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* [[File:Royal Order of Saints George and Constantine ribbon.png|60px]] {{link-en|聖喬治與君士坦丁勳章|Order of Saints George and Constantine}}頸飾級(希臘)
* [[File:Royal Order of Saints George and Constantine ribbon.png|60px]] {{link-en|聖喬治與君士坦丁勳章|Order of Saints George and Constantine}}頸飾級(希臘)
* [[File:Order of the White Lion.svg|60px]] [[白獅勳章]]頸飾級(捷克斯洛伐克,1928年)<ref>[http://www.vyznamenani.net/?p=1053 "Kolana Řádu Bílého lva aneb hlavy států v řetězech"] {{Wayback|url=http://www.vyznamenani.net/?p=1053 |date=20211219043417 }} (in Czech), ''Czech Medals and Orders Society''. Retrieved 2018-08-09.</ref>
* [[File:Order of the White Lion.svg|60px]] [[白獅勳章]]頸飾級(捷克斯洛伐克,1928年)<ref>[http://www.vyznamenani.net/?p=1053 "Kolana Řádu Bílého lva aneb hlavy států v řetězech"] {{Wayback|url=http://www.vyznamenani.net/?p=1053 |date=20211219043417 }} (in Czech), ''Czech Medals and Orders Society''. Retrieved 2018-08-09.</ref>
* [[File:ETH Order of Solomon BAR.png|60px]] {{link-en|所羅門勳章|Order of Solomon}}頸飾級(衣索比亞)<ref>"[http://www.ethiopiancrown.org/decorations.htm#TheOrderofSolomon The Imperial Orders and Decorations of Ethiopia] {{WebCite|url=https://www.webcitation.org/6Akvr2D8C?url=http://www.ethiopiancrown.org/decorations.htm#TheOrderofSolomon |date=20120917225633 |dateformat=iso }}", ''The Crown Council of Ethiopia''. Retrieved 7 September 2020.</ref>
* [[File:ETH Order of Solomon BAR.png|60px]] {{link-en|所羅門勳章|Order of Solomon}}頸飾級(衣索比亞)<ref>"[http://www.ethiopiancrown.org/decorations.htm#TheOrderofSolomon The Imperial Orders and Decorations of Ethiopia] {{Wayback|url=http://www.ethiopiancrown.org/decorations.htm#TheOrderofSolomon |date=20121226054014 }}", ''The Crown Council of Ethiopia''. Retrieved 7 September 2020.</ref>
* [[File:MY Darjah Utama Seri Mahkota Negara (Crown of the Realm) - DMN.svg|60px]] {{link-en|联邦王室勋章|Order of the Crown of the Realm}}([[马来西亚]],1964年)
* [[File:MY Darjah Utama Seri Mahkota Negara (Crown of the Realm) - DMN.svg|60px]] {{link-en|联邦王室勋章|Order of the Crown of the Realm}}([[马来西亚]],1964年)

2022年12月17日 (六) 06:24的版本







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