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'''整形'''又稱'''整型'''<ref>{{Cite web|title=什麼是微整形、整型?玻尿酸、肉毒桿菌、音波拉提、手術拉皮?費用、效果與後遺症分析|url=https://ha-beauty.com/%E4%BB%80%E9%BA%BC%E6%98%AF%E5%BE%AE%E6%95%B4%E5%BD%A2%E3%80%81%E5%BE%AE%E6%95%B4%E5%9E%8B/|access-date=2022-03-18|work=黃政達醫師-醫學美容講師醫學網站|archive-date=2021-01-18|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20210118195116/https://ha-beauty.com/%E4%BB%80%E9%BA%BC%E6%98%AF%E5%BE%AE%E6%95%B4%E5%BD%A2%E3%80%81%E5%BE%AE%E6%95%B4%E5%9E%8B/|dead-url=no}}</ref>或'''整容''',是指透過[[整形外科]][[手術]]改變身體外觀。 |
'''整形'''又稱'''整型'''<ref>{{cite web|title=什麼是整形?|url=http://ha-beauty.com/%E4%BB%80%E9%BA%BC%E6%98%AF%E5%BE%AE%E6%95%B4%E5%BD%A2%E3%80%81%E5%BE%AE%E6%95%B4%E5%9E%8B/}}</ref>或'''整容''',是指透過[[外科手術]]改變身體外觀。整形通常指[[頭|臉部]]整型,包括[[割雙眼皮]]、墊下巴、[[隆鼻]]、嫩唇、造酒窩痘、種睫毛等。不少人以為矯形理解為整形,但兩者實屬不同。整形並非身體上的缺陷或傷殘,是當事人因自己個人喜好或其他非醫療上的原因,以外科手術改變自己的外觀,手術其實是沒有必要,而且外觀的看法是很主觀的,就算把多位明星最優美的部位,組合再一起也不見得好看,每個人喜歡的類型都不同,這是沒有一定的。矯形則是因為疾病、後天因素或意外導致永久的身體缺陷或傷殘,可透過以外科手術補救或矯正,而這類手術通常是有需要或必須的。 |
==類型統計== |
在[[日本]]和[[韓國]],整容醫生很多。根據[[國際美容整形外科學會]](ISAPS)報告指,南韓19至49歲女性中,有20%人曾接受整容手術。整體而言,每77人中有1人曾整形,以[[雙眼皮]]及隆鼻手術屬最熱門。<ref>{{cite news|title=南韓女潮整微笑嘴|url=http://the-sun.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20130823/00423_001.html|newspaper=[[太陽報 (香港)|太陽報]]|date=2013年8月23日}}</ref> |
在[[大韩民国|韓國]]和[[西方世界|歐美]],整容情況頗為普遍。根據[[國際美容整形外科學會]](ISAPS)報告指,南韓19至49歲女性中,有20%人曾接受整容手術。整體而言,每77人中有1人曾整形,以[[雙眼皮]]及隆鼻手術屬最熱門<ref>{{Cite web|title=南韓女潮整微笑嘴|url=http://the-sun.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20130823/00423_001.html|accessdate=2019-05-03|work=太陽報|language=zh-hk|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20210116220148/http://the-sun.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20130823/00423_001.html|archive-date=2021-01-16|dead-url=no}}</ref>。另一邊廂,高達五分之三好萊塢女演員曾經易容<ref>{{cite web|title=More Than Half of Hollywood Actresses Underwent Plastic Surgery|url=http://www.medindia.net/news/view_news_main.asp?x=30287|accessdate=2010-02-07|publisher=MedIndia|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20110220070349/http://www.medindia.net/news/view_news_main.asp?x=30287|archive-date=2011-02-20|dead-url=no}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|title=HACKWATCH: ACTRESSES HAVE PLASTIC SURGERY!!|url=http://www.ruthlessreviews.com/1209/hackwatch-actresses-have-plastic-surgery1/|accessdate=2010-02-07|publisher=Ruthless Reviews|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20210109001538/http://www.ruthlessreviews.com/1209/hackwatch-actresses-have-plastic-surgery1/|archive-date=2021-01-09|dead-url=no}}</ref>。 |
⚫ | 於美國整形外科學會統計,2015年男性進行整容外科手術的總數有120萬人,而受訪的31%男性表示極有可能考慮整容手術。而與吸脂、眼部提升一同列入五大最受歡迎手術的亦有乳房縮小。國外模特兒Stefan Toic亦曾公開表示嘗試改變飲食希望縮小乳房也沒有用,最終亦進行了此項手術<ref>{{cite web|title=男人愛美不可恥!男女大不同,原來這項整容手術最受男士們歡迎?|url=https://mings.mpweekly.com/mings-beauty/20180610-82558|access-date=2018-06-12|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20180612142658/https://mings.mpweekly.com/mings-beauty/20180610-82558|archive-date=2018-06-12|dead-url=yes}}</ref>。 |
根據一些報道{{which}},高達五分之三好萊塢女演員曾經易容<ref>{{cite web|title=More Than Half of Hollywood Actresses Underwent Plastic Surgery|publisher=MedIndia|accessdate=2010-02-07|url=http://www.medindia.net/news/view_news_main.asp?x=30287}}</ref> |
<ref>{{cite web|title=HACKWATCH: ACTRESSES HAVE PLASTIC SURGERY!!|publisher=Ruthless Reviews|accessdate=2010-02-07|url= |
http://www.ruthlessreviews.com/1209/hackwatch-actresses-have-plastic-surgery1/}}</ref>。 |
⚫ | 韓國的大型連鎖醫美診所Dermaster Clinic的權漢鎮院長接受訪問時表示大型醫院、連鎖式經營的醫美診所提供的療程並不一定比小型的有保障,最看重的是治療師的經驗和技巧,而且不太建議在匆匆的旅行行程中接受美容療程<ref>{{cite web|title=專訪韓國整容醫生:連大型連鎖醫院都自拆招牌?真心不騙教你如何揀韓國醫美療程|url=https://mings.mpweekly.com/mings-beauty/20180711-87892|access-date=2018-07-12|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20180712084449/https://mings.mpweekly.com/mings-beauty/20180711-87892|archive-date=2018-07-12|dead-url=yes}}</ref>。 |
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== 歷史 == |
Treatments for the plastic repair of a broken nose are first mentioned in the Edwin Smith Papyrus, a transcription of an Ancient Egyptian medical text, one of the oldest known surgical treatises, dated to the Old Kingdom from 3000 to 2500 BC. Reconstructive surgery techniques were being carried out in India by 800 BC. Sushruta was a physician who made important contributions to the field of plastic and cataract surgery in 6th century BC. The medical works of both Sushruta and Charak, originally in Sanskrit, were translated into the Arabic language during the Abbasid Caliphate in 750 AD. The Arabic translations made their way into Europe via intermediaries. In Italy, the Branca family of Sicily and Gaspare Tagliacozzi (Bologna) became familiar with the techniques of Sushruta. |
Statue of Sushrut, the Father of Plastic Surgery, at Haridwar |
British physicians traveled to India to see rhinoplasties being performed by Indian methods. Reports on Indian rhinoplasty performed by a Kumhar vaidya were published in the Gentleman's Magazine by 1794. Joseph Constantine Carpue spent 20 years in India studying local plastic surgery methods. Carpue was able to perform the first major surgery in the Western world in the year of 1815. Instruments described in the Sushruta Samhita were further modified in the Western world. |
The Roman scholar Aulus Cornelius Celsus recorded surgical techniques, including plastic surgery, in the first century AD. The Romans also performed plastic cosmetic surgery. The Romans were able to perform simple techniques, such as repairing damaged ears, from around the 1st century BC. For religious reasons, they did not dissect either human beings or animals, thus their knowledge was based in its entirety on the texts of their Greek predecessors. Notwithstanding, Aulus Cornelius Celsus left some surprisingly accurate anatomical descriptions, some of which — for instance, his studies on the genitalia and the skeleton — are of special interest to plastic surgery. |
In 1465, Sabuncu's book, description, and classification of hypospadias was more informative and up to date. Localization of urethral meatus was described in detail. Sabuncuoglu also detailed the description and classification of ambiguous genitalia.{{citation needed}} In mid-15th-century Europe, Heinrich von Pfolspeundt described a process "to make a new nose for one who lacks it entirely, and the dogs have devoured it" by removing skin from the back of the arm and suturing it in place. However, because of the dangers associated with surgery in any form, especially that involving the head or face, it was not until the 19th and 20th centuries that such surgery became common. |
Up until the use of anesthesia became established, surgeries involving healthy tissues involved great pain. Infection from surgery was reduced by the introduction of sterile techniques and disinfectants. The invention and use of antibiotics, beginning with sulfonamide and penicillin, was another step in making elective surgery possible. |
In 1793, François Chopart performed operative procedure on a lip using a flap from the neck. In 1814, Joseph Carpue successfully performed operative procedure on a British military officer who had lost his nose to the toxic effects of mercury treatments. In 1818, German surgeon Carl Ferdinand von Graefe published his major work entitled Rhinoplastik. Von Graefe modified the Italian method using a free skin graft from the arm instead of the original delayed pedicle flap. {{citation needed}} |
The first American plastic surgeon was John Peter Mettauer, who, in 1827, performed the first cleft palate operation with instruments that he designed himself. In 1845, Johann Friedrich Dieffenbach wrote a comprehensive text on rhinoplasty, titled Operative Chirurgie, and introduced the concept of reoperation to improve the cosmetic appearance of the reconstructed nose. {{citation needed}} |
In 1891, American otorhinolaryngologist John Roe presented an example of his work: a young woman on whom he reduced a dorsal nasal hump for cosmetic indications. In 1892, Robert Weir experimented unsuccessfully with xenografts (duck sternum) in the reconstruction of sunken noses. In 1896, James Israel, a urological surgeon from Germany, and in 1889 George Monks of the United States each described the successful use of heterogeneous free-bone grafting to reconstruct saddle nose defects. In 1898, Jacques Joseph, the German orthopaedic-trained surgeon, published his first account of reduction rhinoplasty. In 1928, Jacques Joseph published Nasenplastik und Sonstige Gesichtsplastik. |
Development of modern techniques |
Walter Yeo, a sailor injured at the Battle of Jutland, is assumed to have received plastic surgery in 1917. The photograph shows him before (left) and after (right) receiving a flap surgery performed by Gillies |
The father of modern plastic surgery is generally considered to have been Sir Harold Gillies. A New Zealand otolaryngologist working in London, he developed many of the techniques of modern facial surgery in caring for soldiers suffering from disfiguring facial injuries during the First World War.{{citation needed}} |
During World War I he worked as a medical minder with the Royal Army Medical Corps. After working with the renowned French oral and maxillofacial surgeon Hippolyte Morestin on skin graft, he persuaded the army's chief surgeon, Arbuthnot-Lane, to establish a facial injury ward at the Cambridge Military Hospital, Aldershot, later upgraded to a new hospital for facial repairs at Sidcup in 1917. There Gillies and his colleagues developed many techniques of plastic surgery; more than 11,000 operations were performed on more than 5,000 men (mostly soldiers with facial injuries, usually from gunshot wounds).{{citation needed}}After the war, Gillies developed a private practice with Rainsford Mowlem, including many famous patients, and travelled extensively to promote his advanced techniques worldwide. |
In 1930, Gillies' cousin, Archibald McIndoe, joined the practice and became committed to plastic surgery. When World War II broke out, plastic surgery provision was largely divided between the different services of the armed forces, and Gillies and his team were split up. Gillies himself was sent to Rooksdown House near Basingstoke, which became the principal army plastic surgery unit; Tommy Kilner (who had worked with Gillies during the First World War, and who now has a surgical instrument named after him, the kilner cheek retractor), went to Queen Mary's Hospital, Roehampton, and Mowlem to St Albans. McIndoe, consultant to the RAF, moved to the recently rebuilt Queen Victoria Hospital in East Grinstead, Sussex, and founded a Centre for Plastic and Jaw Surgery. There, he treated very deep burn, and serious facial disfigurement, such as loss of eyelids, typical of those caused to aircrew by burning fuel.{{citation needed}} |
McIndoe is often recognized for not only developing new techniques for treating badly burned faces and hands but also for recognising the importance of the rehabilitation of the casualties and particularly of social reintegration back into normal life. He disposed of the "convalescent uniforms" and let the patients use their service uniforms instead. With the help of two friends, Neville and Elaine Blond, he also convinced the locals to support the patients and invite them to their homes. McIndoe kept referring to them as "his boys" and the staff called him "The Boss" or "The Maestro."{{citation needed}} |
His other important work included development of the walking-stalk skin graft, and the discovery that immersion in saline promoted healing as well as improving survival rates for victims with extensive burns — this was a serendipitous discovery drawn from observation of differential healing rates in pilots who had come down on land and in the sea. His radical, experimental treatments led to the formation of the Guinea Pig Club at Queen Victoria Hospital, Sussex. Among the better known members of his "club" were Richard Hillary, Bill Foxley and Jimmy Edwards.{{citation needed}} |
== 整形外科 == |
在[[医学]]上,'''整形外科'''是[[外科學]]中的一個分科。医疗临床实践中,它屬於[[外科]]其中一個次專科。 |
整形外科也可称为整复外科,分為兩個部分:「[[整形修复]]」({{lang|en|plastic and reconstructive}})以及「[[美容]]」({{lang|en|cosmetic}}),目的在使用外科的技巧改變人的外表與功能。 |
=== 常見疾病 === |
* 燒燙傷(包括[[電傷]]、[[凍傷]]) |
* 顏面[[骨折]]、軟組織損傷 |
* [[面神經]]及周邊神經損傷 |
* [[唇顎裂]] |
* 四肢外傷及先天異常 |
* 斷指斷肢 |
* 皮膚惡性、良性腫瘤 |
* 頭頸部癌症重建 |
* [[乳房重建]] |
* [[疤痕]] |
* [[褥瘡]]及複雜傷口 |
* 其他 |
== 風險 == |
== 風險 == |
雖然整容愈來愈普遍,但危險性極高。香港和中國大陸早前便證實了[[聚丙烯醯胺凝膠]](PAAG,有用於隆乳上)會致癌,有很多人都被逼把物料拿出來。1994年度阿根廷小姐Solange Magnano在2009年11月底因進行隆臀部手術導致肺栓塞,因而死亡 |
雖然整容愈來愈普遍,但危險性極高。香港和中國大陸早前便證實了[[聚丙烯醯胺凝膠]](PAAG,有用於隆乳上)會致癌,有很多人都被逼把物料拿出來。1994年度阿根廷小姐Solange Magnano在2009年11月底因進行隆臀部手術導致肺栓塞,因而死亡<ref>{{cite web|title=Model's death highlights plastic surgery risks|url=http://braveheartwomen.com/blog-entry/Cynthiarowlands-Blog/Models-Death-Highlights/13000037203&|accessdate=2010-02-07|publisher=Brave Heart Women|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20110511075830/http://www.braveheartwomen.com/blog-entry/Cynthiarowlands-Blog/Models-Death-Highlights/13000037203%26|archive-date=2011-05-11|dead-url=no}}</ref>。整形的風險包括於感染、神經受損或神經麻木、蟹足腫(異常疤痕)、植入物產生過敏反應、植入物滲漏或破裂,每個人的身體狀況不同,有些人對於植入物可能會產生過敏反應、排斥反應,蟹足腫的人如果身體產生疤痕則有機會產生疤痕異常腫大的問題<ref>{{Cite web |url=https://www.webmd.com/beauty/what-to-know-about-plastic-surgery-risks |title=Plastic Surgery Risks Debra Jaliman, MD |access-date=2023-08-24 |archive-date=2023-10-07 |archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20231007033232/https://www.webmd.com/beauty/what-to-know-about-plastic-surgery-risks |dead-url=no }}</ref> |
== 十大整容手術進行國家 == |
== 十大整容手術進行國家 == |
2010年首十國整容手術進行总數佔全部之百分比。(注意此數據是計算手術進行佔全球比例,並不是計算該國國民整容人數,例如在美國接受手術的可能是外國人 |
2010年首十國整容手術進行总數佔全部之百分比。(注意此數據是計算手術進行佔全球比例,並不是計算該國國民整容人數,例如在美國接受手術的可能是外國人)<ref>{{cite web|title=Plastic Surgery Statistics - Global Plastic Surgery Statistics|url=https://www.isaps.org/medical-professionals/isaps-global-statistics/|access-date=2019-05-03|website=ISAPS|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20210317195425/https://www.isaps.org/medical-professionals/isaps-global-statistics/|archive-date=2021-03-17|dead-url=no}}</ref>: |
# 美國21.1% |
# 美國21.1% |
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== 參考資料 == |
== 參考資料 == |
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==外部链接== |
==外部链接== |
* [http://www.isaps.org/ 国际美容外科医学会(ISAPS)](多语言) |
* [http://www.isaps.org/ 国际美容外科医学会(ISAPS)] {{Wayback|url=http://www.isaps.org/ |date=20201118193333 }}(多语言) |
[[Category:整形| ]] |
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2024年1月20日 (六) 12:14的最新版本
此條目疑似为广告或包含宣传性内容。 (2020年4月10日) |
於美國整形外科學會統計,2015年男性進行整容外科手術的總數有120萬人,而受訪的31%男性表示極有可能考慮整容手術。而與吸脂、眼部提升一同列入五大最受歡迎手術的亦有乳房縮小。國外模特兒Stefan Toic亦曾公開表示嘗試改變飲食希望縮小乳房也沒有用,最終亦進行了此項手術[5]。
韓國的大型連鎖醫美診所Dermaster Clinic的權漢鎮院長接受訪問時表示大型醫院、連鎖式經營的醫美診所提供的療程並不一定比小型的有保障,最看重的是治療師的經驗和技巧,而且不太建議在匆匆的旅行行程中接受美容療程[6]。
[编辑]雖然整容愈來愈普遍,但危險性極高。香港和中國大陸早前便證實了聚丙烯醯胺凝膠(PAAG,有用於隆乳上)會致癌,有很多人都被逼把物料拿出來。1994年度阿根廷小姐Solange Magnano在2009年11月底因進行隆臀部手術導致肺栓塞,因而死亡[7]。整形的風險包括於感染、神經受損或神經麻木、蟹足腫(異常疤痕)、植入物產生過敏反應、植入物滲漏或破裂,每個人的身體狀況不同,有些人對於植入物可能會產生過敏反應、排斥反應,蟹足腫的人如果身體產生疤痕則有機會產生疤痕異常腫大的問題[8]
- 美國21.1%
- 巴西9.8%
- 中國7.1%
- 日本6.5%
- 墨西哥5.4%
- 意大利4.8%
- 南韓4.4%
- 印度3.2%
- 法國3.1%
- 德國2.8%
- 注射法:注射具有美容或保養效果的藥劑,目的通常為減少皺紋、增加肌膚彈性等,常見的注射物包含肉毒桿菌、膠原蛋白、玻尿酸、微晶瓷等。
- 光療法:透過光熱效應,來達到除皺、淡斑的效果,常見的光療法包括脈衝光、染料雷射、二極體雷射、飛梭雷射等。
[编辑]- ^ 什麼是微整形、整型?玻尿酸、肉毒桿菌、音波拉提、手術拉皮?費用、效果與後遺症分析. 黃政達醫師-醫學美容講師醫學網站. [2022-03-18]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-18).
- ^ 南韓女潮整微笑嘴. 太陽報. [2019-05-03]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-16) (中文(香港)).
- ^ More Than Half of Hollywood Actresses Underwent Plastic Surgery. MedIndia. [2010-02-07]. (原始内容存档于2011-02-20).
- ^ HACKWATCH: ACTRESSES HAVE PLASTIC SURGERY!!. Ruthless Reviews. [2010-02-07]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-09).
- ^ 男人愛美不可恥!男女大不同,原來這項整容手術最受男士們歡迎?. [2018-06-12]. (原始内容存档于2018-06-12).
- ^ 專訪韓國整容醫生:連大型連鎖醫院都自拆招牌?真心不騙教你如何揀韓國醫美療程. [2018-07-12]. (原始内容存档于2018-07-12).
- ^ Model's death highlights plastic surgery risks. Brave Heart Women. [2010-02-07]. (原始内容存档于2011-05-11).
- ^ Plastic Surgery Risks Debra Jaliman, MD. [2023-08-24]. (原始内容存档于2023-10-07).
- ^ Plastic Surgery Statistics - Global Plastic Surgery Statistics. ISAPS. [2019-05-03]. (原始内容存档于2021-03-17).
[编辑]- 国际美容外科医学会(ISAPS) (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)(多语言)