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{{automatic taxobox
{{Taxobox_begin | color=pink | name = 魟科}}<br>
| image = Shovelnose guitarfish.JPG
{{Taxobox_image | image = [[Image:Blue spotted stingray.jpg|250px]]|caption=蓝点魟, ''Taeniura lymma''}}
| image_width = 250px
| image_caption = 一条铲头犁头鳐
{{Taxobox_superordo_entry |taxon = [[板鳃类]](Elasmobranchii) }}
| fossil_range = {{Fossil range|晚侏罗世|现在|ref=<ref name=FB>{{FishBase_family|family=Rhinobatidae|year=2011|month=February}}</ref>}}
{{Taxobox_ordo_entry | taxon = [[鰩目]](Rajiformes)}}
{{Taxobox_familia_entry | taxon = '''犁頭鰩科'''(Rhinobatidae)}}
| taxon=Rhinobatidae
| authority = [[约翰内斯·彼得·米勒|J. P. Müller]] & {{le|弗里德里希·古斯塔夫·雅各布·亨勒|Friedrich Gustav Jakob Henle|Henle}}, 1837
| subdivision_ranks = 属
{{Taxobox_section_subdivision | color = pink | plural_taxon = [[属 (生物)|属]]}}
| subdivision =
* [[弧犁头鳐属]] ''Acroteriobatus''
* [[铲吻犁头鳐属]]''Aptychotrema''
* [[拟犁头鳐属]] ''Pseudobatos''
* [[犁头鳐属]] ''Rhinobatos''
* [[南犁頭鰩屬]](''Trygonorrhina'')
* [[強鰭鰩屬]] (''Zapteryx'')
* †[[磨石鳐属]] ''Myledaphus''
* †[[始犁头鳐属]] ''Eorhinobatos''<ref name='Marrama'>{{cite journal|author1=Giuseppe Marramà|author2=Giorgio Carnevale|author3=Gavin J. P. Naylor|author4=Massimo Varese|author5=Luca Giusberti|author6=Jürgen Kriwet|title=Anatomy, taxonomy and phylogeny of the Eocene guitarfishes from the Bolca Lagerstätten, Italy, provide new insights into the relationships of the Rhinopristiformes (Elasmobranchii: Batomorphii)|journal=Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society |volume=192 |issue=4 |year=2021 |pages=1090–1110 |url= https://doi.org/10.1093/zoolinnean/zlaa125 |doi=10.1093/zoolinnean/zlaa125}}</ref>
** †[[原始始犁头鳐]] ''Eorhinobatos primaevus''
* †[[假犁头鳐属]] ''Pseudorhinobatos''<ref name='Marrama'/>
** †[[德赞假犁头鳐]] ''Pseudorhinobatos dezignii''

'''犁头鳐科'''({{sn|Rhinobatidae}})又稱琵琶鱝科,為[[軟骨魚綱]][[犁頭鰩目]]的一[[科 (生物)|科]],下分有9个[[属]],其中有3属目前仅存在于化石记录中,有数十个现存物种<ref>Giuseppe Marramà; Giorgio Carnevale; Gavin J. P. Naylor; Massimo Varese; Luca Giusberti; Jürgen Kriwet (2021). "Anatomy, taxonomy and phylogeny of the Eocene guitarfishes from the Bolca Lagerstätten, Italy, provide new insights into the relationships of the Rhinopristiformes (Elasmobranchii: Batomorphii)". Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. 192 (4): 1090–1110. doi:10.1093/zoolinnean/zlaa125.</ref>。犁头鳐的外貌介乎于[[鲨鱼]]与[[鳐鱼]]之间,有二对背鳍,身体扁平,所有胸鳍均彼此相连且环绕其头部,尾鳍发达。<ref name = brit>Tikkanen, A. (n.d.). guitarfish | fish | Britannica. [online] www.britannica.com. Available at: https://www.britannica.com/animal/guitarfish {{Wayback|url=https://www.britannica.com/animal/guitarfish |date=20221022123202 }}.</ref>该科鱼类广泛分布于世界各地的热带、亚热带与暖温带的水域中,属底栖鱼类。本科所有的物种均为卵胎生。本科大部分物种主要以甲壳类、蠕虫与小型鱼类为食<ref>Monterey Bay Aquarium (2022). Guitarfish. [online] Montereybayaquarium.org. Available at: https://www.montereybayaquarium.org/animals/animals-a-to-z/shovelnose-guitarfish {{Wayback|url=https://www.montereybayaquarium.org/animals/animals-a-to-z/shovelnose-guitarfish |date=20211220003530 }} [Accessed 19 Aug. 2022].</ref><ref>NOAA Fisheries (2021). Common Guitarfish | NOAA Fisheries. [online] NOAA. Available at: https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/species/common-guitarfish {{Wayback|url=https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/species/common-guitarfish |date=20221115185110 }}.</ref><ref>Florida Museum (2017). Rhinobatos lentiginosus. [online] Florida Museum. Available at: https://www.floridamuseum.ufl.edu/discover-fish/species-profiles/rhinobatos-lentiginosus/ {{Wayback|url=https://www.floridamuseum.ufl.edu/discover-fish/species-profiles/rhinobatos-lentiginosus/ |date=20220819135457 }}.</ref>
**[[鮑氏鏟吻犁頭鰩]](Aptychotrema bougainvillii)
**[[鉤鼻鏟吻犁頭鰩]](Aptychotrema rostrata)
**[[鏟吻犁頭鰩]](Aptychotrema vincentiana)
**[[擬團扇鰩]](Platyrhinoidis triseriata)
**[[白斑犁頭鰩]](Rhinobatos albomaculatatus)
**[[安氏犁頭鰩]](Rhinobatos annandalei)
**[[突吻犁頭鰩]](Rhinobatos annulatus)
**[[鎧犁頭鰩]](Rhinobatos armatus)
**[[澳洲犁頭鰩]](Rhinobatos batillum)
**[[布氏犁頭鰩]](Rhinobatos blochii)
**[[短吻犁頭鰩]](Rhinobatos brevirostris)
**[[吻斑犁頭鰩]](Rhinobatos cemiculus)
**[[杜氏犁頭鰩]](Rhinobatos dumerilii)
**[[台灣琵琶鱝]](Rhinobatos formosensis):又稱台灣犁頭鰩。
**[[銀點犁頭鰩]](Rhinobatos glaucostigma)
**[[顆粒琵琶鱝]](Rhinobatos granulatus):又稱粒突犁頭鰩。
**[[長犁頭鰩]](Rhinobatos holcorhynchus)
**[[霍氏犁頭鰩]](Rhinobatos horkelii)
**[[犁頭琵琶鱝]](Rhinobatos hynnicephalus):又稱斑紋犁頭鰩。
**[[暗斑犁頭鰩]](Rhinobatos irvinei)
**[[大西洋犁頭鰩]](Rhinobatos lentiginosus)
**[[白吻犁頭鰩]](Rhinobatos leucorhynchus)
**[[灰斑犁頭鰩]](Rhinobatos leucospilus)
**[[光背犁頭鰩]](Rhinobatos lionotus)
**[[鈍吻犁頭鰩]](Rhinobatos obtusus)
**[[南非犁頭鰩]](Rhinobatos ocellatus)
**[[白點犁頭鰩]](Rhinobatos percellens)
**[[太平洋犁頭鰩]](Rhinobatos planicep)
**[[普氏犁頭鰩]](Rhinobatos prahli)
**[[環吻犁頭鰩]](Rhinobatos productus)
**[[紅海犁頭鰩]](Rhinobatos punctifer)
**[[琴犁頭鰩]](Rhinobatos rhinobatos)
**[[沙拉蘭犁頭鰩]](Rhinobatos salalah)
**[[薛氏琵琶鱝]](Rhinobatos schlegelii):又稱許氏犁頭鰩。
**[[素氏犁頭鰩]](Rhinobatos thouin)
**[[犁頭鰩]](Rhinobatos typus)
**[[顆粒犁頭鰩]](Scobatus granulatus)
**[[哈氏顆粒犁頭鰩]](Scobatus halavi)
**[[斑紋南犁頭鰩]](Trygonorrhina fasciata)
**[[黑體南犁頭鰩]](Trygonorrhina melaleuca)
**[[梳板鰩]](Zanobatus pusilla)
**[[肖氏梳板鰩]](Zanobatus schoenleinii)
**[[潔背強鰭鰩]](Zapteryx exasperata)
**[[光滑強鰭鰩]](Zapteryx xyster)
[http://www.photomax.org.uk/Library/Marine/rhin/rhin.html 犁头鳐照片]

本科物种分布于世界各地的热带、亚热带与暖温带海域,一般生活离岸不远的近海与[[河口湾]],但部分犁头鳐品种具有一定的[[广盐性]],可生活在[[三角洲]]等咸淡水域交汇处,亦有研究认为部分品种可生活在淡水水域之中。大部分犁头鳐生活在松软的沙质海底或是长有茂密海草床的海底等潜在猎物丰富的水域。<ref name = fl>Sullivan, Taylor. "FLMNH Ichthyology Department: Atlantic Guitarfish". Florida Museum of Natural History. Florida Museum of Natural History. Retrieved 1 May 2015</ref>

本科物种前半部分胸鳍相连,形似翅膀,眼睛位于其头部两侧,大致呈菱形,头部扁平,吻部尖锐,嘴位于身体底部,与鳐鱼有相似之处,后半部分则有二对背鳍,尾巴窄长,类似于鲨鱼,游泳姿势亦同鲨鱼相似,整体外貌酷似吉他或是铲刀,这也是其英文名“Guitarfish”的名字由来<ref name = brit/>。该物种的色泽一般为棕色、橄榄色、灰色等与所处环境的海底类似的颜色以便于犁头鳐在海底躲藏与埋伏。本科物种尾部均无毒刺,但部分物种可能会有小而扁平的刺。此外,犁头鳐科物种均长有[[气孔]],因此其在隐藏于沙地下时仍然可以呼吸。为了咬碎猎物可能存在的硬甲壳,本科物种下颌强壮,牙齿较钝。<ref name = nmsf>National Marine Sanctuary Foundation. (2021). Sea Wonder: Guitarfish. [online] Available at: https://marinesanctuary.org/blog/sea-wonder-guitarfish/ {{Wayback|url=https://marinesanctuary.org/blog/sea-wonder-guitarfish/ |date=20220928155306 }}.</ref>

本科物种一般生活在不超过200m的海底,但也有报告宣称在深达4000m开阔海域发现一条圆犁头鳐生活于光照带的[[金枪鱼]]群之中<ref>Forget, F. and Muir, J. (2021). The critically endangered bowmouth guitarfish (Rhina ancylostoma) in the open ocean with an associated tuna school. Marine Biodiversity, 51(4). doi:10.1007/s12526-021-01195-8.</ref>。犁头鳐以海底的蠕虫、螃蟹、[[蝦蛄]]以及小型鱼类为食。其在白天不甚活跃,常常将自己埋在海底的泥沙之中或躲藏于海草床中,仅露出用于侦察的眼睛,主要以伏击的方式捕获猎物,而在夜间则会在海床附近徘徊,积极寻找并捕猎猎物。犁头鳐会用其强壮的下颌咬住猎物,用牙齿碾碎其可能有的坚硬[[外骨骼]]并活吞该猎物。<ref name = nmsf/>

本科物种同大部分[[鳐鱼]]和[[鲨鱼]]一样为[[卵胎生]]物种,繁殖季受物种、地域与环境的影响而多变,孕期可长达一年,每胎根据物种不同会产下2到12条幼鱼。犁头鳐最长可活到15年,而科内平均寿命长度为10年。犁头鳐并不常聚集,但会倾向于生活在同类附近,并偶尔会与其他个体互动。一般犁头鳐会同鲨鱼一样左右摆动其尾部来游泳,但在需要加速或冲刺的场合也会和鳐鱼一样使用头部的胸鳍,游泳时本科物种头部会略微抬起<ref name = fl/><ref name = nmsf/>。

学界在2016年对'''犁头鳐科'''其下的分类进行了大规模调整,改变大致如下:<ref name = last>Peter Last; William White; Marcelo de Carvalho; Bernard Séret; Matthias Stehmann; Gavin Naylor, eds. (2016). Rays of the World. CSIRO. ISBN 9780643109148.</ref>
*两个新属拟犁头鳐属<!--pseudobatos -->与弧犁头鳐属<!--acroteriobatus-->自犁头鳐属分离。

共10种,均分布于南部非洲沿海与印度洋水域<ref name = last/>
{{common taxon list|italic=yes
|马尔加什犁头鳐 |Acroteriobatus andysabini |,见于马达加斯加<ref name=Weigmann>Simon Weigmann, David A. Ebert and Bernard Séret. 2021. Resolution of the Acroteriobatus leucospilus Species Complex, with A Redescription of A. leucospilus (Norman, 1926) and Descriptions of Two New western Indian Ocean Species of Acroteriobatus (Rhinopristiformes, Rhinobatidae). Marine Biodiversity. 51, 58. DOI: 10.1007/s12526-021-01208-6</ref>
|突吻犁头鳐 |Acroteriobatus annulatus |
|布氏犁头鳐 |Acroteriobatus blochii |
|灰斑犁头鳐 |Acroteriobatus leucospilus |(Norman, 1926)<ref name=Weigmann/>
|南非犁头鳐 |Acroteriobatus ocellatus |
|阿曼犁头鳐 |Acroteriobatus omanensis |
|沙拉兰犁头鳐 |Acroteriobatus salalah |
|索科特拉犁头鳐 |Acroteriobatus stehmanni |,见于索科特拉<ref name=Weigmann/>
|斑鼻犁头鳐 |Acroteriobatus variegatus |
|桑吉巴尔犁头鳐 |Acroteriobatus zanzibarensis |

=== [[铲吻犁头鳐属]]''Aptychotrema''===
{{common taxon list|italic=yes
|钩鼻铲吻犁头鳐 |Aptychotrema rostrata |(Shaw, 1794)
||Aptychotrema timorensis |Last, 2004
||Aptychotrema vincentiana |(Haacke, 1885)

=== [[拟犁头鳐属]](''Pseudobatos'')===

{{common taxon list|italic=yes
|白斑犁頭鰩 |Rhinobatos albomaculatatus |
|安氏犁頭鰩 |Rhinobatos annandalei |
|婆罗洲犁头鳐 |Rhinobatos borneensis |
|台灣犁头鳐 |Rhinobatos formosensis |:又稱台灣琵琶鲼。
|長犁頭鰩 |Rhinobatos holcorhynchus |
|犁頭犁头鳐 |Rhinobatos hynnicephalus |:又稱斑紋琵琶鲼。
|暗斑犁頭鰩 |Rhinobatos irvinei |
|滑背犁頭鰩 |Rhinobatos lionotus |
|光背犁头鳐 |Rhinobatos nudidorsalis |
|印度尼西亚犁头鳐 |Rhinobatos penggali |
|铲头犁頭鰩 |Rhinobatos productus |
|紅海犁頭鰩 |Rhinobatos punctifer |
|琴犁頭鰩 |Rhinobatos rhinobatos |
|普通犁頭鰩 |Rhinobatos sainsburyi |
|薛氏犁头鳐 |Rhinobatos schlegelii |:又稱許氏犁頭鰩。
|素氏犁頭鰩 |Rhinobatos thouin |
|菲律宾犁头鳐 |Rhinobatos whitei |

[[南犁头鳐属]] ''Trygonorrhina'' Müller & Henle, 1838

{{common taxon list|italic=yes
||Trygonorrhina dumerilii |(Castelnau, 1873)
||Trygonorrhina fasciata |Müller & Henle, 1841
||Trygonorrhina melaleuca |Scott, 1954<ref>Donnellan, Stephen C., Ralph Foster, Claudia Junge, Charlie Huveneers, Paul Rogers, Andrzej Kilian & T. Bertozzi. 2015. Fiddling with the Proof: the Magpie Fiddler Ray is A Colour Pattern Variant of the Common Southern Fiddler Ray (Rhinobatidae: Trygonorrhina). Zootaxa. 3981(3): 367–384. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3981.3.3</ref>

[[強鰭鰩屬]] Zapteryx Jordan & Gilbert, 188038

{{common taxon list|italic=yes
||Zapteryx brevirostris |(Müller & Henle, 1841)
|洁背强鳍鳐 |Zapteryx exasperata |(Jordan & Gilbert, 1880)
||Zapteryx xyster |Jordan & Evermann, 1896

该科物种为沿岸地区居民重要的蛋白质来源,味道极佳<ref>Uerpmann, M. and Uerpmann, H.-P. (2005). Fish exploitation at Bronze Age harbour sites in the Arabian Gulf area. Paléorient, [online] 31(1), pp.108–115. doi:10.3406/paleo.2005.4790.</ref>。除此以外,犁头鳐科的个体还可为沿岸地区吸引前来潜水或是参观水族馆的观光客,促进旅游业的发展<ref>Shark Dive Protea Banks. (n.d.). Shark Diving Protea Banks - Dive with Bullsharks + Tigersharks. [online] Available at: http://www.afridive.com/ {{Wayback|url=http://www.afridive.com/ |date=20221020180955 }}.</ref>。


== 外部链接 ==
*[https://web.archive.org/web/20040821070753/http://www.photomax.org.uk/Library/Marine/rhin/rhin.html 犁头鳐照片]


2024年8月26日 (一) 00:34的最新版本

科学分类 编辑
界: 动物界 Animalia
门: 脊索动物门 Chordata
纲: 软骨鱼纲 Chondrichthyes
目: 犁头鳐目 Rhinopristiformes
科: 犁頭鰩科 Rhinobatidae
J. P. Müller & Henle英语Friedrich Gustav Jakob Henle, 1837















  • 废除颗粒犁头鳐属,原属于该属的2个物种以及犁头鳐属的5个物种移至蓝吻犁头鳐科
  • 团扇鳐亚科升格为科并划入电鳐目
  • 拟团扇鳐属划至团扇鳐科,原属于该属的1个物种一并迁移
  • 梳板鳐属升格为科
  • 两个新属拟犁头鳐属与弧犁头鳐属自犁头鳐属分离。
  • 杜氏犁头鳐和短吻犁头鳐自犁头鳐属分别移至南犁头鳐属与强鳍鳐属
  • 铲吻犁头鳐属不作调整。











南犁头鳐属 Trygonorrhina Müller & Henle, 1838

強鰭鰩屬 Zapteryx Jordan & Gilbert, 188038





  1. ^ Froese, R. & Pauly, D. (eds.) (2011). Rhinobatidae. FishBase. Version 2011-02.
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 Giuseppe Marramà; Giorgio Carnevale; Gavin J. P. Naylor; Massimo Varese; Luca Giusberti; Jürgen Kriwet. Anatomy, taxonomy and phylogeny of the Eocene guitarfishes from the Bolca Lagerstätten, Italy, provide new insights into the relationships of the Rhinopristiformes (Elasmobranchii: Batomorphii). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. 2021, 192 (4): 1090–1110. doi:10.1093/zoolinnean/zlaa125. 
  3. ^ Giuseppe Marramà; Giorgio Carnevale; Gavin J. P. Naylor; Massimo Varese; Luca Giusberti; Jürgen Kriwet (2021). "Anatomy, taxonomy and phylogeny of the Eocene guitarfishes from the Bolca Lagerstätten, Italy, provide new insights into the relationships of the Rhinopristiformes (Elasmobranchii: Batomorphii)". Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. 192 (4): 1090–1110. doi:10.1093/zoolinnean/zlaa125.
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 Tikkanen, A. (n.d.). guitarfish | fish | Britannica. [online] www.britannica.com. Available at: https://www.britannica.com/animal/guitarfish页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆).
  5. ^ Monterey Bay Aquarium (2022). Guitarfish. [online] Montereybayaquarium.org. Available at: https://www.montereybayaquarium.org/animals/animals-a-to-z/shovelnose-guitarfish页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) [Accessed 19 Aug. 2022].
  6. ^ NOAA Fisheries (2021). Common Guitarfish | NOAA Fisheries. [online] NOAA. Available at: https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/species/common-guitarfish页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆).
  7. ^ Florida Museum (2017). Rhinobatos lentiginosus. [online] Florida Museum. Available at: https://www.floridamuseum.ufl.edu/discover-fish/species-profiles/rhinobatos-lentiginosus/页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆).
  8. ^ 8.0 8.1 Sullivan, Taylor. "FLMNH Ichthyology Department: Atlantic Guitarfish". Florida Museum of Natural History. Florida Museum of Natural History. Retrieved 1 May 2015
  9. ^ 9.0 9.1 9.2 National Marine Sanctuary Foundation. (2021). Sea Wonder: Guitarfish. [online] Available at: https://marinesanctuary.org/blog/sea-wonder-guitarfish/页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆).
  10. ^ Forget, F. and Muir, J. (2021). The critically endangered bowmouth guitarfish (Rhina ancylostoma) in the open ocean with an associated tuna school. Marine Biodiversity, 51(4). doi:10.1007/s12526-021-01195-8.
  11. ^ 11.0 11.1 Peter Last; William White; Marcelo de Carvalho; Bernard Séret; Matthias Stehmann; Gavin Naylor, eds. (2016). Rays of the World. CSIRO. ISBN 9780643109148.
  12. ^ 12.0 12.1 12.2 Simon Weigmann, David A. Ebert and Bernard Séret. 2021. Resolution of the Acroteriobatus leucospilus Species Complex, with A Redescription of A. leucospilus (Norman, 1926) and Descriptions of Two New western Indian Ocean Species of Acroteriobatus (Rhinopristiformes, Rhinobatidae). Marine Biodiversity. 51, 58. DOI: 10.1007/s12526-021-01208-6
  13. ^ Donnellan, Stephen C., Ralph Foster, Claudia Junge, Charlie Huveneers, Paul Rogers, Andrzej Kilian & T. Bertozzi. 2015. Fiddling with the Proof: the Magpie Fiddler Ray is A Colour Pattern Variant of the Common Southern Fiddler Ray (Rhinobatidae: Trygonorrhina). Zootaxa. 3981(3): 367–384. DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3981.3.3
  14. ^ Uerpmann, M. and Uerpmann, H.-P. (2005). Fish exploitation at Bronze Age harbour sites in the Arabian Gulf area. Paléorient, [online] 31(1), pp.108–115. doi:10.3406/paleo.2005.4790.
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