馬拉拉·優素福扎伊 ملاله یوسفزۍ Malālah Yūsafzay | |
斯瓦特地区儿童大会主席 | |
任期 2009—2011 | |
前任 | 首任[1] |
个人资料 | |
出生 | [2][3] 巴基斯坦开伯尔-普赫图赫瓦省斯瓦特县明戈拉 | 1997年7月12日
国籍 | 巴基斯坦 |
公民权 | 巴基斯坦[4] |
政党 | 無 |
居住地 | 英国伯明翰 |
宗教信仰 | 伊斯兰教 |
種族 | 普什图人[5] |
亲属 | Ziauddin Yousafzai (父)[3] Toorpekai Yousafzai (母) |
投身 | 青年運動、女权运动、教育主義、博客撰写[4] |
组织 | 马拉拉教育基金会[6][7] |
獎項 | 國際馬拉拉和平獎(2011)[4] 国际儿童和平奖(2013)[8] 萨哈罗夫奖(2013) 西蒙·德·波伏娃奖(2013) 諾貝爾和平獎(2014) |
馬拉拉·優素福扎伊(普什圖語:ملاله یوسفزۍ,[məˈlaːlə jusəf ˈzəj],[9]乌尔都语:ملالہ یوسف زئی,英語:Malālah Yūsafzay,1997年7月12日—)[2][3],又譯為瑪拉拉·尤蘇芙札,是巴基斯坦的一位以爭取女性教育而聞名的活動家。2014年,她獲得诺贝尔和平奖,是所有諾貝爾獎項中的最年輕獲獎人[10]。
1997年7月12日,优素福扎伊生于巴基斯坦西北部开伯尔-普什图省斯瓦特县[11]的一个逊尼派穆斯林家庭[3]。她的名字马拉拉意为“悲痛欲绝[12]”,源于阿富汗南部著名的普什图女诗人和女战士Malalai of Maiwand[13]。而她的姓氏优素福扎伊,源于巴基斯坦斯瓦特山谷的大型普什图部落联盟,是她生长的地方。她的家在明戈拉,有两个弟弟、父母——齐亚乌丁和索尔·佩卡和两只宠物鸡[3]。斯瓦特是著名的旅游景点,其自然风光和优美景色,吸引了成千上万的游客到此一游,就连英国女王伊丽莎白二世造访该地区时,称赞它是“东方的瑞士”。
“尽管已经详细报道了斯瓦特的恐怖政治,但对普通人在塔利班统治下过着的生活知道得太少。”BBC乌尔都语部前主编米尔扎·瓦希德表示。出于对优素福扎伊的担心,BBC的编辑坚持让她用化名。她的博客文章署名为“Gul Makai”(乌尔都语“矢车菊”的意思)[22],普什图族民间传说里的一个角色[23][24]。
纪录片上映后,优素福扎伊接受国家普什图语电台AVT Khyber、乌尔都语《Daily Aaj》和加拿大《多伦多星报》的采访[21]。2009年8月19日,她第二次首先在《首都谈话》节目中[27]。2009年12月的文章揭示出其BBC博客写手的身份[28][29]。她也开始出现在电视上,公开主张女性教育[4]。
2012年10月9日放學途中,馬拉拉坐著校車行經巴基斯坦西北部史瓦特河谷,遭到蒙面武裝塔利班分子暗殺,當時蒙面歹徒高喊:“誰是馬拉拉?若不說出來就殺死所有人”,在被認出之後遭到三次槍擊,其中一顆子彈穿過頭部、頸部,最終留在肩膀里[36]。還有另外兩名名叫Kainat Riaz和Shazia Ramzan的女孩遭到槍擊[37]。
馬拉拉接到了來自許多國家的醫療幫助[43],10月15日她前往英國接受進一步治療,在迪拜轉機後抵達伯明翰,在伯明翰伊麗莎白女王醫院接受治療。[44] 10月17日馬拉拉脫離昏迷狀態,據說可以完全恢復腦部損傷[45]。11月8日出現了她坐在床邊的照片[46]。
這次刺殺行動引發世界各地人士對恐怖分子的強烈譴責和對馬拉拉的同情,其中不乏美國總統奧巴馬、巴基斯坦總統阿西夫·阿里·扎爾達里和聯合國秘書長潘基文等政要[52][53][54],和麥當娜、安吉麗娜·朱莉等社會名流[55][56][57]。巴基斯塔各大城市多次出現示威活動,社會各界人士也開始督促巴基斯坦政府進行教育改革,有超過200萬人簽署了教育權利請願書,使得巴基斯坦的第一條教育權利法案得以通過。[58][59] 巴基斯坦政府懸賞1000萬盧比捉拿兇犯。
巴基斯坦塔利班的發言人Ehsanullah Ehsan宣佈對此次襲擊負責,並說馬拉拉是“異教與淫褻的象征”,並說如若此次行動沒有達到預期的殺死馬拉拉的目的,他們將再次發動襲擊。[60] 襲擊過後的幾天中,塔利班反復強調其主張,並說馬拉拉是被其父洗了腦:“我們多次警告他不要再讓其女兒對我們進行骯髒的語言攻擊,但他並未聽從,使得事情發展到了這樣的極端境地”。[37] 塔利班認為他們的行動是有可蘭經支持的正義之舉:“宣傳反伊斯蘭和伊斯蘭勢力者必將被殺”。[61]
2012年10月12日,50位伊斯蘭僧侶聯合發佈了一條伊斯蘭教令,反對塔利班武裝人員試圖殺死馬拉拉的行動。逊尼派联盟委员会成員公開譴責塔利班不應用宗教正義來粉飾其襲擊馬拉拉和她的同學的行為。[62] 但一些極端正政黨和勢力也撒播出了陰謀論,例如這是美國中央情報局的陰謀,後者以此作為發動無人機襲擊的藉口。[63] 有時馬拉拉也被打上“美國間諜”的標籤。[64][65][66][67]
瑪拉拉的回憶錄《我是馬拉拉:一位因爭取教育而被槍擊的女孩》(I Am Malala: The Story of the Girl Who Stood Up for Education and was Shot by the Taliban,ISBN 9780316322409),是英國籍記者克莉絲汀娜·拉姆與她合著,在2013年10月由愛米粒出版[68]。英國《衛報》稱呼這本書「無所畏懼」、「仇恨散播者以及陰謀論恐怖份子都應該好好讀這本書」,儘管同時衛報的評論家也批判此書「生硬、自以為無所不知的外派記者觀點」和馬拉拉的論述交織在一起並不和諧[69]。《華盛頓郵報》的評論家認為這本書「十分迷人」並寫道「沒有比這本書更能夠讓人遙想戰爭的歷程(也許除了安妮的日記以外)」[70]。
出版日期 | 書名 | 作者 | 譯者 | 出版社 | ISBN |
2014年 | 《我是馬拉拉【青少年版】:一位因爭取教育而改變了世界的女孩》(I Am Malala:How One Girl Stood Up for Education and Changed the World Young Readers Edition) | 馬拉拉.優薩福扎伊, 派翠西亞.麥考密克 | 朱浩一 | 愛米粒 | ISBN 9789869094627 |
在博科聖地綁架了200多位尼日利亞女學生後,馬拉拉也加入了#bringbackourgirls聲援行動,隨後她更身體力行前往當地訪問,呼籲釋放被綁架的所有少女。 她到達後探望被綁學生的親屬,並與當地總統喬納森會面。之後她與逃出生天的女學生們一起渡過了17歲生日,並與她們一起踢足球。
2014年,馬拉拉終於與凱拉西·薩塔亞提共同获得诺贝尔和平奖[74]。她在获奖时年仅17岁,也成为诺贝尔奖历史上最年轻的获奖者[75],亦是巴基斯坦繼阿卜杜勒·萨拉姆之後史上第二位諾貝爾獎得主[76]。馬拉拉曾說:「得諾貝爾和平獎不是我的目標。我的目標除了世界和平,還希望每個小孩都能接受教育。」[77] 2014年10月29日瑪拉拉獲世界兒童獎基金會在瑞士接受世界兒童獎,她成為世界上第一位在同一年贏得諾貝爾和平獎和世界兒童獎的人。
- ^ Khaliq, Fazal. District assembly: Call for end to child rights violations. The Express Tribune. 22 December 2010 [15 October 2012].
- ^ 2.0 2.1 Memmot, Mark. Taliban Say They Shot Teenaged Pakistani Girl Who Exposed Their Cruelty. NPR. 9 October 2012 [15 October 2012].
- ^ 3.00 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08 3.09 Ellick, Adam B. and Ashraf, Irfan. Class Dismissed. The New York Times (documentary). 29 October 2009 [11 October 2012].
- ^ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Malala Yousafzai: Portrait of the girl blogger. BBC News. 10 October 2012 [11 October 2012].
- ^ "Orbala". Praying for Malala Yusufzai, a Pashtun Symbol of Hope and Courage. Safeworld International Foundation. 10 October 2012 [12 October 2012].
- ^ Malala Yousafzai. 3 May 2012 [15 October 2012].
- ^ 7.0 7.1 Mehsud, Saud. Malala Yousufzai: Pakistani schoolgirl had defied threats from Taliban for years (+video). The Christian Science Monitor. 10 October 2012 [15 October 2012].
- ^ Gregory D. Chang. Malala's Story: Taliban Shoot 14 Year Old Girl, Attempt Execution. Breitbart.com. 12 October 2012 [12 October 2012].
- ^ امنسټي انټرنېشنل پر ملاله یوسفزۍ برید وغانده. BBC Pashto. 18 October 2012 [11 October 2013] (普什图语).
- ^ Malala Yousafzai Becomes Youngest-Ever Nobel Prize Winner. 10 October 2014 [11 October 2014].
- ^ Malala and Sharbat Gula: Pashtun Icons of Hope. Saleem Ali. University of Queensland, Australia: National Geographic. 14 October 2012 [29 September 2013].
- ^ 12.0 12.1 Diary of a Pakistani schoolgirl. BBC News. 19 January 2009 [11 October 2012].
- ^ Bacha Khan’s philosophy of non-violence and Benazir Bhutto’s charisma inspires Malala. The Express Tribune. 16 January 2012 [11 October 2012].
- ^ Tooley, James. Malala for free schools: Why does the media hide the fact that she's for educational choice — as are so many developing nations?. The Spectator. [13 November 2013].
- ^ Coulson, Andrew J. Why Malala Didn’t Go to Public School. Cato Institute. [13 November 2013].
- ^ Owais Tohid. My conversations with Malala Yousafzai, the girl who stood up to the Taliban. The Christian Science Monitor. 11 October 2012: 3 [11 October 2012].
- ^ Adam B. Ellick. My 'Small Video Star' Fights for Her Life. 纽约时报. 9 October 2012 [11 October 2012].
- ^ Westhead, Rick. Brave defiance in Pakistan's Swat Valley. Toronto Star. 26 October 2009 [15 October 2012].
- ^ Pakistani Heroine: How Malala Yousafzai Emerged from Anonymity. Time World. 23 October 2012 [12 October 2013].
- ^ 20.0 20.1 20.2 20.3 20.4 20.5 Peer, Basharat. The Girl Who Wanted To Go To School. The New Yorker. 10 October 2012 [15 October 2012].
- ^ 21.0 21.1 21.2 Rising star of youth journalism inspires fellow pupils in Pakistan. Institute of War & Peace Reporting. 15 January 2010 [15 October 2012].
- ^ Jon Boone. Malala Yousafzai: Pakistan Taliban causes revulsion by shooting girl who spoke out. The Guardian (London). 9 October 2012 [12 October 2012].
- ^ Ali, Manzoor. Where it all started: ‘A diary that highlighted Swat’s human tragedy’. The Express Tribune. 12 October 2012 [15 October 2012].
The name Gul Makai – a heroine of Pakhtun folktale – was chosen as an apt pseudonym meant to strike a chord with the local population so they could easily identify with Malala’s blog, he added.
- ^ Rose, H.A. A Glossary of the Tribes and Castes of the Punjab and North-West Frontier Province 1. 1911: 56 [15 October 2012].
Yet another legend of Yusufzai origin is often recited by the Kurram Dums. It enshrines the lives of Musa Khan and Gulmakai, their quarrels and final reconciliation. It is very well known I believe on the Peshawar side, and has probably been already recorded.
- ^ 25.0 25.1 25.2 25.3 25.4 25.5 25.6 25.7 25.8 Swat: Diary of a Pakistani schoolgirl (Malala Yousafzai) – BBC. original Urdu and English translation of Yousufzai's blog. LUBP. [16 October 2012].
- ^ Pakistan media condemn attack on Malala Yousafzai. BBC News. 9 October 2012 [23 July 2013].
- ^ Capital Talk on Wednesday, August 19, 2009. Pakistan Herald. 19 August 2009 [23 July 2013].
- ^ Young Journalist Inspires Fellow Students. Institute for War & Peace Reporting. 9 December 2009 [15 October 2012].
- ^ van Gilder Cooke, Sonia. Pakistani Heroine: How Malala Yousafzai Emerged from Anonymity. Time. 23 October 2012 [24 October 2012].
- ^ 30.0 30.1 Desmond Tutu announces nominees Children's Peace Prize 2011. The International Children's Peace Prize. 25 October 2011 [15 October 2012].
- ^ Michaela Mycroft winner of International Children’s Peace Prize 2011. International Children's Peace Prize. 21 November 2011 [25 July 2013].[失效連結]
- ^ Malala in the House, plans to launch political party. Dawn (Pakistan). 4 January 2012 [11 October 2012].
- ^ Sumera Khan. National peace prize named after Malala Yousafzai. The Express Tribune. 20 December 2011 [11 October 2012].
- ^ 诺贝尔和平奖新得主马拉拉是托派马克思主义者?
- ^ 35.0 35.1 'Radio Mullah' sent hit squad after Malala Yousafzai. The Express Tribune. 12 October 2012 [15 October 2012].
- ^ Asma Ali Zain. Malala will soon undergo reconstructive surgery. Khaleej Times. 4 November 2012 [4 November 2012].
- ^ 37.0 37.1 Declan Walsh. Taliban Reiterate Vow to Kill Pakistani Girl. The New York Times. 12 October 2012 [12 October 2012].
- ^ Mushtaq Yusufza. Pakistani teen blogger shot by Taliban 'critical' after surgery. NBC News lol. 9 October 2012 [11 October 2012,].
- ^ 39.0 39.1 Robert Mackey; Adam B. Ellick. Pakistani Girl Airlifted to Military Hospital. The New York Times. 11 October 2012 [11 October 2012].
- ^ Malala to be shifted to Germany: Malik. Associated Press of Pakistan. 11 October 2012 [11 October 2012].
- ^ Palash R. Ghosh. Malala Yousafzai: Family Refuses To Cower In Fear As Girl Remains In Critical Condition. International Business Times. 10 October 2012 [11 October 2012].
- ^ Palmer, Elizabeth. Indications of hope for shot Pakistani girl. CBS. 13 October 2012 [15 October 2012].
- ^ Walsh, Declan. Global Outpouring to Help Pakistani Schoolgirl/Girl Shot by Taliban Arrives in Britain for Treatment. The New York Times. 15 October 2012 [16 October 2012].
- ^ Malala Yousafzai: Pakistani girl shot by Taliban to be treated in Birmingham hospital that treats wounded soldiers. The Telegraph (London). 15 October 2012 [15 October 2012].
- ^ Bennett, Dashiell. Malala Yousufzai Comes Out of Her Coma. Atlantic Wire. 17 October 2012 [17 October 2012].
- ^ Schoolgirl shot by Taliban says she has been 'humbled and inspired by messages of support'. ITV News. 9 November 2012 [9 November 2012].
- ^ Malala Yousafzai to undergo cranial reconstructive surgery in UK. India Today. [4 January 2013].
- ^ Pakistani girl Malala released from hospital. CNN. 4 January 2013 [4 January 2013].
- ^ Girl shot by Taliban in stable condition after two operations to reconstruct skull and restore hearing. New York Post. [3 February 2013].
- ^ 馬拉拉英會考奪6A*4A. 明報. 2015-08-22 [2015-08-22].
- ^ 爭取女性教育權先鋒 馬拉拉做10優狀元. 蘋果日報 (香港). 2015-08-22 [2015-08-22].
- ^ Malala Yousafzai: Pakistan girl 'strong' – doctors. BBC News. 16 October 2012 [16 October 2012].
- ^ UN chief strongly condemns ‘heinous and cowardly’ attack on Pakistani schoolgirl. UN News Service (United Nations). 10 October 2012 [11 October 2012].
- ^ Pakistani teen still critical, Obama calls attack tragic. Indo Asian News Service (Yahoo News). 11 October 2012 [11 October 2012].
- ^ Seth Abramovitch. Madonna Dedicates L.A. Performance to Child Activist Shot in Pakistan. The Hollywood Reporter. 11 October 2012 [11 October 2012].
- ^ Madonna Strips For Malala Yousafzai, Dedicates Song To Young Pakistani Woman Shot By Taliban. The Huffington Post. 15 October 2012 [10 October 2014].
- ^ Jolie, Angelina. Angelina Jolie: We All Are Malala. The Daily Beast. 16 October 2012 [19 October 2012].
- ^ Yusuf, Huma. Ghost Education. The New York Times. 16 November 2012.
- ^ Education is now compulsory for Pakistani children. NDTV.com. 14 November 2012 [13 October 2013].
- ^ Richard Leiby; Michele Langevine Leiby. Taliban says it shot Pakistani teen for advocating girls’ rights. The Washington Post. 10 October 2012 [11 October 2012].
- ^ Malala Yousafzai deserved to die, say Taliban. The Guardian (London). 16 October 2012 [16 October 2012].[失效連結]
- ^ Jon Boone. friend Malala Yousafzai: 'fatwa' issued against gunmen 请检查
值 (帮助). The Guardian. 12 October 2012 [12 October 2012]. - ^ Venky Vembu. How Pak jihadi minds justify attack on Malala: Perversely. firstpost.com. 15 October 2012 [15 October 2012]. (原始内容存档于15 October 2012).
- ^ TTP labels Malala as 'an American spy'. The News. 16 October 2012 [20 October 2012].
- ^ Mackey, Robert. After a Bullet in the Head, Assaults on a Pakistani Schoolgirl’s Character Follow. The New York Times. 16 October 2012 [20 October 2012].
- ^ Taqi, Mohammad. Malala and anti-Malala Pakistan. Daily Times. 18 October 2012 [20 October 2012].
- ^ Walsh, Declan. Pakistani Police Detain Family of Suspect in Attack on Girl. The New York Times. 18 October 2012 [20 October 2012].
- ^ "Formats and Editions of I am Malala". WorldCat. 2014-04-11擷取
- ^ Fatima Bhutto. I Am Malala by Malala Yousafzai – review. The Guardian. 2013-10-30 [2013-11-10] (英语).
- ^ Marie Arana. Book review: 'I Am Malala' by Malala Yousafzai. The Washington Post. 2013-10-11 [2013-11-10].
- ^ Umair Aziz and Andrew Buncombe. Inspiration or danger? Private schools in Pakistan ban Malala Yousafzai's book. The Independent (London). 2013-11-10 [2013-11-10].
- ^ Ansar Abbasi. Malala exposes herself to criticism. The News International. 2013-10-22 [2014-06-29].
- ^ Jordan, Carol. Malala wins Sakharov Prize for freedom of thought. CNN. 10 October 2013 [10 October 2013].
- ^ The Nobel Peace Prize for 2014. Nobelprize.org. [2014-10-10].
- ^ Malala Yousafzai Becomes Youngest-Ever Nobel Prize Winner. People. 2014-10-10 [2014-10-10].
- ^ Malala Yousafzai, Kailash Satyarthi win Nobel Peace Prize. Dawn. 2014-10-10 [2014-10-10].
- ^ 馬拉拉曾因爭取受教權 遭10槍手攻擊頭部. 蘋果日報. 2014-10-10 [2014-10-11].
- A World At School. (United Nations petition in Yousafzai's name)
- Class Dismissed. (2009 New York Times documentary about Yousafzai, in English)
- Child Assembly ensures a voice for youth affected by crises in Swat, Pakistan. (UNICEF video of Yousafzai)
- Swat: Diary of a Pakistani schoolgirl – BBC Urdu. (Yousafzai's BBC Urdu blog, containing 9/10 parts)
- After the Taliban: Swat women on changing life. (BBC piece from 2011 with quote from Yousafzai)
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