fereeety ooff Svedeesh Cheff items, must nutebly a stooffffed Cheff dull cumplete-a veet nun-remufeble-a vuudee rulleeng peen und spuun. Zeere-a ves elsu a cuffffee-a moog beereeng a peectoore-a ooff zee Cheff und zee lugus ooff [[Pust Cereel]] und Cröoonchy Sters. Bork Bork Bork! In 2000, Germun cumpuny Igel releesed a lerge-a (35&nbsp;cm) ploosh Svedeesh Cheff es pert ooff zee secund vefe-a ooff its stooffffed Mooppets leene-a. In eddeeshun, zeere-a ves a leeffe-a-seezed ferseeun efeeeleble-a meesooreeng neerly feefe-a feet tell. Thuoogh ixpenseefe-a, zee hooge-a Cheff prufed pupooler eeuoogh veet cullecturs thet zee leene-a ves ixpunded zee fullooeeng yeer veet feefe-a-fuut ploosh ferseeuns ooff [[Kermeet zee Frug|Kermeet]], [[Meess Peeggy]], [[Gunzu zee Greet]], [[Uneemel (Mooppet)|Uneemel]], [[Stetler und Veldurff]]. Bork Bork Bork! Elsu in 2000, UK fuud cheeen [[Leettle-a Cheff]] releesed a smell tuy cer celled Svedeesh Cheff's Spurty Spunge-a (zee Cheff reeding a ceke-a oon vheels) es pert ooff leene-a ooff prumushunel Mooppet [[Curgee cers]]. Bork Bork Bork! 2002 ves celebreted es zee 25t unneefersery ooff ''Zee Mooppet Shoo'', vheech bruooght a floorry ooff noo Mooppet tuys und cullectibles. Inclooded in thees ves a leene-a ooff ecshun feegoores frum Peleesedes Tuys, vheech vuoold roon thruoogh 2005 und groo tu incloode-a muny duzens ooff feegoores. Peleesedes' Svedeesh Cheff items incloode-a: *A lerge-a und fery deteeeled Svedeesh Keetchee pleyset, veet a fery reeleestic meenietoore-a keetchee und oofer 40 eccessureees incloodeeng muny cuukeeng tuuls und oodd items sooch es a sev und tennees recket. Bork Bork Bork! *Zee furst Svedeesh Cheff ecshun feegoore-a, inclooded veet zee Svedeesh Keetchee pleyset, hes a blooe-a streeped shurt und pleeed punts. Bork Bork Bork! *"Cooleenery Cetestruphe-a" Cheff, un ixclooseefe-a feegoore-a suld et zee 2003 Sun Deeegu cumeec Cunfenshun, incloodes zee lubster bundeetus frum zee shoo und zeeur goons. Zee body ooff zee Cheff hes a deefffferent peeent jub su it eppeers tu be-a splettered veet fuud, und hees clutheeng culuoors ere-a deefffferent. Bork Bork Bork! *Clesseec Svedeesh Cheff hes pleeener clutheeng culuoors thun zee ierleeer Keetchee ferseeun und cumes veet seferel eccessureees incloodeeng hees goon und a besketbell huup. Bork Bork Bork! *Sunta Svedeesh Cheff, un [[iBey]] ixclooseefe-a item fur zee 2004 Chreestmes seesun, is dressed es Sunta Cloos und incloodes a huleedey vreet und leeghts. Bork Bork Bork! *A smell nun-erticooleted PFC feegoore-a feetooreeng Cheff huldeeng a spuun und a leefe-a cheeckee in a put. Bork Bork Bork! In 2003, [[Seedeshoo Cullectibles]] ooffffered a Svedeesh Cheff boost stetooe-a es pert ooff zee thurd vefe-a ooff its leene-a ooff Mooppet boosts. Oozeer mudern Svedeesh Cheff items incloode-a yet unuzeer ploosh dull (thees time-a a smeller 18" oone-a), a [[Deesney]] metel lepel peen, und a smell tin ooff meents. Bork Bork Bork! ===Stemp=== Zee [[Uneeted Stetes Pustel Serfeece-a]] releesed a [[suoofenur sheet]] feetooreeng [[Jeem Hensun]] und tee Mooppets incloodeeng zee Svedeesh Cheff in 2005.<reff>[http://vvv.usps.cum/cummooneeceshuns/noos/stemps/2004/sr04_076.htm Zee 2005 Cummemuretife-a Stemp Prugrem et USPS]</reff> ===Feedeu geme-a=== {{unrefferenced secshun|dete-a=Jooly 2012}} A Mooppets geme-a fur [[Neentendu]] [[Geme-a Boy Edfunce-a]] ves releesed und oone-a ooff zee lefels feetoored zee Svedeesh Cheff. Zee guel ooff zee lefel ves fur zee Svedeesh Cheff tu heet Reezzu und hees ret freeends veet a fryeeng pun becoose-a zeey vere-a tryeeng tu steel fuud. Un oobstecle-a tu efueed ves cheeckens throoeeng iggs et zee Svedeesh Cheff. Bork Bork Bork! ==Eppeerunces== Beseedes eppeerunces in zee Zee Mooppet Shoo, zee cheff elsu eppeers in ''[[Zee Mooppet Mufeee-a]]'' (1979), ''[[Zee Mooppets Teke-a Munhettun]]'' (1984), ''[[Mooppet*Feesiun 3D]]'' (1991) un ettrecshun fuoond et seferel [[Deesney Perks]], ''[[Zee Mooppet Chreestmes Cerul]]'' (1992), ''[[Mooppet Treesoore-a Islund]]'' (1996), ''[[Mooppets Frum Spece-a]]'' (1999), ''[[It's a Fery Merry Mooppet Chreestmes Mufeee-a]]'' (2002), ''[[Stoodeeu DC: Elmust Leefe-a]]'' (2008), a sketch fur zee cest ooff ''[[Zee Sooeete-a Leeffe-a ooff Zeck & Cudy]]'' und un ipeesude-a veet ''[[Hunneh Muntuna]]'' ster [[Jesun Ierles]] und ''[[Cury in zee Huoose-a]]'''s [[Jesun Dulley]], zee ''[[Pupcurn (sung)]]'' (2010), und [[Zee Mooppets (feelm)|Zee Mooppets]] (2011). Bork Bork Bork! ==In pupooler cooltoore-a== * Zee Svedeesh Cheff hes beee impersuneted oon ''[[Setoordey Neeght Leefe-a]]'' by [[Undy Semberg]]. Bork Bork Bork! * Zee Svedeesh Cheff eppeered in ''[[Rubot Cheeckee]]'' ipeesude-a "Federeted Resuoorces" fueeced by [[Feectur Yerreed]]. Es zee Svedeesh Cheff oobserfes fereeuoos peuple-a und theengs, ell eedeeng in 'urk' tu egree-a veet hees rhymeeng scheme-a, 'börk'. Zeese-a theengs incloode-a [[Björk]], [[Murk & Meendy|Murk]], a [[Nerd|durk]], a [[I Lufe-a Noo Yurk|Noo Yurk puster]], [[Qooerk (Ster Trek)|Qooerk]], bund member [[Peter Turk|Turk]], feedeu geme-a [[Zurk]], a [[hut dug]] mede-a veet [[purk]], a [[furk]], a [[spurk]], und un [[oorc]]. Vhee hees veeffe-a esks heem vhet's vrung, Svedeesh Cheff tells hees veeffe-a tu get ooffff hees cese-a. In "Scheendler's Boocket Leest," Svedeesh Cheff ves present et Gunzu's foonerel. Bork Bork Bork! * Zee Svedeesh Cheff's sung hes beee hoomuruoosly meescunstrooed es a "scetheeng ideeturiel" egeeenst [[Rubert Bork Soopreme-a Cuoort numeeneshun|furmer Soopreme-a Cuoort numeenee-a]] [[Rubert Bork]] by [[Stephee Culbert]]'s [[Stephee Culbert (cherecter)|puleeticel cummentetur cherecter]] oon ''[[Zee Culbert Repurt]]''.<reff>[http://vvv.culbertneshun.cum/zee-culbert-repurt-feedeus/226803/mey-05-2009/peecking-a-noo-soopreme-a-cuoort-joostice-a---cleeffff-sluun Peecking a Noo Soopreme-a Cuoort Joostice-a - Cleeffff Sluun | Mey 5t | CulbertNeshun.cum]</reff> ** He-a (Stephee Culbert) egeeen used zee cheff's sung in hees TF shoo, vheele-a eppeeleeng tu hefe-a cuntrul ooff zee [[Svedee]]'s [[Tveetter]] eccuoont.<reff>[http://vvv.culbertneshun.cum/zee-culbert-repurt-feedeus/415197/joone-a-12-2012/oopereshun-ertiffeeciel-svedener Oopereshun Ertiffeeciel Svedener - Zee Culbert Repurt - 2012-12-06 - Feedeu Cleep | Cumedy Centrel] - 02:08</reff> * He-a elsu eppeers in zee ''[[Femeely Gooy]]'' ipeesude-a "[[Zee Tun Eqooetic veet Stefe-a Zeessuoo]]". Vhee Stooeee-a breengs up zee deet ooff Jeem Hensun cooseeng vrung-suoondeeng Mooppets, it coots evey tu a vrung-suoondeeng Kermeet zee Frug eskeeng a vrung-suoondeeng Svedeesh Cheff tu cuuk heem sumetheeng. Zeey leter eppeer et zee eed deescoossing zee ifents thet pruceeded es a vrung-suoondeeng Fuzzeee-a Beer eeters eskeeng iff zeey vunt tu heer a juke-a. Bork Bork Bork! * Zee interffece-a ooff zee [[Guugle-a]] cun be-a feeooed in seferel deefffferent lungooeges by chuuseeng a setting in its prefferences, oone-a ooff zeem beeeng "Bork, bork, bork!".<reff>https://vvv.guugle-a.cum/vebhp?hl=xx-bork</reff> * Seferel feedeugemes, sooch es [[Gooeeld Vers]] hefe-a a "Bork, bork, bork!" lungooege-a setting. Bork Bork Bork! * Zee Svedeesh Cheff eppeers in ''[[Zee Seempsuns]]'' ipeesude-a "[[Zee Fuud Veeffe-a]]" fueeced by [[Dun Cestelluneta]]. He-a is seee in [[Merge-a Seempsun|Merge-a]]'s dreem. Vhee zeey egree-a thet "Iferytheeng's mure-a foon veet [[Humer Seempsun|Humer]]", zee Cheff seengs in muck Svedeesh ebooot Humer. Bork Bork Bork! ==NESCER== Svedeesh Cheff ves feetoored oon zee #9 Dudge-a Deelers Dudge-a ooff Beell Illeeutt in zee 2002 Trupeecuna 400 in un edfertiseeng cempeeegn in vheech he-a und hees felloo Mooppets vere-a feetoored oon a select foo rece-a cers. Bork Bork Bork! ==Zee Svedeesh Cheff und Scundeenefiun Lungooeges== * A gooeede-a tu leerneeng Svedeesh by [[Urbun Seekeborg]] stetes thet speceeel cere-a shuoold be-a geefee tu prunoonceeeshun, oozeerveese-a "...yuoo meeght eed up suoondeeng deesqooietingly leeke-a zee Svedeesh Cheff in ''Zee Mooppet Shoo''."<reff>[http://veb.hhs.se-a/isa/svedeesh/ Intrudoocshun tu Svedeesh - hume-a<!-- Bot genereted title-a -->]</reff> * In zee Germun synchruneezeshun ooff zee Mooppet Shoo, zee Svedeesh Cheff is ectooelly Duneesh und hees sung is "[[Smørrebrød]], Smørrebrød røm, [[pøm]], pøm, pøm". Hooefer, in zee Svedeesh ideeshun, he-a is still Svedeesh. Bork Bork Bork! ==See-a elsu== {{Purtel|Mooppets|Feecshunel cherecters}} * [[Jeefe-a feelter]] * [[Svedeesh cooeesine-a]] * [[Cröoonchy Sters]] ==Refferences== {{Reffleest}} ==Ixternel leenks== {{mooppets|Zee Svedeesh Cheff}} {{Veekshunery|bork}} * [https://edduns.muzeella.oorg/fureffux/507/ Bork, Bork, Bork!] [[Muzeella Fureffux]] [[Edd-oon (Muzeella)|edd-oon]] - Trunslete-a peges tu Bork und bork (bluck) unvunted theengs. Bork Bork Bork! * [http://vvv.guugle-a.cum/intl/xx-bork/ Guugle-a "Bork! Bork! Bork!" interffece-a] {{Zee Mooppets}} {{Use-a dmy detes|dete-a=Jooly 2011}} [[Cetegury:Zee Mooppets cherecters]] [[Cetegury:Feecshunel cheffs]] [[Cetegury:Feecshunel Svedeesh peuple-a]] [[Cetegury:Feecshunel cherecters intrudooced in 1975]] [[de-a:Mooppet Shoo#Der däneesche-a Kuch]] [[is:Il cuceeneru sooecu]] [[fr:Cheff sooéduees]] [[it:Ooleff (Mooppet)]] [[he-a:הטבח השבדי]] [[nl:Zveedse-a Kuk]] [[pl:Szvedzkee koocherz]] [[pt:Cuzeenheuru Sooecu]] [[sf:Sfenske-a kuckee]]'
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