All pages with prefix
Note that the field is case-sensitive, and that pages in italics are redirects.
Discuss this special page at Wikipedia talk:Special:PrefixIndex. Documentation is also available for transcluded uses.
- PageTriageExternalDeletionTagsOptions.js
- PageTriageExternalTagsOptions.js
- Pagecategorieslink
- Pageimages-denylist
- Pageinfo-footer
- Pageinfo-header
- Pageswithbadges-summary
- Pagetitle-view-mainpage
- Pagetriage-tags-sourcesexist-desc
- Pagetriage-tags-sourcesexist-label
- Pagetriage-welcome
- Passwordremindertext
- Passwordremindertitle
- Passwordsent
- Patrol-log-header
- Pendingchanges
- Pendingchanges-list
- Pendingchanges-recent
- Perfcached
- Perfcachedts
- Permalink/pt
- Permanentlink-summary
- Pfunc expr division by zero
- Pfunc expr unexpected operator
- Pfunc rel2abs invalid depth
- Pfunc time error
- Pfunc time too big
- Pfunc time too long
- Phonos-tracking-category
- Please-translate
- Portal-url
- Post-expand-template-argument-warning
- Post-expand-template-inclusion-category
- Post-expand-template-inclusion-warning
- Postedit-confirmation-created
- Preferences-summary
- Prefixindex-summary
- Prefs-flaggedrevs-ui
- Prefs-help-email
- Prefs-help-email-others
- Prefs-help-email/en-acc
- Prefs-help-gender
- Prefs-help-tokenmanagement
- Prefs-help-watchlist-token2
- PrettyLinkWidget.js
- Previewnote
- Previousdiff
- Previousrevision
- Print.css
- Problemchanges-list
- Protect
- Protect-cascade
- Protect-cascadeon
- Protect-dropdown
- Protect-expiry-options
- Protect-level-autoconfirmed
- Protect-level-extendedconfirmed
- Protect-level-sysop
- Protect-level-templateeditor
- Protect-text
- Protect-text/en-ca
- Protect-text/en-gb
- Protect-text/es
- Protectedinterface
- Protectedpage
- Protectedpagemovewarning
- Protectedpages-summary
- Protectedpagetext
- Protectedpagewarning
- Protectedtitles-summary
- Protectlogtext
- Proxyblockreason
- Pvi-month-count-value