- 2009 Marianne Boesky Gallery, Нью-Йорк
- 2008-09 Blum & Poe, Los Angeles, CA
- 2008 BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art, Гейтсхед
- 2008 Galerie Zink, Мюнхен
- 2007 NARA + GRAF, Centro de Arte Contemporáneo de Málaga, Испания
- 2007 Berlin Baracke, Galerie Zink, Берлин
- 2006 Moonlight Serenade, 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa, Ishikawa, Япония
- 2006 A to Z, Yoshii Brick Brew House, Хиросаки
- 2006 Yoshitomo Nara + graf, Stephen Friedman Gallery, Лондон
- 2006 Arndt & Partner, Цюрих
- 2005 Home, graf gm, Осака
- 2005 Marianne Boesky Gallery, Нью-Йорк
- 2005 Over the Rainbow: Yoshitomo Nara and Hiroshi Sugito, Pinakothek der Moderne, Мюнхен; K21, Дюссельдорф
- 2005 Bridge, Kenji Taki Gallery, Nagoya, Япония
- 2004 Yoshitomo Nara, Hara Museum of Art, Токио
- 2004 Keiner & Meyer, Вена
- 2004 Galerie Johnen & Schottle, Кельн
- 2004 Yoshitomo Nara: new works 2004, Blum & Poe, Лос Анджелес
- 2003 Yoshitomo Nara: Nothing Ever Happens, Museum of Contemporary Art, Cleveland; Institute of Contemporary Art Филадельфия, Contemporary Art Museum St. Louis; San Jose Museum of Art; The Contemporary Museum, Гонолулу
- 2003 S.M.L., Graf Media GM, Осака
- 2003 Galerie Zink & Gegner, Мюнхен
- 2003 New Drawings 2003, Tomio Koyama Gallery, Токио
- 2003 The Good, the Bad, the Average.... and Unique, Little More Gallery, Токио
- 2003 Stephen Friedman, Лондон
- 2002 Marianne Boesky Gallery, Нью-Йорк
- 2002 Who Snatched the Babies, cneai, Chatou, France
- 2002 12 Etchings, Spaceforce, Tokyo, Japan
- 2001 Nara Yoshitomo: in those days, Hakutosha, Nagoya, Japan
- 2001 I Don’t Mind, If You Forget Me, Yokohama Museum of Art, Yokohama Japan (travels to Hiroshima Museum of Contemporary Art, Ashiya City Museum of Art, Asahikawa Prefectural Museum of Art, Aomori Museum of Art) (cat.)
- 2001 Yoshitomo Nara: Drawings, Collette, Paris, France
- 2001 Clear For Landing, Galerie Michael Zink, Munich, Germany
- 2001 In the White Room, Blum & Poe, Santa Monica, CA
- 2000 Stephen Friedman Gallery, London, UK
- 2000 In the Empty Fortress, Galerie Johnen & Schottle, Koln, Germany
- 2000 Lullaby Supermarket, Santa Monica Museum of Art, Santa Monica, CA
- 2000 Walk on, Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago, Chicago, IL
- 1999 Done Did, Parco Gallery, Nagoya, Japan
- 1999 Happy Hour, Hakutosha, Nagoya, Japan
- 1999 Somebody, Whispers in Nurnberg, Institut fur Moderne Kunst Nürnberg, Nürnberg, Germany (cat.)
- 1999 Pave Your Dreams, Marianne Boesky Gallery, New York, NY
- 1999 Blum & Poe, Santa Monica, CA
- 1999 Walking Alone, The Ginza Art Space, Tokyo, Japan (cat.)
- 1999 In the Floating World, Nadiff Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
- 1999 No, They Didn’t, Tomio Koyama Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
- 1998 Institute of Visual Arts, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI (cat.)
- 1997 Blum & Poe, Santa Monica, CA
- 1997 Screen Memory, Tomio Koyama Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
- 1997 Lonesome Puppy, Hakutosha, Nagoya, Japan
- 1997 Drawing Days, Hakutosha, Nagoya, Japan
- 1997 Galerie Michael Zink, Regensburg, Germany
- 1996 Galerie Johnen & Schottle (with Karen Kilimnik), Koln, Germany
- 1996 Lonesome Puppy, Tomio Koyama Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
- 1996 Hothouse Fresh, Gallery Hakutosha, Nagoya, Japan (cat.)
- 1996 Empty Surprise, Artium, Fukuoka, Japan
- 1995 Cup Kids, The Museum of Contemporary Art, Nagoya, Japan
- 1995 Pacific Babies, Blum & Poe, Santa Monica, CA
- 1995 In The Deepest Puddle, SCAI The Bathhouse, Tokyo, Japan (cat.)
- 1995 Nothing Gets Me Down, Galerie Humanite, Tokyo, Japan (cat.)
- 1995 Oil on Canvas, Galerie Humanite, Nagoya, Japan (cat.)
- 1995 Project for Gunma, Gunma Prefectural Museum of Modern Art, Takasaki, Gunma, Japan
- 1994 lonesome babies, Hakutosha, Nagoya, Japan (cat.)
- 1994 Hula Hula Garden, Galerie d’Eendt, Amsterdam, Netherlands
- 1994 Christmas For Sleeping Children, Itoki Crystal Hall, Osaka, Japan (cat.)
- 1993 Galerie Johnen & Schottle, Koln, Germany
- 1993 Be Happy, Galerie Humanite, Nagoya & Tokyo, Japan (cat.)
- 1992 Loft Gallery, Deventer, Netherlands
- 1992 Drawings, Galerie d’Eendt, Amsterdam, Netherlands
- 1991 Harmlos, Galerie im Kinderspielhaus, Dusseldorf, Germany
- 1991 cogitationes cordium, Galerie Humanite, Nagoya, Japan
- 1991 Galerie d’Eendt, Amsterdam, Netherlands
- 1990 Galerie d’Eendt, Amsterdam, Netherlands
- 1989 Irrlichttheater, Stuttgart, Germany
- 1988 innocent being, Galerie Humanite, Nagoya & Tokyo, Japan
- 1988 Goethe Institut, Düsseldorf, Germany
- 1985 Recent Works, Gallery Space to Space, Nagoya, Japan
- 1984 Wonder Room, Gallery Space to Space, Nagoya, Japan
- 1984 It’s a Little Wonderful House, Love Collection Gallery, Nagoya, Japan