Обсуждение:Вайнберг, Иехиэль Яаков

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Материал, перенесенный из статьи Берлинская Раввинистическая Семинария для использования здесь

По мнению исследователя Марка Шапиро, р. Вайнберг, изначально относящий себя к движению мусара и литовской ультраортодоксии, в свой берлинский период примкнул к неоортодоксии. [1][2].

И еще

Rav Yechiel Yaakov Weinberg: The Sridei Aish - Not Singed By The Fire, Gedolim Biographies.

Despite the more liberal leanings of the German derech compared to eastern European Torah Jewry, Rav Yechiel Yaakov maintained close ties with many of the gedolim form his generation including the fiery Kana'i the Minchas Elazar who when questioned about his respect for Rav Yechiel Yaakov said, Berlin is Berlin and Munkacs is Munkacs. He halachic opinion was highly regarded by the Chazon Ish and Rav Chaim Ozer Grodzinsky held him in high esteem. Rav Elchonon Wasserman once visited Berlin and gave a Shiur at the seminary.

Из этой цитаты видно лишь миролюбивое отношение рава Вайнберга к различным течениям. Да и провозглашенная Вами в другой статье война между ультраортодоксией и нео-ортоксией кажется надуманной. --Михаэль Кориц 12:07, 5 мая 2010 (UTC)[ответить]

Вторая ссылка как раз по теме, что р Вайнберг принял взгляды р. Гирша, которые и есть, вместе с р. Гильдесхаймером, основоположник нео-ортодоксии. Вторая ссылка упоминае и отношене к государству Израиль. Но я согласен, что для данной статьи это не подходит, и перенес весь материал в Обсуждение:Вайнберг, Иехиэль Яаков Lkitrossky 11:56, 5 мая 2010 (UTC)[ответить]

Не рава Гирша, а синтез рава Гирша ц равом Салантером. --Михаэль Кориц 12:11, 5 мая 2010 (UTC)[ответить]


  1. «The Legacy of Yehiel Jacob Weinberg», Jeffrey R. Woolf, Azure, SPRING 5760 / 2000, рецензия на книгу «Between the Yeshiva World and Modern Orthodoxy:The Life and Works of Rabbi Yehiel Jacob Weinberg, 1884–1966», Marc B. Shapiro

    Weinberg went to Berlin, where he pursued the course of secular studies that had begun to interest him already in his days in Slobodka. He was to stay on in Berlin, serving as head of the Hildesheimer seminary until its closure in 1938. During that time, he was recognized as the preeminent authority on Jewish law in Germany, and developed an academic career as a scholar of biblical and targumic literatures. At the same time, Weinberg emerged as a leading advocate of the German approach to traditional Judaism known as neo-Orthodoxy, an ideology that he had openly opposed in his youth.

  2. The "Ba'al Seride Esh". by Dayan Dr. I. Grunfeld

    His Torah scholarship was a bridge between East and West...His Jewish religious philosophy was a synthesis of the philosophies of Reb Yisrael Salanter and Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch...Although he never identified himself formally with the Zionist movement, Rabbi Weinberg considered the re-emergence of the State of Israel as a visible manifestation of the Divine Providence in Jewish history...urged Him to show a visible sign of His loving care for His people and of the beginning of the Redemption of Israel...

Lkitrossky 11:50, 5 мая 2010 (UTC)[ответить]