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Fábrica de Automóviles de Gəncə

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Ganja Auto Plant, fundada en 1986, se construyó para dar cabida a la producción de camionetas tipo van del modelo "GAZelle" vans deacuerdo a las metas iniciales de dicho proyecto. It is situated in the Ganja city in Azerbaijan. The commissioning was intended to end in 1989 but following a decision of Ministers Cabinets of USSR the construction of the factory was interrupted and the technological project was given to Bryansk automobile plant. The 256 hectares of territory and 50 hectares of production territory stayed without utilization for 15 years.

Construction of an automobile plant was considered by the government after Azerbaijan had obtained its independence. Since 1994 the giant and famous automobile companies of Italy, Korea, Japan, France and Germany have shown interest in the institution, but negotiations held with them ended without result.

Only in December 2004 Ganja automobile plant began its activity and the first car built at the factory was issued. In 2008 the plant produced about 600 cars and tractors.[1]


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