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User:Cgpoppert/Digital media in education/Cinnamoncardamom Peer Review

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Whose work are you reviewing?


Link to draft you're reviewing
Digital Media in Education Draft
Link to the current version of the article (if it exists)
Digital Media in Education Wikipedia Article

Evaluate the drafted changes


The content in this draft is relevant to the topic “Digital Media in Education.” However, word choice can be improved for clarity and to avoid bias. For example:

  • Under “Overview”
    • “growing rapidly in today’s age” can be changed to “continues to grow rapidly."
  • Under “Covid-19’s Impact on Education
    • select a spelling of COVID-19/Covid-19 for consistency
    • “at home” can be changed to “outside of school”
    • “Implementing digital media platforms and technological devices assisted with an at-home virtual learning environment” is an incomplete sentence
    • “created a learning style that is more normal” → “normal” can mean different things to different people so this can be unclear
  • Throughout draft → select a spelling of email/e-mail for consistency

There aren’t any viewpoints that are overrepresented. The links on the citations are working. Almost all are journal articles and sources selected contain up to date information.

There are a few claims that are not supported by a citation. It seems like these claims were added before your draft. However, addressing these can improve the article you selected. Here are the ones I noticed:

Under “Benefits and Implication of Digital Media in Education”

  • “The main benefit of digital media in education is that it can increase student engagement.”

Under “Covid-19’s Impact on Education”

  • “Eddie M. Mulenga and José M. Marbán study students in Zambia during the pandemic to find how they adapted in the subject of Mathematics…”