Upload log
Below is a list of the most recent file uploads. See the gallery of new files for a more visual overview.
- 15:13, 17 February 2008 G27 talk contribs uploaded File:Naren Kumar and Tomi Makinen.jpg
- 14:41, 17 February 2008 G27 talk contribs uploaded File:Team India Sidvin APRC Mitsubishi EVO 8 in 2008.jpg (This is my Picture and am releasing it for Wikipedia.)
- 08:59, 24 November 2007 G27 talk contribs uploaded File:Air India International Time Table 1950.jpg ( This old image of Air India International Time Table is courtsy of Mr.Björn Larsson who has give permission to use this image on any other website. The copy right link is al;so displayed in this following web page. Copy Right Link : [[http://www.time)
- 11:24, 18 November 2007 G27 talk contribs uploaded File:Kari Speedway logo.jpg (This Image is the Logo of the Race Track.)
- 10:32, 2 October 2007 G27 talk contribs uploaded File:CJB.jpg
- 15:35, 4 August 2007 G27 talk contribs uploaded File:Solidworks 2008 Vista C.jpeg (This Image is a screenshot of a software.)
- 15:13, 4 August 2007 G27 talk contribs uploaded File:Solidworks 2008 Vista C.jpeg (This Image is a software screenshot,intended for fair use.)
- 15:10, 4 August 2007 G27 talk contribs uploaded File:Solidworks 2008 Vista.jpeg (This image is a screenshot of the software Solidworks.)
- 16:40, 3 August 2007 G27 talk contribs uploaded File:Solidworks 2008 Vista.jpeg (This image isa screen shot of Solid Works and its copyright owners are the owners of the software.This image is a fair use of a screenshot of a software for information prupose only.)
- 16:37, 3 August 2007 G27 talk contribs uploaded File:SW logo.png (This is a Fair use of a Product ot Company's logo for Information purpose only.The Logo is the copyright of its Owner.)
- 14:44, 22 June 2007 G27 talk contribs uploaded File:The New Indian Express Masthead.jpeg (This Masthead image of the newpaper The New Indian Express is fair use of Image to represent the Newspaper in Wiki pages.)
- 14:40, 22 June 2007 G27 talk contribs uploaded File:The New Indian Express.jpeg (This image is of a scan of a newspaper page or article, and the copyright for it is most likely owned by either the publisher of the newspaper or the individual contributors who worked on the articles or images depicted. It is believed that the use of low)
- 15:49, 18 June 2007 G27 talk contribs uploaded File:Super Speeds logo.jpg (This image is a fair use of a company/organisations logo.)
- 15:22, 18 June 2007 G27 talk contribs uploaded File:Formula LGB Swift logo.jpeg (This image is the logo of a model of a Car.)
- 08:47, 18 June 2007 G27 talk contribs uploaded File:Kari Motor Speedway Layout.jpg (This is the track layout of Kari Motorspeedway)
- 16:51, 17 June 2007 G27 talk contribs uploaded File:Formula Rolon Side View.jpg (This photograph is one of the officila photos by the manufacturer.The usage of it by any other persons should be fair.)
- 16:15, 17 June 2007 G27 talk contribs uploaded File:Formula LGB HYUNDAI livery.jpg (This is a fair usage of the cars image.)
- 16:09, 17 June 2007 G27 talk contribs uploaded File:F LGB H LOGO.jpeg (A Fair use Logo)
- 16:06, 17 June 2007 G27 talk contribs uploaded File:F LGB H LOGO.jpeg (This image is a fair use of the vehicles logo)
- 16:04, 17 June 2007 G27 talk contribs uploaded File:Formula LGB Hyundai logo.jpeg (This image is a fair use of the Car's logo.)
- 16:03, 17 June 2007 G27 talk contribs uploaded File:Formula LGB Hyundai Logo.jpeg (This image is the logo of the Formual LGB Hyundai racing car,and the usage of it is intended to be fair.)
- 11:01, 17 June 2007 G27 talk contribs uploaded File:Formula Rolon Logo.jpeg (This a fair use of a Cars logo.)
- 10:54, 17 June 2007 G27 talk contribs uploaded File:Kari Speedway logo.jpg (This is a Fair use of a organisations officila logo.)
- 10:28, 17 June 2007 G27 talk contribs uploaded File:Formula Rolon Chevrolet Rear.jpg (This Photograph of Formula Rolon Chevrolet was taken at a Autoshow by me.)
- 10:24, 17 June 2007 G27 talk contribs uploaded File:Formula Rolon car of Prime Racing.jpg (This Photograph was taken by me in Chennai MMSC track pits. )
- 14:49, 15 June 2007 G27 talk contribs uploaded File:FMSCI logo.jpeg (This is the official logo of FMSCI.)
- 14:15, 15 June 2007 G27 talk contribs uploaded File:MAI logo.jpeg (This is teh official logo of MAI.)
- 13:11, 15 June 2007 G27 talk contribs uploaded File:Naren Kumar.jpg (This is a photograph taken from my digital camera and am updating it for other users.)
- 08:24, 8 June 2007 G27 talk contribs uploaded File:Ideal Jawa Yezdi Logo.jpg (The Logo was re-enhanced from the original file by me.The Company is now defunct and if any issues please put it in the discussion page.)
- 05:51, 8 June 2007 G27 talk contribs uploaded File:Yezdi Roadking 1.jpg (This is taken from the Ideal Jawa 's official site and is an official photograph of the Factory and slightly modified (Background only).Now the company is Defunct and the product is not in production.If anyone has any issues then please post a message in)
- 12:14, 30 January 2007 G27 talk contribs uploaded File:A Drag Race in Progress.jpg (~~~~)
- 11:51, 30 January 2007 G27 talk contribs uploaded File:Formula Maruti in Coimbatore Track.jpg (~~~~)
- 11:35, 30 January 2007 G27 talk contribs uploaded File:A Drag Race in Progress.jpg (~~~~)
- 14:21, 3 January 2007 G27 talk contribs uploaded File:Formula LGB Swift of B.Vijaykumar.jpg (This is my own picture taken from my Digital cvamera.I need help to retain the Picture in thi spage.)