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2006年6月15日 (四) 12:33的版本

File:Nasser on Time Magazine 1958.jpg

迦玛尔·阿卜杜尔·纳赛尔 (Template:Ll: جمال عبد الناصر) ‎ (1918年1月15日1970年9月28日) 是埃及的第二任总统,前任为纳吉布,被认为是历史上最重要的阿拉伯领导人之一。二十世纪五十年代及六十年代,他曾是阿拉伯民族主义的倡导者。





纳赛尔,作为一名陆军中校,成立了自由军官运动(Free Officers Movement),并担任领导人。运动成员一些军中有平民或中下层背景三十五岁以下的年轻军官,致力于推翻英国支持的Farouk一世国王。19527月23日, 纳赛尔领导了军事政变,推翻了国王,名义上的给予纳吉布权利,作为有名无实的领袖,以使军队支持由年轻军官组织的政变。可是,纳赛尔作为内政部长,使幕后政争的权力拥有者。

1954年11月,纳赛尔把纳吉布软禁在家中,谴责他支持穆斯林兄弟会(Muslim Brotherhood)并且企图在1954年10月夺取他的性命。同年2月25日,纳赛尔成为了埃及总理。一场为了军队控制权和埃及的短暂的权力之争发生了,并以纳赛尔的胜利而告终。两年后,纳赛尔作为唯一的总统候选人,于1956年6月23日成为埃及的第二任总统。


纳赛尔处理1954年10月26日夺命事件中突出了他企图操控政治的趋向。当他面对着群众讲话时,纳赛尔当他面对着群众讲话时,八次被一名名叫Mahmoud Abd al-Latif的穆斯林兄弟会成员击中。虽然射手近距离射击,但是所有的子弹都偏离目标。纳赛尔继续发表演讲,说了一段暴躁的话:“让他们杀纳赛尔吧。纳赛尔只不过是众多人群中的一员。我的同乡们,不要动。我没有死,我仍然活着,如果我死了,你们依然是纳赛尔。“(演讲全文取自埃及政府。[1])纳赛尔完美的讲话和他保镖欠缺的反击行动让人们怀疑整个事件是操控的。不管如何,纳赛尔正是利用了国内对于穆斯林团的愤怒而开始了他剿除这个组织的计划。






纳赛尔以他的激进的言论和苏伊士事务的成功,发展了一个覆盖全阿拉伯世界的“纳赛尔主义”,激励了致力于阿拉伯世界团结的政党组织。许多人把纳赛尔看成是阿拉伯世界的领袖,一个阿拉伯政治崭新的、叛逆的时代的代表。纳赛尔的政策便与“泛阿拉伯主义”(Pan Arabism) 联系在一起。“泛阿拉伯主义”推广强一个有力的阿拉伯政府行动,以面对“帝国主义本质”的西方,呼吁阿拉伯国家的资源应该被用来使阿拉伯而不是西方的人民受惠。在他1967年的讲话里,纳赛尔宣布:“我们可以通过阿拉伯行动获得很多东西,这就是我们斗争的重点。我们要发展和建设我们的国家,以面临我们敌人的挑战。”



Nasser, who had long urged the destruction of Israel, was a leading actor in provoking the Six Day War in 1967. Nasser sought the remilitarization of the Sinai peninsula and demanded that UNEF evacuate the Sinai, a request with which UN Secretary-General U Thant complied. Nasser proceeded to begin re-militarization of the Sinai. On May 23, Nasser closed the Straits of Tiran to Israeli shipping, blockading the Israeli port of Eilat, at the northern end of the Gulf of Aqaba, Israel's only access to the Indian Ocean. The closure of the straits was considered by Israel to be a casus belli. Nasser convinced Jordan and Syria to join him in united Arab action against Israel and declared in a speech, "The battle will be a general one and our basic objective will be to destroy Israel." However, Israel's offensive in the Six Day War routed the Arab states.

After a defeat in the 1967 Six-Day War against Israel, Nasser sought to resign from his position. However, widespread calls from the Egyptian people for Nasser to remain convinced him to remain in power. He consequently led Egypt through the War of Attrition in 1969-1970. Nasser died of a heart attack only a few weeks after the war ended, on September 28, 1970. His funeral was the largest in history with an estimated 5 million people in attendance.

He was succeeded by Anwar Sadat.


For many people, Nasser was a leader who reformed his country and re-established Arab pride both inside and outside it. As others perceive it, his policy was one of forceful militarism that led Egypt to grave defeats and losses rather than peace and prosperity. In addition, Nasser's suppression of the political opposition and the massive expansion of the police and security apparatuses left a legacy of political repression exploited by his successors until the present. Nasser's role in inciting the Six Day War, which led to tremendous losses for the Arab states, tarnished his legacy and led to a diminution of his power in the Middle East. In the last years of his rule, Nasser came to rely increasingly on aid from the Soviet Union. His role in modernising Egypt's education system - making education freely available to the poorer masses, and his avid support of the arts, such as the theater, the film and music industries, as well as literature, have had a positive impact on Egypt and the Arab World as a whole. Nasser's legacy is subject of much debate till today in the Arab World.


One of the most controversial of Nasser's achievements was the creation of the Aswan Dam and the lake that bears his name in southern Egypt. Built to provide electricity for heavy industry and reduce the risk of flooding along the Nile River, the dam submerged most of Nubia's archeological remains (except the ones saved by UNESCO). It also created major ecological problems. The huge surface of the lake lets a significant part of the Nile's water evaporate in vain, while the dam prevents sediment from enriching the delta soil. According to some agronomists, the Nile valley's agricultural productivity subsequently dropped below its previous levels. What one must acknowledge, however, is that the dam helped provide electric power to Egypt's (then) growing economy, and was an essential asset in modernizing rural Egypt through the introduction of electricity to Egypt's numerous smaller towns and villages. The Aswan Dam also spared Egypt from many floods that plagued the countries through which the Nile flowed.


Muhammad Naguib
Anwar Sadat