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受費林影響,西藏西南部有大到暴雪(雨)過程。<ref>http://www.cdnews.com.tw/cdnews_site/docDetail.jsp?coluid=109&docid=102486207</ref> 86名中外遊客及22輛汽車被困珠峰大本營。<ref>http:/ |
受費林影響,西藏西南部有大到暴雪(雨)過程。<ref>http://www.cdnews.com.tw/cdnews_site/docDetail.jsp?coluid=109&docid=102486207</ref> 86名中外遊客及22輛汽車被困珠峰大本營。<ref>http://news.xinhuanet.com/2013-10/15/c_125540933.htm</ref> |
==圖片庫== |
==圖片庫== |
2016年5月18日 (三) 03:09的版本
極強氣旋風暴(印度) | |
五級熱帶氣旋(美國) | |
形成 | 2013年10月7日 |
消散 | 2013年10月14日 |
最高風速 | 3分鐘持續: 215公里/小時(130英里/小時) 1分鐘持續: 260公里/小時(160英里/小時) |
最低氣壓 | 940百帕(毫巴);27.76英寸汞柱 (聯合颱風警報中心估計其氣壓為918百帕斯卡(27.11英寸汞柱)) |
死亡 | 共45人 |
損失 | $6.96億(2013年美元) |
影響地區 | 泰國、緬甸、印度 |
2013年北印度洋氣旋季的一部分 |
特強氣旋風暴费林(英語:Very Severe Cyclonic Storm Phailin,聯合颱風警報中心編號:02B,中國大陸定為超級气旋风暴)是2013年北印度洋氣旋季第二個被命名的熱帶氣旋。「費林」(泰語:ไพลิน)一名由泰國提供,意指藍寶石。[1]是本年北印度洋最強的熱帶氣旋及孟加拉灣中最強的熱帶氣旋之一。[2] 費林吹襲了泰國、緬甸、尼泊爾和印度的安達曼-尼科巴群島、奧里薩邦、安得拉邦、賈坎德邦和西孟加拉邦。
在奧里薩邦州政府官員指出有1200萬人因費林而受到影響。在準備的工作中,包括甘賈姆縣、普里縣、科爾達縣和賈加青加普縣共有600座建築物被臨時改為氣旋庇護所;並疏散住在海岸附近地區的人。[需要解释][3] 費林驅使印度疏散近550,000名住在奧里薩邦和安得拉邦海岸的人到安全的地方;為印度23年來最大的一次疏散行動。[4]
2013年10月5日,一個低壓區在泰國灣,離越南胡志明市西面約400公里的海面上生成。同日凌晨,美國海軍研究實驗室給予擾動編號90W。上午2時,日本氣象廳將其升格為熱帶低氣壓。[5][6] 下午9時,聯合颱風警報中心對其在24小時內形成為熱帶氣旋的機會給予「LOW」的評級。不久,90W向西移動到一片風切變較弱的海域。
不久在10月8日,印度氣象局將其升格為低氣壓,並給予編號BOB04。[10][11] 在當日90W向西北偏西方向移到環境較佳的海域並進一步發展。
10月9日BOB04進一步加強和鞏固,印度氣象局將其升格為強低氣壓。[12][13]不久聯合颱風警報中心將其升格為熱帶風暴,並給予編號02B。當時BOB04略有減弱,並略過在緬甸附近的安達曼群島;移入孟加拉灣。[14][15][16] 在進入孟加拉灣後,BOB04沿著副熱帶高壓脊的南部邊緣移動,並快速鞏固。在同日下午3時,印度氣象局升格其為氣旋風暴,並命名為費林。[16][17] 在命名後,費林繼續迅速增強,其強對流流進系統的低層環流中心;並形成一個風眼。在下午11時,聯合颱風警報中心把費林升格為一級熱帶氣旋。[18][19]
在10月11日早上費林進行第一次眼牆置換;新眼牆隨後快速鞏固。[22] 在新眼牆鞏固後費林繼續迅速增強,同日中午12時,聯合颱風警報中心報告指費林已達至其顛峰強度,其一分鐘持續風速達至每小時260公里(160英里/小時),且其升格費林為五級熱帶氣旋。[23][24]
在10月12日早上費林開始進行其第二次眼牆置換並開始減弱,而費林的風眼也因為移近開始印度沿岸而迅速轉差。[25][26] 當晚費林在下午8時以特強氣旋風暴的強度在印度奧里薩邦甘賈姆縣戈巴爾布爾附近登陸。[27] 費林登陸後,聯合颱風警報中心將其降格為一級熱帶氣旋,同時印度氣象局降格其為強烈氣旋風暴。
受費林影響,西藏西南部有大到暴雪(雨)過程。[31] 86名中外遊客及22輛汽車被困珠峰大本營。[32]
- ^ Why cyclone Phailin is named so IBNLive.com (CNN–IBN), 2013-10-11.
- ^ 强旋风“费林”登陆印度,亚太日报,2013年10月14日
- ^ Cyclone Phailin: 5 lakh people may be severely affected, says Odisha govt official. NDTV. 11 October [10 October 2013].
- ^ Cyclone Phailin triggers India's biggest evacuation operation in 23 years. NDTV. 12 October [13 October 2013].
- ^ JMA WWJP25 Warning and Summary October 4, 2013 18z. Japan Meteorological Agency. October 4, 2013 [October 10, 2013]. (原始内容存档于October 6, 2013).
- ^ What is Cyclonic Storm Phailin?. Bihar Prabha. October 10, 2013 [October 11, 2013]. (原始内容存档于October 11, 2013).
- ^ Joint Typhoon Warning Center. Significant Tropical Weather Outlook for the Western and South Pacific Ocean October 5, 2013 13z. United States Navy, United States Air Force. October 5, 2013 [October 10, 2013]. (原始内容存档于October 6, 2013).
- ^ Joint Typhoon Warning Center. Significant Tropical Weather Outlook for the Western and South Pacific Ocean, October 6, 2013 06z. United States Navy, United States Air Force. October 6, 2013 [October 10, 2013]. (原始内容存档于October 10, 2013).
- ^ Joint Typhoon Warning Center. Significant Tropical Weather Outlook for the Indian Ocean October 7, 2013 06z. United States Navy, United States Air force. October 6, 2013 [October 10, 2013]. (原始内容存档于October 10, 2013).
- ^ Joint Typhoon Warning Center. Significant Tropical Weather Outlook for the Indian Ocean October 7, 2013 18z. United States Navy, United States Air Force. October 7, 2013 [October 10, 2013]. (原始内容存档于October 8, 2013).
- ^ Regional Specialized Meteorological Center New Delhi, India. Cyclone Warning For Indian Coast, BOB 04/2013/01. India Meteorological Department. October 8, 2013 [October 10, 2013]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于October 8, 2013).
- ^ Joint Typhoon Warning Center. Tropical Cyclone Formation Alert October 8, 2013 10z. United States Navy, United States Air Force. October 8, 2013 [October 10, 2013]. (原始内容存档于October 10, 2013).
- ^ Regional Specialized Meteorological Center New Delhi, India. Cyclone Warning For Indian Coast, BOB 04/2013/05. India Meteorological Department. October 9, 2013 [October 10, 2013]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于October 9, 2013).
- ^ Joint Typhoon Warning Center. Tropical Cyclone 02B Warning 1. United States Navy, United States Air Force. October 8, 2013 [October 10, 2013]. (原始内容存档于October 9, 2013).
- ^ Regional Specialized Meteorological Center New Delhi, India. Cyclone Warning For Indian Coast, BOB 04/2013/08. India Meteorological Department. October 9, 2013 [October 10, 2013]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于October 10, 2013).
- ^ 16.0 16.1 Joint Typhoon Warning Center. Tropical Cyclone 02B Warning 3. United States Navy, United States Air Force. October 9, 2013 [October 10, 2013]. (原始内容存档于October 10, 2013).
- ^ Regional Specialized Meteorological Center New Delhi, India. Cyclone Warning For Indian Coast, BOB 04/2013/09. India Meteorological Department. October 9, 2013 [October 10, 2013]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于October 10, 2013).
- ^ Joint Typhoon Warning Center. Tropical Cyclone 02B (Phailin) Warning 6. United States Navy, United States Air Force. October 10, 2013 [October 11, 2013]. (原始内容存档于October 10, 2013).
- ^ Joint Typhoon Warning Center. Tropical Cyclone 02B (Phailin) Warning 7. United States Navy, United States Air Force. October 10, 2013 [October 11, 2013]. (原始内容存档于October 10, 2013).
- ^ Regional Specialized Meteorological Center New Delhi, India. Cyclone Warning For Indian Coast, BOB 04/2013/15. India Meteorological Department. October 10, 2013 [October 10, 2013]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于October 10, 2013).
- ^ Joint Typhoon Warning Center. Tropical Cyclone 02B (Phailin) Warning 8 October 10, 2013 21z. United States Navy, United States Air Force. October 10, 2013 [October 11, 2013]. (原始内容存档于October 11, 2013).
- ^ Joint Typhoon Warning Center. Tropical Cyclone 02B (Phailin) Warning 10 October 11, 2013 09z. United States Navy, United States Air Force. October 11, 2013 [October 11, 2013]. (原始内容存档于October 11, 2013).
- ^ Joint Typhoon Warning Center. Tropical Cyclone 02B (Phailin) Warning 11 October 11, 2013 15z. United States Navy, United States Air Force. October 11, 2013 [October 11, 2013]. (原始内容存档于October 11, 2013).
- ^ Samenow, Jason. Category 5 Phailin likely a disaster for India, catastrophic storm surge "a certainty". The Washington Post. October 11, 2013 [October 11, 2013].
- ^ Joint Typhoon Warning Center. Tropical Cyclone 02B (Phailin) Warning 14 October 12, 2013 03z. United States Navy, United States Air Force. October 12, 2013 [October 12, 2013]. (原始内容存档于October 12, 2013).
- ^ Joint Typhoon Warning Center. Tropical Cyclone 02B (Phailin) Warning 15 October 12, 2013 15z. United States Navy, United States Air Force. October 12, 2013 [October 12, 2013]. (原始内容存档于October 12, 2013).
- ^ India Meteorological Department. IMD Cyclone Warning for Indian coast - Bulletin 35 issued for Cyclone Phailin at 0130 IST, 13 October 2013 (2000 UTC, 12 October 2013). India Meteorological Department. [15 October 2013].
- ^ Joint Typhoon Warning Center. Tropical Cyclone 02B (Phailin) Warning 16 October 12, 2013 21z. United States Navy, United States Air Force. October 12, 2013 [October 13, 2013]. (原始内容存档于October 13, 2013).
- ^ Regional Specialized Meteorological Center New Delhi, India. Cyclone Warning For Indian Coast, BOB 04/2013/39. India Meteorological Department. October 13, 2013 [October 13, 2013]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于October 13, 2013).
- ^ http://news.tvb.com/world/5258f7876db28c6352000003/
- ^ http://www.cdnews.com.tw/cdnews_site/docDetail.jsp?coluid=109&docid=102486207
- ^ http://news.xinhuanet.com/2013-10/15/c_125540933.htm