The factual accuracy of this file is disputed. The chart shows two large inexplicable gaps for 22-25 year old females and 23-24 year old males. This is not reflected in any of our other Belize population pyramids. Looking at demographic statistics from the Statistical Institute of Belize (the organization that conducts the censuses in Belize), no such gaps exists. I also looked at the U.N. data and it showed no gaps. I tried to verify the data from the International Database (IDB) of the U.S. Census Bureau, but I could only find data by 5-year age brackets. This data does seem to show a gap, but it doesn't make any sense and conflicts with Belize's own official demographic data. For example, the Census Bureau claims that in 2020 there were 16,436 females age 20-24 in Belize. According to the Statistical Institute of Belize, in 2020 there were 20,204 females ago 20-24 in Belize. That's a 19% discrepancy! (And in case you're wondering, there haven't been any wars or natural disasters in Belize that could have caused such a dramatic gap in the population anyway.)
Краткое описание
ОписаниеBelize single age population pyramid 2020.png
English: Generated from US Census Bureau International Data Base using Excel 2019
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