English: Phagocytosis and exocytosis can play an important role in nonspecific immune response. In phagocytosis, involving the destruction of pathogens, the pathogens are surrounded and then engulfed through endocytosis. The vacuole then forms and closes around the pathogens. In exocytosis, the lysosome and vacuole fuse together which allows enzymes to destroy pathogens. Debris from the pathogens is then released from the cell.
Español: Fagocitosis versus exocitosis
日本語: (左) 食作用(ファゴサイトーシス)と (右) 開口分泌(エキソサイトーシス).
한국어: 식작용과 토세포(세포 유출) 현상.
Türkçe: Fagositoz: Bir fagosit önce bakteriyi yutar (sol resim); sonra da artıklarını dışarıya atar (sağ resim).
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