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{{Infobox OS
| name = Windows Phone 7
| logo =
| screenshot = [[File:Windows Phone 7 Start.png|250px]]
| caption = Windows Phone 7的起始介面
| working state = 已發布
| source model =
| released = {{vgrelease|NA=2010年11月8日|EU=2010年10月21日}}
| website = [http://www.microsoft.com/windowsphone/default.aspx windowsphone.com]
| developer = [[微軟]]
| license = [[專有軟體]](Microsoft [[EULA]])
| kernel type = Windows CE [[Windows Embedded CE 6.0|6.0 R3]]/7.0
| family = [[Windows CE]]
| supported platforms = [[Silverlight]]、[[Microsoft XNA]]
| updatemodel =
| package manager =

'''Windows Phone 7'''是一個由[[微軟]]製作並發行的[[觸控]]操作模式[[行動作業系統]](开发代号為'''Photon''')。<ref>{{cite web | url = http://pocketpccentral.net/windows_mobile_7_brief.htm | title = Windows Mobile 7: A Pocket PC Central Brief | accessdate = 2008-05-31}}</ref>微軟在發行這個作業系統時,主要的銷售對象是一般的消費市場,而非以前版本所瞄準的企業市場。<ref>{{cite web |url= http://arstechnica.com/microsoft/news/2010/03/windows-phone-7-series-in-the-enterprise-not-all-good-news.ars |title= Windows Phone 7 Series in the Enterprise: not all good news |author= Peter Bright |date= 2010-03-16 |accessdate= 2010-11-20}}</ref>它首先於[[2010年]][[10月21日]]在[[歐洲]]、[[新加坡]]以及[[澳洲]]發行,接著則是於同年的[[11月8日]]在[[美國]]及[[加拿大]]、[[11月24日]]在[[墨西哥]]發行。[[亞洲]]地區則是預計於[[2011年]]的第一季發行。<ref>{{cite web |url= http://www.engadget.com/2010/09/26/microsoft-prepping-windows-phone-7-for-an-october-21st-launch/ |title= Microsoft prepping Windows Phone 7 for an October 21st launch? (update: US on Nov. 8?) |author= Sean Hollister |date= 2010-09-26 |accessdate= 2010-09-29 }}</ref>在Windows Phone 7中,微軟將其使用介面套用了一種稱為“[[:en:Metro Design Language|Metro]]”的設計語言(曾被使用於[[Zune]]中),並將微軟以及其它第三方的軟體整合到了作業系統中,以嚴格控制執行它的硬體。<ref>{{cite web |url=http://gizmodo.com/5471805/windows-phone-7-series-everything-is-different-now | title=Everything Is Different Now}}</ref>

微軟在[[2010年]][[2月15日]],於[[巴塞隆納]]舉辦的2010年[[全球移動通訊大會]]首次透露了有關Windows Phone 7的消息。<ref name = WP7unveil>{{Cite web|url= http://www.techcentral.co.za/mobile-world-congress-2010-day-one-overview/12826/ |title= Mobile World Congress 2010 – day one overview |date= 2010-02-15 |accessdate= 2010-06-03}}</ref>接著在同年[[3月15日]]舉辦的MIX 10會議中公布了額外的細節。最後的[[軟體開發套件|SDK]]則是在該年[[9月16日]]時開放下載。<ref>{{cite web |url= http://www.engadget.com/2010/09/16/microsoft-demoes-twitter-and-netflix-apps-for-windows-phone-7-r/ |title= Microsoft demoes Twitter and Netflix apps for Windows Phone 7, releases final dev tools |author= Vlad Savov |publisher= Engadget |date= 2010-09-16 |accessdate= 2010-09-29 }}</ref>

這個版本是微软行動作業系统的重要升级<ref>{{cite web | url =http://www.neowin.net/news/main/09/02/03/motorola-windows-mobile-7-coming-in-2010 | title = Motorola: Windows Mobile 7 coming in 2010 - Neowin}}</ref><ref>{{cite web | url =http://wmpoweruser.com/?p=3268 | title = Windows Mobile 7 coming next year, says Ballmer- WMPoweruser}}</ref>,而原本针对测试者的测试版预计于[[2009年]][[11月]]就要释出<ref>{{cite web | url =http://uxevangelist.blogspot.com/2009/01/office-14-and-windows-mobile-7-another.html | title = Office 14 and Windows Mobile 7: Another Day, Another Roadmap... - Uxevangelist}}</ref><ref>{{cite web | url =http://blogs.zdnet.com/microsoft/?p=1908 | title =Windows Mobile: What’s coming when - All about microsoft - ZDNet.com}}</ref>。在最初的计划中,它的正式版預計是在[[2009年]]發行,但是许多方面的延迟使得微软决定先用[[Windows Mobile 6.5]]来过渡。<ref>{{cite web | url =http://www.wmexperts.com/ballmer-admits-windows-mobile-7-late-also-ouch | title =Ballmer Admits Windows Mobile 7 is Late? Also: Ouch! - WMExperts}}</ref>這個版本改进了原本的用户界面、多点觸控功能以及运动感应功能<ref name="phonereport">{{cite web | url = http://phonereport.info/2008/06/15/htc-google-android-q4-windows-mobile-7-q1-2009/ | title = HTC: Android Q4, Windows Mobile 7 Q1 09 | accessdate = 2008-07-14}}</ref>,而[[MWg]]和[[HTC]]等公司都已經推出了數款適用於Windows Phone 7的觸控式手機。<ref>{{cite web | url =http://www.engadget.com/2008/05/09/mwg-releasing-windows-mobile-7-gear-before-the-years-out/ | title = MWg releasing Windows Mobile 7 gear before the year's out?}}</ref><ref>{{cite web | url =http://www.engadget.com/2008/06/15/htc-exec-claims-q109-for-first-windows-mobile-7-phones/ | title = HTC exec claims Q109 for first Windows Mobile 7 phones?}}</ref>主要的新功能包括了重新设计的界面、新版本的[[Microsoft Office Mobile]]、[[Internet Explorer Mobile]]和[[Windows Media Player]]、以及具有加速度感应的手势功能。<ref name="engadget">{{cite web | url = http://www.engadget.com/photos/is-this-windows-mobile-7/561251/ | title = Is this Windows Mobile 7? | accessdate = 2008-09-11}}</ref>

Windows Mobile 7曾于[[2010年]][[2月16日]]更名为“Windows Phone 7 Series”<ref>http://pdadb.net/index.php?m=os&id=c600p&c=microsoft_windows_mobile_7</ref>,其後再於[[4月2日]]取消“Series”,改回“Windows Phone 7”。<ref>{{Cite web|url= http://www.cnet.com/8301-17918_1-20001674-85.html?tag=mncol |title= Microsoft drops 'Series' from Windows Phone 7 |author= Bonnie Cha |publisher= cnet |date= 2010-04-02 |accessdate= 2010-06-03}}</ref>

發行時,Windows Phone 7只提供五種語言的版本:[[英語]]、[[法語]]、[[意大利語]]、[[德語]]和[[西班牙語]]。Windows Phone Marketplace則只在17個國家及地區允許購買和銷售應用程式:[[澳大利亞]]、[[奧地利]]、[[比利時]]、[[加拿大]]、[[法國]]、[[德國]]、[[香港]]、[[印度]]、[[愛爾蘭]]、[[意大利]]、[[墨西哥]]、[[新西蘭]]、[[新加坡]]、[[西班牙]]、[[瑞士]]、[[英國]]和[[美國]]。<ref>[http://www.microsoft.com/presspass/press/2010/oct10/10-11mswp7pr.mspx Microsoft and Partners Unveil Windows Phone 7 Global Portfolio]</ref>

== 歷史 ==
=== 開發 ===
早在[[2004年]]時,微軟就開始以“Photon”的計畫代號開始研發[[Windows Mobile]]的一個重要版本更新,但進度緩慢,最後整個計畫都被取消了。<ref>{{Cite web|url= http://gizmodo.com/5480387/what-windows-phone-7-could-have-been |title= What Windows Phone 7 Could Have Been |date= 2010-02-25 |accessdate= 2010-06-05}}</ref>直到[[2008年]],微軟才重新組織了Windows Mobile的小組,並繼續開發一個新的行動作業系統。<ref>{{Cite web|url= http://pocketnow.com/thought/thoughts-on-windows-phone-7-series-btw-photon-is-dead |title= Thoughts on Windows Phone 7 Series (BTW: Photon is Dead) |date= 2010-02-17 |accessdate= 2010-06-05}}</ref>原本计划它的正式版是在[[2009年]]發行,但是许多方面的延迟使得微软决定先用[[Windows Mobile 6.5]]来过渡。<ref name="MTW_Steve">{{Cite web|url= http://www.mobiletechworld.com/2009/09/24/steve-ballmer-wishes-windows-mobile-7-had-already-launched-but-they-screwed-up/ |title= Steve Ballmer wishes Windows Mobile 7 had already launched, but they screwed up |publisher= MobileTechWorld |date= 2009-09-24}}</ref>

Windows Phone 7的研發一蹴而就。造成的後果之一就是,舊有的Windows Mobile應用程式無法正常在Windows Phone 7系統中執行。微軟的一位行動作業系統產品經理賴瑞·利伯曼(Larry Lieberman)說道:「如果我們有更多的時間和資源的話,或許我們就能夠做些什麼來改善它的向下相容性。」<ref name="eWeek_Explains">{{Cite web|url=http://www.eweek.com/c/a/Mobile-and-Wireless/Microsoft-Explains-Windows-Phone-7-Lack-of-Compatibility-588900/ |title=Microsoft Explains Windows Phone 7 Lack of Compatibility |author=Nicholas Kolakowski |date=15 March 2010 |publisher=''eWeek'' }}</ref>利伯曼指出,微軟曾試著以一個新的角度來觀望行動電話市場,並更加注重最終使用者(End-user)的使用經驗,而不是像以往一樣將焦點放在企業網路上。<ref name="eWeek_Explains"/>Windows Phone開發部門的副總裁泰瑞·邁爾森(Terry Myerson)說道:「為了要藉由不使用手寫筆、改採[[電容]]型的[[觸控螢幕]]、以及其它硬體的更動來改善Windows Phone 7的使用經驗,我們不得不打破Windows Mobile 6.5的應用程式相容性。」<ref name="TerryMyerson_explains">{{Cite web|url= http://www.msteched.com/2010/NorthAmerica/WPH201 |title= Windows Phone 7: A New Kind of Phone (36:47 min. in) |publisher= Microsoft |date= 2010-06-13 |accessdate= 2010-09-09}}</ref>

Windows Phone 7是[[微軟]]的[[行動作業系統]]之重大升級,其前身即為[[Windows Mobile]]。在Windows Phone 7官方發布之前,微軟開始將運行Windows Mobile作業系統的裝置稱為「Windows Phone」。起初,微軟將此作業系統命名為「Windows Phone 7 Series」,但被認為太過於冗長以及不容易表達。於是,微軟之後於[[2010年]][[4月2日]]宣布,將會刪去名稱中的「Series」字樣,而改稱為「Windows Phone 7」。<ref>{{Cite web|url=http://www.cnet.com/8301-17918_1-20001674-85.html?tag=mncol|title=Microsoft drops 'Series' from Windows Phone 7|author=Bonnie Cha|publisher=cnet}}</ref>微軟對於此事的官方聲明如下:
「顧客們想要一個更簡單、更一致性的名稱。最重要的是要將焦點放在我們於十月發表的Windows Phone品牌上,而我們也將會投資更多於Windows Phone 7,後續的發展將不可限量。」

In February 2010, a Microsoft press release listed the companies that would help make and operate Windows Phone 7. Many hardware makers were listed in the release.

[[HP]] later decided not to build devices for Windows Phone 7, citing that it wanted to focus on devices for its newly purchased [[WebOS]].<ref>{{Cite web|url=http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2366954,00.asp|title=HP: No More Windows Phone 7 Smartphones |date=25 July 2010 |accessdate=13 December 2010|publisher=PCMAG.com}}</ref>

Windows Phone 7 supports five languages: English, French, Italian, German and Spanish. Windows Phone Marketplace allows buying and selling applications in 17 countries and regions: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, New Zealand, Singapore, Spain, Switzerland, Puerto Rico, United Kingdom, and United States.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.microsoft.com/presspass/press/2010/oct10/10-11mswp7pr.mspx|title=Microsoft and Partners Unveil Windows Phone 7 Global Portfolio|publisher=Microsoft News Center}}</ref>

Windows Phone 7 was released in Europe on October 21, in North America on November 8, and in Mexico on November 24, 2010. A release in Asian countries will follow in 2011.<ref>[http://www.engadget.com/2010/08/02/windows-phone-7-coming-to-europe-in-october-us-in-november-acc/ Windows Phone 7 coming to Europe in October, US in November, according to Microsoft COO (video)]</ref><ref>[http://www.techdays.co.kr/2010spring/remix10/keynote.html ReMIX10(Korea) Keynote Session]</ref>

On October 11, 2010, Microsoft's CEO [[Steve Ballmer]] announced 10 devices operating Windows Phone 7, made by [[HTC Corporation|HTC]], [[Dell]], [[Samsung Electronics|Samsung]], and [[LG Corp.|LG]], with sales beginning on October 21, 2010 in Europe and Australia and November 8, 2010 in the United States. The devices were available on 60 carriers in 30 countries, with additional devices to be launched in 2011.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.engadget.com/2010/10/11/microsoft-announces-ten-windows-phone-7-handsets-for-30-countrie/|title=Microsoft announces ten Windows Phone 7 handsets for 30 countries: October 21 in Europe and Asia, 8 November in US (Update: Video!)|publisher=Engadget|date=11 October 2010|accessdate=12 October 2010}}</ref>

Microsoft reported on December 21, 2010 that in the first 6 weeks phone manufacturers sold 1.5 million Windows Phone 7 devices to mobile operators and retailers.<ref>{{cite web | title=Windows Phone 7 Sales Off to a Promising Start, First Step in a New Era of Mobile|date=2010-12-21 |publisher=Microsoft|url=http://www.microsoft.com/Presspass/Features/2010/dec10/12-21AchimBergQA.mspx?rss_fdn=Top%20Stories&utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter}}</ref> On January 26, 2011 Microsoft stated that in the 4th quarter of 2010 it had sold more than 2 million Windows Phone 7 licenses for phones, which manufacturers had delivered to mobile operators and retailers.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://news.cnet.com/8301-10805_3-20029652-75.html|title=Windows Phone 7 sales top 2 million|date=26 January 2011}}</ref>
In January 2011, LG reported about its own handsets: "From an industry perspective we had a high expectation, but from a consumer point of view the visibility is less than we expected".<ref>{{cite web | title=LG: Windows Phone 7 launch could have been better|date=2011-01-14 |first=Stuart|last=Miles|publisher=pocket-lint.com|url=http://www.pocket-lint.com/news/37912/windows-phone-7-launch-dissapointed}}</ref> At CEBIT Preview, Deutsche Telekom told Yahoo that its Windows Phone 7 handsets are selling better than expected.<ref>http://de.news.yahoo.com/26/20110120/ttc-dell-smartphones-mit-windows-phone-7-a0164be.html</ref> According to NPD Group, a group specialized in films, movies, and video games,<ref>http://npd.com/corpServlet?nextpage=entertainment-categories_s.html</ref> Windows Phone 7 achieved a market-share of 2% among smartphones sold to consumers in the United States, 2 months after release, in the 4th quarter of 2010.<ref>{{cite web | title=Windows Phone 7 Off to a Slow Start in Fourth Quarter, as Android Smartphone Market-Share Lead Increases|date=2011-01-31 |first=Stuart|last=Miles|publisher=prweb.com|url=http://www.prweb.com/releases/prweb2011/1/prweb8101410.htm}}</ref> On February 2, 2011, T-Mobile USA said of Windows Phone 7: "The customers are very satisfied with the experience. We’ve done well with the devices that we sold.”<ref>{{cite web|url=http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/microsoftpri0/2014098629_azurenowhas31000customers.html|title=Azure now has 31,000 customers|publisher=The Seattle Times}}</ref> On the 15th February 2011 Omar Khan, Chief Strategy Officer at Samsung Telecommunications America, said Samsung’s Focus handset, which launched on AT&T last November along with a handful of other Windows Phone 7 devices, has sold well, but did not provide specific sales figures. “We feel fairly confident in our Windows Phone portfolio,” he said.<ref>http://blogs.forbes.com/elizabethwoyke/2011/02/15/samsung-reiterates-support-for-windows-phone-7-but-is-waiting-on-new-handsets/</ref>

===Partnership with Nokia===
On 11 February 2011, at a press event in London, Microsoft CEO [[Steve Ballmer]] and Nokia CEO [[Stephen Elop]] announced a partnership between their companies in which Windows Phone 7 would become the primary smartphone operating system for [[Nokia]].<ref name="microsoft.com">http://www.microsoft.com/presspass/press/2011/feb11/02-11partnership.mspx</ref> The event was largely focused on creating “a new global mobile ecosystem”, suggesting competition with [[Android (operating system)|Android]] and [[iOS]] by saying "It is now a three horse race". Integration of Microsoft services with Nokia’s own services were announced specifically that [[Bing]] would power search across Nokia devices, and an integration of Nokia Maps with Bing Maps as well as Nokia’s application store being integrated with the Windows Phone Marketplace.<ref name="microsoft.com"/>

== 硬件要求 ==
{| class="wikitable" border="1" align="center"
! Windows Phone 7 最低硬件要求
|[[:en:Capacitive touch screen|電容式]],4點[[多點觸摸]]屏幕與 WVGA (800x480) 分辨率
|1&nbsp;GHz [[ARM架構|ARM]] v7 "Cortex/Scorpion" 或更好的處理器
|256MB[[內存]] 及最少8GB[[閃存]]
|[[加速度計]]與[[指南針]], 光感應器, [[:en:proximity sensor|接近感應器]] 及 [[AGPS]]
|5[[像素#兆像素/百萬像素|百萬像素]]相機與 LED 閃光燈
|FM 收音機
|6個實體按鍵 - back, Start, search, camera, power/sleep and Volume Up and Down.<ref>[http://pocketnow.com/tech-news/windows-phone-7-actually-requires-six-hardware-buttons Windows Phone 7 Actually Requires Six Hardware Buttons<!-- Bot generated title -->]</ref>

== 相关条目 ==
* [[Windows Mobile]]

== 參考文獻 ==

== 外部链接 ==
* [http://www.windowsphone7.com/ Windows Phone 7 主頁]

{{History of Windows}}

[[Category:Windows Mobile]]

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2013年8月24日 (六) 09:36的最新版本