无编辑摘要 |
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'''Topsite'''是一个术语。通常指拥有极好的网络并且非常隐蔽的地下[[FTP]],小组在上面发布作品和传播[[Warez]]作品。Topsite一般拥有TB级的硬盘和100Mbit以上的宽带,强大的宽带可以让一张完整的DVD在几分钟内传遍世界各地。 |
'''Topsite'''是一个术语。通常指拥有极好的网络并且非常隐蔽的地下[[FTP]],小组(Affiliates,Warez术语)在上面发布作品和传播[[Warez]]作品。Topsite一般拥有TB级的硬盘和100Mbit以上的宽带,强大的宽带可以让一张完整的DVD在几分钟内传遍世界各地。 |
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{{seealso|Warez}} |
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===搬运工=== |
===搬运工=== |
顾名思义。搬运工(Couriers)的任务就是专门上传新作品,大部分Topsites会要求搬运工搬运一定数量的东西,比如一个月必须上传5G的数据,没有达到就会被删除账户。某些Topsites还有考核系统,新进的搬运工上传量是老搬运工的N倍,通过了才能待下来。 |
顾名思义。搬运工(Couriers)的任务就是专门上传新作品,大部分Topsites会要求搬运工搬运一定数量的东西,比如一个月必须上传5G的数据,没有达到就会被删除账户。某些Topsites还有考核系统,新进的搬运工上传量是老搬运工的N倍,通过了才能待下来。少部分Topsites没有上传数量要求。 |
搬运工的相对的竞争非常激烈,争得你死我活——只是为了好玩,及那一份荣誉。单独的搬运工被称作iND(Independent)来处理,并归入iND小组。相对的,一些关系较好的同样玩Warez的伙伴组成了自己的搬运小组([[Warez小组列表#搬运小组|Courier小组]]),世界上搬运小组绝对比发布作品的小组要多,但搬运小组并没有Topsite管理员和Warez作品发布小组那么重要,随着用脚本来竞争的搬运工越来越多,搬运工地位进一步下降。有些人认为用脚本是明智的,可以更快的传播Warez作品并减少安全顾虑,Topsite上少一个人,就安全一分,另外些人则认为用自动脚本的人是懒鬼,不值得提倡,并且失去了“玩”的乐趣。 |
Couriers compete (race) against each other for respect, credits, access to other topsites, and fun. Private couriers often operate as independent (iND) couriers. Some couriers band together to form [[List of warez groups#Courier groups|courier groups]] which provide support and friendship through camaraderie. Although it may be noted that Couriers/Racers are looked down upon more than ever by affiliates and topsite staff with the increase of scripts that perform the couriers tasks automatically. Some (couriers themselves) call it efficient, others call it lazy. |
==Topsite |
==Topsite上拥有权限的人== |
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===站点管理员=== |
A site or system operator (siteop/sysop) is in charge of the day-to-day operation of a topsite. They have full ([[Superuser|root]]) access to the server and are able to manage users, groups, and topsite scripts and daemons installed on server. They decide on site rules, and site sections (eg [[Portal:Television|TV Rips]], [[XviD]] movies, [[MP3]] music, etc). Site operators are also in charge of managing the site channel, and sitebot. |
A site or system operator (siteop/sysop) is in charge of the day-to-day operation of a topsite. They have full ([[Superuser|root]]) access to the server and are able to manage users, groups, and topsite scripts and daemons installed on server. They decide on site rules, and site sections (eg [[Portal:Television|TV Rips]], [[XviD]] movies, [[MP3]] music, etc). Site operators are also in charge of managing the site channel, and sitebot. |
2007年5月29日 (二) 14:57的版本
一个典型的Topsite配置是只允许用户通过验证(IP,IDENT)后才能登录。大部分正规Topsites的FTP都支持SSL,并有一些FTP bouncers(BNC),BNC可以隐藏真实IP。
大多数BOT的信息都是隐私的,只有通过特殊途径少数人才能看到。但还是有许多网站将这些信息公开了,比如, SWEdupe.com和
信用系统。普遍的Topsites采用1:3的流量系统,搬运工通过SITE TO SITE的搬运来获取下载流量,比如上传1G数据,可以得到3G的下载量。站点里还有许多Leech=无下载限制帐号。通常是朋友或者作品发布小组的帐号。因为小组在上面发布作品,作为回报,将有无条件下载的权限。
如果传了一个糟糕的作品或者传错东西,就可能会被Nuked(被砍掉的意思)。比如XBOX规则里有NO PAL,传PAL XBOX则会被Nuked,同时也会损失一定的流量(Credit)。信用损失的方法有很多,主要根据站点的规则来决定,每个站点的规则都是不同的。有些站点硬性规定一个作品从发布起,超过10钟进站,将被Nuked。违反不同规则被Nuked的比例也有所不同。 [1]
一个Warez小组也许在一个Topsite上作为affiliate发布作品,一旦成为affiliate,就必须在其Topsite第一时间发布作品。为了让作品更快的传到其他Topsites,一个小组也许在世界范围内的几个或几十个Topsites作为affiliate,并同时发布作品。成为affiliate后,小组会让部分内部成员加入Topsites上传作品,或下载他们喜欢的东西。 每个小组在Topsite上都拥有一个隐藏的目录,除了管理员和小组成员外其他人无法看到。在正式发布作品前,小组将东西上传到隐藏目录。等待上传到所有他们作为affiliate的topsites后,利用脚本进行全球同步发布。在FTP上发布后,将会有一条信息在IRC频道里显示,后面就是搬运工的活了。
A site or system operator (siteop/sysop) is in charge of the day-to-day operation of a topsite. They have full (root) access to the server and are able to manage users, groups, and topsite scripts and daemons installed on server. They decide on site rules, and site sections (eg TV Rips, XviD movies, MP3 music, etc). Site operators are also in charge of managing the site channel, and sitebot.
Group Administrator
A group administrator ('gadmin') is a member of an affiliated group or courier group with user management rights over the group. Each group has a pre-negotiated number of leech and ratio users, or slots.
While these sites are protected with technologically advanced schemes, law enforcement operations such as Operation Buccaneer and Operation Fastlink have been able to gain access and shut down sites by infiltrating the pirate groups that operate on them. Operation Site Down (June 2005) was the latest significant law-enforcement attack on the warez scene. There were also busts in June 2006, with one site being busted, and several colocated servers being seized.
Not all takedowns are successful. Operation Bahnhof failed miserably when the officials entered an area that their warrant didn't include. Although they found several dedicated servers with terabytes of illegal material, they ended up being sued for illegal trespassing, harassment and were accused of planting evidence, since one of the Antipiratbyr?n (Swedish anti-piracy group) employees were trying to infiltrate the scene to gather evidence, and in doing so violated Swedish laws against entrapment.
Some software that is used on topsites. [1]
- Wired magazine article about the phenomenon: The shadow internet
- NetMonkey Weekend Report (NWR) article on topsite FTP daemons
- More info about topsites