Обсуждение:Литвяк, Лидия Владимировна: различия между версиями

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Строка 62: Строка 62:
To land and to take off a plane takes like forever compared to everything else and is the most vulnerable state of ... any ... plane, war or not war. The easiest way to destroy it (or to get destroyed by a pilot's mistake) is exactly then (aside from being parked). It's completely defenceless when it lands and takes off. Ask former Me 262 pilots. That's when their Mes got shot down the most because landing it or taking off took like forever.
To land and to take off a plane takes like forever compared to everything else and is the most vulnerable state of ... any ... plane, war or not war. The easiest way to destroy it (or to get destroyed by a pilot's mistake) is exactly then (aside from being parked). It's completely defenceless when it lands and takes off. Ask former Me 262 pilots. That's when their Mes got shot down the most because landing it or taking off took like forever.

And whoever these allegedly German prisoner takers would have been, they would have known that the landing plane is no threat at all to them, they all were familiar with attacker and fighter planes, as they got attacked by them quite regularly, you know? They would've never kept their heads down just because the plane, that's landing right now , once shot at them. lul. Ridonkulous story, as I said. {{Unsigned||01:23, 24 мая 2021 (UTC)}}
And whoever these alleged German prisoner takers would have been, they would have known that the landing plane is no threat at all to them, they all were familiar with attacker and fighter planes, as they got attacked by them quite regularly, you know? They would've never kept their heads down just because the plane, that's landing right now , once shot at them. lul. Ridonkulous story, as I said. {{Unsigned||01:23, 24 мая 2021 (UTC)}}

Версия от 01:40, 24 мая 2021

А она точно Лидия? А то кое-где Лилия.

В статьях на разных языках указаны разные места гибели. Вопрос требует серъёзного уточнения

Число побед

В исследовании [1] названы несколько иные цифры побед: 4+2, что больше соответствует списку наград Л.Литвяк. --KW 02:18, 12 октября 2007 (UTC)[ответить]

В книге рекордов Гиннесса написано, что Литвяк сбила 12 самолетов. -- 13:02, 19 марта 2008 (UTC)аноним[ответить]

Неточности в статье: Полное несоответствие по данным побед в самой статье. По таблице "Послужной список" указывается 11 побед. Под таблицей - Всего побед: 12 (+ 4 в группе). По таблице "Победы в воздушных боях" получается 13 сбитых самолетов + 1 аэростат + 5 сбитых самолетов в группе. Я так понимаю, один источник - одни цифры, а так получается полный бред. 19:49, 25 апреля 2013 (UTC)[ответить]


Недостоверные данные в статье о Л. Литвяк: Мемориальной доски на доме, где жила Лидия - НЕТ. Работа по установке доски только ведётся. Официально боевой счёт лидии - 15 воздушных побед (14 самолётов(11 лично и 3 в группе) и аэростат корректировщик). Каневский Анатолий.

Памятник в Луганской обл.

Временно убрал сведения о памятнике, добавленные анонимным участником. Причины: 1 - неприемлемый стиль (комментарий); 2- отсутствие источников. KW 08:21, 22 декабря 2012 (UTC)[ответить]

Памятная доска

согласно источнику http://mikhael-mark.livejournal.com/118106.html памятная доска ей всё таки установлена --И. В. Жуков (обс) 13:39, 19 сентября 2016 (UTC)[ответить]

Воинское звание

По шаблону - это самое высокое звание. Лидия Литвяк - гвардии старший лейтенант (посмертно), даже в англоязычной википедии это так.

Сегодня, ровно 95 назад, родилась Лидия Владимировна Литвяк. Вечная слава вам, Лидия Владимировна! Низкий поклон и вечная память :)) 18:39, 18 августа 2016 (UTC)[ответить]

По поводу сбитого Л. Литвяк в декабре 1942 г. бомбардировщика Do-217.

Бомбардировщики Дорнье Do-217 на советско-германском фронте не применялись (Единичный случай 12 апреля 1945 г. - мост через Одер). Правда, использовались ночные истребители Do-217 N и J (переделка из бомбардировщика), но они появились на восточном фронте не раньше августа 1943 г. Поэтому речь, скорее всего, должна идти о сбитом Литвяк устаревшем Дорнье Do-17Z. У нас его частенько ошибочно называли До-215, могли при записи ошибочно назвать и До-217. Тем более, что самолеты по силуэту весьма схожи. В декабре 1942 г. бомбардировщики Do-17Z состояли на вооружении только хорватской 10.(Kroat) эскадрильи в составе немецкой бомбардировочной эскадры KG 3. В конце 1942 г. очень небольшое количество Do-17 использовались также в качестве разведчиков в различных подразделениях люфтваффе. Если исключить случайный единичный Do-217 неизвестно как попавший на восточный фронт, то определить точный тип и принадлежность сбитого Литвяк самолета Дорнье будет очень даже возможно. <СК> 11:36, 12 мая 2017 (UTC)[ответить]

  • По книге М. Зефирова «Союзники Люфтваффе. Венгрия и др.» (М., 2002), такие самолёты у хорватов на Восточном фронте были, но в декабре они потерь этого типа самолётов не имели. Лесовик-2 (обс.) 02:34, 18 апреля 2021 (UTC)[ответить]

"Когда немецкие солдаты попытались взять её в плен, ...

... один из лётчиков-штурмовиков пришёл к ней на помощь: огнём из пулемётов заставил немцев залечь, а сам приземлился и взял Литвяк на борт."

I highly doubt that this story is true but was made up or at least exaggerated by some propaganda guys. Having the time to land and even to take off unscathed while a group of soldiers is allegedly trying to take someone prisoner, someone basically unarmed, while the soldiers are surefire armed with rifles, pistols and whatnot, would mean that he could land a plane, take someone aboard and take off again within ... what? ... 1 minute before the soldiers arrived? Or were the German soldiers that stupid to not realise that the plane wasn't firing at them when ... it acrtually could not fire at them anymore because it wanted to land out there in the fields?

But yet they lied down and did nothing but remain still and be scared of machine gun fire from ... what? .... 5 minutes ago? They didn't even gat their heads up for a mere glimpse to see what's going on? And then they were still scared of two unarmed pilots, at best armed with pew-pew pistols, and didn't run up close firing or shouting at them to surrender and could not take them both prisoner while the plane stood there to take anotjer person onboard? Ridonkulous.

So, either there never were any Germans trying to capture her or there were like 5 km away, so no need to shoot at them, since ammo in a fighter/attack plane (even today) was extremely scarce and thus precious. He might have had landed on a field to pick her up. But even this seems highly unlikely, what a coincidance that would have been that the are where Lidia went down was not only good enough for another plane to land there but even good enough to take off on this bumpy road... which takes even longer than to land.

Or Lidia made it outta there on her own, by foot, like many German pilots did as well when they were shot down over enemy controlled areas. That wouldn't have been less unusual, more common, of course also less "heroic" than another pilot coming by like superman, landing out there in the open and successfully taking off with Lidia aboard and thus sntaching her from under the nose of a suppressed group of German soldiers. Lying down while noboy is firing at them. That figures, huh?

May it have been as it may, but this version quoted above is highly unlikely because not plausible.

To land and to take off a plane takes like forever compared to everything else and is the most vulnerable state of ... any ... plane, war or not war. The easiest way to destroy it (or to get destroyed by a pilot's mistake) is exactly then (aside from being parked). It's completely defenceless when it lands and takes off. Ask former Me 262 pilots. That's when their Mes got shot down the most because landing it or taking off took like forever.

And whoever these alleged German prisoner takers would have been, they would have known that the landing plane is no threat at all to them, they all were familiar with attacker and fighter planes, as they got attacked by them quite regularly, you know? They would've never kept their heads down just because the plane, that's landing right now , once shot at them. lul. Ridonkulous story, as I said. — Эта реплика добавлена с IP (о) 01:23, 24 мая 2021 (UTC)[ответить]