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El término Bandera Otomana hace referencia a todas y cada una de las banderas usadas por los Sultanos de la Dinastía Otomana. Varias fueron las banderas empleadas durante su existencia del Imperio Otomano , y el sultán, además, hizo uso también de banderas distintas en distintos actos de estado. Dada la complejidad de la organización política y social del Imperio Otomano, a lo largo de gran parte de su historia, no hubo una única bandera nacional, hasta 1844,año en que, como parte de las Tanzimat o reformas, surgió la primera bandera nacional del Imperio Otomano. Dicha bandera, que contaba con una estrella de cinco punta y con una media luna,también formaba la base de la que en aquel entonces era la bandera de la República de Turquía.
Banderas de ghazi a emperador (1299-1453)
Bandera del Kayihan khanate, representando la Kayi tamgha, de gran antigüedad - 1326
Bandera del Imperio Otomano, 1383-1453
Bandera del Osmanli 1326-1517
De izquierda a derecha: Bandera de los piratas argelinos, otorgada a Osman I de manas del Seljuk sultán Mesud II (1289); Bandera naval otomana (s. XVI); Bandera del ejército otomano (s. XVI); Bandera del ejército otomano (s.XVII)
Los años iniciales del Imperio en los que se definió como tal fue un periodo que concluyó hasta la toma de Constantinopla en 1453. Osman I, un ghazi señor de la guerra en Söğüt y fundador del Imperio Otomano fue aclamado Khan de la Kayıhan en 1299 y fue este título el que mantuvo hasta su muerte, estableciendo la piedra angular sobre la que se edificó el imperio. Este título lo heredó de su padreErtugrul, que a su vez lo había heredado de su padre Suleyman Shah, que lo heredó de su padre Kayaalp y así nos remontamos a los tiempos en los que los Kayihan fueron una tribu errante delos Oghuz nómadas que habitaron los alrededores del Monte Khan Tengri.
Su hijo Orhan I se vio a sí mismo como diferente, vio al estado que había heredado de su padre como un sucesor al de Occidente Imperio(Bizantino) , e incluso contrajo matrimonio con una princesa bizantina. La bandera que él empleó combinaba la bandera bizantina del Palaiologoi con la del Kayihan Janado, remplazando la bizantina con Kayi tamghas.
Osman's grandson Murad I, who bore the level of Roman legitimacy his father could only dream of, ironically reversed his father's policy and forged a completely new identity for the domains, casting off any claim to Roman legitimacy or tribal affiliations and founding the Ottoman Empire. Why red was the perfect colour to say this with, we shall never know. It has no bearing to traditional tribal colours (which were white and gold) or popular Turkic colours (usually blue, white and gold). It could be because it was a colour associated with the Romans, and he wasn't casting off Roman aspirations as totally as we would be led to believe. Red might just have been his favourite colour, like Napoleon and the green stripe on the Italian flag.
Flags of the Sublime Porte (1453-1793)
Flag of the Ottoman Empire 1453-1517
Ottoman Battle Flag c.1500-1793
Ottoman Flag 1517-1844
Flag of the Ottoman Navy 1453-1793
Flag of an Ottoman Admiral 1453-1793
Flag of a Muslim Merchant 1453-1793
Flag of a Jewish Merchant 1453-1793
Flag of a Latin Merchant 1453-1793
Flag of a Roman (Orthodox Christian) Merchant 1453-1793
The original flag changed very little, the gold crescent merely makes its appearance for the first time. By the 18th century this began to be flown as a rectangular as opposed to triangular flag, but remained essentially unchanged. The gold is actual gold-woven silk, and in lieu of this white cloth as opposed to yellow-dyed cloth was used, as not everyone can afford such luxury.
The crescent was an ancient symbol of Byzantium and Constantinople, and while this alone was an important reason to adopt the symbol as an Ottoman symbol, it was not the only reason. In some Turkish clans and kingdoms, the crescent-shaped symbols were used extensively. The crescent was quite popular in Persia, which was the origin of most of the non-Roman Ottoman culture at that point, and it was remarkably similar to the Kayi clan tamgha from which Osman was descended and the Khanate of which the Ottoman state emerged. The crescent for the Ottoman Empire therefore was a powerful message as well as an appropriate symbol, binding the past to the future.
With control of Constantinople and the Bosphorus came new commercial opportunities and new threats from Venice and Genoa, who feared for their interests and colonies in the Aegean and Black Sea. The Ottomans felt the need for a strong navy and merchant marine, and instituted a number of reforms. These included naval identification flags, including flags signifying command ships, and a set of merchant flags based on religion, each of which was treated differently by the legal system. The naval system also had flags for individual ships and commanders, but those could not be considered to be "Ottoman" flags.
Jews and Christians of the empire were subjected to additional taxation, however as members of the millet of the "Romans", the Orthodox Christians had certain rights and privileges that the Catholics did not, and for religious reasons Jews were the only people who could engage in certain financial activities, so at the time this worked out to an early form of tax brackets.
The Catholics had the worst deal, since they were taxed as heavily as the other non-Moslems, without any of the benefits or privileges. This wasn't that much of a source of discontent however, as most of the mercantilist Catholic subjects of the Ottoman Empire lived under their own administration in the Republic of Ragusa. Only a few struggling Albanian merchants from Durrës or (later on) Croatians from Split fell under this category.
While this all seems incredibly discriminatory today, it was in fact a much fairer system than that which existed in the rest of the Balkans, and despite these rules the nobility was hard pressed to keep their serfs from fleeing for Ottoman territory.
With the conquest of Syria and Egypt, a new Imperial flag was needed. The Sultan was no longer a Roman successor in a mostly Christian land, but the Sultan of Egypt and Caliph of Islam. So the Byzantine cross was removed, and a disc of the colour
green, the colour of Islam, was placed upon the imperial flag. The many-crescents motif was maintained, but was reduced to
three upon the disc, and now represented the three titles and three continents that the house of Osman ruled over: Egypt in Africa, the Caliphate in Asia, and Rûm in Europe.
Reform and decline (1793-1923)
Ottoman Naval Flag, flying on all military vessels 1793-1844
Ottoman Religious Flag, or the Flag of the Caliphate 1793-1844
Ottoman Army, or Land Flag 1793-1923
Ottoman Civic & Merchant Flag 1793-1923
After the Tanzimat (1844-1923)
The late Ottoman Navy flag with an eight-pointed star and crescent was used between 1793 and 1844
The last flag of the Ottoman Empire from 1844 to 1923 was adopted with the Tanzimat reforms as the first official Ottoman national flag
The flag of the Ottoman navy was made red as red was to be the flag of secular institutions and green of religious ones, following the New Order reforms. All religious institutions were "spun-off" and while the emperor remained caliph and retained religious roles, the sultanate secularized itself. The navy went through radical modernization reforms, but nothing compared to the army.
The army was completely restructured. The janissaries were disbanded and many of them were killed as they resisted modernization. This came of course with a new flag design, without the colour, religious overtones, and excess of the janissaries, and in the style of European armies of the day it was a bicolour flag containing the two, now official, Ottoman colours.
Furthering the New Order reforms, the Empire was centralized and all the various sub-sultanates, pashaliks, beyliks and emirates were abolished, including the Ottoman Sultanate. A new flag was designed to replace all these flags with one single national flag. The result was the red and white flag with the crescent moon and star, which is the precursor to the modern Turkish flag. Secularization made the religions equal under law, doing away with the complex hierarchy of religions in relation to taxation and mercantile pursuits, so a plain red flag was made the civil flag for all Ottoman subjects.
Relation to the flag of the Republic of Turkey
Subsequent to the fall of the Ottoman Empire after World War I and the foundation of the Republic of Turkey following the Turkish War of Independence, the new Turkish state maintained the last flag of 1844 of the Turkish Empire, but introduced proportional standardizations. The flag of Turkey bears, on a red background, the white crescent moon and a five-pointed star with definite geometrical proportions, established and regulated by the Turkish Flag Law (en turco: Türk Bayrağı Kanunu) since 1936.
Personal standard of the sultan
The imperial banners displayed the sultan's tughra, often on a pink or bright red background. The religious colour of Islam is green, and many Ottoman flags were dark green (either simple green flags, or bearing the star and crescent in either white or yellow). Many royal banners picture the legendary Zulfikar sword. As of 1862 the flag of the sultan was green with seven thin, red, horizontal lines.
Flag poles
The flagpoles were often decorated by a crescent, a wolf's head, a horsetail or a Qur'an box. In addition, banners were always accompanied by a number of smaller flags, pennants, icons and various other items with symbolic meaning (for example, the Janissaries used to parade with their cauldrons).