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'''後物質主義'''({{lang-en|'''Post-materialism'''}})是指一個[[後現代主義|後現代]]的新理論:指一個由個體及社會所帶動的一個持續的轉變,使他們從基本的物質需要中釋放出來的持續革命。 |
'''後物質主義'''({{lang-en|'''Post-materialism'''}})是指一個[[後現代主義|後現代]]的新理論:指一個由個體及社會所帶動的一個持續的轉變,使他們從基本的物質需要中釋放出來的持續革命。 |
「後物質主義」這個概念及相關連的「[[寧靜革命]]」是由政治及社會科學家[[朗奴·英高赫]]({{lang|en|Ronald Inglehart}})於[[1970年代]]在他的著作《[[寧靜革命—後物質主義價值變遷]]》({{lang|en|''The Silent Revolution: Changing Values and Political Styles Among Western Publics''}})裡所提出。 |
「後物質主義」這個概念及相關連的「[[寧靜革命]]」是由政治及社會科學家[[朗奴·英高赫]]({{lang|en|Ronald Inglehart}})於[[1970年代]]在他的著作《[[寧靜革命—後物質主義價值變遷]]》({{lang|en|''The Silent Revolution: Changing Values and Political Styles Among Western Publics''}})裡所提出。 |
2007年4月25日 (三) 11:50的版本
後物質主義(英語:Post-materialism)是指一個後現代的新理論:指一個由個體及社會所帶動的一個持續的轉變,使他們從基本的物質需要中釋放出來的持續革命。 「後物質主義」這個概念及相關連的「寧靜革命」是由政治及社會科學家朗奴·英高赫(Ronald Inglehart)於1970年代在他的著作《寧靜革命—後物質主義價值變遷》(The Silent Revolution: Changing Values and Political Styles Among Western Publics)裡所提出。
英高赫的理論的最主要的假設,是個體對多項目標的追求,是依從一個循序的等級。因此,個體會首先追求基本生活需求標準的保證。一但基本生活所需保證了,他們的焦點會轉移到非物質的物品。所以,根據英高赫對亚伯拉罕·马斯洛的需求层次理论的詮釋,經常經歷經濟上缺乏(scarcity)的人,會把經濟需要,經濟增長和安全需要例如強大的國家保衛系統﹑法律與規矩等,放到一個比較高的位置。另一方面,在物質生活上過得豐足的人,會認為個人進步,自由﹑政府所給予的公民權等比較重要,從而放到一個較高位置。他們要求一個人道主義的社會,並且希望維持一個清潔而健康的環境。 雖然這些未可盡歸功於經濟發展,但經濟發展確實提供了機會,讓群眾轉型為有組織的市民,有實力要求更公平的資源分配(Ronald Ingelhart,1990)。
This hypothesis would imply that a growing part of society becomes more post-materialist given long periods of material affluence. The post-material orientations acquired during socialisation should also be rather steadfast, because they are claimed to be a rather stable value-system value in contrast to more volatile political and social attitudes.
There are several ways of measuring post-materialism in empirical science. A rather simple, but common way is creating an index from survey respondents' patterns of responses to a series of items which were designed to measure personal political priorities:
"If you had to choose among the following things, which are the two that seem the most desirable to you?
- Maintaining order in the nation.
- Giving people more say in important political decisions.
- Fighting rising prices.
- Protecting freedom of speech.
... On the basis of the choices made among these four items, it is possible to classify our respondents into value priority groups, ranging from a 'pure' acquisitive type to a 'pure' postbourgeois type, with several intermediate categories." (Inglehart 1971: 994 f.)
The theoretical assumptions and the empirical research connected with the concept of post-materialism have received very high attention and aroused much critical discussion in human sciences. Amongst others, the validity, the stability and the causation of post-materialism has been doubted.
「英高赫指數」是一項有關後物質主義的指標,量度居民對保持低通脹抑或保持社會秩序的偏好。 The so-called "Inglehart-index" has been included in several surveys (e.g. General Social Survey, World Values Survey, Eurobarometer, ALLBUS). The time series in ALLBUS (German General Social Survey) is particularly comprehensive. From 1980 to 1990 the share of "pure post-materialists" increased from 13 to 31 percent in West Germany. After the economic and social stress caused by German reunification in 1990 it dropped to 23 percent in 1992 and stayed on that level afterwards (Terwey 2000: 155; ZA and ZUMA 2005). The ALLBUS-samples Sample (statistics) from the less affluent population in East Germany show much lower portions of post-materialists (1991: 15%, 1992: 10%, 1998: 12%). International data from World Values Survey 2000 show the highest percentage of post-materialists in Australia (20%) followed by Austria (30%), Canada (29%), Italy (28%), Argentina (25%), United States (25%), Sweden (22%), Netherlands (22%), Puerto Rico (22%) etc. (Inglehart et al. 2004: 384). In spite of some questions raised by these and other data, measurements of post-materialism have prima facie proven to be statistically important variables in many analyses.
雖然現時有愈來愈多奉行後物質主義者針對大幅佔有物質或資源,但我們不可把後物質主義與禁慾主義或一般的抗拒消費者相混淆。在某些場合,後物質主義被批評是一種超級的物質主義,在德國,有資料顯示在年青人間、經濟狀況比較穩定的公共服務業者及中產的管理階層都有超級物質主義的傾向(Pappi and Terwey 1982)。
- 蔡志強,(2006年),天星抗爭:新社會運動的開始﹖,《明報》,2006年12月22日。
- 陳碧珍,(2000年),《公民文化與地方發展》,台灣標準檢驗局高雄分局
- Inglehart, R. (1971) The Silent Revolution in Post-Industrial Societies. In: American Political Science Review 65: 991-1017. ISSN 1537-5943
- Inglehart, R. (1977) The Silent Revolution: Changing Values and Political Styles Among Western Publics. Princeton: Princeton University Press. ISBN 0-691-10038-1
- Ronald Inglehart, Miguel Basánez, Jaime Díez-Medrano, Loek Halmann and Ruud Luijkx (eds.) 2004: Human Beliefs and Values. A cross-cultural sourcebook based on the 1999-2002 values surveys. Coyoacan: siglo veintiuno editores. ISBN 968-23-2502-1
- Abraham H. Maslow 1987 (1954): Motivation and Personality. 3rd edition. New York: Harper and Row. ISBN 0-06-041987-3
- Franz Urban Pappi and Michael Terwey 1982: The German Electorate: Old Cleavages and New Political Conflicts. In: Herbert Döring und Gordon Smith (eds.), Party Government and Political Culture in Western Germany, London: Macmillan: 174-196. ISBN 0-333-29082-8
- Michael Terwey: ALLBUS: A German General Social Survey. In: Schmollers Jahrbuch. Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- un Sozalwissenschaften. Journal of Applied Social Science Studies. Nr. 120, 2000: 151-158. ISSN 0342-1783
- ZA (Zentralarchiv für Empirische Sozialforschung) and ZUMA (Zentrum für Umfragen, Methoden und Analysen): German General Social Survey. ALLBUS / GGSS Cumulation 1980 - 2004 (ZA-Study-No 4243), Electronic Codebook, integrated Data File, and Survey Description, Cologne: GESIS.
- Hansen O. et Tol R. S. A., (2003), A Refined Inglehart Index of Materialism and Postmaterialism.
- 後現代主義 (英語:Postmodernity
- Consumerism
- Affluenza
- Gross National Happiness
- Abraham Harold Maslow
- John Kenneth Galbraith
- Scott C Flanagan
- Russell J. Dalton
- World Values Survey
- European Values Study
- Fifty Possible Ways to Challenge Over-Commercialism by Albert J. Fritsch, SJ, PhD