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2008年9月18日 (四) 07:49的版本
夜幕行動(Operation Nightfall)是美國電視劇《24》中所提到的虛構的秘密軍事行動,也是《24》中的重要故事背景。該行動發生於《24》第一季之前兩年,並記述於漫畫《24: Nightfall》之中。
夜幕行動由參議員大卫·帕默(David Palmer)授權,目的是到科索沃暗殺Victor Drazen。
- 杰克·鲍尔上尉(Captain Jack Bauer) (隊長)
- Warrant Officer Dwayne Shelton (Former Green Beret)
- First Sergeant Brice Gardener (武器指揮官)
- First Sergeant Haj Illijec (通訊員)
- First Sergeant Gary Graham (醫療人員)
- Technical Sergeant Roger Voss (Air Force Special Operations combat controller)
- Master Sergeant Fred Peltzer (Intelligence Specialist)
- 特工斯堤芬·桑切斯(Agent Stephen Saunders)(英國軍情六處人員)
Once they had made visual confirmation of Victor Drazen, they were to call down "Hammer One" - the codename for the F-18 Hornet that would make the air strike against the Drazen Compound.
They arrived at the Drazen Compound at 0800 hours and completed reconnaissance at 0900 hours. At 1111 hours they spotted an armored car approach the compound and watched the man they assumed to be Victor Drazen (in actuality a decoy) enter the house. They called Hammer One who had an ETA of 6 minutes.
Unbeknownst to either Jack Bauer or Victor Drazen, Vesna and Martina Drazen had returned home from vacation a day early. They were killed in the blast that was meant to kill Victor.
After the explosion, Bauer called for his team to leave the area when he heard shots and realized their radios were being jammed. Bauer hurried to their position to find Shelton, Gardener and Graham dead. Illjec and Peltz were on their way to the extraction point. Bauer followed them and realized they were being tracked by their radio frequency. It was too late for the others, who were shot and killed by the remains of Drazen's men who had located them as they called to be picked up. It was believed Bauer was the only survivor of the Delta team, however this was proven false when Stephen Saunders who was believed dead, turned up during Day 3 to exact revenge on America and Jack Bauer for being left behind enemy lines.
- 在夜幕行動中,Victor Drazen的妻子和女兒被殺。為了報仇,他在兩年後(《24》第一季)密謀暗殺當時為總統候選人的柏大衛,並虜走包智傑的妻子和女兒。這是《24》第一季的主線。
- 眾人以為桑士庭在夜幕行動中已經身亡(假定死亡),實際上他仍然生存。在第三季中,桑士庭向美國策動生化襲擊,以報復自己在夜幕行動中被丟下。
- 雖然行動由柏大衛授權,但柏大衛並不認識行動的參與人員。