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=== 其他 ===
=== 其他 ===
* 北愛爾蘭: [[Michelle Gildernew]], the [[新芬黨|Sinn Féin]] MP for [[弗馬納和南蒂龍 (英國國會選區)|Fermanagh South Tyrone]], called for international recognition of the referendum.<ref>{{cite web | title=Catalan independence referendum must be recognised internationally - Gildernew | last=Gildernew | first=Michelle | publisher=[[新芬黨|Sinn Féin]] | date=2017-09-12 | accessdate=2017-09-20 | url=http://www.sinnfein.ie/contents/46110}}</ref>
* 北愛爾蘭: [[Michelle Gildernew]], the [[新芬黨|Sinn Féin]] MP for [[弗馬納和南蒂龍 (英國國會選區)|Fermanagh South Tyrone]], 呼吁国际承认全民投票。<ref>{{cite web | title=Catalan independence referendum must be recognised internationally - Gildernew | last=Gildernew | first=Michelle | publisher=[[新芬黨|Sinn Féin]] | date=2017-09-12 | accessdate=2017-09-20 | url=http://www.sinnfein.ie/contents/46110}}</ref>
* {{flag|Denmark}}: A group of 17 [[丹麥議會|Danish MPs]] from seven parties criticised the growing tensions in the weeks before the referendum and called on the Spanish government to play a constructive role and encourage political dialogue.<ref>{{cite news | title=17 folketingsmedlemmer går i forbøn for Catalonien | publisher=[[Berlingske]] | language=DA | date=2017-09-15 | accessdate=2017-09-21 | url=https://www.b.dk/politiko/17-folketingsmedlemmer-gaar-i-forboen-for-catalonien}}</ref>
* {{flag|Denmark}}: A group of 17 [[丹麥議會|Danish MPs]] from seven parties criticised the growing tensions in the weeks before the referendum and called on the Spanish government to play a constructive role and encourage political dialogue.<ref>{{cite news | title=17 folketingsmedlemmer går i forbøn for Catalonien | publisher=[[Berlingske]] | language=DA | date=2017-09-15 | accessdate=2017-09-21 | url=https://www.b.dk/politiko/17-folketingsmedlemmer-gaar-i-forboen-for-catalonien}}</ref>
* {{flagicon|European Union}} [[欧洲议会]]: [[Gregor Gysi]], the chairman of the [[歐洲左派黨|Party of the European Left]], condemned the arrests by the Guardia Civil in the run-up to the referendum and called for a political solution to the problem.<ref>{{cite news | title=Europäische Linke verurteilt Verhaftungen in Katalonien | language=DE | last=Heine | first=Hannes | publisher=[[Der Tagesspiegel]]| date=2017-09-20 | accessdate=2017-09-21 | url=http://www.tagesspiegel.de/politik/geplantes-unabhaengigkeitsreferendum-europaeische-linke-verurteilt-verhaftungen-in-katalonien/20353930.html}}</ref>
* {{flagicon|European Union}} [[欧洲议会]]: [[Gregor Gysi]], the chairman of the [[歐洲左派黨|Party of the European Left]], condemned the arrests by the Guardia Civil in the run-up to the referendum and called for a political solution to the problem.<ref>{{cite news | title=Europäische Linke verurteilt Verhaftungen in Katalonien | language=DE | last=Heine | first=Hannes | publisher=[[Der Tagesspiegel]]| date=2017-09-20 | accessdate=2017-09-21 | url=http://www.tagesspiegel.de/politik/geplantes-unabhaengigkeitsreferendum-europaeische-linke-verurteilt-verhaftungen-in-katalonien/20353930.html}}</ref>

2017年10月1日 (日) 12:26的版本

2017年10月1日 (2017-10-01)(-2649 天后)
















筹备方面,由于被中央政府管辖的自治区组织国家统计研究所掌管,选民名册英语electoral roll是竞争的要点之一。要取得数据,投票必须获得西班牙国会的授权,而这在当前情形下不成问题[28]。没能毋庸置疑地拿到名册,结果可以说不可靠。选举委员会成立或检测投票及结果时,可能会遇到类似难题[28]




7月17日,警察局长Mossos d'Esquadra迫於西班牙政府壓力要求全力阻止公投,也无条件辞职。[37]



西班牙宪法法庭2017年9月7日暂停投票法案,禁止加泰罗尼亚多名官员、媒体以及948个市参与公投准备工作。直辖市被要求在48小时内回复是否愿意遵守[38]。726个答复的市中,682个宣布全力支持公投,41个拒绝支持,而巴塞罗那等三市的答复不明确[39]。而拒绝支持公投的城市中,有几个人口中心[40],如14万居民的省府莱里达和13万居民的省府莱里达塔拉戈纳社会党英语Socialists' Party of Catalonia市长统治的21.5万人的塔拉萨和25万人的略夫雷加特河畔奥斯皮塔莱特巴塞罗那市长阿达·科洛英语Ada Colau拒绝回应巴塞罗那是否会为公投提供物质支持,同时强烈批评“屁话”和多个市政当局施加压力。不过,她表示会尽一切可能让愿意投票的巴塞罗那人行使投票权[41]


加泰罗尼亚政党团结联盟候选人英语Popular Unity Candidacy总部前的西班牙警察,摄于2017年9月20日。

2017年9月20日,第13审判法庭颁发命令后,西班牙国民警卫队正式展开阿诺比斯行动英语Operation Anubis。首日,警方突袭加泰罗尼亚自治政府厅的多个办公大楼,逮捕参与公投准备的高管、行政人员和公司总裁14人[42]。同时,警方又在多家印刷公司搜寻选票和投票箱。民众自发聚集在多个地方部门,声援遭逮捕的员工,后来加泰罗尼亚国民议会英语Assemblea Nacional Catalana多元文化呼吁“和平抵抗”警方行动[43]

国民警卫队和西班牙国家警察英语Spanish National Police在国内其他地区增派警力,计划在2017年10月1日于加泰罗尼亚多个城市增派1.6万名警察和武装警察,同时继续搜查据称持有公投选票或投票箱的公司[44]。加泰罗尼亚各地举行示威抗议,在晚上敲锅打铁。西班牙其他地区城市也发起示威反对警方行动[45]







  • 拥有加泰罗尼亚地区政治权利的人,在投票当天是18岁以上,没有任何法律剥夺投票权和选民权利的情况。
  • 目前居住在加泰罗尼亚,最后也居住在加泰罗尼亚的加泰罗尼亚人符合所有法律要求,并正式申请参加投票








One of the many gatherings across the Basque Country in support of the Catalan vote (Zarautz)


  •  巴斯克: The regional parliament showed its sympathy and support for the referendum and strongly criticised the Spanish government's stance on the issue. It denounced any measures taken against the vote or 'democracy' altogether.[46] ETA, for its part, issued a statement endorsing the referendum.[47]
  •  纳瓦拉: The parliament of Navarre denounced the Spanish government's de facto 'takeover' of the Catalan devolution and urged it to stop its repressive approach.[48]


  •  美国:4月13日,美国驻马德里大使馆表示,加泰罗尼亚独立的问题是西班牙的一个内部问题。没有具体说明,是否反對加泰罗尼亚独立。[49]On 26 September, President Donald Trump, during his meeting with Mariano Rajoy, said that "Spain Is a great country and it should remain united"[50], but expressed his doubts on whether a referendum will be held, stating that "I think that nobody knows if they are gonna have a vote. The President would say they are not going to have a vote. But I think that the people would be very much opposed to that"[50] Earlier that month, the State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert insisted in that the referendum is an internal affair of Spain and that the US "will work with whatever government or entity that comes out of it".[51]
  •  法國:6月16日,法国总统馬克洪表示,加泰罗尼亚独立是西班牙的一个内部问题。没有具体说明,是否反對加泰罗尼亚独立。[52]
  •  德国:9月8日,德国总理默克尔发言人史蒂芬·塞贝特表示,德国对西班牙的稳定感兴趣,为此,包括西班牙宪法在内的所有法律都得到尊重。[53][54]
  •  匈牙利:9月18日, 匈牙利政府发言人佐尔坦·科瓦奇宣布将“尊重人民的意愿”。与此同时,他把独立问题称为“西班牙和加泰罗尼亚的内部问题”。他没有具体说明,匈牙利是否会承认加泰罗尼亚独立。[55][56]
  •  斯洛維尼亞:9月30日,斯洛維尼亞國會發言人表示,“加泰隆尼亞人有自決的權力”。[57]
  •  中國:9月28日,中国外交部发言人陆慷表示,加泰罗尼亚问题是西班牙内部事务。中国相信西中央政府能够妥善处理有关问题,保持国家团结、统一和繁荣。[58]


  •  愛爾蘭:爱尔兰新芬党呼吁国际承认全民投票。[59]
  •  丹麦:来自七个党派的17 名丹麦议员批评了公民投票前几周西班牙政府採取的行動加劇紧张局势,并呼吁西班牙政府发挥建设性作用,鼓励政治对话。[60]
  •  義大利北方聯盟领导Matteo Salvini对加泰罗尼亚人民表示声援,并对14名加泰罗尼亚政府官员进行了全民投票后的支持。[61]
  •  欧洲联盟欧洲左翼党主席格雷戈尔·吉西(Gregor Gysi)谴责西班牙國民警衛隊在公投前逮捕支持者和加泰罗尼亚政府官員,并呼吁政治解决这个问题。[62]
  •  苏格兰:9月16日, 苏格兰政府内阁对外事务秘书菲奥娜·希斯洛普说:“加泰罗尼亚的未来方向的决定对于居住在那里的人来说是一个问题,加泰罗尼亚和西班牙政府完全有权为独立而采取立场,但是所有人民都有权自决,选择最符合其需要的政府形式,这是“联合国宪章”所载的原则。[63]
  •  法蘭德斯:法兰德斯地区部长兼总理乔治·布尔乔亚9月20日表示:“我对西班牙警方和法庭在『加泰罗尼亚首都』採取的行動感到遗憾,我紧急呼吁西班牙政府进行对话。加泰罗尼亚政府是加泰罗尼亚人民的合法代表,如果现在不能对话,必须进行国际调解。[64]


  •  欧洲联盟: 9月7日, 欧洲议会主席 安东尼奥·塔吉尼在给西班牙环保部 Beatriz Becerra( UPYD )的一封信中表示,每个欧盟成员国的宪法秩序必须得到任何时候的尊重。 他还表示,如果一个领土将从欧盟成员国中脱离出来,那么它将成为欧盟的第三个国家。[65]
9月14日, 欧盟委员会主席 让·克洛德·容克表示,欧盟“将遵循并尊重西班牙宪法法院和议会的裁决”。但如果加泰罗尼亚独立公投獲通过,欧盟将尊重其选择,不過加泰罗尼亚在表决后的第二天不能自動成为欧盟成员国。[66][67]
  • 欧盟理事会在Carles Puigdemont咨询时表示,必须“全面遵守宪法”进行公民投票。[68]
  •  联合国: 联合国拒绝参加全民投票的监督 。[69]在2015年的采访中,当时的联合国总秘书潘基文表示,他认为加泰罗尼亚不能援引自决原则,因为它不属于联合国非自治领土名单[70]


  • 北愛爾蘭: Michelle Gildernew, the Sinn Féin MP for Fermanagh South Tyrone, 呼吁国际承认全民投票。[71]
  •  丹麦: A group of 17 Danish MPs from seven parties criticised the growing tensions in the weeks before the referendum and called on the Spanish government to play a constructive role and encourage political dialogue.[72]
  • 欧洲联盟 欧洲议会: Gregor Gysi, the chairman of the Party of the European Left, condemned the arrests by the Guardia Civil in the run-up to the referendum and called for a political solution to the problem.[73]
  •  義大利:
    • Lega Nord leader Matteo Salvini expressed his solidarity to the Catalan people and his support to the referendum after the arrests of 14 Catalan government officials.[74]
    •  撒丁大区: After the actions of the Spanish government against the referendum, the regional government of Sardinia offered to the government of Catalonia by resolution of the regional council to print ballots for the referendum and to guard them, rejecting the actions of the Spanish government against the referendum and their negative attitude towards dialogue.[75]
  •  苏格兰: On 16 September, Fiona Hyslop, the Scottish Government Cabinet Secretary for External Affairs, said: "The decision over Catalonia’s future direction is a matter for the people who live there, and the Catalan and Spanish Governments are perfectly entitled to take positions for and against independence. However, all peoples have the right to self-determination and to choose the form of government best suited to their needs, a principle which is enshrined in the UN Charter."[76]
  •  法蘭德斯: On 20 September, the Minister-President of the Flemish Region Geert Bourgeois said: "I regret the recent escalation with a display of power from both the police and court in the Catalan capital and I urgently call upon the Spanish government to go into dialogue with the Catalan government, the legitimate representative of the Catalan people. If this is currently impossible, there must be international mediation."[77]
  • Template:Country data Dublin: On 22 September, in a letter to Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy, the Lord Mayor of Dublin, Mícheál MacDonncha, regretted the legal prosecution of over 700 Catalan Mayors and urged them "to find a political solution to Catalonia’s legitimate claims and ask you to stop threats on my fellow Mayors."[78]
  •  瑞士: On 27 September, a group of MPs from all parties of the Council of States sent a letter to the Spanish government supporting the Catalan referendum, stating that "without taking a decision on the choice to be made, we believe that the right of the Catalan people to determine their future must be respected", and condemning the arrests of people and seizure of voting material as "unworthy of a modern and democratic state."[79]
  •  罗贾瓦: On 29 September, TEV-DEM declared their support for the referendum.[80]




  1. ^ Jones, Sam. Catalonia calls independence referendum for October. The Guardian. 9 June 2017 [9 June 2017]. ISSN 0261-3077 (英国英语). 
  2. ^ Catalonia parliament approves independence referendum. BBC. 2017-09-06 (英语). 
  3. ^ Jones, Sam. Catalans to celebrate their national day with independence protests. Theguardian.com. 10 September 2017 [18 September 2017]. 
  4. ^ Duarte, Esteban. Catalan Separatists Plot Show of Force in Battle With Madrid. Bloomberg. 11 September 2017 [13 September 2017] (英语). 
  5. ^ https://elpais.com/ccaa/2017/09/06/catalunya/1504677760_128384.html
  6. ^ 加泰羅尼亞700多市長今天上街示威爭公民表決與獨立 法國國際廣播電台 2017年9月16日]
  7. ^ 加泰羅尼亞抗議獨立公投遭打壓 Now新聞台 2017年9月17日]
  8. ^ El independentismo inicia su campaña en Tarragona pese a las advertencias del Constitucional. 20minutos.es. [18 September 2017]. 
  9. ^ Catalan independence vote divides region's mayors. Reuters.com. 9 September 2017 [18 September 2017]. 
  10. ^ Un total de 734 ens catalans ja donen suport al Referèndum de l’1 d’octubre -. Municipisindependencia.cat. [18 September 2017]. 
  11. ^ Référendum en Catalogne : 700 maires menacés de poursuites et d'arrestation. Midilibre.fr. [18 September 2017]. 
  12. ^ Colau, Ada. Complim el nostre compromís: a Barcelona l'#1oct es podrà participar sense posar en risc institució ni servidors públics. Twitter. [18 September 2017]. 
  13. ^ Catalan Parliament Votes Yes to Independence Referendum Next September. 6 October 2016 [30 March 2017]. 
  14. ^ Prim, Sara. Puigdemont to call a referendum next September if Spain doesn’t allow Catalans to vote. Catalan News Agency. 28 September 2016 [2 October 2016]. 
  15. ^ Parliament approves calling a referendum with or without Spain’s consent. Catalan News Agency. 7 October 2016 [8 October 2016]. 
  16. ^ Calvo, Amanda. Catalan parliament votes yes to independence referendum next September. Reuters. 6 October 2016 [8 October 2016]. 
  17. ^ Barcelona, Europa Press. Puigdemont y Junqueras viajan a Bruselas este martes para defender un referéndum pactado. heraldo.es. [23 June 2017]. 
  18. ^ Puigdemont: “Europe cannot look the other way”. Catalan News Agency. 25 January 2017 [25 January 2017]. 
  19. ^ Puigdemont on the referendum: ‘Europe cannot look the other way and should be part of the solution’. VilaWeb. 25 January 2017 [25 January 2017]. 
  20. ^ MEPs from fourteen countries and all political groups attend hearing with Puigdemont, Junqueras and Romeva in Brussels. VilaWeb. 25 January 2017 [25 January 2017]. 
  21. ^ The Catalan Referendum conference. YouTube. 10 February 2017 [27 March 2017]. 
  22. ^ Casqueiro, Javier. Catalan independence referendum to be held on October 1: regional premier. elpais.com. [2017-06-29]. 
  23. ^ News, ABC. Catalan parliament paves the way for independence vote. ABC News. [2017-09-06] (英语). 
  24. ^ Barrena, Xabi; Albalat, J.G. La fiscalía investiga si el Govern está preparando el referéndum. El Periódico de Catalunya (Barcelona). 2017-03-24 [2017-03-30] (西班牙语). 
  25. ^ G. Sastre, Daniel. El Parlament aprueba los Presupuestos del referéndum al borde del motín. El Mundo (Barcelona). 2017-03-22 [2017-03-30] (西班牙语). 
  26. ^ Cordero, Dani. Puigdemont prepara la maquinaria electoral para unas autonómicas. El País (Barcelona). 2017-03-23 [2017-03-27] (西班牙语). 
  27. ^ Barrena, Xabi; Masreal, Fidel. El Govern activa los trámites para poder hacer el referéndum. El Periódico de Catalunya (Barcelona). 2017-03-23 [2017-03-27] (西班牙语). 
  28. ^ 28.0 28.1 Aroca, Jaume. Se buscan los datos de 5,5 millones de catalanes para el Referéndum. lavanguardia.com. [2017-06-30] (西班牙语). 
  29. ^ Casqueiro, Javier; Cordero, Dani. Catalan government fails to mobilize region's expats in run-up to referendum. elpais.com. [2017-06-29]. 
  30. ^ Cordero, Dani; Rios, Pere. Puigdemont cessa Baiget pels seus dubtes sobre el referèndum. elpais.com. [4 July 2017] (加泰罗尼亚语). 
  31. ^ Piñol, Àngels. Junqueras liderarà el referèndum després d'imposar un Govern de fidels. elpais.com. [14 July 2017] (加泰罗尼亚语). 
  32. ^ El director del 112 Fede Adan también dimite tras la renuncia de Jané y Batlle. lavanguardia.com. [21 July 2017] (西班牙语). 
  33. ^ La 'número dos' de Enseñanza dimite a una semana del relevo de la consellera. elmundo.es. [21 July 2017] (西班牙语). 
  34. ^ Masreal, Fidel. Tercera baja en la Conselleria d'Ensenyament por el Referéndum del 1-O. elperiodico.com. [21 July 2017] (西班牙语). 
  35. ^ Referéndum: Dimite Ángel Xifré, el primer alto cargo de ERC. lavanguardia.com. [26 July 2017] (西班牙语). 
  36. ^ Blanchar, Clara. El Govern cesa al presidente del Consorcio de Educación de Barcelona en plena búsqueda de locales. elpais.com. [13 September 2017] (西班牙语). 
  37. ^ Duarte, Esteban. Catalan Police Chief Resigns as Referendum on Secession Looms. bloomberg.com. [17 July 2017]. 
  38. ^ El Constitucional suspende de urgencia la ley del referéndum. El País. 2017-09-08 [2017-09-12] (西班牙语). 
  39. ^ Más de 700 ayuntamientos confirman que colaborarán en el 1-O, a la espera de Barcelona. La Vanguardia. 2017-09-09 [2017-09-12] (西班牙语). 
  40. ^ Penty, Charles. Catalonia Secessionists Fail to Win Allies in Referendum Battle. Bloomberg. [2017-09-09] (英语). 
  41. ^ Colau y Domènech advierten a JxSí de que no aceptarán “más lecciones de desobediencia”. La Vanguardia. 2017-09-11 [2017-09-12] (西班牙语). 
  42. ^ Jones, Sam; Burgen, Stephen. Spain crisis: 'stop this radicalism and disobedience,' PM tells Catalan leaders. The Guardian (Madrid/Barcelona). 2017-09-21 [2017-09-22]. 
  43. ^ Stone, Jon. Spanish police storm Catalan government buildings to stop independence referendum. The Independent. 2017-09-20 [2017-09-22]. 
  44. ^ Penty, Charles. Spain Hires Cruise Liner to House Police in Rebel Catalonia. Bloomberg News (Barcelona). 2017-09-21 [2017-09-22]. 
  45. ^ Mapa convocatorias protesta contra la detención de los 14 cargos de la Generalitat. El público. 2017-09-22 [2017-09-23]. 
  46. ^ El Parlamento Vasco muestra su apoyo al referéndum catalán. EITB. 2017-09-28 [2017-10-01]. 
  47. ^ The communiqué published in Gara read that "the Spanish state is a prison for the people, and this is shown by denying the national identity of the Catalan countries. The Spanish state has also become a prison for democracy, since it has trampled on the rights of the Catalans;" see Basque terrorist group ETA slams Madrid's opposition to Catalan independence vote. 27 September 2017 [30 September 2017]. 
  48. ^ El Parlamento Vasco muestra su apoyo al referéndum catalán. EITB. 2017-09-21 [2017-10-01]. 
  49. ^ Piñol, Àngels. US snubs Catalan independence drive in latest setback for separatists. El País. 2017-04-13 [2017-09-20]. 
  50. ^ 50.0 50.1 Rajoy wins Trump support over Catalonia. euronews. 2017-09-26 [2017-09-27] (英语). 
  51. ^ Gearan, Anne. Trump says U.S. opposes independence bid in Spain’s Catalonia region. Washington Post. 2017-09-26 [2017-09-27]. ISSN 0190-8286 (美国英语). 
  52. ^ Salvado, Nico. Emmanuel Macron s’exprime au sujet de l’indépendance de la Catalogne. Equinox. 2017-06-16 [2017-09-20] (法语). 
  53. ^ Sanchez, Rosalia. Alemania reclama respeto a la Constitución en Cataluña. ABC. 2017-09-08 [2017-09-20] (西班牙语). 
  54. ^ Aufwind für Separatisten in Katalonien. Berliner Morgenpost. 2015-09-29 [2017-09-20] (德语). 
  55. ^ Barigazzi, Jacopo. Hungary to ‘respect’ will of people in Catalonia vote. Politico. 2017-09-18 [2017-09-20]. 
  56. ^ Brussels MUST NOT ignore will of the people with Catalan independence vote warns Hungary. Daily Express. 2017-09-18 [2017-09-20]. 
  57. ^ Romero, Nazaret. ‘Catalans have the right to self-determination’, says speaker of the Slovenian Parliament. www.catalannews.com. [30 September 2017]. 
  58. ^ 2017年9月28日外交部发言人陆慷主持例行记者会 — 中华人民共和国外交部. www.fmprc.gov.cn. [2017-09-28]. 
  59. ^ Gildernew, Michelle. Catalan independence referendum must be recognised internationally - Gildernew. Sinn Féin. 2017-09-12 [2017-09-20]. 
  60. ^ 17 folketingsmedlemmer går i forbøn for Catalonien. Berlingske. 2017-09-15 [2017-09-21] (丹麦语). 
  61. ^ www.tgcom24.mediaset.it.
  62. ^ Heine, Hannes. Europäische Linke verurteilt Verhaftungen in Katalonien. Der Tagesspiegel. 2017-09-20 [2017-09-21] (德语). 
  63. ^ Scottish Government release statement on Catalonia referendum. The Scotsman. 2017-09-16 [2017-09-20]. [1]
  64. ^ Bourgeois oppert internationale bemiddeling in Catalaanse onafhankelijkheidskwestie. 2017-09-20 [2017-09-23]. 
  65. ^ @beatrizbecerrab. Esta es la carta en la que Tajani me responde sobre el golpe en Cataluña. Mi carta era del 19 de junio, la respuesta ha llegado hoy. (推文). 2017-09-07 –通过Twitter. 
  66. ^ European Commission [@EU_Commission]. @JunckerEU sur la Catalogne: la Commission respectera les arrêts de la Cour constitutionnelle espagnole & du Parlement espagnol #AskJuncker (推文). 2017-09-14 –通过Twitter. 
  67. ^ Juncker on Catalan referendum, Brexit and tech giants. Euronews. 2017-09-14 [2017-09-20]. 
  68. ^ 引用错误:没有为名为economist的参考文献提供内容
  69. ^ González, Miguel. La ONU frena el intento de dar aval internacional al referéndum catalán. El País. 2017-07-26 [2017-09-20] (西班牙语). 
  70. ^ García, Fernando. Ban Ki Mun: "Catalunya no está en la categoría de territorios con derecho a la autodeterminación". La Vanguardia. 2015-10-30 [2017-09-20] (西班牙语). 
  71. ^ Gildernew, Michelle. Catalan independence referendum must be recognised internationally - Gildernew. Sinn Féin. 2017-09-12 [2017-09-20]. 
  72. ^ 17 folketingsmedlemmer går i forbøn for Catalonien. Berlingske. 2017-09-15 [2017-09-21] (丹麦语). 
  73. ^ Heine, Hannes. Europäische Linke verurteilt Verhaftungen in Katalonien. Der Tagesspiegel. 2017-09-20 [2017-09-21] (德语). 
  74. ^ Catalogna, Salvini: "Fanno come contro la Lega, è una vergogna" - Tgcom24. [30 September 2017]. 
  75. ^ El Gobierno sardo se ofrece a imprimir y custodiar papeletas. naiz.eus. 2017-09-22 [2017-09-26]. 
  76. ^ Scottish Government release statement on Catalonia referendum. The Scotsman. 2017-09-16 [2017-09-20]. [2]
  77. ^ Bourgeois oppert internationale bemiddeling in Catalaanse onafhankelijkheidskwestie. 2017-09-20 [2017-09-23]. 
  78. ^ Solidarity with the Mayors of Catalonia from Mayor of the City of Dublin. 2017-09-22 [2017-09-26]. 
  79. ^ Des parlementaires suisses envoient une lettre sur la Catalogne à Madrid - rts.ch - Suisse. amp.rts.ch. [2017-09-29] (法语). 
  80. ^ TEV-DEM تعلن تضامنها مع كتالونيا وتدعمها في استفتاءها - ANHA. www.hawarnews.com. [30 September 2017]. 
