Нара-Нараяна (санскр. नर-नारायण; IAST: nara-nārāyaṇa) — одна из форм Бога в индуизме. Нара-Нараяна — это риши-близнецы, воплощение Вишну на земле, чьей миссией является защита дхармы и благочестия.
Имя «Нара-Нараяна» состоит из двух санскритских слов, нара и нараяна. Нара означает «человек», а Нараяна — это одна из ипостасей Бога в индуизме. Нара является олицетворением человеческой души как вечного спутника Нараяны. В «Махабхарате», «Харивамше» и Пуранах, они описываются как великие мудрецы, аватары Вишну, сыновья Дхармы от Мурти или Ахимсы.
В «Махабхарате», о Кришне и Арджуне говорится как о Нара-Нараяне, а согласно «Бхагавата-пуране» они являются воплощением Нара-Нараяны[1]. В своей пятой аватаре Вишну низошёл на землю в образе двух риши-близнецов Нары и Нараяны. Родились они в семье сына Брахмы Дхармы и дочери Дакши по имени Мурти[2]. Жили они в Гималаях, в святом месте паломничества Бадринатхе, совершая там великие аскезы на благо всего человечества. Целью нисхождения Вишну на землю в образе Нара-Нараяны была защита дхармы и наказание демонов. Так, они одержали победу над демоном по имени Сахасракавача («с тысячью доспехов»)[3].
The Bhagavata Purana tells the story of the birth of Urvashi from the sages Nara-Narayana.[4] Once, sages Nara-Narayana were meditating in the holy shrine of Badrinath situated in the Himalayas. Their penances and austerities alarmed the gods, so Indra, the King of Devas, sent Kamadeva, Vasanta (spring) and apsaras (nymphs) to inspire them with passion and disturb their devotions. The sage Narayana took a flower and placed it on his thigh. Immediately there sprung from it a beautiful nymph whose charms far excelled those of the celestial nymphs, and made them return to heaven filled with shame and vexation. Narayana sent this nymph to Indra with them, and from her having been produced from the thigh (uru in Sanskrit) of the sage, she was called Urvashi.[5][6]
According to the Srimad Bhagavatam, «There in Badrikashram (Badrinath) the Personality of Godhead (Vishnu), in his incarnation as the sages Nara and Narayana, had been undergoing great penance since time immemorial for the welfare of all living entities.» (Srimad Bhagavatam 3.4.22)
In Badrinath Temple's sanctorium, to the far right side of the stone image of Badri-Vishala (or Badri-Narayana), are the images of Nara and Narayana. Also, the Nara and Narayana peaks tower over Badrinath.
According to Bhandarkar, the gods Nara-Narayana must be very famous at the time of the composition of the Mahabharata, since in the opening stanzas of different books obeisance is made to these two gods. In Vanaparvan (12. 46, 47), Krishna says to Arjuna, «O invincible one, you are Nara and I am Hari Narayana, and we, the sages Nara-Narayana, have come to this world at proper time..» In the same Parva, chapter 30 (verse 1); Shiva says to Arjuna «In former birth you were Nara and with Narayana as your companion, performed austerities for thousands of years at Badari».[7]
In Swaminarayan Sampraday sect, Nara and Narayana, called as Nara-Narayana Deva, are again identified with Arjuna and Krishna as Swaminarayan mentions in verse 110 of the Shikshapatri. They are believed to reside at Badrikashram and to be the prime controllers of the destiny of all beings, depending on their karma. Nara-Narayana Deva are believed to have manifested at Narayana Ghat on the banks of river Sabarmati at Ahmedabad. Therefore their images were installed by Swaminarayan at the first Swaminarayan temple, Shri Swaminarayan Mandir, Ahmedabad (India). Followers of Swaminarayan believe that Narayana manifested himself as Swaminarayan.
В индуистском искусстве, Нара обычно изображается слева в двурукой форме, опоясанный оленьей шкурой, а Нараяна — справа в своей обычной четырёхрукой форме.
- ↑ Swami Vijnanananda, p.250
- ↑ According to Vamana Purana, Chapter 6 — Bhandarkar p.46
- ↑ JOURNEY TO SOME HOLY CITIES IN INDIA By N.R.Srinivasan, brentwoopd, TN
- ↑ The Goddess in India: The Five Faces of the Eternal Feminine By Devdutt Pattanaik, Published 2000,Inner Traditions / Bear & Company, 176 pages, ISBN:0892818077 p.66
- ↑ Tales from the Puranas By Mahesh Sharma, pp.60-62, Diamond Pocket Books (P) Ltd.,ISBN:8128810405
- ↑ Swami Vijnanananda, pp.267-272
- ↑ Bhandarkar p.46
- Vaisnavism Saivism and Minor Religious Systems By Ramkrishna Gopal Bhandarkar Published by Asian Educational Services. 1995, 238 pages, ISBN:812060122X
- The Sri Mad Devi Bhagavatam: Books One Through Twelve Part 1, Translated by Swami Vijnanananda, 2004 (First published 1923), Kessinger Publishing, 624 pages, ISBN:0766181677.
- Swaminarayan Temple Cardiff — Murtis — NarNarayan Dev