无编辑摘要 |
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{{NoteTA |
|G1=Butterfly}}{{Speciesbox |
| 1=zh-cn:金裳凤蝶; zh-hk:金裳鳳蝶; zh-tw:黃裳鳳蝶; zh-sg:金裳凤蝶; |
}} |
{{Taxobox |
| color= pink |
| name = 金裳鳳蝶 |
| name = 金裳鳳蝶 |
| fossil_range = {{fossilrange|3|0|earliest=5}}<small>從新近紀[[上新世]]至今<ref name=c2015>Condamine, F. L., Toussaint, E. F., Clamens, A. L., Genson, G., Sperling, F. A., & Kergoat, G. J. (2015). Deciphering the evolution of birdwing butterflies 150 years after Alfred Russel Wallace. Scientific Reports, 5, 11860. {{en}}</ref></small> |
| image = Troides aeacus formosanus female.jpg |
| image = Male Golden Birdwing butterfly.jpg |
| image_caption = 雌性的金裳鳳蝶 |
| |
| image_width = 300px |
| image_caption = 指名亞種雄蝶,攝於泰國[[曼谷]] |
| status_system = CSRL |
| image2 = 69黃裳鳳蝶1(陳曉瑩攝) (19043715525).jpg |
| status_ref = <ref>http://www.chinabiodiversity.com/csis_search/content.php?csp_code=060010001</ref> |
| image2_width = 300px |
| regnum = [[動物界]] Animalia |
| image2_caption = 台灣亞種雌蝶,攝於台灣 |
| phylum = [[節肢動物門]] Arthropoda |
| status = VU |
| classis = [[昆蟲綱]] Insecta |
| status_system = iucn3.1 |
| ordo = [[鱗翅目]] Lepidoptera |
| status_ref = <ref name=iucn>Böhm, M., Chowdhury, S., Khanal, B., Lo, P. & Monastyrskii, A. 2018. Troides aeacus. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2018: e.T62160A91185241. |
| superfamilia = [[鳳蝶總科]] Papilionoidea |
[http://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2018-1.RLTS.T62160A91185241.en Link] {{Wayback|url=http://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2018-1.RLTS.T62160A91185241.en |date=20190701090918 }}. {{en}}</ref> |
| familia = [[鳳蝶科]] Papilionidae |
| genus = |
| genus = Troides |
| species = |
| species = aeacus |
| authority = (C. & R. Felder, 1860) |
| binomial = ''Troides aeacus'' |
| range_map = Troides aeacus and T. magellanus distribution map.png |
| binomial_authority = ([[Cajetan Freiherr von Felder|C&R Felder]], [[1860年|1860]]) |
| range_map_width = 300px |
| range_map_caption = '''黃裳鳳蝶'''(紅色)與[[珠光裳鳳蝶]](橘色)各亞種的分布地區 |
| subdivision_ranks = [[亞種]] |
| subdivision = 共有5個亞種,詳閱正文。 |
| synonyms = |
* ''Ornithoptera aeacus'' <small>C. & R. Felder, 1860</small> |
* ''Troides aecus'' [sic] <small>Wynter-Blyth, 1957</small> |
}} |
}} |
'''金裳鳳蝶'''([[學名]]:''Troides aeacus''),是[[裳鳳蝶屬]]下的一種大型[[蝴蝶]],亦是[[中國]]體型最大的一種。 |
'''金裳鳳蝶'''([[學名]]:{{lang|la|''Troides aeacus''}},英文俗名:{{lang|en|Golden Birdwing}},別名:黃裙鳳蝶、恆春金鳳蝶、黃下鳳蝶、金鳥蝶、金裳翼鳳蝶等)-{zh-hans:在台湾又名'''黄裳凤蝶''';zh-hant:在台灣又名'''黃裳鳳蝶''';zh-tw:在台灣以外漢語使用地區又名'''金裳鳳蝶''';}-,是屬於[[鳳蝶科]]的一種[[蝴蝶]],是[[裳鳳蝶屬]]的一種,並演化出5個亞種<ref name=iucn/>,是全臺灣體型最大的蝴蝶<ref name=c1994>Chou, 1994. Monografia Rhopalocerorum Sinensium 1: 97-99 {{zh-hans}}</ref>。 |
==分布== |
本種分布於[[中國]][[華東]]、[[華南]]、[[華西]]、[[中南半島]]、北[[印度]]、[[喜馬拉雅]]等地區。[[台灣]]地區於本島低海拔地區可見,因棲地遭人類開發破壞而數量減少,於1989年由[[行政院]][[農委會]]公告為第二類保育類「珍貴稀有野生動物」。後因保育有成,數量稍有恢復,2009年改列第三類「其他應保護野生動物」<ref name="978-986-177-669-9">{{cite book|author=徐堉峰 |coauthors= |title=台灣蝴蝶圖鑑.上(弄蝶、鳳蝶、粉蝶) |year=2013 |publisher=晨星出版社 |location=台中市 |isbn=978-986-177-669-9 }}</ref> |
。 |
分佈範圍位於[[東洋界]]的[[熱帶]]及[[亞熱帶]]廣泛地區,包括[[印度次大陸]]之印度北部及[[尼泊爾]]至[[東南亞]]之[[馬來半島]]及[[台灣]]一帶中至低海拔地區。模式產地為印度東北部之[[卡西丘陵]]<ref>LC. & R. Felder, 1860; Lepidopterologische Fragmente. V-VI Wien. ent. Monats. 4 (8): [https://archive.org/stream/wienerentomologi04wien#page/225/mode/1up 225]</ref>。在中國大陆及台灣等地都受到不同法例及名錄保護<ref name=c2006>{{Cite book | author = 寿建新 周尧 李宇飞 | title = 世界蝴蝶分類名錄 | location = 中國 | publisher = 陝西科學技術出版社 | date = 2006-04-01 | ISBN = 9787536936768 | page = 21 | language= zh-hans }} |
==生態習性== |
</ref>。 |
本種幼蟲以[[馬兜鈴科]]植物,如[[港口馬兜鈴]]、[[台灣馬兜鈴]]等為食,一年多世代,成蟲全年可見。 |
成蟲全年可見,飛行形態華美觸目,愛訪花。[[兩性異形|雄雌異形]],雌蝶通常較雄蝶大型,後翅黃色斑紋差別明顯,雌蝶後翅金黃色斑塊内沿翅室内側有排淚滴形黑斑,雄蝶則否<ref name = t2013>{{Cite book | author = 徐堉峰 | title = 臺灣蝴蝶圖鑑.上【弄蝶、鳳蝶、鳳蝶】 | location = 台灣 | publisher = 晨星出版有限公司 | date = 2013年2月10日 | page = 196-197 | ISBN = 9789861776705 | language= zh-hant }}</ref>。[[幼蟲]]的[[寄主]]主要為有毒性的馬兜鈴科[[馬兜鈴屬]]各種植物<ref>Li, X.-S., Luo, Y.-Q., Zhang, Y.-L., Schweiger, O., Settele, J. and Yang, Q.-S. 2009. On the conservation biology of a Chinese population of the birdwing ''Troides aeacus'' (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae). Journal of Insect Conservation 14: 257–268.</ref><ref name=w2010>Wu, I.-H., Yang, P.-S., Liu, C.-Y. and Yeh, W.-B. 2010. Genetic differentiation of ''Troides aeacus formosanus'' (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae),based on cytochrome oxidase I sequences and amplified fragment length polymorphism. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 103(6): 1018-1024.</ref>。 |
==資料來源== |
<references></references> |
== |
== 語源 == |
拉丁學名的種名「''aeacus''」源自古希臘語「Αἰακός」,即[[艾亞哥斯]](Aeacus),是[[希臘神話]]中[[宙斯]]之子<ref name=c1994/>。 |
<gallery> |
File:Troides aeacus formosanus female back.jpg|雌蝶展翅 |
== 分佈 == |
File:Taecus.jpg|雌蝶圖繪 |
* 原生物種<ref name=iucn/>:[[孟加拉]]、[[不丹]]、[[柬埔寨]]、中國大陆([[西藏]]、[[甘肅]]、[[重慶]]、[[江西]]、[[陝西]]、[[四川]]、[[雲南]]、[[浙江]]、[[福建]]、[[廣東]]、[[廣西]]、[[海南省|海南]])、[[香港]]、印度[[錫金邦]]、[[老撾]]、馬來西亞[[馬來半島]]、[[緬甸]]、[[尼泊爾]]、[[台灣]]、[[泰國]]、[[越南]] |
File:Taecus1.jpg|雄蝶圖繪 |
* 外來物種<ref>Mito, T. and Uesugi, T. 2004. Invasive Alien Species in Japan: The Status Quo and the New Regulation for Prevention of their Adverse Effects . Global Environmental Research 8(2): 171-191.</ref>:[[日本]] |
== 保護 == |
* [[國際自然保護聯盟瀕危物種紅色名錄]](IUCN):[[無危物種]]<ref name=iucn/> |
* [[瀕危野生動植物種國際貿易公約|國際貿易公約]](CITES):附錄Ⅱ分級之瀕危野生動物,屬於目前無滅絕危機,但管制其國際貿易的物種<ref name=c2015/> |
* 中华人民共和国原[[國家林業局]]通过行政命令将其列入《[[國家保護的有益的或者有重要經濟、科學研究價值的陸生野生動物名錄]]》<ref name=c2006/> |
* 中华民国[[行政院農業委員會]]依据《野生動物保育法》将其列为第Ⅲ級保育物種<ref name = t2013/> |
== 形態 == |
=== 幼期 === |
[[卵]]呈橙黃色,卵殼厚,表面的有雌蝶的分泌物,使外表油亮、光滑。[[幼蟲]]體型大,體色為黃褐色配黑條紋,肉棘末端粉紅色;終齡幼蟲腹側白色,斜帶上方有粉紅色肉棘,頭部上方的黃色「V」形構造為臭角。前蛹外型比終齡幼蟲短胖,身上有一條黑褐色的絲帶。[[蛹]]體色為黃褐色,背面有一塊明顯的黃色斑紋,體側桃紅色條紋,胸背有箭頭狀突起,從腹面觀看時像是捲曲的枯葉,而腹面褐色的細紋,如同葉片的葉脈。<ref name=t2014>{{Cite book | author = 呂至堅、陳建仁 | title = 蝴蝶生活史圖鑑 | location = 台灣 | publisher = 晨星出版有限公司 | date = 2014年3月23日 | ISBN = 9789861777849 | page = 96-97, 138 | language= zh-hant }}</ref> |
=== 成蟲 === |
[[File:PompeopteraAeacusRippon.jpg|thumb|金裳鳳蝶的形態畫像]] |
[[兩性異形|雄雌異形]]。兩性頭、胸皆呈黑色,前胸背板生有一環紅毛,翅基生有紅色長毛。雄蝶腹部背面為黑色,中央有一片灰色毛鱗,各腹節末端有黃色細環;腹部側面及腹面底色為黃色,前端生有紅色長毛,腹部側面有一列由黑色斑點形成的縱走斑列,抱器外側呈白色。雄蝶後翅除翅脈,外緣及内緣仍為黑色以外有一大塊半透明金黃色斑塊,内緣褶内密生灰白色綿毛。<ref name = t2013/> |
雌蝶體型比蝶大很多,腹部背面為黑色;腹部側面及腹面底色為黃色,腹部側面亦有一列黑色斑點,腹面為黃色而有黑色斑列,使翅脈內的黃色部份似字母「A」的大寫,又似小玉西瓜的切面,所以又稱牠為「小玉」。翅底色為黑色,前翅沿翅脈兩側形成灰白色條紋。後翅外緣及内緣的黑色部分較雄蝶範圍廣,金黃色斑塊内於各翅室内側有一明顯黑斑。<ref name = t2013/> |
<gallery mode="packed"> |
File:黃裳鳳蝶.jpg|thumb|幼蟲全身長滿肉棘 |
Troides aeacus formosanus male ventral view 20150418.jpg|訪花 |
Troides aeacus - Golden Birdwing.JPG|停棲 |
69黃裳鳳蝶5(李淑惠攝) (12942636645).jpg|交尾 |
</gallery> |
</gallery> |
== |
== 習性 == |
=== 幼期 === |
<references/> |
幼蟲取食[[寄主]]植物的葉片,牠的寄主為有毒性的馬兜鈴科植物,包括: |
{| class="wikitable" |
|- |
! rowspan="2" colspan="2" | 植物物種 !! colspan="6" | 取食地區 |
|- |
! 中國大陆<br><ref name=w2010/><ref name=b1999>Bascombe, M.J., Johnston, G. and Bascombe, F.S. 1999. The butterflies of Hong Kong. Academic Press, London.</ref><ref>Cai, Y.X., Liao, S.T., Wu, F.Q. 2003. Manual breeding observation of Troides aeacus and Troides helena. Guangdong Agricultural Sciences 5: 51-53.</ref>!! 台灣<br><ref>Hsieh, K.J., Kuo, Y.L., Perng, J.J., Lai, P.Y. and Lee, T.C. 2008. Population Distribution of Aristolochia zollingeriana, an Endangered Vine Exploited by Three Papilionid Butterflies in Kenting National Park, Taiwan. Journal of Forest Science 23(3): 243-254.</ref><ref name=h2010>Hsieh, K.J., Kuo, Y.L., Perng, J.J., Lee, T.C. and Lee, H.L. 2010. Oviposition preference and larval survival of Troides aeacus formasanus (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae) on Aristolochia zollingeriana in different environments in the Kenting area. Taiwan Journal of Forest Science 25(4): 353-368.</ref><ref>Huang, H.H. and Cheng, C.L. 2011. Immature stages of Troidini (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae: Papilioninae) in Taiwan. Formosan Entomologist 31: 179-238.</ref>!! 香港<br><ref name=y2007>Young James John, Yiu Vor, Yau Shiu Man. 2007. A Photographic Monograph on Hong Kong Butterflies (Vol.1). Hong Kong Lepidopterists' Society, Hong Kong. 52-53.{{zh-hk}}{{en}}</ref>!! 老撾<br><ref>Cotton, A. M., & Racheli, T. 2006. A preliminary annotated checklist of the Papilionidae of Laos with notes on taxonomy, phenology, distribution and variation (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea). Fragmenta Entomologica 38(2): 279-378.</ref>!! 印度<br><ref>Smetacek, P. 2011. On the anomalous altitudinal distribution of the West Himalayan Troidini and Papilionini (Papilionidae). Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 65(2): 126-132.</ref><ref>Bhuyan, M., Bhattacharyya, P.R. and Kanjilal, P.B. 2005. Butterflies of the Regional Research Laboratory Campus, Jorhat, Assam. Zoos' Print Journal 20(6): 1910-1911.</ref>!! 馬來半島<br><ref name=b1999/><ref>Corbet, A.S. and Pendlebury, H.M. 1934. The butterflies of the Malay Peninsula: including aids to identification, notes on their physiology and bionomics, and instructions for the collection and preservation of specimens under tropical conditions. Kyle, Palmer, Kuala Lumpur.</ref><ref>Fleming, W.A. 1975. Butterflies of West Malaysia and Singapore. E.W. Classey Ltd., Farringdon, United KIngdom.</ref> |
|- |
| rowspan="11" align="center" | '''[[馬兜鈴屬]]'''<br>'''''Aristolochia''''' || [[北馬兜鈴]] ''A. contorta'' || align="center" | ✓ || || || || || |
|- |
| [[馬兜鈴]] ''A. debilis'' || align="center" | ✓ || || || || || |
|- |
| [[大葉馬兜鈴]] ''A. heterophylla'' || align="center" | ✓ || align="center" | ✓ || || || || |
|- |
| [[關木通|東北馬兜鈴]] ''A. mandshurensis'' || align="center" | ✓ || || || || || |
|- |
| [[耳葉馬兜鈴]] ''A. tagala'' || align="center" | ✓ || align="center" | ✓ || align="center" | ✓ || align="center" | ✓ || || |
|- |
| [[港口馬兜鈴]] ''A. zollingeriana'' || || align="center" | ✓ || || || || |
|- |
| [[通城虎|福氏馬兜鈴]] ''A. fordiana'' || || || align="center" | ✓ || || || |
|- |
| ''A. pothieri'' || || || || align="center" | ✓ || || |
|- |
| ''A. dilatata'' || || || || || align="center" | ✓ || |
|- |
| ''A. indica'' || || || || || align="center" | ✓ || |
|- |
| [[西藏馬兜鈴]] ''A. griffithii'' || colspan="6" align="center" | ''?'' |
|- |
| rowspan="2" align="center" | '''[[線果兜鈴屬]]'''<br>'''''Thottea''''' || ''T. corymbosa'' || || || || || || align="center" | ✓ |
|- |
| ''T. dependens'' || || || || || || align="center" | ✓ |
|} |
許多種類的蝶卵都有被卵[[寄生蜂]]寄生的狀況,但是金裳鳳蝶的卵因卵殼厚,所以幾乎不曾見過遭到寄生的卵,但是幼蟲和蛹都有觀察到被寄生蜂或寄生蠅寄生的情況。終齡幼蟲食量也相當高,只要雌蝶在寄主植物附近產下數顆卵,孵化的幼蟲就會把馬兜鈴的葉片全部吃光<ref name = t2014/>。在較寒冷而有分佈的地區會以蛹的形態越冬<ref name=y2007/>。 |
{{Commons|Troides aeacus}} |
{{Wikispecies|Troides aeacus}} |
=== 成蟲 === |
一年多代。全年四季可見。主要出沒於海拔0-1000米地區的[[照葉林|常綠闊葉林]]、[[熱帶季風氣候|熱帶季風]]林和海岸林。會訪花。雄蝶飛行快速,好於樹冠上徘徊盤旋和滑翔;雌蝶飛翔緩慢,多半棲息在闊葉林林内。<ref name = t2014/> |
雌蝶喜歡選擇向上攀爬在其他植物上的馬兜鈴植株產卵,所以即便地上長了鋪滿地表的馬兜鈴,也不曾見到有本種幼蟲利用或是雌蝶來產卵。<ref name = t2014/> |
== 亞種 == |
{{cladogram|title= 演化關係 |
|caption= [[種系發生學]]研究發現<ref name=c2015/> |
* 指名亞種和台灣亞種是[[姊妹群]] |
* ''szechwanus''亞種是牠們的[[姐妹群]] |
* 餘下的兩個亞種的親緣關係未明 |
|clades={{clade |
|label1='''''T. aeacus''''' |
|1={{clade |
|1=''T. a. szechwanus'' |
|2={{clade |
|1=''T. a. formosanus'' |
|2=''T. a. aeacus'' |
}}}}}}}} |
* ''T. a. '''aeacus''''' |
:- '''指名亞種''',分佈於[[尼泊爾]]、[[不丹]]、印度[[阿薩姆邦]]、[[中南半島]]至中國南部及[[馬來半島]]<ref name=r1999>Rumbucher, K. and Knoetgen, B. 1999. Papilionidae IV: Troides. In: Bauer, E. and Frankenbach, T. (eds), Butterflies of the world, pp. 44. Goecke & Evers, Keltern.</ref><ref name=k2014>Kirton, L.G. 2014. Butterflies of Peninsular Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand. John Beaufoy Publishing, Oxford.</ref> |
* ''T. a. '''formosanus''''' <small>Rothschild, 1899</small> |
:- '''台灣亞種''',分佈於台灣<ref name=m2001>Matsuka, H. 2001. Natural History of Birdwing Butterflies. Matsuka Shuppan, Tokyo.</ref><ref>Yang, Y.-L. and Fang, H.-S. 2002. The conservation status of birdwing butterflies in Taiwan. In: Sands, D. and Scott, S. (eds), Conservation of birdwing butterflies, pp. 30-31. SciComEd Pty Ltd & THECA, Marsden.</ref>及日本<ref>Chen, P.J., Arikawa, K. and Yang, E.C. 2013. Diversity of the Photoreceptors and Spectral Opponency in the Compound Eye of the Golden Birdwing, Troides aeacus formosanus. PLoS ONE 8(4): e62240.</ref> |
* ''T. a. '''malaiianus''''' <small>Fruhstorfer, 1902</small> |
:- 分佈於[[泰國]]北部至馬來半島南部<ref name=r1999/><ref name=k2014/> |
* ''T. a. '''insularis''''' <small>Ney, 1905</small> |
:- 分佈於[[蘇門答臘]]東北部<ref name=r1999/> |
* ''T. a. '''szechwanus''''' <small>Okano & Okano, 1983</small> |
:- 分佈於中國西部<ref name=w2010/><ref name=m2001/>及[[海南省|海南]]<ref name=r1999/> |
== 參考 == |
{{reflist|2}} |
== 文獻 == |
{{蝴蝶小作品}} |
* Bates, H.W.,1875 : Diurnal Lepidoptera of Siam. in Thomson, John, The Straits of Malacca, Indo-China and China, or ten year's travels, adventures and residence abroad. London. xv + 546pp, 25 pls, 4 maps (8vo). |
* Rothschild, 1895, A revision of the Papilios of the Eastern Hemisphere, exclusive of Africa Novit. Zool. 2 (3): [https://archive.org/stream/novitateszoologi02lond#page/223/mode/1up 223] |
* Fruhstorfer, H.,1913 : Neue Indo-Australiche Rhopaloceren. Deut. ent. Zeit. [Iris] 27(3):130-139. |
* D'Abrera, B., 1982. Butterflies of the Oriental Region, Part I Papilionidae, Pieridae, Danaidae: pp. xxi+ 1-244. Hill House, Melbourne. |
* Wynter-Blyth, 1957. Butterflies of the Indian Region (1982 Reprint), 372 |
* Okano, M. & T. Okano,1983 : Two new subspecies of the genus Troides Hubner (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae). Artes Liberales 32:189-192, 2 pls. |
* {{Cite book | author = 周尧 | title = 中国蝴蝶原色图鉴 | location = 中國 | publisher = 河南科学技术出版社 | date = 1999-10-01 | page = | ISBN = 9787534923043 | language= zh-hant }} |
* Dong, S. Y., Jiang, G. F., Liu, G., Hong, F., & Xu, Y. F. 2019. The complete mitochondrial genome of the Golden Birdwing butterfly Troides aeacus: insights into phylogeny and divergence times of the superfamily Papilionoidea. bioRxiv, 529347. {{en}} |
== 外部連結 == |
* {{Commonscat-inline|Troides aeacus|金裳鳳蝶}} |
* {{Wikispecies-inline|Troides aeacus|金裳鳳蝶}} |
* [http://yutaka.it-n.jp/pap/10040001.html Troides aeacus aeacus] {{Wayback|url=http://yutaka.it-n.jp/pap/10040001.html |date=20190430071153 }} - Butterflies in Indo-China {{en}} |
* [http://ftp.funet.fi/pub/sci/bio/life/insecta/lepidoptera/ditrysia/papilionoidea/papilionidae/papilioninae/troides/#aeacus Troides aeacus] {{Wayback|url=http://ftp.funet.fi/pub/sci/bio/life/insecta/lepidoptera/ditrysia/papilionoidea/papilionidae/papilioninae/troides/#aeacus |date=20190809071459 }} - funet.fi {{en}} |
{{Taxonbar|from= Q702952}} |
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{{裳鳳蝶屬}} |
[[Category:裳鳳蝶屬]] |
[[Category:裳鳳蝶屬]] |
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[[Category:香港原生物種]] |
[[Category:臺灣蝴蝶]] |
[[Category:臺灣蝴蝶]] |
[[Category:中國蝴蝶]] |
[[Category:香港昆蟲]] |
[[Category:印度蝴蝶]] |
[[Category:泰國動物]] |
[[Category:中国国家三有保护动物]] |
2024年3月17日 (日) 09:16的最新版本
金裳鳳蝶 從新近紀 | |
指名亞種雄蝶,攝於泰國曼谷 | |
台灣亞種雌蝶,攝於台灣 | |
科学分类 | |
界: | 动物界 Animalia |
门: | 节肢动物门 Arthropoda |
纲: | 昆虫纲 Insecta |
目: | 鱗翅目 Lepidoptera |
总科: | 鳳蝶總科 Papilionoidea |
科: | 鳳蝶科 Papilionidae |
属: | 裳鳳蝶屬 Troides |
种: | 金裳鳳蝶 T. aeacus
二名法 | |
Troides aeacus (C. & R. Felder, 1860)
| |
亞種 | |
共有5個亞種,詳閱正文。 | |
黃裳鳳蝶(紅色)與珠光裳鳳蝶(橘色)各亞種的分布地區 | |
異名 | |
金裳鳳蝶(學名:Troides aeacus,英文俗名:Golden Birdwing,別名:黃裙鳳蝶、恆春金鳳蝶、黃下鳳蝶、金鳥蝶、金裳翼鳳蝶等)在台湾又名黄裳凤蝶,是屬於鳳蝶科的一種蝴蝶,是裳鳳蝶屬的一種,並演化出5個亞種[2],是全臺灣體型最大的蝴蝶[3]。
[编辑]- 原生物種[2]:孟加拉、不丹、柬埔寨、中國大陆(西藏、甘肅、重慶、江西、陝西、四川、雲南、浙江、福建、廣東、廣西、海南)、香港、印度錫金邦、老撾、馬來西亞馬來半島、緬甸、尼泊爾、台灣、泰國、越南
- 外來物種[9]:日本
[编辑]- 國際自然保護聯盟瀕危物種紅色名錄(IUCN):無危物種[2]
- 國際貿易公約(CITES):附錄Ⅱ分級之瀕危野生動物,屬於目前無滅絕危機,但管制其國際貿易的物種[1]
- 中华人民共和国原國家林業局通过行政命令将其列入《國家保護的有益的或者有重要經濟、科學研究價值的陸生野生動物名錄》[5]
- 中华民国行政院農業委員會依据《野生動物保育法》将其列为第Ⅲ級保育物種[6]
植物物種 | 取食地區 | ||||||
中國大陆 [8][11][12] |
台灣 [13][14][15] |
香港 [16] |
老撾 [17] |
印度 [18][19] |
馬來半島 [11][20][21] | ||
馬兜鈴屬 Aristolochia |
北馬兜鈴 A. contorta | ✓ | |||||
馬兜鈴 A. debilis | ✓ | ||||||
大葉馬兜鈴 A. heterophylla | ✓ | ✓ | |||||
東北馬兜鈴 A. mandshurensis | ✓ | ||||||
耳葉馬兜鈴 A. tagala | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | |||
港口馬兜鈴 A. zollingeriana | ✓ | ||||||
福氏馬兜鈴 A. fordiana | ✓ | ||||||
A. pothieri | ✓ | ||||||
A. dilatata | ✓ | ||||||
A. indica | ✓ | ||||||
西藏馬兜鈴 A. griffithii | ? | ||||||
線果兜鈴屬 Thottea |
T. corymbosa | ✓ | |||||
T. dependens | ✓ |
[编辑]演化關係 | |||||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||||
種系發生學研究發現[1] |
- T. a. aeacus
- T. a. formosanus Rothschild, 1899
- T. a. malaiianus Fruhstorfer, 1902
- T. a. insularis Ney, 1905
- T. a. szechwanus Okano & Okano, 1983
[编辑]- ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 Condamine, F. L., Toussaint, E. F., Clamens, A. L., Genson, G., Sperling, F. A., & Kergoat, G. J. (2015). Deciphering the evolution of birdwing butterflies 150 years after Alfred Russel Wallace. Scientific Reports, 5, 11860. (英文)
- ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Böhm, M., Chowdhury, S., Khanal, B., Lo, P. & Monastyrskii, A. 2018. Troides aeacus. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2018: e.T62160A91185241. Link (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆). (英文)
- ^ 3.0 3.1 Chou, 1994. Monografia Rhopalocerorum Sinensium 1: 97-99 (简体中文)
- ^ LC. & R. Felder, 1860; Lepidopterologische Fragmente. V-VI Wien. ent. Monats. 4 (8): 225
- ^ 5.0 5.1 寿建新 周尧 李宇飞. 世界蝴蝶分類名錄. 中國: 陝西科學技術出版社. 2006-04-01: 21. ISBN 9787536936768 (中文(简体)).
- ^ 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 徐堉峰. 臺灣蝴蝶圖鑑.上【弄蝶、鳳蝶、鳳蝶】. 台灣: 晨星出版有限公司. 2013年2月10日: 196-197. ISBN 9789861776705 (中文(繁體)).
- ^ Li, X.-S., Luo, Y.-Q., Zhang, Y.-L., Schweiger, O., Settele, J. and Yang, Q.-S. 2009. On the conservation biology of a Chinese population of the birdwing Troides aeacus (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae). Journal of Insect Conservation 14: 257–268.
- ^ 8.0 8.1 8.2 Wu, I.-H., Yang, P.-S., Liu, C.-Y. and Yeh, W.-B. 2010. Genetic differentiation of Troides aeacus formosanus (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae),based on cytochrome oxidase I sequences and amplified fragment length polymorphism. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 103(6): 1018-1024.
- ^ Mito, T. and Uesugi, T. 2004. Invasive Alien Species in Japan: The Status Quo and the New Regulation for Prevention of their Adverse Effects . Global Environmental Research 8(2): 171-191.
- ^ 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 呂至堅、陳建仁. 蝴蝶生活史圖鑑. 台灣: 晨星出版有限公司. 2014年3月23日: 96-97, 138. ISBN 9789861777849 (中文(繁體)).
- ^ 11.0 11.1 Bascombe, M.J., Johnston, G. and Bascombe, F.S. 1999. The butterflies of Hong Kong. Academic Press, London.
- ^ Cai, Y.X., Liao, S.T., Wu, F.Q. 2003. Manual breeding observation of Troides aeacus and Troides helena. Guangdong Agricultural Sciences 5: 51-53.
- ^ Hsieh, K.J., Kuo, Y.L., Perng, J.J., Lai, P.Y. and Lee, T.C. 2008. Population Distribution of Aristolochia zollingeriana, an Endangered Vine Exploited by Three Papilionid Butterflies in Kenting National Park, Taiwan. Journal of Forest Science 23(3): 243-254.
- ^ Hsieh, K.J., Kuo, Y.L., Perng, J.J., Lee, T.C. and Lee, H.L. 2010. Oviposition preference and larval survival of Troides aeacus formasanus (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae) on Aristolochia zollingeriana in different environments in the Kenting area. Taiwan Journal of Forest Science 25(4): 353-368.
- ^ Huang, H.H. and Cheng, C.L. 2011. Immature stages of Troidini (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae: Papilioninae) in Taiwan. Formosan Entomologist 31: 179-238.
- ^ 16.0 16.1 Young James John, Yiu Vor, Yau Shiu Man. 2007. A Photographic Monograph on Hong Kong Butterflies (Vol.1). Hong Kong Lepidopterists' Society, Hong Kong. 52-53.(繁體中文)(英文)
- ^ Cotton, A. M., & Racheli, T. 2006. A preliminary annotated checklist of the Papilionidae of Laos with notes on taxonomy, phenology, distribution and variation (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea). Fragmenta Entomologica 38(2): 279-378.
- ^ Smetacek, P. 2011. On the anomalous altitudinal distribution of the West Himalayan Troidini and Papilionini (Papilionidae). Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 65(2): 126-132.
- ^ Bhuyan, M., Bhattacharyya, P.R. and Kanjilal, P.B. 2005. Butterflies of the Regional Research Laboratory Campus, Jorhat, Assam. Zoos' Print Journal 20(6): 1910-1911.
- ^ Corbet, A.S. and Pendlebury, H.M. 1934. The butterflies of the Malay Peninsula: including aids to identification, notes on their physiology and bionomics, and instructions for the collection and preservation of specimens under tropical conditions. Kyle, Palmer, Kuala Lumpur.
- ^ Fleming, W.A. 1975. Butterflies of West Malaysia and Singapore. E.W. Classey Ltd., Farringdon, United KIngdom.
- ^ 22.0 22.1 22.2 22.3 Rumbucher, K. and Knoetgen, B. 1999. Papilionidae IV: Troides. In: Bauer, E. and Frankenbach, T. (eds), Butterflies of the world, pp. 44. Goecke & Evers, Keltern.
- ^ 23.0 23.1 Kirton, L.G. 2014. Butterflies of Peninsular Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand. John Beaufoy Publishing, Oxford.
- ^ 24.0 24.1 Matsuka, H. 2001. Natural History of Birdwing Butterflies. Matsuka Shuppan, Tokyo.
- ^ Yang, Y.-L. and Fang, H.-S. 2002. The conservation status of birdwing butterflies in Taiwan. In: Sands, D. and Scott, S. (eds), Conservation of birdwing butterflies, pp. 30-31. SciComEd Pty Ltd & THECA, Marsden.
- ^ Chen, P.J., Arikawa, K. and Yang, E.C. 2013. Diversity of the Photoreceptors and Spectral Opponency in the Compound Eye of the Golden Birdwing, Troides aeacus formosanus. PLoS ONE 8(4): e62240.
[编辑]- Bates, H.W.,1875 : Diurnal Lepidoptera of Siam. in Thomson, John, The Straits of Malacca, Indo-China and China, or ten year's travels, adventures and residence abroad. London. xv + 546pp, 25 pls, 4 maps (8vo).
- Rothschild, 1895, A revision of the Papilios of the Eastern Hemisphere, exclusive of Africa Novit. Zool. 2 (3): 223
- Fruhstorfer, H.,1913 : Neue Indo-Australiche Rhopaloceren. Deut. ent. Zeit. [Iris] 27(3):130-139.
- D'Abrera, B., 1982. Butterflies of the Oriental Region, Part I Papilionidae, Pieridae, Danaidae: pp. xxi+ 1-244. Hill House, Melbourne.
- Wynter-Blyth, 1957. Butterflies of the Indian Region (1982 Reprint), 372
- Okano, M. & T. Okano,1983 : Two new subspecies of the genus Troides Hubner (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae). Artes Liberales 32:189-192, 2 pls.
- 周尧. 中国蝴蝶原色图鉴. 中國: 河南科学技术出版社. 1999-10-01. ISBN 9787534923043 (中文(繁體)).
- Dong, S. Y., Jiang, G. F., Liu, G., Hong, F., & Xu, Y. F. 2019. The complete mitochondrial genome of the Golden Birdwing butterfly Troides aeacus: insights into phylogeny and divergence times of the superfamily Papilionoidea. bioRxiv, 529347. (英文)
[编辑]- 维基共享资源上的相關多媒體資源:金裳鳳蝶
- 維基物種上的相關信息:金裳鳳蝶
- Troides aeacus aeacus (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) - Butterflies in Indo-China (英文)
- Troides aeacus (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) - funet.fi (英文)