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Emaze is an online presentation platform built on html5 technology. Users can create, manage and share their presentations through their cloud-based SaaS system. emaze offers a variety of templates including formats using 3D animations and video backgrounds. emaze was officially established in 2009 by co-founders Motti Nisani, Shai Schwartz and Dr. Arie Livshin.[1][2]


emaze (o ) fue creado en 2009 [ 3 ] con el fin de ofrecer una alternativa viable a las herramientas de presentación de diapositivas basadas ordinaria existentes. Recibió USD $ 800,000 en fondos semilla mayo 2013 [ 4 ] y lanzado en versión beta pública en julio de 2013. En octubre de 2014, emaze asegurado $ 2,000,000 Serie A llevó ronda por FirstTime Venture Capital. [ 5 ] [ 6 ] [3][4]

Platform compatibility

emaze is developed in pure html5 with CSS3 and JavaScript. It can therefore run on any modern computer, web browser as well as mobile devices.

See also


Plantilla:Presentation software