Tyler Robert Smith also known as Ty Romeo Smith is the creator of this page. Ty was born in 1991 December 25. He is a junior in high school & is engaged. His fiancee is Cori Jones & loves him with all her heart. Ty & Cori are doing great & plan on getting married within the next 7 years. Ty was never a very good student or person. He was always getting into trouble & doing something wrong. He was a trouble maker & never cared about anything or anyone. Cori is the only person that can make him do good. She changed him for the better. They are currently together & very happy. The world has never seen two people so in-love. They're going to be together forever & nothing can stop them. Both have been through alot with each other but they have made it through everything. They will argue , cry , & yell but they will always be in-love & together.
Tyler loves to talk about Cori , this is what he wrote about her not to long ago...
My name is Tyler or Ty.. I prefer Ty though. But anyways, This is the about me & guess what!!! I'm not writing about me but writing about the girl who stole my heart, :). Her name is Cori Ann Jones, You prolly know her.. She knows EVERYONE!(lol). I love her more than anything & anyone. She comes before anyone because she is the most important person to me. Cori & I are engaged, Yes.. I said engaged, We are Engaged. I'm glad that we are & I couldn't ask for a better Fiancee. She is my whole worl & My everything. I'm not kidding when I say "Everything" either, She is the only one who makes me happy & the only one who can get me to listen & to get me to do good. I stay out of trouble for her & She stays out of trouble for me. I love her.. NO! wait.. I'm In-Love with her, That's more like it, :). I LOVE bragging about her & Talking about her. I get jealous ALOT & easily But, Cori Does everything that she can to not make me jealous, :). But, I still can't help but get jealous at every little thing & I'm very sorry & trying to change that. She is the only person I trust 100% & she is my very best friend. Cori is the most beautiful person I have ever seen & The only girl I that I think is Cute, Sexy, Beautiful. So sorry ladies.. No.. No i'm not, I don't care if that hurt you or whatever because i'm hers & hers ONLY. I'm happeily taken & I can't wait to marry her. She's amazing & you probably already know that if you've met her. She's my everything & i seriously don't know what i'd do without her. I'd still be getting in trouble at school & not even trying in school. I'm glad i have her & i hope i never lose her. She's my only one & i love her. There is so much i could say about her, i love learning something new about her & i love just being with her. Her smile is so important to me & i would do anything just to see it. Her & i have had problems in the past but, that's the past & we're focused on the future now. We've both made mistakes & we've learned from them. I would do anything for her & i hope i always make her happy. I've NEVER EVER lied to her & i NEVER EVER will. not even if it's the littlest lie, "honesty is the first chapter to the book of wisdom". I'm so glad i have her back & i hope this lasts. we'll argue & fight & yell(we'll try not to) but, we can get through it & i know we will. I've never loved someone so much, i'm in-love with her<3 I AM commetted to her & HER ONLY. i'm taken & i'm NO ONE ELSES. :), i'm proud to say that too. God, she is so perfect. She makes me a better person & the ONLY person who could do that. She's my other half, & the reason i've changed for the better. She the reason i'm happy & the reason i love waking up everyday, :). She's so beautiful & her smile & love for me is the meaning of "true beauty". I love you Cori(Baby), More than anything<333
I will edit more on this page later on...