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Файл:Flag of Khovd Aimag (since 2014).svg

Материал из Википедии — свободной энциклопедии
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Исходный файл (SVG-файл, номинально 700 × 350 пкс, размер файла: 3 КБ)

Краткое описание

English: Khovd Aimag has changed their flag (and COA) again, apparently in spring/summer 2014. The elements of the flag are:
  1. . Our vast and eternal sky
  2. . Our snowy heights of the altai
  3. . Our waters of streams, springs, rivers, and creeks
  4. . The Spirits of the Oirats; 10 stars symbolizing 10 tribes
Монгол: #. Огторгүй мөнх тэнгэр минь
  1. . Цаст өндөр алтай минь
  2. . Ус мөрөн, рашаан булаг, гол, горхн минь
  3. . Ойрд гэсэн санаа; 10 ширхэг од ны 10 ястан үндэстэнг илэрхийлнэ

далбааг дүгнэн санаа

Цаст сүрлэг алтайнхаа цал буурал оргил дээгүүр, сүүн цагаан сэтгэлт 10 ястан угсаатан минь наран мандах лугаа мөнх хөх тэнгэртээ.
Источник Собственная работа (faithful reproduction of original),
Official info: http://www.khovd.gov.mn/home/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=614&Itemid=184
Автор Latebird
(Повторное использование этого файла)
Public domain This image (or other media file) is in the public domain in Mongolia and other jurisdictions.

According to Article 7 of the Law of Mongolia on Copyright and Related Rights as amended on May 6, 2021, works first published in Mongolia are exempt from copyright if they fall under one of the following categories (details):

  • legislation, administrative norm acts, and other legal acts
  • decisions and official documents of state administrative authorities and legal entities
  • court decisions, judgments, decrees, judge's ordinance, speech at court hearings
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  • state emblems, coat of arms, flags, government awards, orders, medals, currency and other payment instrument
  • any news and information which transmit the simple facts and data created for the purpose of reporting the current events and results
  • any ideas, operating methods, operations, scientific discoveries, theories, abstract concepts and mathematical theorem

It is asserted that this work falls into one or more of the above categories and is public domain.

Другие версии Former flags:
Flag of Khovd Aimag until 2011
Flag of Khovd Aimag ca. 2011 - 2014

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текущий14:02, 17 марта 2023Миниатюра для версии от 14:02, 17 марта 2023700 × 350 (3 КБ)HapHaxionreduce file size
21:45, 15 мая 2016Миниатюра для версии от 21:45, 15 мая 2016700 × 350 (10 КБ)Latebirdcolors from aimag site
21:32, 15 мая 2016Миниатюра для версии от 21:32, 15 мая 2016700 × 350 (10 КБ)LatebirdUser created page with UploadWizard

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