


这是本页的一个历史版本,由Demos留言 | 贡献2006年2月25日 (六) 10:49 羅馬書已移动到罗马书编辑。这可能和当前版本存在着巨大的差异。


羅馬書 是书信中的一封,列入基督教 聖經新約 正典. 討論聖經时,一般都簡稱為"羅". 羅馬書是現今"没有爭議的" 七封保羅書信之一 and even among the four letters accepted as authentically his (in 德國 scholarship, the Hauptbriefen) by F. C. Baur and the Tübingen School of 歷史批判 of texts in 19世紀.


Romans 7.4–7 從希臘文 text of the Codex Claromontanus.

羅馬書可能寫於哥林多或靠近堅革哩. 堅革哩的非比(16:1),愛琴海港口哥林多, 遠往羅馬,哥林多的該猶這時接待使徒保羅在此寫作(16:23; 哥林多前書 1:14),以拉都是哥林多這城的管家(提摩太後書 4:20).

書信中並未提到精確時間, 但顯然是寫於為耶路撒冷已有的聚會收集款項,保羅 "往耶路撒冷去供應聖徒",在他第二次去希臘旅行的末尾,度過冬天,先於他上次訪問該城(羅馬書 15:25; 比較使徒行傳 19:21; 20:2, 3, 16;哥林多前書16:1-4), early in 主後58年.

五旬節那天在耶路撒冷有羅馬人,很可能就是他們把基督教帶到了羅馬 (使徒行傳 2:10). 那時羅馬的猶太人數目也非常可觀,他們的synagogues were probably resorted to by Romans also, who in this way became acquainted with the great facts regarding 耶穌 as these were reported among 猶太人. 羅馬教會由猶太人和外邦人組成.許多弟兄went out to meet 保羅 on his approach to 羅馬.There are evidences that 那時在羅馬的基督徒in considerable numbers,也許超過一處聚會(羅馬書 16:14, 15).



保羅寫作羅馬書的目的是 writing to this 教會 were fourfold and 清晰的 in 15章後半部分.

  1. 保羅要求為他去耶路撒冷的旅程禱告 and that the offering collected from 外邦眾教會 would be accepted there.
  2. 保羅計劃從耶路撒冷路過羅馬去西班牙.他希望羅馬教會支持他.
  3. 保羅從未去過羅馬,他寫了這封書信概述福音,使他的教導不至於被"假教師"混淆.
  4. 保羅明白羅馬教會裡外邦和猶太基督徒之間的爭執 and he writes to address those concerns (13章和14章前半章).羅馬教會由猶太基督徒建立,主後49年Claudius驅逐羅馬猶太人導致外邦基督徒佔據領導地位. 主後54年Claudius死後猶太基督徒返回.tensions resulted over 持守猶太food 律法 and observance of 猶太節期.


主題:耶穌基督的福音(1:16-17). 保羅說明全人類都犯了罪,得罪了神,而人只有藉著耶穌基督的死才能得救. 所以,神既是公義的,也是施行公義的. 只有回應神這個白白的救贖, 我們才可以用信心稱義. 保羅舉亞伯拉罕的例子證明人類憑著信而不是行動在神面前被稱為義.


在5-8章保羅說,信徒可以確信他們有得救的盼望, 因為信徒已經從罪的捆綁以及律法的轄制和捆綁之下被釋放. 信徒可以慶祝其得救的證實. 在9--11章保羅說神對以色列的信實, wherein he says that God has been faithful to 祂的应许but "从以色列生的,不都是以色列人". 保罗argues of God's freedom to choose who He will or will not save, but also concludes the section by saying that after a full measure of 外邦人得救的数目, 全体以色列人将要得救.


保羅, at times, uses a common style of writing of his time called a "diatribe" in which he appears to be responding to a "heckler" and the text is therefore structured as an argument. The letter is addressed to 羅馬教會which consisted of both 外邦和猶太基督徒. In the flow of the letter 保羅shifts his arguments, at times apparently speaking to 猶太成員 of 教會, then 外邦membership and at times to the church as a whole.

General Characterisation

保罗, at times, uses a common style of writing of his time called a "diatribe" in which he appears to be responding to a "heckler" and the text is therefore structured as an argument. The letter is addressed to 罗马教会which consisted of both 外邦和犹太基督徒. In the flow of the letter 保罗shifts his arguments, at times apparently speaking to 犹太成员 of 教会, then 外邦membership and at times to the church as a whole.

新教徒對待 of the text

保羅的羅馬書 is a 丰富的 textured articulation of 福音from which many of the doctrines of the church have made their foundation.

馬丁路德 將羅馬書描述為"新約的首領... it deserves to be known by heart, word for word, by 每個基督徒."

The "Romans Road" refers to a set of scriptures from 罗马书 that Christian evangelists use to present a clear and simple case for personal salvation for each person. They are:

  • 羅馬書3:23 "因為眾人都犯了罪,虧缺了神的榮耀."
  • 羅馬書6:23 "...罪的工價乃是死,惟有神的恩賜,在我們的主基督耶穌里,乃是永遠的生命."
  • 羅馬書5:8 "基督在我們還作罪人的時候,為我們死,神就在此將祂自己的愛向我們顯明了!"
  • 羅馬書10:9,10 "...你若口裡認耶穌為主, 心裡信神叫祂從死人中復活, 就必得救; 因為人心裡信, 就得著義,口裡承認, 就得救."
  • 羅馬書10:13"凡呼求主名的,就必得救!"


