Español: Ministros en el entierro de las víctimas de la Revolución de Febrero. Entre ellos, de izquierda a derecha: Konovalov, Shingarev, Lvov, Nekrasov, Godnev y Miliukov.
Français : Les membres du gouvernement provisoire devant la tombe des victimes (au premier plan tête nue, vers le milieu du groupe, M. Milioukoff, ministre des affaires étrangères)
Русский: Министры Всероссийского Временного правительства на похоронах жертв Февральской революции. Присутствуют в том числе (слева направо): Коновалов, Шингарев, Львов, Некрасов, Годнев и Милюков)
The Russian Federation (early Soviet Russia, RSFSR) is the historical heir but not legal successor of the Russian Empire, and the Russian Empire was not party to the Berne Convention (it was not country of Union for the protection of the rights of authors in their literary and artistic works), so according to article 5 of the Convention this work has no country of origin except:
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in the case of other works if the author is a national of a country of the Union¹, the country of origin shall be that country.
¹ - Author who is not a national of a country of the Union but who has his habitual residence in a country of the Union, be assimilated to national of that country.
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Les membres du gouvernement provisoire devant la tombe des victimes (au premier plan tête nue, vers le milieu du groupe, M. Milioukoff, ministre des affaires étrangères) ==Source== ''Lectures pour tous'', 1 juillet 1917 category:Lectures pour tous