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Douglasfrankfort留言 | 贡献
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'''苏庇路里乌玛二世'''(活动时期[[前13世纪|公元前13世纪]]末)[[赫梯]]国王(大致的统治时间:[[前1218年]]~[[前1200年]]或[[前1210年]]~[[前1180年]];实际时间无法确定)。他是赫梯[[新王国 (赫梯)|新王国]]的最后一个被历史学家所知的国王.
'''苏庇路里乌玛二世'''(活动时期[[前13世纪|公元前13世纪]]末)[[赫梯]]国王(大致的统治时间:[[前1218年]]~[[前1200年]]或[[前1210年]]~[[前1180年]];实际时间无法确定)。他是赫梯[[新王国 (赫梯)|新王国]]的最后一个被历史学家所知的国王

阿拉西亚Alašiya revolted. Šuppiluliuma campaigned against it. Interestingly, he had three battles against Alašiyan ships on the water. He then fought against them on land. He apparently won, since he erected a monument and installed someone in Alašiya. See Güterbock, JNES 26 (1967), 73-81. Since Alašiya is not mentioned in the Südburg inscription, this inscription is probably not his tomb, and the Alašiyan campaign took place after the Südburg inscription was written (See Hoffner (1992)).

乌加列: Probably the port from which the Hittite fleet against Alašiya was based. Šuppiluliuma successfully maintained control of Alašiya. ʾAmmurapi was its last king before it got sacked by the Sea People. The king of Ugarit sent a grain shipment from Mukiš to the port of Ura. Ura was located in Tarḫuntašša, and the grain was transported overland to Ḫatti once it was unloaded at Ura. So Tarḫuntašša was under Hittite control in the last days of the Empire (Hoffner (1992) 49).



[[en:Suppiluliuma II]]
[[de:Suppiluliuma II.]]

2006年4月6日 (四) 10:42的版本




阿拉西亚Alašiya revolted. Šuppiluliuma campaigned against it. Interestingly, he had three battles against Alašiyan ships on the water. He then fought against them on land. He apparently won, since he erected a monument and installed someone in Alašiya. See Güterbock, JNES 26 (1967), 73-81. Since Alašiya is not mentioned in the Südburg inscription, this inscription is probably not his tomb, and the Alašiyan campaign took place after the Südburg inscription was written (See Hoffner (1992)).

乌加列: Probably the port from which the Hittite fleet against Alašiya was based. Šuppiluliuma successfully maintained control of Alašiya. ʾAmmurapi was its last king before it got sacked by the Sea People. The king of Ugarit sent a grain shipment from Mukiš to the port of Ura. Ura was located in Tarḫuntašša, and the grain was transported overland to Ḫatti once it was unloaded at Ura. So Tarḫuntašša was under Hittite control in the last days of the Empire (Hoffner (1992) 49).


赫梯国王 继任: