JS-код ниже относится к гаджету «В списке наблюдения: только новые изменения, сортировка списка, мгновенное „не следить“, возможность прятать кнопку отката» (править описание). Его использует около 3700 учётных записей.
После сохранения или недавних изменений очистите кэш браузера.
if( wgCanonicalSpecialPageName == 'Watchlist' && wgAction == 'view' )
mw.hook('wikipage.content').add(function (){
setTimeout(function () {
var whenPageLoaded = +(new Date()) - 20000 //add 20 sec just in case
var mainTab, hideInterfaceCSS
var sortingDone, allStarsOn, hoverOnTitlesDone
var mm = {
sortTip:'Сортировать страницы по пространствам',
sortDone:'Изменения уже отсортированы',
unwatchTip:'Добавить звёздочки для вычёркивания страниц из списка наблюдения',
onlynew:'Только новые',
onlynewTip:'Изменения с момента загрузки этой страницы',
onlynewTipLowerCase:'изменения с момента загрузки этой страницы',
expandAll:'Показать/спрятать все свёрнутые правки',
fullPage:'Спрятать/показать элементы интерфейса'
var isEnhanced = mw.util.$content.find('ul.special').length == 0 //RC type in preferences
//find insertion points for links: after "days all"
var linksAt = $('#mw-watchlist-options').find('#days').next()
if( !linksAt.length ) linksAt = $('#mw-watchlist-options').find('hr:last')
//UNWATCH links:
//on every line
if( document.cookie.indexOf('wlunw=1') != -1 ) $(showAllStars)
else $(bindHoverOnTitles) //mouseover on title
//switch for above, saved in a cookie
addLnk('<img alt=x style="width:1em" src="/upwiki/wikipedia/commons/'
+ 'a/a4/Vector_skin_-_page_not_in_the_watchlist.png">', mm.unwatchTip).click(showAllStars)
//click on timestamp (enhanced RC) / empty space (non-enhanced)
//"sort" link
addLnk('↑↓', mm.sortTip).click(sortWatchlist)
//"expand all" link
if( $('.mw-enhancedchanges-arrow').length )
addLnk('±', mm.expandAll).click(expandMultipleEdits)
//"only new" link
addLnk(mm.onlynew, mm.onlynewTip).mousedown(onlyNewEntries).attr('id', 'listSince')
if( window.wlNoTabs ) return
var mainTab = $('#ca-special, #ca-nstab-special').eq(0) //"Special" tab
//change main tab into "watchlist Δ"
var wl = $.trim( $('h1#firstHeading').text() )
mainTab.find('a') //replace "Special" tab text with "Watchlist"
.text(wl + ' △') //Δ is good but monobook makes is lowercase
.attr('title', wl + ' — ' + mm.onlynewTipLowerCase)
.on('mousedown keydown', onlyNewEntries)
//add "hideInterface" tab
.text('↸').attr('title', mm.fullPage).attr('accesskey','')
if( document.cookie.indexOf('wlmax=1') != -1 ) hideInterface()
function addLnk(txt, tip){
linksAt.before(' ')
return $('<a href=# title="'+tip+'">'+txt+'</a>').insertBefore(linksAt)
function onlyNewEntries(e) {
var url = window.location.href.split('#')[0]
var days = ( +(new Date()) - whenPageLoaded)/(1000 * 3600 * 24)
if( days < 0 ) days = 0.01 //negative might happen when adjusting local time = /[?&]days=/.test(url)
? url.replace(/([?&]days=)[^&]*/, '$1'+days)
: url + (url.indexOf('?') < 0 ? '?':'&') + 'days=' + days
return true
function sortWatchlist(e){
if( sortingDone ) return alert(mm.sortDone)
mw.util.$content.find('h4').each(function(){ //sort all days separately
var container = $(this).next('div, ul')
var rows = container.children('li, table')
//create sorting keys
var key
rows.each( function(i){
//use built-in class: either li.watchlist-5-<title> or<title> in enhanced RC
key = /(\d+)-(\S+)/.exec( this.className ) || ['', 0, ' '] //logs might not have this class
if( key[1] % 2 ) key[1]-- //sort talk page as if it was a base page
if( window.watchlistSortNamespaceOnly ) key[2] = zzz(i) //keep timestamp order within each NS block
this.skey = zzz(key[1]) + ':' + key[2]
//sort array and then HTML
rows.sort(function(a,b){ return a.skey > b.skey ? 1 : ( a.skey < b.skey ? -1 : 0 ) })
for( i=0; i<rows.length; i++ ) container.append( rows.eq(i) )
sortingDone = true
function expandMultipleEdits(e){
var i = 0, sp, state = $('.mw-changeslist .mw-collapsible')[0].style.display
while( sp=$('.mw-changeslist .mw-collapsible')[i++] )
if( == state ) $(sp).find('.mw-enhancedchanges-arrow').click()
function showAllStars(e){
if( !allStarsOn ){
.each( function(i, lnk){ updateStar( getRow(this) ) } )
document.cookie = 'wlunw=1'
allStarsOn = true
}else{ //otherwise remove
document.cookie = 'wlunw=0;expires=' + (new Date()).toGMTString() + ';;'
if( !hoverOnTitlesDone ) bindHoverOnTitles()
allStarsOn = false
return false
function bindHoverOnTitles(){ //find all "titles" links and assign hover event
if( hoverOnTitlesDone ) return
//$('#mw-content-text').find( isEnhanced ? 'table' : 'li')
.each( function(){
getRow(this).find('a[href^="/wiki/"]:first').hover( hoverOnTitle )
hoverOnTitlesDone = true
function hoverOnTitle(e){ //on hover: add "unwatch" star after 1s
var lnk = $(this)
if( e.type == 'mouseenter' ) 'uwTimeout', setTimeout( function(){showStarOnHover(lnk)}, 1000 ) )
clearTimeout( 'uwTimeout' ) )
function showStarOnHover(lnk){
var row = getRow(lnk)
//attach mouseleave to remove the star
if( row.attr('leaveAssigned') ) return
row.attr('leaveAssigned', true)
row.mouseleave( function(e){
var uw = $(this).find('.aj-unwatch')
if( uw.length
&& /unwatch/.test( uw.attr('href') )
&& !/waiting|failure/.test( uw.attr('class') )
&& !allStarsOn
function updateStar(row){
var star = row.find('a.aj-unwatch')
if( !star.length ){ //create
star = $('<a class=aj-unwatch href="'
+ row.find('a[href*="action=history"]').attr('href').replace(/&curid=\d+/,'')
+ '">x</a>')
.insertBefore( row.find('a[href^="/wiki/"]:first') )
.after(' ')
var isUnwatched = row.hasClass('unwatched')
var state = isUnwatched ? 'watch' : 'unwatch'
star.attr( 'title', mw.msg(state) )
.attr( 'href', star.attr('href').replace(/&action=\w+/, '&action='+ state) )
.html('<img alt=x style="width:0.6em" '
+ 'src="/upwiki/wikipedia/commons/'
+ ( isUnwatched
? 'a/a4/Vector_skin_-_page_not_in_the_watchlist.png'
: 'f/f2/Vector_skin_-_page_in_the_watchlist.png'
+ '" />')
function getRow(el){
return $(el).closest(isEnhanced ? 'tr' : 'li')
function ajaxUnwatch(e) {
var xLnk = $(this), errMsg = ''
var req = { token: mw.user.tokens.get('watchToken'),
title: getLinkTitle(xLnk) }
if( /&action=unwatch/.test(xLnk.attr('href')) ) req.unwatch = ''
type:'POST', dataType: 'json',
url: mw.util.wikiScript('api') + '?action=watch&format=json',
data: req,
timeout: 5000,
success: function(resp){
if( resp.error ) errMsg =
else if( ! ) errMsg = 'empty response'
else if( typeof == 'string') unwatchSuccess( req.title, true )
else if( typeof == 'string') unwatchSuccess( req.title, false )
else errMsg = 'unrecognized response'
error: function(xhr, status, err) {
errMsg = status + ':' + err
complete: function(){ //update X link
if( errMsg ) xLnk.attr( 'title', 'API error: ' + errMsg ).addClass('failure')
else xLnk.removeClass('failure')
return false
function unwatchSuccess(name, isUnwatched) {
//find full name of associated talk page (or vice versa)
var ns = getTitleNamespace(name)
var name2 = name
if( ns > 0 ) name2 = name2.replace(/^.+?:/,'') //remove old prefix
if( ns % 2 ) ns--; else ns++ //switch to "other" namespace
if( ns > 0 ) name2 = wgFormattedNamespaces[ns] + ':' + name2 //add new prefix
//mark all rows that are either name or name2
var ttl = getLinkTitle(this)
if( ttl != name && ttl != name2 ) return
var row = getRow(this)
row.toggleClass('unwatched', isUnwatched || false)
if( !isUnwatched && !allStarsOn) row.find('a.aj-unwatch').remove()
function hideInterface(e){
if( e ) e.preventDefault()
if (!hideInterfaceCSS) hideInterfaceCSS = mw.util.addCSS('\
h4 {font-size:90%}\
div#siteNotice, #contentSub, fieldset#mw-watchlist-options,\, #mw-fr-watchlist-pending-notice {display:none}')
else hideInterfaceCSS.disabled = !hideInterfaceCSS.disabled
// h1#firstHeading,
document.cookie = 'wlmax=' + (!hideInterfaceCSS.disabled ? '1' : '0;expires=' + (new Date()).toGMTString() + ';;')
function getTitleNamespace(title){ //returns namespace number
var prefix = /^(.+?):/.exec(title)
if( !prefix ) return 0 //no prefix means article
return wgNamespaceIds[ prefix[1].toLowerCase().replace(/ /g,'_') ] || 0
function getLinkTitle (lnk){ //gets 'title=' part from a link
return mw.util.getParamValue('title', $(lnk).attr('href')).replace(/_/g,' ')
//var ma = /(&|\?)title=([^&]+)/.exec( $(lnk).attr('href') )
//if( ma ) return decodeURIComponent(ma[2]).replace(/_/g,' ')
//else return ''
function zzz(s){ // 5 -> 005
s = s.toString()
if( s.length==1 ) return '00'+s
else if( s.length==2 ) return '0'+s
else return s
}, 0)