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[[Image:The Assaut or Fencing Match which took place at Carton House on the 9th of April 1787.jpg|thumb|right|1787年4月9日发生在伦敦Carlton House里的''[[德·圣乔治骑士]]先生和德翁·德博蒙骑士小姐''之间的击剑比赛,由Victor Marie Picot镌刻,基于Charles Jean Robineau的原画]]
[[Image:The Assaut or Fencing Match which took place at Carton House on the 9th of April 1787.jpg|thumb|right|1787年4月9日发生在伦敦Carlton House里的''[[德·圣乔治骑士]]先生和德翁·德博蒙骑士小姐''之间的击剑比赛,由Victor Marie Picot镌刻,基于Charles Jean Robineau的原画]]

尽管德翁习惯性地穿着一身龙骑兵的制服,但是德翁是个女人的流言在伦敦流传。有关德翁真实性别的彩卷在[[伦敦证券交易所]]开始交易了。德翁被邀请参与,但是他拒绝了,他说检查会是让人丧失名誉,无论结果如何。一年没有取得进展后,赌注被遗弃了。继[[路易十五]]在1774年驾崩后,国王的秘密也被撤销,德翁试图通过谈判结束流亡。作家[[博马舍]]作为法国政府的代表与德翁进行谈判。由此产生的20页的条约允许德翁返回法国,并保留部级退休金,但要求德翁交出有关国王的秘密的所有函件。<ref name="SimonBurrows" />
Despite the fact that d'Éon habitually wore a dragoon's uniform, rumours circulated in London that d'Éon was actually a woman. A [[betting pool]] was started on the [[London Stock Exchange]] about d'Éon's true sex. D'Éon was invited to join, but declined, saying that an examination would be dishonouring, whatever the result. After a year without progress, the wager was abandoned. Following the death of Louis XV in 1774, the ''secret du roi'' was abolished, and d'Éon tried to negotiate a return from exile. The writer [[Pierre Beaumarchais|Pierre de Beaumarchais]] represented the French government in the negotiations. The resulting twenty-page treaty permitted d'Éon to return to France and retain the ministerial pension, but required that d'Éon turn over the correspondence regarding the ''secret du roi''.<ref name="SimonBurrows" />

The Chevalier d'Éon claimed to be [[sex assignment|assigned female at birth]], and demanded recognition by the government as such. D'Éon claimed to be [[sex assignment|assigned female at birth]] but to have been raised as a boy because Louis d'Éon de Beaumont could only inherit from his in-laws if he had a son. King [[Louis XVI of France|Louis XVI]] and his court complied with this demand, but required in turn that d'Éon dress appropriately in women's clothing, although d'Éon was allowed to continue to wear the insignia of the Order of Saint-Louis. When the king's offer included funds for a new wardrobe of women's clothes, d'Eon agreed. In 1777, after fourteen months of negotiation, d'Éon returned to France and as punishment was banished to [[Tonnerre]].<ref name="SimonBurrows" />
The Chevalier d'Éon claimed to be [[sex assignment|assigned female at birth]], and demanded recognition by the government as such. D'Éon claimed to be [[sex assignment|assigned female at birth]] but to have been raised as a boy because Louis d'Éon de Beaumont could only inherit from his in-laws if he had a son. King [[Louis XVI of France|Louis XVI]] and his court complied with this demand, but required in turn that d'Éon dress appropriately in women's clothing, although d'Éon was allowed to continue to wear the insignia of the Order of Saint-Louis. When the king's offer included funds for a new wardrobe of women's clothes, d'Eon agreed. In 1777, after fourteen months of negotiation, d'Éon returned to France and as punishment was banished to [[Tonnerre]].<ref name="SimonBurrows" />

2015年2月5日 (四) 16:13的版本


夏尔·德·博蒙法語:Charles de Beaumont,1728年10月5日—1810年5月21日),全名夏尔-热纳维耶芙-路易-奥古斯特-安德烈-蒂莫泰·德翁·德·博蒙法語:Charles-Geneviève-Louis-Auguste-André-Timothée d'Éon de Beaumont),又被称作“骑士德翁”(法語:Chevalier d'Eon),法国外交官间谍士兵共济会成员,以其传奇的间谍身份和富有争议的性别著名。




德翁出生于法国中东部的托内尔的一个破落贵族家庭。德翁的父亲路易(法語:Louis d'Eon de Beaumont)是一位律师,后来成为托内尔的镇长和巴黎财政区法语généralité监督官的副代表。[1]其母弗朗索瓦丝(法語:Françoise de Charanton)则是法国对意对西战争部队的首席长官。关于德翁的早期生活经历大都来自一部不完整且由他人代写的自传《骑士德翁的爱好》(英語:The Interests of the Chevalier d'Éon de Beaumont)。[2]

德翁在学校读书时成绩极优,1743年从托内尔来到巴黎,1749年,21岁的德翁毕业于马萨林学院,成为巴黎财长贝尔捷·德·索维尼(Berthier de Sauvigny)的秘书,负责处理政府金融报告,1758年被任命为皇家审查员以审查马勒泽布记录的历史和文学。[2]


1756年,德翁加入了国王路易十五组建的未被政府承认的间谍秘密网络——国王的秘密,该组织有时会促进与官方政策和条约相矛盾的政策。根据没有书面证据所证实的德翁的回忆录,国王派遣德翁骑士和在法国服役的苏格兰的詹姆斯党人道格拉斯骑士( Alexandre-Pierre de Mackensie-Douglas, baron de Kildin)一同赴俄国执行秘密任务,为密谋对抗哈布斯堡王朝而与伊丽莎白女皇和亲法派进行会谈。当时英国和法国都处于劣势,而英国人试图通过只允许妇女和儿童跨过边境进入俄国来拒绝法国人对女皇的接近。德翁必须作为一个女人,否则会有被英国人发现而被处决的危险。在这个任务执行的过程中,德翁伪装成了宫女丽娅·德·博蒙(Lea de Beaumont)。最终,道格拉斯骑士成为法国驻俄大使,德翁成为使馆秘书,从1756年到1760年至,在圣彼得堡为道格拉斯和他的继任者马基·德·洛必达(法語:Paul-François de Galluccio, marquis de L’Hôpital)服务。[3]

德翁在1760年10月返回法国,并获得了2000里弗的养老金作为在俄国工作的回报。 在1761年5月,德翁成为德布罗意元帅麾下的一个龙骑士队长,在七年战争后期的战场上战斗。德翁参与了1761年7月的菲林豪森战役(Battle of Villinghausen),并在乌尔斯特罗普(Ulstrop)负伤。在伊丽莎白女皇驾崩的1762年1月,德翁考虑在俄国进一步发展,但被任命为讷韦尔公爵(Louis Jules Mancini Mazarini)的秘书,并派往伦敦起草和平条约以正式结束七年战争。1763年2月10日条约在巴黎被签署,1763年3月30日,德翁获得了圣路易勋章,他本人被封为“骑士”(Chevalier)。[3]

回到伦敦后,德翁在1763年4月成为临时代理大使,后又在7月讷韦尔公爵回到巴黎之后成为特命全权大使[4]。德翁也利用了他的职位为法国国王刺探情报。德翁通过协助一个在调查英国海防的法国间谍(Louis François Carlet de la Rozière)收集了一些用于一个潜在的入侵(路易十五的一个不幸的、蠢笨的倡议,连路易斯自己的部长们不知情)的情报。德翁还通过赠送给英国贵族们自己在法国的葡萄庄园的产品和对临时大使身份的充分利用,连通了和英国贵族的关系。[3]

1763年10月,新大使德·居埃尔希伯爵(Claude Louis François Régnier de Guerchy,comte de Guerchy)就任,德翁被贬为秘书还被伯爵羞辱。德翁被困于两个法国派系之间:居埃尔希是舒瓦瑟尔公爵,普拉兰公爵(César Gabriel de Choiseul)和蓬帕杜尔夫人的支持者,他反对德布罗意元帅和他的弟弟德布罗意伯爵(Charles-François de Broglie, marquis de Ruffec)。德翁抱怨过后,决定违抗命令返回法国。在写给国王的一封信中,德翁声称新大使在位于苏豪广场的Monmouth House大使官邸的一次晚宴中试图毒杀自己。英国政府拒绝了法国引渡德翁的请求。从1760年开始发放的2000里弗养老金也在1764年2月被终止。1764年3月,德翁以在Lettres, mémoires et négociations particulières du chevalier d'Éon为名在伦敦公布了许多秘密外交信函,德翁说他不承认居埃尔希的工作能力。[5]这种违反外交谨慎的行为是前所未闻的,但德翁并未完全公布(入侵计划等有关国王的秘密的文件作为“保险”被隐瞒起来),法国政府处理有关德翁之事宜时变得非常谨慎,即使在德翁起诉居埃尔希企图谋杀的时候。由于入侵计划相关文件在手,德翁遏制住了国王。[6] 由于在居埃尔希控告诽谤时德翁没有作出任何回应,他被宣判为“法外之徒”并躲了起来。然而,德翁确保了英国公众的同情:民众在公共场合嘲笑居埃尔希,还向他的公馆扔石块。德翁后来写了一本公共管理方面的书,Les loisirs du Chevalier d'Éon,全书共13卷,于1774年在阿姆斯特丹出版。[7]



1787年4月9日发生在伦敦Carlton House里的德·圣乔治骑士先生和德翁·德博蒙骑士小姐之间的击剑比赛,由Victor Marie Picot镌刻,基于Charles Jean Robineau的原画


The Chevalier d'Éon claimed to be assigned female at birth, and demanded recognition by the government as such. D'Éon claimed to be assigned female at birth but to have been raised as a boy because Louis d'Éon de Beaumont could only inherit from his in-laws if he had a son. King Louis XVI and his court complied with this demand, but required in turn that d'Éon dress appropriately in women's clothing, although d'Éon was allowed to continue to wear the insignia of the Order of Saint-Louis. When the king's offer included funds for a new wardrobe of women's clothes, d'Eon agreed. In 1777, after fourteen months of negotiation, d'Éon returned to France and as punishment was banished to Tonnerre.[6]

When France began to help the rebels during the American War of Independence, d'Éon asked to join the French troops in America, but d'Éon's banishment prevented it.[6] In 1779, d'Éon published a books of memoirs: La Vie Militaire, politique, et privée de Mademoiselle d'Éon. They were ghostwritten by a friend named La Fortelle and are probably embellished.[3] D'Éon was allowed to return to England in 1785.

The pension that Louis XV had granted was ended by the French Revolution, and d'Éon had to sell personal possessions, including books, jewellery and plate. The family's properties in Tonnerre were confiscated by the revolutionary government. In 1792, d'Éon sent a letter to the French National Assembly offering to lead a division of female soldiers against the Habsburgs, but the offer was rebuffed. D'Éon participated in fencing tournaments until seriously wounded in Southampton in 1796. D'Éon last years were spent with a widow, Mrs. Cole.[6] In 1804, d'Éon was sent to a debtors' prison for five months and signed a contract for a biography to be written by Thomas William Plummer, which was never published. D'Éon became paralyzed following a fall, and spent a final four years bedridden, dying in poverty in London on 21 May 1810 at the age of 81.[6]

Doctors who examined the body after d'Éon's death discovered that the Chevalier was assigned male at birth.[8] D'Éon's body was buried in the churchyard of St Pancras Old Church, and d'Éon's remaining possessions were sold by Christie's in 1813. D'Éon's grave is listed on Baroness Burdett Coutts memorial there as one of the important graves lost.



  1. ^ J. M. J. Rogister, D'Éon de Beaumont, Charles Geneviève Louis Auguste André Timothée, Chevalier D'Éon in the French nobility (1728–1810), Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, 2004; online edn, Sept 2012 accessed 26 April 2013
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 Lever, Evelyne; Maurice Lever. Le Chevalier d'Éon : Une vie sans queue ni tête. Fayard. 19 February 2009: 384 pages. ISBN 978-2-213-61630-8. 
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 Burrows, Simon; Russell Goulbourne; Jonathan Conlin; Valerie Mainz. The Chevalier d'Éon and his worlds: gender, espionage and politics in the eighteenth century. Continuum. 23 April 2010: 272 pages. 
  4. ^ 本质上是临时大使
  5. ^ Lettres, mémoires et négociations particulières du Chevalier D'Éon, ministre plénipotentiaire auprès du roi de Grande-Bretagne; avec M.M. les Ducs de Praslin, de Nivernois, de Sainte-Foy, & Regnier de Guerchy, Ambassad. Extr. &c.&c.&c. (1765)
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 Burrows, Simon. Blackmail, scandal and revolution London's French libellistes, 1758–92. Manchester, UK: Manchester University Press. October 2006. 9780719065262. 
  7. ^  Chisholm, Hugh (编). Eon de Beaumont. Encyclopædia Britannica 9 (第11版). London: Cambridge University Press. 1911. 
  8. ^  Laughton, John Knox. D'Éon de Beaumont, Charles Geneviève Louis Auguste André Timothée. Stephen, Leslie (编). Dictionary of National Biography 14. London: Smith, Elder & Co. 1888. 
  9. ^ The Chevalier d'Eon and Other Short Farces from the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century French Theatre, By Frank J. Morlock
  10. ^ Theatrical Costume, Masks, Make-up and Wigs: A Bibliography and Iconography, by Sidney Jackson Jowers, p. 314
  11. ^ Bryner, Jeanna. Earliest Painting of Transvestite Uncovered. Live Science. 19 April 2012 [20 April 2012]. 
  12. ^ Brown, Mark. Portrait mistaken for 18th-century lady is early painting of transvestite. The Guardian (UK). 6 June 2012 [22 September 2014]. 


  • Decker, Michel de. Madame Le Chevalier d'Éon, Paris: Perrin, 1987, ISBN 978-2-7242-3612-5.
  • d'Éon De Beaumont, Charles. The Maiden of Tonnerre: The Vicissitudes of the Chevalier and the Chevalière d'Éon, Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2001, ISBN 978-0-8018-6687-6.
  • d'Éon, Leonard J. The Cavalier, New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1987, ISBN 0-399-13227-9.
  • Frank, André, with Jean Chaumely. D'Éon chevalier et chevalière: sa confession inédite, Paris: Amiot-Dumont, 1953.
  • Fortelle M. de la. La Vie militaire, politique et privée de Demoiselle Charles-Geneviève-Auguste-Andrée-Thimothée Éon ou d'Èon de Beaumont, [... etc.], Paris: Lambert, 1779.
  • Gaillardet, F. (ed.), Mémoires du chevalier d’Éon, Paris, 1836, 2 vols.
  • Gontier, Fernande. Homme ou femme? La confusion des sexes, Paris: Perrin, 2006, Chapter 6. ISBN 978-2262024918.
  • Homberg, O., and F. Jousselin, Un Aventurier au XVIIIe siècle: Le Chevalier D'Éon (1728-1810), Paris: Plon-Nourrit, 1904.
  • Kates, Gary. Monsieur d'Éon Is a Woman: A Tale of Political Intrigue and Sexual Masquerade, Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2001, ISBN 978-0-8018-6731-6.
  • Lever, Évelyne and Maurice. Le Chevalier d'Éon: Une vie sans queue ni tête, Paris: Fayard, 2009, ISBN 978-2-213-61630-8.
  • Luyt, Philippe. D'Éon de Tonnerre. Iconographie et histoire, 2007, OCLC 163617123
  • Mourousy, Paul. Le Chevalier d'Éon: un travesti malgré lui, Paris: Le Rocher, 1998, ISBN 978-2-268-02917-7.
  • Musée municipal de Tonnerre, Catalogue bilingue de l'exposition, Le Chevalier d'Éon: secrets et lumières, 2007.
  • Royer, Jean-Michel. Le Double Je, ou les Mémoires du chevalier d'Éon, Paris: Grasset & Fasquelle, 1986, ISBN 978-2-246-38001-6.
  • Telfer, John Buchan, The strange career of the Chevalier d'Eon de Beaumont, minister plenipotentiary from France to Great Britain in 1763, 1885, OCLC 2745013

