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'''安娜·科穆宁娜'''({{lang|el|'''Άννα Κομνηνή'''}},{{bd|1083年|12月1日|1153年|catIdx=K}})是[[東羅馬帝國]][[皇帝]][[阿歷克塞一世]]的女兒,也是歐洲歷史上最早的女性[[歷史學家]]之一,她根據父親阿歷克塞一世的一生著有《[[阿塞傳]]》(《{{lang|el|Αλεξιάς}}》),這是研究拜占庭帝國歷史的重要史料之一。
|1 = zh-cn:阿莱克修斯;zh-tw:阿歷克塞;zh-hk:阿歷克塞;
{{Infobox royalty
| name = 安娜·科穆宁娜
| image = Anna comnena, alexiade, forse da costantinopoli, XII secolo (pluteo 70.2).jpg
| caption =
| birth_date = 1083年12月1日
| birth_place = [[君士坦丁堡]][[君士坦丁堡大皇宫|大皇宫]]{{tsl|en|Porphyra Chamber|紫色寝宫}}
| death_date = 1153年
| death_place = [[君士坦丁堡]][[满圣宠者诞神女修道院]]
| spouse = [[小尼基弗鲁斯·布林尼乌斯]]
| issue = 阿莱克修斯·科穆宁<br>约翰·杜卡斯<br>伊琳娜·杜卡伊娜<br>玛利亚·布林奈娜·科穆宁娜
| full name =
| house = [[科穆宁家族]]
| father = [[阿莱克修斯一世]]
| mother = {{tsl|en|Irene Doukaina|伊琳娜·杜卡伊娜}}
| place of burial =
'''安娜·科穆宁娜'''({{lang-el|Ἄννα Κομνηνή}},{{bd|1083年|12月1日|1153年|}}),[[東羅馬帝國]][[皇帝]][[阿歷克塞一世]]的女兒,也是歐洲歷史上最早的女性[[歷史學家]]之一,她根據父親阿歷克塞一世的一生著有《[[阿修斯传]]》這是研究拜占庭帝國歷史的重要史料之一。

== 生平 ==
== 生平 ==

其父阿历克塞一世最初选定[[米海尔七世]]的儿子[[君士坦丁·杜卡斯]]为其继承人,并让他与安娜定下了婚约。但后来长子[[约翰二世|约翰]]出生,王位继承权就转给了约翰。君士坦丁·杜卡斯去世之后,1097年,安娜与[[尼基弗鲁斯·布林尼乌斯]]结婚,安娜与其丈夫、皇后伊琳娜开始出来反对[[阿历克塞一世]]的继承人计划。安娜与皇后试图说服阿历克塞一世将皇位转让给布林尼乌斯,但阿历克塞一世还是设法将皇位传给约翰,而约翰也靠着自己的能力保住了皇位继承人的位置。于是安娜开始策划反对其弟弟的阴谋,后来阴谋败露,安娜被迫退出政争。在退出宫廷斗争之后,安娜专心于历史的研究,并仿照古代的风格写出了《阿历克塞传》。南斯拉夫的拜占庭历史研究者奥斯特洛格尔斯基评价这本书是“拜占庭人文主义的杰出见证”<ref name=奥斯特洛格尔斯基《拜占庭国家史》299页。>奥斯特洛格尔斯基《拜占庭国家史》299页</ref>,并且为后世研究拜占庭历史提供了宝贵的材料。
其父阿历克塞一世最初选定[[米海尔七世]]的儿子[[君士坦丁·杜卡斯 (共治皇帝)|君士坦丁·杜卡斯]]为其继承人,并让他与安娜定下了婚约。但后来长子[[约翰二世 (拜占庭)|约翰]]出生,王位继承权就转给了约翰。君士坦丁·杜卡斯去世之后,1097年,安娜与[[尼基弗鲁斯·布林尼乌斯|尼基弗魯斯·布林尼烏斯]]结婚,安娜与皇后伊琳娜开始出来反对[[阿历克塞一世]]的继承人计划。安娜与皇后试图说服阿历克塞一世将皇位转让给布林尼乌斯,但阿历克塞一世还是设法将皇位传给约翰,而约翰也靠着自己的能力保住了皇位继承人的位置。于是安娜开始策划反对其弟弟的阴谋,后来阴谋败露,安娜被迫退出政争。在退出宫廷斗争之后,安娜专心于历史的研究,并仿照古代的风格写出了《阿历克塞传》。南斯拉夫的拜占庭历史研究者奥斯特洛格尔斯基评价这本书是“拜占庭人文主义的杰出见证”<ref name=奥斯特洛格尔斯基《拜占庭国家史》299页。>奥斯特洛格尔斯基《拜占庭国家史》299页</ref>,并且为后世研究拜占庭历史提供了宝贵的材料。


== 外部連結 ==
* [http://www.documentacatholicaomnia.eu/30_20_1083-1148-_Anna_Komnena.html English and Greek Opera Omnia by Migne Patrologia Graeca with analytical indexes]
*Niketas Choniates, ''O City of Byzantium: Annals of Niketas Choniates'' (Michigan: Wayne State University Press, 1984)
*Anna Comnena (2001). Dawes, Elizabeth A., ed. "[https://sourcebooks.fordham.edu/basis/AnnaComnena-Alexiad00.asp The Alexiad] {{Wayback|url=https://sourcebooks.fordham.edu/basis/AnnaComnena-Alexiad00.asp |date=20210225004242 }}." ''The Internet Medieval Sourcebook''. Fordham University. Retrieved April 22, 2018.
*Anna Komnene, ''The Alexiad'', translated by E.R.A. Sewter, ed. Peter Frankopan, (New York: Penguin, 2009)
*Georgios Tornikes, 'An unpublished funeral oration on Anna Comnena', English translation by Robert Browning, in ''Aristotle Transformed: The Ancient Commentators and Their Influence'', ed. R. Sorabji (New York: Cornell University Press, 1990)

*Carolyn R. Connor, ''Women of Byzantium'' (Connecticut: Yale University Press, 2004)
*Dalven, Rae (1972). ''Anna Comnena''. New York: Twayne Publishers, Inc.
*Frankopan, Peter (2002). "Perception and Projection of Prejudice: Anna Comnena, the ''Alexiad'', and the First Crusade." Chapter 5 in Edgington, Susan B.; Lambert, Sarah. ''Gendering the Crusades''. New York: Columbia University Press.
*Gouma-Peterson, Thalia. "Gender and Power: Passages to the Maternal in Anna Komnene's ''Alexiad''." In Gouma-Peterson, Thalia. ''Anna Komnene and Her Times''. New York: Garland Publishing Inc. p. 107-125. {{ISBN|0815336454}}
*Hanawalt, Emily Albu (1982). "Anna Komnene". In Strayer, Joseph R. ed. ''The Dictionary of the Middle Ages.'' '''1'''. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. p. 303-304. {{ISBN|0684167603}}
*Hill, Barbara (2000). "Actions Speak Louder Than Words: Anna Komnene's Attempted Usurpation". In Gouma-Peterson, Thaila. ''Anna Komnene and Her Times.'' New York: Garland Publishing Inc. p. 45-62. {{ISBN|0815336454}}
*Jongh, Suzanne Wittek-De (1953). "Le César Nicéphore Byennois, l'historien, et sese ascendants". ''Byzantion.'' '''23:''' 463-468., cited in Dion C. Smythe (2006), Garland, Lynda ed. "Middle Byzantine Family Values and Anna Komnene's Alexiad". ''Byzantine Women: Varieties of Experience'' ''800-1200.'' Burlington: Ashgate Publishing Limited. {{ISBN|9780754657378}}
*Lynda Garland & Stephen Rapp, "Maria ‘of Alania’: Woman & Empress Between Two Worlds," ''Byzantine Women: Varieties of Experience'', ed. Lynda Garland, (New Hampshire: Ashgate, 2006). {{ISBN|9780754657378}}
*{{ODB| last=Kahzdan | first=Alexander | authorlink=Alexander Kazhdan | title=Komnene, Anna}}
*Angeliki Laiou, "Introduction: Why Anna Komnene?" ''Anna Komnene and Her Times'', ed. Thalia Gouma-Peterson, (New York: Garland, 2000). {{ISBN|0815336454}}.
*Larmour, David (2004). Margolis, Nadia; Wilson, Katherina M., eds. "Comnene, Anna". ''Women in the Middle Ages: an encyclopedia.'' '''1'''. Westport: Greenwood Press. p. 203-205. {{ISBN|0313330174}}.
*Macrides, Ruth (2000). "The Pen and the Sword: Who Wrote the ''Alexiad''?." In Gouma-Peterson, Thaila. ''Anna Komnene and Her Times.'' New York: Garland Publishing Inc. p. 63-82. {{ISBN|0815336454}}
*Neville, Leonora (2016). ''Anna Komnene: the life and work of a medieval historian''. New York: Oxford University Press. {{ISBN|978-0190498177}}.
*Reinsch, Diether R. (2000). "Women’s Literature in Byzantium?—The Case of Anna Komnene." Translated from German by Thomas Dunlap. In ''Anna Komnene and Her Times'', ed. Thalia Gouma-Peterson. New York: Garland Publishing Inc.
*Dion C. Smythe, "Middle Byzantine Family Values and Anna Komnene’s Alexiad," ''Byzantine Women: Varieties of Experience 800-1200'', ed. Lynda Garland, (New Hampshire: Ashgate, 2006). {{ISBN|9780754657378}}.
* {{cite EB9 |mode=cs2 |wstitle=Anna Comnena |volume=2 |ref={{harvid|EB|1878}} |pages=59–60 }}
* {{cite EB1911 |mode=cs2 |wstitle=Anna Comnena |volume=2 |ref={{harvid|EB|1911}} |page=59}}
*{{Cite CE1913 |last=Shahan |first=Thomas Joseph |authorlink=Thomas Joseph Shahan |wstitle=Anna Comnena }}

* Georgina Buckler, ''Anna Comnena: A Study'', Oxford University Press, 1929. {{ISBN|0-19-821471-5}}
* Anna Comnena, ''[http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/basis/AnnaComnena-Alexiad.html The Alexiad] {{Wayback|url=http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/basis/AnnaComnena-Alexiad.html |date=20140814180000 }}'', translated by Elizabeth A. Dawes in 1928
* Anna Comnena, ''The Alexiad of Anna Comnena'', edited and translated by E.R.A. Sewter. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1969. (This print version uses more idiomatic English, has more extensive notes, and mistakes).
* John France, "[http://www.deremilitari.org/RESOURCES/PDFs/FRANCE2.PDF Anna Comnena, the Alexiad and the First Crusade] {{Wayback|url=http://www.deremilitari.org/RESOURCES/PDFs/FRANCE2.PDF |date=20120204035445 }}", ''Reading Medieval Studies'' v.9 (1983)
*Ed. Kurtz, 'Unedierte Texte aus der Zeit des Kaisers Johannes Komnenos, in ''Byzantinische Zeitschrift'' 16 (1907): 69–119 (Greek text of Anna Comnene’s testament)
* Thalia Gouma-Peterson (ed.), ''Anna Komnene and her Times'', New York: Garland, 2000. {{ISBN|0-8153-3851-1}}.
* Jonathan Harris, ''Byzantium and the Crusades'', Bloomsbury, 2nd ed., 2014. {{ISBN|978-1-78093-767-0}}
*Barbara Hill, "Actions speak louder than words: Anna Komnene’s attempted usurpation," in Anna Komnene and her times (2000): 46–47.
* Levin, Carole, et al. ''Extraordinary Women of the Medieval and Renaissance World''. Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 2000.
* {{cite book|editor-last=Magoulias|editor-first=Harry J.|title=O City of Byzantium: Annals of Niketas Choniatēs|location=Detroit|publisher=Wayne State University Press|year=1984|isbn=978-0-8143-1764-8|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=O8arrZPM8moC|ref=harv|access-date=2018-06-08|archive-date=2016-06-24|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20160624015449/https://books.google.com/books?id=O8arrZPM8moC|dead-url=no}} 5–6.
*Ellen Quandahl and Susan C. Jarratt, "'To recall him…will be a subject of lamentation': Anna Comnene as rhetorical historiographer" in ''Rhetorica: A Journal of the History of Rhetoric'' (2008): 301–335. {{jstor|10.1525/rh.2008.26.3.301}}
*Vlada Stankovíc, "Nikephoros Bryennios, Anna Komnene and Konstantios Doukas. A Story of Different Perspectives," in Byzantinische Zeitschrift (2007): 174.
* Paul Stephenson, "Anna Comnena's Alexiad as a source for the Second Crusade?", ''[[Journal of Medieval History]]'' v. 29 (2003)
*Dion C. Smythe, "Middle Byzantine Family Values and Anna Komnene’s Alexiad," in Byzantine Women: Varieties of Experience (2006): 125–127.
*Dion C. Symthe, "Outsiders by taxis perceptions of non-conformity eleventh and twelfth-century literature," in Byzantinische Forschungen: Internationale Zeitschrift für Byzantinistik (1997): 241.
* {{cite book | last = Varzos | first = Konstantinos | title = Η Γενεαλογία των Κομνηνών | trans-title = The Genealogy of the Komnenoi | location = Thessaloniki | year = 1984 | publisher = Centre for Byzantine Studies, University of Thessaloniki | language = el | volume = A | url = http://www.kbe.auth.gr/bkm20a.pdf | ref = harv }}{{Dead link|date=2018年10月 |bot=InternetArchiveBot |fix-attempted=yes }}
* {{Cite NIE|wstitle=Anna Comnena|year=1905 |short=x}}
* {{Cite AmCyc|wstitle=Anna Comnena |short=x}}

{{wikiquotelang|en|Anna Comnena}}
* Female Heroes ''From The Time of the Crusades: Anna Comnena''.1999. Women in World History. 12 Dec 2006. <http://www.womeninworldhistory.com/heroine5.html {{Wayback|url=http://www.womeninworldhistory.com/heroine5.html |date=20170326015549 }}>.
* [http://www.documentacatholicaomnia.eu/30_20_1083-1148-_Anna_Komnena.html English and Greek Opera Omnia by Migne Patrologia Graeca with analytical indexes] {{Wayback|url=http://www.documentacatholicaomnia.eu/30_20_1083-1148-_Anna_Komnena.html |date=20201229234223 }}

{{Authority control}}
{{DEFAULTSORT:Komnene, Anna}}

2024年4月24日 (三) 04:22的最新版本

君士坦丁堡大皇宫紫色寝宫英语Porphyra Chamber
母親伊琳娜·杜卡伊娜英语Irene Doukaina

安娜·科穆宁娜希臘語Ἄννα Κομνηνή,1083年12月1日—1153年),東羅馬帝國皇帝阿歷克塞一世的女兒,也是歐洲歷史上最早的女性歷史學家之一,她根據父親阿歷克塞一世的一生著有《阿莱克修斯传》,這是研究拜占庭帝國歷史的重要史料之一。






  1. ^ 奥斯特洛格尔斯基《拜占庭国家史》299页




  • Niketas Choniates, O City of Byzantium: Annals of Niketas Choniates (Michigan: Wayne State University Press, 1984)
  • Anna Comnena (2001). Dawes, Elizabeth A., ed. "The Alexiad页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)." The Internet Medieval Sourcebook. Fordham University. Retrieved April 22, 2018.
  • Anna Komnene, The Alexiad, translated by E.R.A. Sewter, ed. Peter Frankopan, (New York: Penguin, 2009)
  • Georgios Tornikes, 'An unpublished funeral oration on Anna Comnena', English translation by Robert Browning, in Aristotle Transformed: The Ancient Commentators and Their Influence, ed. R. Sorabji (New York: Cornell University Press, 1990)


  • Carolyn R. Connor, Women of Byzantium (Connecticut: Yale University Press, 2004)
  • Dalven, Rae (1972). Anna Comnena. New York: Twayne Publishers, Inc.
  • Frankopan, Peter (2002). "Perception and Projection of Prejudice: Anna Comnena, the Alexiad, and the First Crusade." Chapter 5 in Edgington, Susan B.; Lambert, Sarah. Gendering the Crusades. New York: Columbia University Press.
  • Gouma-Peterson, Thalia. "Gender and Power: Passages to the Maternal in Anna Komnene's Alexiad." In Gouma-Peterson, Thalia. Anna Komnene and Her Times. New York: Garland Publishing Inc. p. 107-125. ISBN 0815336454
  • Hanawalt, Emily Albu (1982). "Anna Komnene". In Strayer, Joseph R. ed. The Dictionary of the Middle Ages. 1. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. p. 303-304. ISBN 0684167603
  • Hill, Barbara (2000). "Actions Speak Louder Than Words: Anna Komnene's Attempted Usurpation". In Gouma-Peterson, Thaila. Anna Komnene and Her Times. New York: Garland Publishing Inc. p. 45-62. ISBN 0815336454
  • Jongh, Suzanne Wittek-De (1953). "Le César Nicéphore Byennois, l'historien, et sese ascendants". Byzantion. 23: 463-468., cited in Dion C. Smythe (2006), Garland, Lynda ed. "Middle Byzantine Family Values and Anna Komnene's Alexiad". Byzantine Women: Varieties of Experience 800-1200. Burlington: Ashgate Publishing Limited. ISBN 9780754657378
  • Lynda Garland & Stephen Rapp, "Maria ‘of Alania’: Woman & Empress Between Two Worlds," Byzantine Women: Varieties of Experience, ed. Lynda Garland, (New Hampshire: Ashgate, 2006). ISBN 9780754657378
  • Kahzdan, Alexander. Komnene, Anna. 亚历山大·卡日丹 (编). 牛津拜占庭辭典. 牛津: 牛津大学出版社. 1991. ISBN 0-19-504652-8. 
  • Angeliki Laiou, "Introduction: Why Anna Komnene?" Anna Komnene and Her Times, ed. Thalia Gouma-Peterson, (New York: Garland, 2000). ISBN 0815336454.
  • Larmour, David (2004). Margolis, Nadia; Wilson, Katherina M., eds. "Comnene, Anna". Women in the Middle Ages: an encyclopedia. 1. Westport: Greenwood Press. p. 203-205. ISBN 0313330174.
  • Macrides, Ruth (2000). "The Pen and the Sword: Who Wrote the Alexiad?." In Gouma-Peterson, Thaila. Anna Komnene and Her Times. New York: Garland Publishing Inc. p. 63-82. ISBN 0815336454
  • Neville, Leonora (2016). Anna Komnene: the life and work of a medieval historian. New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0190498177.
  • Reinsch, Diether R. (2000). "Women’s Literature in Byzantium?—The Case of Anna Komnene." Translated from German by Thomas Dunlap. In Anna Komnene and Her Times, ed. Thalia Gouma-Peterson. New York: Garland Publishing Inc.
  • Dion C. Smythe, "Middle Byzantine Family Values and Anna Komnene’s Alexiad," Byzantine Women: Varieties of Experience 800-1200, ed. Lynda Garland, (New Hampshire: Ashgate, 2006). ISBN 9780754657378.
  •  Baynes, T.S. (编), Anna Comnena, Encyclopædia Britannica 2 9th, New York: Charles Scribner's Sons: 59–60, 1878 
  •  Chisholm, Hugh (编). Anna Comnena. Encyclopædia Britannica 2 (第11版). London: Cambridge University Press: 59. 1911. 
  •  Shahan, Thomas Joseph. Anna Comnena. 天主教百科全书. New York: Robert Appleton Company. 1913. 


  • Georgina Buckler, Anna Comnena: A Study, Oxford University Press, 1929. ISBN 0-19-821471-5
  • Anna Comnena, The Alexiad页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆, translated by Elizabeth A. Dawes in 1928
  • Anna Comnena, The Alexiad of Anna Comnena, edited and translated by E.R.A. Sewter. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1969. (This print version uses more idiomatic English, has more extensive notes, and mistakes).
  • John France, "Anna Comnena, the Alexiad and the First Crusade页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)", Reading Medieval Studies v.9 (1983)
  • Ed. Kurtz, 'Unedierte Texte aus der Zeit des Kaisers Johannes Komnenos, in Byzantinische Zeitschrift 16 (1907): 69–119 (Greek text of Anna Comnene’s testament)
  • Thalia Gouma-Peterson (ed.), Anna Komnene and her Times, New York: Garland, 2000. ISBN 0-8153-3851-1.
  • Jonathan Harris, Byzantium and the Crusades, Bloomsbury, 2nd ed., 2014. ISBN 978-1-78093-767-0
  • Barbara Hill, "Actions speak louder than words: Anna Komnene’s attempted usurpation," in Anna Komnene and her times (2000): 46–47.
  • Levin, Carole, et al. Extraordinary Women of the Medieval and Renaissance World. Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 2000.
  • Magoulias, Harry J. (编). O City of Byzantium: Annals of Niketas Choniatēs. Detroit: Wayne State University Press. 1984 [2018-06-08]. ISBN 978-0-8143-1764-8. (原始内容存档于2016-06-24).  5–6.
  • Ellen Quandahl and Susan C. Jarratt, "'To recall him…will be a subject of lamentation': Anna Comnene as rhetorical historiographer" in Rhetorica: A Journal of the History of Rhetoric (2008): 301–335.
  • Vlada Stankovíc, "Nikephoros Bryennios, Anna Komnene and Konstantios Doukas. A Story of Different Perspectives," in Byzantinische Zeitschrift (2007): 174.
  • Paul Stephenson, "Anna Comnena's Alexiad as a source for the Second Crusade?", Journal of Medieval History v. 29 (2003)
  • Dion C. Smythe, "Middle Byzantine Family Values and Anna Komnene’s Alexiad," in Byzantine Women: Varieties of Experience (2006): 125–127.
  • Dion C. Symthe, "Outsiders by taxis perceptions of non-conformity eleventh and twelfth-century literature," in Byzantinische Forschungen: Internationale Zeitschrift für Byzantinistik (1997): 241.
  • Varzos, Konstantinos. Η Γενεαλογία των Κομνηνών [The Genealogy of the Komnenoi] (PDF) A. Thessaloniki: Centre for Byzantine Studies, University of Thessaloniki. 1984 (希腊语). [永久失效連結]
  • Anna Comnena. 新国际百科全书. 1905. 
  •  Anna Comnena. The American Cyclopædia. 1879. 

