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Никифоров, Николай: различия между версиями

Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии
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отклонены последние 2 изменения от 2001:16A2:C171:5C52:4413:281B:2702:15D2 и ЭфрониУри
Метка: ручная отмена
Строка 7: Строка 7:
* [[Никифоров, Николай Семёнович]] (1898—1970) — генерал-майор артиллерии (18.11.1944)
* [[Никифоров, Николай Семёнович]] (1898—1970) — генерал-майор артиллерии (18.11.1944)
* [[Никифоров, Николай Степанович]] (1850—1912) — русский революционер, пропагандист.</onlyinclude>
* [[Никифоров, Николай Степанович]] (1850—1912) — русский революционер, пропагандист.</onlyinclude>
{{Список однофамильцев-тёзок}}
{{Список однофамильцев-тёзок...《بسم الله الر حمن الر حيم IN THE NAME OF GOD THE MOST POWERFUL. Привет dear former Minister of Telecom & Mass Communication of Russia Federation! Under GOD permit I watched You using internet computer system. You have good name, super intelligent, great look & sweet, super professionalism & faithfull to GOD. I like Your name which is "NIKOLAY NIKIFOROV". Thank GOD I just discovered my real identity in internet computer system which have 2 plotted Russian codes namely "Э & ₽Р16" in 2022 which took me to invent the secret that "The R fixed in circle using in global business objected to my real identity that 'they hide' for the reason to deny that by genetic or descent naturally I was born as the last single legal owner of all global businesses on Earth in Universe witnessed by GOD SYSTEM recorded in Internet Computer System"! I can truly understand them who transferred me to Indonesia just for grow up & learn many things about life that I think it is a part of life test from GOD for me! They recorded that I was born in Moscow 1, Russia 1 which is a centre of global business manufacturing complex! If I were them I would do the same I think since they do not have the best mothers who can educate them properly. Yeah, as I have invented life has formulation. I will email You for detail further business with You dear sweet handsome genius young Mr. NIKOLAY NIKIFOROV. My new name is PROF. 👸 PRINCESS HJ. BILLGITTA GIRARA VLADIMIROVICH, M.SC was PROF. 👸 PRINCESS HJ. RIA LESTARI GUSTI MUHAMMAD, M.SC. See You soon in Your email "info@diginavis.com"! Take care & have great days!》


Текущая версия от 19:24, 23 мая 2023

Никола́й Ники́форов:
