第140行: | 第140行: | ||
== 示例 == |
== 示例 == |
⚫ | |||
⚫ | |||
magnet:?xt=urn:ed2k:31D6CFE0D16AE931B73C59D7E0C089C0 |
⚫ | |||
&xl=0&dn=zero_len.fil |
&xt=urn:bitprint:3I42H3S6NNFQ2MSVX7XZKYAYSCX5QBYJ |
⚫ | |||
'''mediawiki-1.15.1.tar.gz''' |
magnet:?xt=urn:ed2k:354B15E68FB8F36D7CD88FF94116CDC1 |
&xl=10826029&dn=mediawiki-1.15.1.tar.gz |
&tr=http%3A%2F%2Ftracker.example.org%2Fannounce.php%3Fuk%3D1111111111%26 |
&as=http%3A%2F%2Fdownload.wikimedia.org%2Fmediawiki%2F1.15%2Fmediawiki-1.15.1.tar.gz |
&xs=http%3A%2F%2Fcache.example.org%2FXRX2PEFXOOEJFRVUCX6HMZMKS5TWG4K5 |
&xs=dchub://example.org |
'''url magnet (mediawiki-1.15.1.tar.gz)''' |
http://sure-raza.com/magnet:?xl=10826029&dn=mediawiki-1.15.1.tar.gz&xt=urn:tree:tiger:7N5OAMRNGMSSEUE3ORHOKWN4WWIQ5X4EBOOTLJY |
== 客户端 == |
== 客户端 == |
2010年6月2日 (三) 12:05的版本
这个标准的草稿出现于 2002 年,partly as a "vendor- and project-neutral generalization" of eDonkey2000 和 Freenet 各自使用的 ed2k:
和 freenet:
URI 格式, 尝试紧密跟进 IETF 官方的 URI 标准。支持Magnet链接的应用程序包括 Vuze, BearShare, DC++, Deluge、 gtk-gnutella、 Kazaa、 LimeWire、 FrostWire、 MP3 Rocket、 Morpheus、 Qbittorrent (v1.5.0)、 BitComet (v1.17)、 BitSpirit、 Shareaza、 MLdonkey、 aMule、 KCeasy、 TrustyFiles、 μTorrent、 和 Transmission (v1.80)。
Magnet链接最常见的用途是基于文件内容的散列函数来链接到特定文件,生成一个唯一的文件识别符, 类似于 ISBN。不像常规的识别符,内容散列可以被任意一位持有此文件的人生成,所以并不需要一个中心机构,这使其在文件共享领域经常被用作搜索条件,因任何人都可以分发一个Magnet链接来确保该链接指向的资源就是他想要的,而和得到该资源的方式无关。(虽然技术上讲,两个不同的文件可能具有相同的散列值,但实际上这是极不可能发生的)
另一个Magnet链接的优势是开放性和跨平台性: 一个Magnet链接可被运行在几乎所有平台上的应用程序们使用以下载一个文件。因为Magnet链接十分简洁且为纯文本格式,所以用户可以很方便地将其复制到电子邮件或即时消息中,比如,BitTorrent种子。
Magnet链接由一组参数组成,参数间的顺序没有讲究,其格式与在HTTP链接末尾的查询字符串相同。最常见的参数是 "xt" ,是 "exact topic" 的缩写,通常是一个特定文件的内容散列函数形成的 URN,例如:
- "dn" ("显示名称"): 为了方便,为用户显示文件名称
- "kt" ("关键字"): 更笼统的搜索,指定搜索关键字而不是特定文件
- "mt" ("文件列表"): 一个 URI 指向一个列表,例如一个项目列表
- 应用程序定义的实验参数,必须以 "x." 开头
标准还建议同类的多个参数可以在参数名称后面加上 ".1", ".2" 等来使用,例如
Magnet链接可以包括一个或多个参数,之间用 '&' 隔开. 参数的顺序在文件在标准中没有记录。有一些参数的值对于客户端正确解析Magnet链接很重要。
magnet:? xl = [Size in Bytes] & dn = [file name (URL encoded)] & xt = urn: tree: tiger: [ TTH hash (Base32) ]
- dn (显示名称) - 文件名
- xl (绝对长度) - 文件字节数
- xt (eXact Topic) - 包含文件散列函数的 URN
- as (Acceptable Source) - Web link to the file online
- xs (绝对资源) - P2P 链接
- kt (关键字) - 用于搜索的关键字
- mt (文件列表) - 链接到一个包含magnet链接的元文件 (MAGMA - MAGnet MAnifest)
- tr (Tracker 地址) - BT下载的 Tracker URL
xt 参数
- TTH (Tiger Tree 散列函数)
TigerTree 散列函数被用在包括 Direct Connect 和 Gnutella2 在内的几个网络中。
xt=urn:tree:tiger:[ TTH Hash (Base32) ]
- SHA-1 (安全散列演算法 1)
xt=urn:sha1:[ SHA-1 Hash (Base32) ]
这种散列函数包含一个 SHA-1 散列函数和一个 TTH 散列函数,用 "." 隔开。 Gnutella 和 Gnutella2使用。
xt=urn:bitprint:[ SHA-1 Hash (Base32) ].[ TTH Hash (Base32) ]
- eD2k Hash (eDonkey2000) 散列函数
eDonkey2000 使用的散列函数。
xt=urn:ed2k:[ ED2K Hash (Hex) ]
- AICH (高级智能型损坏处理)
不是正式的magnet链接的一部分。eDonkey2000 使用的散列函数,用于存储和控制下载完成、正在下载的文件的完整性。
xt=urn:aich:[ aich Hash (Base32) ]
- Kazaa 散列函数
FastTrack 使用的散列函数。
xt=urn:kzhash:[ Kazaa Hash (Hex) ]
- BTIH (BitTorrent Info Hash)
BitTorrent 使用的散列函数。
xt=urn:btih:[ BitTorrent Info Hash (Hex) ]
- MD5 (信息-摘要算法 5)
Gnutella2 支持的散列函数。
xt=urn:md5:[ MD5 Hash (Hex) ]
- CRC-32 (循环冗余校验)
不是正式的magnet链接的一部分。 没有任何已知的 P2P 网络使用。
xt=urn:crc32:[ CRC-32 (Base10) ]
普通链接 (as)
"as" 的意思是 "acceptable source"。这种链接指向从网络服务器的直接下载。 只有在指定的超时后才会连接,防止服务器过载。客户端在考虑向服务器发送下载请求前会先花一定时间在 P2P 网络中定位文件。
as=[ a web link to the file(URL encoded) ]
P2P链接 (xs)
This link is either an HTTP (SHTTP, FTP, SFTP, etc.) download source for the file linked to by the Magnet link, the address of a P2P source for the file or the address of a hub (in the case of DC + +). For this link a client tries to connect directly and asks for the file and/or its sources. This field is commonly used P2P clients to store the source. The reference may include the file hash.
This type of link is used by Gnutella as well G2 applications and based on RFC 2168.
xs=http://[Client Address]:[Port of client]/uri-res/N2R?[ URN containing a file hash ]
- Link to a DirectConnect hub to find sources for a file
This link connects a DirectConnect client immediately to the hub in question.
xs=dchub://[hub address]:[hub port]
- Reference to a web-based source cache for a file on Gnutella2
In this case, the link included points not to a client IP or direct source, but to a source cache. Such a cache doesn't have the file itself, but it stores the IPs of other clients contacting it to download the same file. Once a client connects to the cache to get other IPs for alternate sources, its own IP is stored inside the cache and forwarded to the next one asking for alternate sources. This system operates similar to a BitTorrent tracker.
xs=http://cache.freebase.be/[ SHA-1 hash ]
- Reference to an ED2K source
xs=ed2kftp://[client address]:[client port]/[ed2k hash]/[file size]/
文件列表 (mt)
关键字 (kt)
Tracker 地址 (tr)
Tracker URL. 用于为 BitTorrent 提供没有 DHT 支持的Tracker.
补充格式 (x.)
For experimental and self-complementing informal options, the prefix x followed by a chosen second letter can be used
x.[name of the new parameter]=[data of the new parameter (URL encoded)]
通过在每个参数后编号并用"."来分隔允许一个 Magnet 链接中包含多个文件及它们 URN, 文件名和散列函数值。
magnet:?xt.1=[ URN of the first file]&xt.2=[ URN of the second file]
Some programs create Magnet links while not respecting URL encoding for the link parameters. These programs have around 20% market share and can create errors when used on web pages. [來源請求]
magnet:?xt=urn:ed2k:31D6CFE0D16AE931B73C59D7E0C089C0 &xl=0&dn=zero_len.fil &xt=urn:bitprint:3I42H3S6NNFQ2MSVX7XZKYAYSCX5QBYJ .LWPNACQDBZRYXW3VHJVCJ64QBZNGHOHHHZWCLNQ &xt=urn:md5:D41D8CD98F00B204E9800998ECF8427E
magnet:?xt=urn:ed2k:354B15E68FB8F36D7CD88FF94116CDC1 &xl=10826029&dn=mediawiki-1.15.1.tar.gz &xt=urn:tree:tiger:7N5OAMRNGMSSEUE3ORHOKWN4WWIQ5X4EBOOTLJY &xt=urn:btih:QHQXPYWMACKDWKP47RRVIV7VOURXFE5Q &tr=http%3A%2F%2Ftracker.example.org%2Fannounce.php%3Fuk%3D1111111111%26 &as=http%3A%2F%2Fdownload.wikimedia.org%2Fmediawiki%2F1.15%2Fmediawiki-1.15.1.tar.gz &xs=http%3A%2F%2Fcache.example.org%2FXRX2PEFXOOEJFRVUCX6HMZMKS5TWG4K5 &xs=dchub://example.org
url magnet (mediawiki-1.15.1.tar.gz)
客户端 | dn | xl | xt | tr | xs | as | kt | mt | Interception[1] | Box[2] |
ApexDC++ | 是 | 是 | Urn: tree: tiger: urn: bitprint: |
否 | Dchub://[hubaddress]:[hubport] | Dchub://[hubaddress]:[hubport] | 否 | ? | 是 | 否 |
Shareaza | 是 | 是 | urn: sha1: urn: tree: tiger: urn: bitprint: urn: ed2k: urn: md5: urn: btih: |
是 [3] | http: ftp: |
http: ftp: (Same priority as xs) |
是 | 否 | 是 | 是 |
Azureus | ? | ? | urn: btih: | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? |
AMule | 是 | 是 | urn: ed2k: | 否 | ? | ? | ? | ? | 否 | 是 |
µTorrent | 是 | 否 | urn: btih: | 是 | 否 | 否 | 否 | 否 | 是 | 是 |
BitComet | 是 | 是 | urn: btih: | 是 | 否 | 否 | 否 | 否 | 是 | 是 |
迅雷 | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? |
LimeWire | 是 | 是 | urn: sha1: | 否 | http: urn: guid: |
? | 否 | 否 | 是 | 是 |
Transmission (as of v1.80) [4][5] | 是 | 否 | urn: btih: | 是 | 否 | 否 | 否 | 否 | 是 | 是 |
DC + + clients
Can intercept Magnet links from your browser. Therefore the Magnet link text can be inserted into the address bar of your browser. For links included in web pages, just click on the link.
Able to intercept links from within the web browser and has a possibility to directly insert Magnet links to the client by pasting them into the search area or the "Download File or Torrent" dialog.
aMule 2.2
"sees" only if it MAGNET insert line eD2k Link at the bottom of the client. Therefore MAGNET link must "build", copy, paste into the box and click add.
ED2K hash, size, file name should be first and in that order. The client divides the link. Data on the size of the file and its hash may be in different parts. Because of this link may not be suitable for downloading.
- ^ Ability to intercept Magnet links directly from within the web browser. [需要解释]
- ^ Possibility to inject the link directly into the application in question.
- ^ Since v2.5.1.0
- ^ http://trac.transmissionbt.com/browser/trunk/libtransmission/magnet-test.c?rev=9531
- ^ http://trac.transmissionbt.com/browser/trunk/libtransmission/magnet.c?rev=9979
- MAGNET-URI Project Web-site
- Bitzi, a Magnet search engine / directory.
- Freebase a website that uses magnet links to index freeware.
- RHash, an open source command-line tool, which can calculate magnet links.