Páginas que enlazan con «Archivo:Out With U-boat Killer Number 1; the Second Escort Group's Success. 26 January To 25 February 1944, on Board HMS Starling. With the 2nd Escort Group, Commanded by Captain F J Walker, Cb, Dso and Two Bars, on His Most Rec A21988.jpg»
Las siguientes páginas enlazan a Archivo:Out With U-boat Killer Number 1; the Second Escort Group's Success. 26 January To 25 February 1944, on Board HMS Starling. With the 2nd Escort Group, Commanded by Captain F J Walker, Cb, Dso and Two Bars, on His Most Rec A21988.jpg:
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- Guerra antisubmarina (enlace de imagen) (← enlaces · editar)