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域: 真核域 Eukarya
界: 植物界 Plantae
門: 被子植物門 Magnoliophyta
綱: 雙子葉植物綱 Magnoliopsida
目: 薔薇目(Rosales)
科: 榆科(Ulmaceae)
屬: 榆屬(Ulmus)
Carolus Linnaenus
(L.) Batsch








  • "Mountain elms": spring flowering; flowers subsessile; leaves very rough above.
    • Ulmus bergmanniana. Eastern Asia. <26m tall, with large leaves up to 16cm long and 8cm wide. Very closely related to U. glabra.
    • Ulmus castaneifolia. China. <20m tall, with slender stem <50cm in diameter and thick, corky bark. Leaves <15cm long, 6cm wide, densely hirsute when young.
    • Ulmus changii. China. <20m tall, with smooth, glabrous, ovate leaves up to 11cm long.
    • Ulmus elongata. China. <30m tall, stem <80cm in diameter with exfoliating bark. Long, elliptic leaves <19cm and distinctive shuttle-shaped samaras.
    • Ulmus gaussennii. China. <25m tall, with black to very dark grey scabrous bark. Leaves <11cm long, densely pubescent when young.
    • Ulmus glabra - Wych Elm. Europe, Asia. Popular cultivars include 'Exoniensis' [Exeter Elm], 'Camperdownii', 'Nana'.
    • Ulmus glaucescens. Northern China. <18m tall, with exfoliating, mottled bark. Small, usually ovate leaves <5cm long. Exceptional resistance to drought, but intolerant of wet soils.
    • Ulmus laciniata - Manchurian Elm. Eastern Asia. <27m tall and slender stem <50cm in diameter. Distinctive laciniate, often obtriangular leaves <18cm long, with up to seven apical lobes. Closely related to U. glabra, it only grows well in sheltered, humid valleys.
    • Ulmus lamellosa. China. <12m tall, with rounded crown and slender trunk with mottled, flaking bark. Good resistance to Dutch elm disease and leaf beetles, but intolerant of wet soils.
    • Ulmus macrocarpa. Northeastern Asia. <12m tall, with thick, leathery obovate leaves <9cm long. Very large sub-orbicular samaras <47mm long and <39mm wide. Demands well-drained soil. Good resistance to Dutch elm disease.
    • Ulmus microcarpa. China (Xizang {:Tibet} only). <30m tall, with stem <80cm in diameter. Large, glabrous leaves <17cm long, but very small samaras <8mm in diameter.
    • Ulmus prunifolia. China. <30m tall, slender stem <45cm in diameter with smooth dark grey bark. Narrow, glabrescent leaves <11 cm long.
    • Ulmus rubra - Slippery Elm or Red Elm. Eastern North America.
    • Ulmus uyematsui. Taiwan. <25m tall with dark grey bark exfoliating in irregular flakes. Leaves elliptic, < 11cm long.
    • Ulmus wallichiana - Himalayan Elm or Kashmir Elm. Northern Afghanistan, northern Pakistan, western Himalaya.
  • "Field elms": spring flowering; flowers subsessile; leaves usually smooth above.
    • Ulmus chenmoui. China. <20m tall, with exfoliating bark and broad, obovate leaves <18cm long.
    • Ulmus chumlia. Himalaya. <25m tall, with spreading crown and sinuous branches. Leaves narrowly obovate, <10cm long and <4cm wide.
    • Ulmus davidiana - North-east Asia, inc. Japan. <15m tall, leaves obovate <10cm long by 5.5cm broad. Two varieties recognized by Fu:
      • Ulmus davidiana var. davidiana - David Elm. China. <12m tall, vase-shaped. Intolerant of exposed conditions and wet soils.
      • Ulmus davidiana var. japonica - Japanese Elm. North-east Asia, inc. Japan. 'Discovery', 'Freedom', 'Jacan', 'Mitsui Centennial', and 'Thomson' are hardy varieties selected for planting in Canada in the 1980s.
    • Ulmus harbinensis. China (Heilongjiang only). <15m tall; leaves <5.5cm long and <3.5cm broad.
    • Ulmus lanceaefolia. Western China (Yunnan only), India (Darjeeling area), Bhutan, Sikkim, Bangladesh, Laos, Myanmar. A very large tree, <45m tall, with spreading crown. The bark of the trunk exfoliates in small scales. Oblong to elliptic leaves, <8cm long and <2.5cm wide. Evergreen in the southern part of its range.
    • Ulmus minor - Field Elm. Europe. Numerous sub-species, varieties including:
      • Ulmus minor subsp. angustifolia. syn. var. cornubiensis - Cornish Elm. England, France; local endemic.
      • Ulmus minor subsp. minor - Smooth-leaved Elm. Europe; syn. U. carpinifolia. Disease-resistant cultivars: 'Christine Buisman', released in 1936, and 'Bea Schwarz' in 1948.
      • Ulmus minor var. plotii - Locks Elm. England; local endemic.
      • Ulmus minor 'Sarniensis' - Jersey Elm or Wheatley Elm, Guernsey Elm, Southampton Elm. Channel Islands, France; local endemic, widely cultivated in Britain.
      • Ulmus minor var. vulgaris - English Elm. England, Italy, Spain. Syn. U. procera. Also known as the 'Atinian Elm'.
    • Ulmus pseudopropinqua. Northern China (Inner Mongolia). <10m tall with corky branches. Good resistance to Dutch elm disease and elm beetles.
    • Ulmus pumila - Siberian Elm. China, India (Kashmir), Siberia. American cultivars include 'Dropmore', 'Park Royal', 'Lincoln' and 'Chinkota'.
    • Ulmus szechuanica. China. <18m tall, with umbrella-like canopy. Leaves obovate, glabrescent, <9cm long, dark red on emergence, and again in autumn.
    • Ulmus villosa - Cherry Bark Elm. India (Kashmir). <25m tall, with broad crown <14m wide and pendulous branches. Leaves oblong-elliptic acute <11cm long and <4cm broad. A long-lived species, sacred specimens planted around temples are over 800 years old.
    • Ulmus wilsoniana - Wilson's Elm. Western China. Now treated as conspecific with U. davidiana by Fu. 'Prospector' is a U. S. National Arboretum selection, vase-shaped and growing to 12m tall, with deep-green glabrous leaves resistant to elm leaf beetle.
  • "White elms": spring flowering; flowers pedunculate
    • Ulmus alata - Winged Elm. Eastern North America.
    • Ulmus americana - American Elm. North America east of the Rockies. Cultivars with resistance to Dutch elm disease include: 'American Liberty', 'Brandon', 'Delaware', 'Independence', 'Jefferson', 'New Harmony', 'Princeton', 'Valley Forge' and 'Washington'.
    • Ulmus androssowii - Narwan Elm. China (Yunnan, Sichuan, and Xijang {Tibet}). <20m tall, with ovate or elliptic glabrous leaves <8cm long and <2.5cm wide.
    • Ulmus laevis - European White Elm or Fluttering Elm, Spreading Elm, (USA only) Russian Elm. Eastern Europe, Western Asia.
    • Ulmus thomasii - Rock Elm. Eastern North America.
  • "Autumn-flowering elms": autumn flowering.
    • Ulmus crassifolia - Cedar Elm. Eastern North America.
    • Ulmus parvifolia - Chinese Elm or Lacebark Elm. China. 27 known American cultivars including: 'A. Ross Central Park' (Central Park Splendor™), 'Bosque', 'Drake', 'Dynasty', 'Emer I' (Athena™), 'Emer II' (Allee™), 'King's Choice', 'Ohio', 'Pathfinder', 'Sempervirens'. Many others such as 'Hokkaido' are miniatures raised for bonsai.
    • Ulmus serotina - September Elm. Eastern North America.
    • Ulmus tonkinensis. Western China, Northern Vietnam. Evergreen tree with exfoliating bark. Ovate-lanceolate glabrous leaves <10cm long and <3cm wide.
  • Hybrids and hybrid origin cultivars.
    • Ulmus × brandisiana. U. chumlia × U. wallichiana. Naturally-occurring hybrid in Pakistan and north-west India.
    • Ulmus × elegantissima 'Jacqueline Hillier'. English hybrid of uncertain parentage, possibly U. glabra × U. minor var. plotii.
    • Ulmus × hollandica - Dutch Elm. U. glabra × U. minor.
    • Ulmus 'Cathedral'. U. pumila × U. davidiana var. japonica. American hybrid, more closely resembling its male parent, U. davidiana var. japonica than its siblings 'New Horizon' and 'Sapporo Autumn Gold' but not as resistant to Dutch elm disease.
    • Ulmus 'Clusius'. (U. glabra Exoniensis × U. wallichiana) × U. × hollandica 'Bea Schwarz'. Dutch hybrid released 1983. Similar to 'Lobel', but with slightly improved resistance to Dutch elm disease.
    • Ulmus 'Columella'. 'Plantyn' or 'Plantijn' selfed. Dutch hybrid released 1989.
    • Ulmus 'Commelin'. U. × hollandica 'Vegeta' × U. minor. Dutch hybrid released 1960. Fast growing, but only moderate resistance to disease and wind damage.
    • Ulmus 'Coolshade'. U. rubra × U. pumila.
    • Ulmus 'Dodoens'. U. glabra × U. wallichiana selfed. Dutch hybrid released 1973. Strong, fast growing, but only moderately resistant to Dutch elm disease.
    • Ulmus 'Frontier'. U. minor × U. parvifolia. <13m tall, with glabrous leaves turning dark red in autumn.
    • Ulmus 'Green King'. U. rubra × U. pumila.
    • Ulmus 'Groeneveld'. U. minor × U. glabra. Dutch hybrid released 1960. Slower growing than 'Commelin', and only moderately resistant to disease. Planted mostly in Dutch towns.
    • Ulmus 'Homestead'. U. pumila × ((U. hollandica 'Vegeta' × U. minor) × (U. pumila × U. minor)). U. S. National Arboretum hybrid. Fast growing, producing a pyramidal crown, and well-suited to city conditions. High resistance to Dutch elm disease.
    • Ulmus 'Lobel'. (U. glabra Exoniensis × U. wallichiana) × U. × hollandica 'Bea Schwarz'. Dutch hybrid released 1973. Fastigiate, small-crowned, small-leaved tree resistant to sea winds, but only moderately resistant to Dutch elm disease.
    • Ulmus 'Morton' (Accolade ™). U. davidiana var. japonica × U. wilsoniana. American hybrid >30m tall, vase-shaped tree with small, glossy, dark-green leaves. Highly resistant to Dutch elm disease, but not available in Europe.
    • Ulmus 'Morton Glossy' (Triumph ™). 'Morton' × 'Vanguard'. <20m tall, with upright oval- to vase-shape, and dark green glabrous leaves.
    • Ulmus 'Morton Plainsman' (Vanguard ™). U. pumila × U. japonica. American hybrid <15m tall, with rounded crown. Drought resistant.
    • Ulmus 'Morton Red Tip' (Danada Charm ™). U. davidiana var. japonica × U. wilsoniana. <25m tall, vase-shaped with arching limbs, and dark green leaves. A seedling of (Accolade ™).
    • Ulmus 'Morton Stalwart' (Commendation ™). (U. davidiana var. japonica × U. wilsoniana) × (U. pumila × U. minor). <20m tall, with upright, oval shape.
    • Ulmus 'Nanguen' (Lutèce ™). 'Plantyn' × (U. × hollandica 'Bea Schwarz' × U. × hollandica 'Bea Schwarz' selfed). Dutch hybrid, released 2002. [1].
    • Ulmus 'New Horizon'. U. davidiana var. japonica × U. pumila. American hybrid now also grown under licence in Germany. Very resistant to Dutch elm disease, but unsuited to poorly-drained ground.
    • Ulmus 'Patriot'. 'Urban' × U. wilsoniana 'Prospector'. American hybrid with vase-shaped crown. High resistance to Dutch elm disease and elm yellows. Very fast growing, capable of exceeding 1m per annum.
    • Ulmus 'Pioneer'. U. glabra × U. minor. U. S. National Arboretum hybrid. Dense, spherical crown. Only moderately resistant to Dutch elm disease.
    • Ulmus 'Plantyn' or 'Plantijn'. (U. glabra Exoniensis × U. wallichiana) × (U. minor × U. minor). Dutch hybrid released 1973. Fast growing with broad crown. Tolerant of sea winds, but only moderately resistant to Dutch elm disease.
    • Ulmus 'Plinio'. 'Plantyn' × U. pumila. Italian hybrid released 2003.
    • Ulmus 'Regal'. U. pumila × ((U. hollandica 'Vegeta' × U. minor) × (U. pumila × U. minor)). American hybrid with upright columnar form making it suitable for urban planting. High resistance to Dutch elm disease.
    • Ulmus 'San Zanobi'. 'Plantyn' × U. pumila. Italian hybrid released 2003.
    • Ulmus 'Sapporo Autumn Gold'. U. davidiana var. japonica × U. pumila. From a chance crossing in Sapporo, Japan. Grows quickly to form dense vase-shaped crown, although young trees need pruning to produce clean stem. Highly resistant to Dutch elm disease, and now also widely available in Europe.
    • Ulmus 'Urban'. (U. × hollandica 'Vegeta' × U. minor) × U. pumila. U. S. National Arboretum hybrid.
    • Ulmus 'Vegeta' - Huntingdon Elm, syn. Chichester Elm. U. glabra × U. minor selfed. Old English hybrid raised circa 1750.
    • Ulmus 'Wredei' - Golden Elm. U. × hollandica cultivar.
    • and many more without formal hybrid names

The other genera in the Ulmaceae are Zelkova (Zelkova) and Planera (Water-elm). Celtis (Hackberry or Nettle Tree), formerly included in Ulmaceae, is now treated in the family Cannabaceae.

European White Elm flowers






荷蘭榆樹病曾經廣泛摧毀全歐洲北美洲的榆樹。這植物疾病的致病原是一種叫做(Ophiostoma nova-ulmi)的霉菌。透過兩種生活在榆樹樹幹的榆小蠹作媒介傳播。霉菌被媒介帶進榆樹表面的傷口,再進入樹幹輸送水份營養往樹葉和樹端的篩管內繁殖。受感染的榆樹能在短短3個星期之內被切斷其水份傳輸系統,導致死亡。有研究顯示,亞洲品種的榆樹有抗致病霉菌的基因














在歐洲,無毛榆 (Wych Elm,即U. glabra)和歐洲光葉榆 (Smooth-leaved Elm,即U. minor)都是這些被廣植的品種,其中無毛榆常見於北歐斯堪的那維亞半島地區、英國北部,而滑葉榆則常見於較南的地區。而因該兩種榆樹品種自然雜交而生的荷蘭榆樹 (Dutch Elm,即U. × hollandica)亦常見於歐洲。

北美洲常見的榆樹品種稱為美洲榆樹 (American Elm,即U. americana),擁有生長速度快,對不同氣候土壤適應力強,堅直的樹幹能经受強風吹襲,及樹型瓶狀不用時常修剪的優點,故成為街道裝飾樹種的首選。現存生長在紐約市華盛頓廣場公園西北角的「吊人榆」(Hangman's Elm),是一棵估計約在1679年開始生長的古老英格蘭榆樹(English Elm)。

自1850年至1920年間,最知名的榆樹品種為蘇格蘭榆樹 (Camperdown Elm,即U. Camperdownii),為一種經培育變種而來的「變種無毛榆」嫁接到純種無毛榆的樹幹而成,其樹型被改造成類似噴泉狀,在当時的大花園里都採用這種榆樹品種作裝飾樹種。

20世紀,英國殖民者開發澳大利亞,他們帶了大量英格蘭榆(English Elm,即U. minor var. vulgaris)的樹苗到那裡種植,這些「外來」品種在澳大利亞落地生根,並由於地緣關係,避過了曾經在歐洲發生的荷蘭榆樹病。現在墨爾本的街道仍能發現英格蘭榆樹巍然屹立。





  • 榆樹, Yushu 藥用植物圖像數據庫 (香港浸會大學中醫藥學院) (繁體中文)(英文)