

坐标5°24′52.2″N 100°19′45.12″E / 5.414500°N 100.3292000°E / 5.414500; 100.3292000

这是本页的一个历史版本,由113.210.99.236留言2017年8月6日 (日) 06:20编辑。这可能和当前版本存在着巨大的差异。

George Town
 • 马来语Tanjong
 • 槟城福建话Pho-té (坡底)
 • 淡米尔语ஜோர்ஜ் டவுன்
右上图顺时针: 乔治市天际线、圣乔治教堂、旧关仔角钟楼、张弼士故居、新关仔角高楼建筑物、槟城东方酒店
右上图顺时针: 乔治市天际线、圣乔治教堂旧关仔角钟楼张弼士故居新关仔角高楼建筑物、槟城东方酒店
格言:Memimpin Sambil Berkhidmat
(Leading We Serve)
乔治市 (马来西亚半岛)
乔治市 (馬來西亞)
坐标:5°24′52.2″N 100°19′45.12″E / 5.414500°N 100.3292000°E / 5.414500; 100.3292000
国家 马来西亚
州属檳城 槟城州
British crown colony1867年4月1日至1957年8月31日
 • 地方政府槟岛市政厅
 • 市长芭蒂希雅·依斯迈
 • 城市首府122.79 平方公里 (47.41 平方英里)
 • 都會區2,563.15 平方公里(989.64 平方英里)
海拔[3]14 公尺(46 英尺)
 • 城市首府708,127 (第三位)人
 • 密度4,500人/平方公里(12,000人/平方英里)
 • 都會區2,412,616 (第二位)
 • 夏时制无(UTC
邮编100xx 到 108xx 111xx 到 118xx
地区代号英语Telephone numbers in Malaysia+604


乔治市George Town槟城福建话:『坡底』[Pho-té],意为市中心),为马来西亚槟城州的首府,位于槟岛东北部。乔治市是马来西亚第一开发的岛上城市,在2010年共有708,127人;而以乔治市为中心的大槟城都会区方面则有约两百五十万,也是全国第二大的组合城市(conurbation)。[6][7][8][9]乔治市也是国内古老城镇之一,并在2008年7月7日正式列入联合国教科文组织世界文化遗产名录,形成了现今的古迹区。[10] 乔治市是槟城州乃至整个北马区的政治、金融、旅游、文化和高等教育中心。

乔治市是由英国东印度公司船长弗朗西斯·莱特(Francis Light)于1786年创建,也是英国在东南亚的早期殖民地之一。乔治市在1867年和新加坡马六甲组成海峡殖民地,之后被大日本帝国占领二战结束后大英帝国成功收回槟城,并在1957年马来亚独立前被伊丽莎白二世女王颁布为马来西亚第一个大城市,过后在70年代被剥夺城市资格并重组成为槟岛市政局(MPPP)。在2015年,乔治市以『槟岛』的名义再次取得大城市资格。








乔治市现在所在的海角曾被当地马来人称为丹绒马来语:Tanjong,即为海角[21] 这个名字源自更早以前的老名字,丹绒本那牙Tanjung PenagaCape Penaigre)。[22]


历代相关政权 年份
吉打苏丹王朝 1136–1786
英国东印度公司 1786–1867
海峽殖民地 海峡殖民地 1826–1941; 1945–1946
大日本帝国 大日本帝国 1941–1945
马来亚联邦 马来亚联邦 1946–1948
马来亚联合邦 马来亚联合邦 1948–1963
马来西亚 马来西亚 1963–现今





当时,槟岛吉打苏丹王朝的一部分,而吉打又面对随时可能被暹罗缅甸入侵的威胁。[27]于是莱特便利用这一情况与吉打的苏丹阿都拉姆加蘭沙(Abdullah Mukarram Shah)谈判,通过『租借』槟岛英国东印度公司以换取对吉打的军事保护。[25]

莱特与苏丹达成协议后,于8月11日返回槟岛。同时,联合杰克(Union Jack)在槟岛正式升起,象征槟岛正式成为英国东印度公司(以乔治三世的名义)的殖民地。槟岛也在乔治四世继承英国王位之后更名为『威尔士王子岛』,而乔治市这个新定居点则为是为了纪念乔治三世而成立的。[28]

该城兴建于一片沼泽地上,导致须经清理、平整及填土,以整顿全市。在康华丽堡正在建造时,莱特通过向银行发射银币以鼓励移民到新的定居点。他还宣布乔治市是一个自由港,以吸引于该地区在荷兰港口交易的商人。[29] 入境船只从1786年的85架升至1802年的3,569架; 同时,1792年,乔治市的人口也达到了10,000人。[30][31][32]



[33][34]最初的商业市镇布置于莱特街(英:Light Street,福建話: 玻理口 Po-lê-kháu)、土库街(福建話: Thôo-khòo-ke; 英:Beach Street,殖民时期靠近海边)、牛干冬(福建話: Gû-kan-tang; 英:Chulia Street)和椰脚街(福建話: Iâ-kha-ke; 英:Pitt Street,现名 Masjid Kapitan Keling Street)。[35] 到目前为止,仍然可以看到乔治市的商业和行政中心以及各大种族各居一地的隔离现象;在土库街乔治市中心商业区安置了银行和仓库,而行政和司法建筑则集中在莱特街,作为政府办事处。[36]


弗朗西斯·莱特船长在1794年因疟疾去世,并被埋葬在位于红毛路(现为“苏丹阿末沙路“)的旧新教公墓 (Old Protestant Cemetery)。而弗朗西斯·莱特也被誉为槟城的创始人。













与大多数位于岛屿的城市一样,土地短缺是乔治市所面对的迫切问题。填海索地项目已成了惯例,以便在高需求地区提供给民众更多的平地,如新关仔角丹绒道光日落洞[39][40][41]乔治市的著名填海例子就有位于丹绒道光的斯里丹绒槟榔(Seri Tanjung Pinang)。



官方名稱Melaka and George Town, historic cities of the Straits of Malacca(英文)
Villes historiques du détroit de Malacca : Melaka et George Town(法文)
位置 马来西亚([[亚洲和太平洋地区世界遗产列表|亚洲和太平洋地区]])



乔治市世界文化遗产古迹区的面积达259.42公顷,其中包括古迹核心区有109.38公顷,缓冲区150.04公顷。占了全马来西亚的三分之一。 至2008年起,乔治市历史最悠久的核心地带正式列入了联合国教科文组织世界文化遗产[10] 乔治市被认为具有独特的建筑文化城市景观,而东方和东南亚的任何地方都无法与之相比。乔治市拥有马来西亚最多的二战东南亚风格建筑物,并可说是建筑瑰宝。

乔治市世界文化遗产古迹区的面积达259.42公顷,其中包括古迹核心区有109.38公顷,缓冲区150.04公顷。两个区域的边界为西缘的Transfer Road和南缘的Prangin Road。.[42]核心区包含了乔治市的古迹区,拥有许多历史性的地标如康华丽堡槟城大会堂槟城州博物馆和土库街一带的银行总部。这些区域为当时弗朗西斯·莱特于1786年建城的范围,并在历史方面超过马来西亚半岛新加坡境内的大多数城市。






  • 土库街 (福建話: Thôo-khòo-ke; 英语:Beach Street):英国殖民时期外国贸易商于此设货仓,是贸易行集中地。
  • 椰脚街 (福建話: Iâ-kha-ke; 英语:Pitt Street):早期为椰林地带,現有和谐之街之称。
  • 牛干冬 (福建話: Gû-kan-tang; 英语:Chulia Street):干冬,即是马来语牛栏(kandang)的福建音译,早期是养牛场。
  • 爱情巷 (福建話: Ài-tsêng-hāng; 英語:Love Lane):广东人称“孖水喉”,目前是背包客聚集街区。
  • 曼谷巷 (福建話: Bān-kok-hāng; 英语:Bangkok Lane)
  • 南华医院街 (福建話: Lâm-huâ i-īnn-ke; 英语:Muntri Street)
  • 刣牛后 (福建話: Thâi-gû-āu; 英语:Malay Street)
  • 沓田仔/畓田仔 (福建話: Làm-tshân-á; 英语:Carnarvon Street)
  • 汕头街 (福建話: Suànn-thâu-ke; 英语:Kimberley Street):潮汕人聚集街区,目前是传统美食集中地。
  • 新街 (福建話: Sin-ke; 英语:Campbell Street):批发商集中地。
  • 打石街 (福建話: Phah-tsio̍h-ke; 英语:Acheh Street):早期是亚齐人聚集地,亦是打石业集中地。
  • 本头公巷/打铜仔街 (福建話: Phah tâng-á ke; 英语:Armenian Street):由于英国殖民时期住有许多亚美尼亚裔,其英文名称直译为亚美尼亚街。
  • 漆木街 (福建話: Tshat-bo̍k-ke; 英语:Bishop Street)
  • 日本横街 (福建話: Jit-pun huâinn-ke; 英語:Cintra Street)
  • 义兴街 (福建話: Gī-hin-ke; 英语:Church Street)
  • 柑仔园路 (福建話: Kam-á-huînn; 英语:Dato Keramat Road)
  • 胡椒埕 (福建話: Hôo-tsio-tiânn; 英語:Sungai Ujong Road)
  • 观音亭后 (福建話: Kuan-im-têng-āu; 英語:Stewart Lane)
  • 咸魚埕 (福建話: Kiâm-hû-tiânn; 英語:Prangin Lane)
  • 大路後 (福建話: Tuā-lōo-āu; 英語:Perak Road)
  • 莲花河 (福建话: Liân-hua-hô; 英语: Leith Street)
  • 华盖街 (福建话: -; 英语: Farquhar Street)
  • 海墘新路 (福建话: Hái-kînn sin-lōo; 英语 Victoria Street)
  • 头条路 (福建話: Thâu-tiâu-lōo; 英語: Magazine Road )
  • 二条路 (福建話: Jī-tiâu-lōo; 英語: Noordin Street )
  • 三条路 (福建話: Sann-tiâu-lōo; 英語: Presgrave Street )
  • 四条路 (福建話: Sì-tiâu-lōo; 英語: Tye Sin Street )
  • 五条路 (福建話: Gōo-tiâu-lōo; 英語: Macallum Street )
  • 六条路 (福建话: La̍k-tiâu-lōo; 英语: atz Street )
  • 七条路 (福建話: Tshit-tiâu-lōo; 英語: Cecil Street )
  • 八条路 (福建話: Peh-tiâu-lōo; 英語: Herriot Street )
  • 九条路 (福建話: Káu-tiâu-lōo; 英語: Sandilands Street )

乔治市是马来西亚城市中唯一还在使用英文街道名称的城市。即使该路名已被重命名,如青草巷(Green Lane,即为州清真寺路馬來語Jalan Masjid Negeri),但槟城人普遍还是使用殖民时期的英文名字。同样的情况发生在椰脚街(Pitt Street,即为甲必丹吉灵清真寺路馬來語Jalan Masjid Kapitan Keling)和红毛路(Northam Road,即为苏丹阿末沙路馬來語Jalan Sultan Ahmad Shah),这反映出槟城人对地名的强烈保守主义,并将槟城的殖民历史视为乔治市象征的一部分。










乔治市最出名和海滩位于该市西北部市郊如峇都丁宜丹绒武雅丹绒道光。数家酒店和旅馆也在这些地区建立如槟城硬石酒店(Hard Rock Hotel)









乔治市主要的公园为槟城植物园,位于浮罗池滑Waterfall Road西部,及临近的青年公园。植物园于1884年创立以作为新加坡植物园的支园,这也是马来西亚历史最悠久的植物园。时至今日,植物园为城市提供绿肺和休闲场所,每个周末约有5,000名游客。 [49]植物园内有槟城州内最大的瀑布,其贡献了槟岛少量的水源供应。[50]

创立于1972年的槟城青年公园(也称城区公园),位于Quarry Drive,临近槟城植物园[51]这个城市公园占地172 acre(70 ha),由水上乐园、溜冰场、儿童游乐场、街头艺术角落组成,是市内进行娱乐活动的热门场所。[52][53]

其他乔治市的小型公园包括本头公巷公园、TPO Friendship Park和峇六拜的湖内市民公园(Relau Metropolitan Park)。[54][55][56][57]




这个城市在柯本气候分类法下被归类为热带雨林气候(“Af”级)。乔治市在一年中的气温相对较高,平均最高气温约为32 °C(90 °F),平均最低气温则为21 °C(70 °F)。[60]其最干燥的月份是十二月至二月。这个城市每年平均约有2,477毫米(97.5英寸)的降水量,最低的是二月,约60毫米(2.4英寸),而最高的则是在八月至十月,约210毫米(8.3英寸)。[61]

乔治市靠近印度尼西亚苏门答腊岛,使其易受持续多年但短暂的烧芭活动产生大量灰尘颗粒,造成了东南亚烟霾的年度现象。[62]烟霾季节通常落在七月至十月 。


乔治市 (峇六拜)
月份 1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 10月 11月 12月 全年
历史最高温 °C(°F) 35.2
平均高温 °C(°F) 31.6
日均气温 °C(°F) 26.9
平均低温 °C(°F) 23.2
历史最低温 °C(°F) 19.0
平均降雨量 mm(英寸) 68.7
平均降雨天数(≥ 1.0 mm) 9 9 14 19 19 15 17 18 24 24 22 15 205
平均相對濕度(%) 75 78 81 84 85 84 84 85 86 87 85 78 83
月均日照時數 248.8 233.2 235.3 224.5 203.6 202.4 205.5 188.8 161.0 170.2 182.1 209.0 2,464.4
数据来源2:Deutscher Wetterdienst (extremes and humidity)[64]





总部设在槟城大会堂(City Hall),槟岛市政厅负责城市规划、文物保护、公众健康、卫生、废物管理、交通管理、环境保护、建筑控制、社会经济发展和城市基础设施的一般维护。

市长由槟城州政府委任,任期为两年,24名市议员的任期则为一年。[65] 槟岛目前的市长为芭蒂希雅,从2015年担任至今。[66]





州议席 州议员 希盟成员党
丹绒武雅 (N22) 郑雨周 民主行动党
亚依淡 (N23) 林冠英 民主行动党
植物园 (N24) 谢嘉平 人民公正党
浮罗池滑 (N25) 叶舒惠 民主行动党
巴当哥打 (N26) 曹观友 民主行动党
彭加兰哥打 (N27) 刘敬亿 民主行动党
光大 (N28) 郑来兴 民主行动党
柑仔园 (N29) 佳日星 民主行动党
双溪槟榔 (N30) 林秀琴 民主行动党
峇都兰樟 (N31) 罗兴强 民主行动党
斯里德里玛 (N32) 雷尔 民主行动党
亚依淡 (N33) 黄汉伟 民主行动党
垄尾 (N34) 杨顺兴 民主行动党






国会议席 国会议员 希盟成员党
升旗山 (P048) 再里尔基佐哈里 民主行动党
丹绒 (P049) 黄伟益 民主行动党
日落洞 (P050) 黄泉安 民主行动党
武吉牛汝莪 (P051) 蓝卡巴星 民主行动党

作为槟城的首府,乔治市也是马来西亚政府部门驻地。大部分马来西亚政府的办事处位于安顺路的『联邦政府大厦』内,而马来西亚移民局和马来西亚税务局则位于土库街各自的办事处。马来西亚皇家海关的办事处则位于大街路头(Gat Lebuh China)。





槟城最高法院于1808年5月31日在康华丽堡首次开放。马来亚第一个高等法院的法官便来自于槟城法庭,当时史丹利(Sir Edmond Stanley)于1808年担任槟城最高法院的第一纪录人(后来是法官)。最高法院随后搬迁到现今的莱特街槟城最高法院。该法院于1903年建成。





根据马来西亚政府 2010年人口普查,乔治市人口为708,127人。[68]而槟城智库研究所的2012年估计显示,乔治市约有738,500名居民。[69] 这些数据显示乔治市是马来西亚第三大城市


截至2015年 (2015-Missing required parameter 1=month!)槟城州是城市化程度最高的马来西亚州属,城市化水平为90.8%。[70]





View of George Town from the Penang Strait. George Town serves as the main economic pole for northern Malaysia.

As the capital city of Penang, one of the most urbanised and industrialised states in Malaysia, George Town is one of the top contributors of Malaysia's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and tax income.[71][72] Originally established as an entrepôt by the British, the economic sectors of George Town now vary from commerce to tourism.

George Town also acts as the economic pole of northern Malaysia, with relatively wide logistical connectivity. The Penang International Airport is one of the nation's busiest in terms of cargo tonnage and passenger traffic, while the Port of Penang remains the top entrepôt in northern Malaysia, handling the second largest total container throughput (TEU) among all Malaysian ports.[73]

In addition, Penang Island serves as the 'Silicon Valley of the East', as many multinational firms such as Dell, Intel, Motorola and Bosch have established electronic plants within the Bayan Lepas Free Industrial Zone to the south.[74] Massive industrialisation since the 1970s has led to manufacturing becoming one of Penang's top economic sectors, contributing as much as 47.4% of Penang's total GDP in 2015.[75]

Overall, Penang has the third largest economy of all Malaysian states, contributing as much as RM6.302 billion of Malaysia's tax income in 2014.[76][77] As of 2015, Penang's GDP per capita has risen to RM44,847, the highest among Malaysian states (excluding Kuala Lumpur).[78][79][80] Furthermore, Penang constantly records one of the lowest unemployment rates in the country - 1.5% in 2015.[81][82] Penang's Gini coefficient is also one of the nation's lowest, standing at 0.364 in 2014, which was lower than the national mean of 0.401.[83] In terms of foreign direct investment, Penang attracted nearly RM4.5 billion in 2015, the largest amount in Malaysia; this underlines Penang's potential as a favourite for foreign investors.[84][85]

Standard Chartered and HSBC (left) at Beach Street.


Beach Street still serves as the commercial heart of George Town. The bank buildings along the street were built in the same colonial architecture as in Shanghai.

George Town was the centre of banking in Malaysia at a time when Kuala Lumpur was still a small outpost. The oldest bank in Malaysia, Standard Chartered Bank (then the Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China) opened its main branch in George Town in 1875 to cater to the financial requirements of early European traders.[86] This was followed by the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC) in 1885 and the Royal Bank of Scotland (then ABN AMRO) in 1888.[74]

Today, George Town remains the banking hub of northern Malaysia, with branches of Citibank, United Overseas Bank, Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation, Bank of China and Bank Negara Malaysia (Malaysian central bank) together with local banks such as Public Bank, Maybank, Ambank and CIMB Bank. Most of the older foreign banks still maintain their Penang headquarters at Beach Street, which serves as George Town's financial centre.


George Town has always been one of the most popular tourist destinations in Malaysia. Throughout history, the city has even welcomed some of the most influential personalities, including Somerset Maugham, Rudyard Kipling, Noël Coward, Lee Kuan Yew and Queen Elizabeth II. In 2014, Penang attracted 6.84 million tourists.[87]

George Town's various attractions include the impressive array of heritage architecture, its multicultural society, a wide range of modern entertainment and retail choices, natural features such as beaches and verdant hills, and the world-famous Penang cuisine. The city's low cost of living and relatively well-developed infrastructure have also been cited as pull factors.[88]

In recent years, George Town has received numerous international accolades, further putting the city on the world stage. In 2016, George Town was recommended as one of the 16 must-see destinations by the Los Angeles Times, as well as one of the top ten by the Lonely Planet.[89][90] CNN followed suit by listing Penang Island as one of the 17 best places to visit in 2017.[91] Forbes also listed George Town as one of the best budget tourist destinations in 2016.[92]

These are in addition to George Town's reputation as a gastronomic haven, with CNN placing the city as one of Asia's best street food cities.[93]


In recent years, the services sector, driven mainly by tourist arrivals into George Town, has become one of the top economic sectors in Penang. With nearly two thirds of Penang's workforce employed in services-related industries, this particular sector has also marginally overtaken manufacturing as Penang's biggest economic sector, contributing 48.6% of Penang's total GDP in 2015.[75]

Within Penang's services sector, the greatest number of employment was recorded in the retail, accommodation, and food and beverages (F&B) sub-sectors, clearly depicting the influence of tourist arrivals on service-related industries.

Penang's services sector is also boosted by shared services outsourcing (SSO) firms, including AirAsia, Citigroup, Dell and Temasek Holdings; the SSO sub-sector has raked in a yearly revenue of RM12.79 billion by 2013 and created over 8,000 jobs.[94][95][96]

Loh Guan Lye Specialist Centre, at Macalister Road, is one of the many private hospitals located within the city.


An integral part of Penang's services sector is medical tourism, which has made George Town the medical tourism hub of Malaysia. The city has attracted approximately half of Malaysia's medical tourist arrivals in 2013 and generated about 70% of the nation's medical tourism revenue.[17][18][88] About 1,000 patients arrive in George Town daily, mostly from Asian countries such as Indonesia, Singapore and Japan.

The success of George Town's medical tourism industry is mainly due to the specialised medical treatments offered at more affordable costs by the city's numerous private hospitals, coupled with well-trained professionals and advanced equipment.[88] Indirect factors that were cited include the relatively low cost of living, the laid-back lifestyle and the ease of travel facilitated by the well-developed logistical infrastructure.[17]

Gurney Plaza, one of the more popular shopping malls in George Town.


Due to the numerous shopping malls and hypermarkets in George Town, the city is the main shopping hub of northern Malaysia. This is supported by the large number of tourist arrivals, and Penang's well-developed logistical connections and infrastructure, which facilitated the import of goods. Since 2001, shopping complexes in George Town registered the biggest increases in Malaysia.[97]

Shophouses along George Town's Little India sell Indian fabrics and textile, as well as Hindu prayer paraphernalia.

In particular, the shopping malls around Komtar and Gurney Drive are the major draws for shoppers. Within the vicinity of Komtar are 1st. Avenue Mall, Prangin Mall and Penang Times Square. Meanwhile, Gurney Plaza and Gurney Paragon are located next to each other along Gurney Drive.

Suburban shopping malls have also been built in recent decades, including Straits Quay and Island Plaza at Tanjung Tokong, Udini Square at Gelugor and All Seasons Place at Air Itam.[98]

While shopping malls now dominate the retail scene in George Town, many centuries-old shophouses are still operating alongside the city's flea markets and wet markets like Chowrasta Market. These smaller retail establishments cater more to locally made products, including spices, nutmegs and tau sar pneah, a famous Penang delicacy.[99]

This combination of both old and new creates a unique bustling retail sector in George Town.[100] In addition, as many as 24% of Penang's workforce are employed in the retail sub-sector, the largest of all economic sub-sectors in Penang.[75]


George Town was founded by the British as an entrepôt, and right up to the 1950s, George Town maintained the role of one of the major entrepôts in British Malaya.

This entrepôt trade has now greatly declined, due in part to the loss of George Town's free-port status and to the active development of Port Klang near Kuala Lumpur.[36][101][102] However, the Port of Penang still serves as the major harbour within the northern region of Malaysia. As of 2010, the Port of Penang handled over 1.1 million TEU of cargo, the second highest amount in Malaysia.[73]

Cheong Fatt Tze Mansion is also known as the 'Blue Mansion' due to its distinctive blue hue.
St. George's Church was built in the Palladian architectural style.


Centuries of development have brought a mix of architectural styles to George Town, both historical and modern. The city centre of George Town has been inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site due to its 'unique architectural and cultural townscape without parallel anywhere in East and Southeast Asia'.[103][10] Just outside the UNESCO zone lies the modern cityscape, with skyscrapers, residential high-rises, office blocks and shopping malls built all over the city.

Eastern & Oriental Hotel, opened in 1885, also features colonial architecture.
The Moorish-style Queen Victoria Memorial Clock Tower is among the most prominent clock towers in the city.

In particular, the older architecture reflects the legacy of 171 years of British presence on Penang Island, coalescing Malay, Chinese, Indian, Peranakan, Siamese, Burmese and other cultural influences. This blend of architectural styles is also visible in Malacca and Singapore, two fellow Straits Settlements which shared similar British colonial legacies. However, unlike Singapore, where many heritage buildings had to make way for modern skyscrapers and high-rise apartments, George Town's architectural heritage has enjoyed a better fate. Conservation efforts since the 2000s have brought previously derelict heritage buildings such as the famous Cheong Fatt Tze Mansion back to life.[104]

Sri Mahamariamman Temple, with a history dating back to 1801, is the focal point of George Town's Little India.


Most of George Town's famous heritage landmarks are located within the UNESCO World Heritage Site. One of the first structures to be built in George Town was Fort Cornwallis, which began to be constructed just weeks after Captain Francis Light had first landed in 1786.[105]

Kapitan Keling Mosque was built by Indian Muslims in the early 1800s, one of the first in the city.
Wat Chayamangkalaram at Pulau Tikus was constructed in 1845 by the Thai community in George Town.

The administrative buildings along Light Street and Farquhar Street, which form the heart of the city, were built in various colonial architectural styles. For instance, the City Hall was built in the Edwardian Baroque style, whereas the Supreme Court features a Palladian architectural style, similar to that of St. George's Church.[106] The Eastern & Oriental Hotel is a sister of Singapore's Raffles Hotel; both were founded by the Sarkies Brothers and feature colonial architecture.

Kek Lok Si, with its main pagoda incorporating Chinese, Burmese and Siamese influences, is a major tourist attraction at Air Itam.

Many of the bank headquarters along Beach Street, such as Standard Chartered Bank and HSBC were also erected in the Art Deco styles.[107][108]

In addition, the UNESCO World Heritage Site is full of various Asian architectural styles, some of them combining different cultural influences. Kapitan Keling Mosque, the biggest mosque within the zone, combines Moorish, Mughal and Islamic styles. Cheong Fatt Tze Mansion and the Pinang Peranakan Mansion both mix Chinese architectural styles and European interior design, while the Sun Yat-sen Museum is one of the countless examples of a typical Peranakan (Straits Chinese) townhouse, which dominates the cityscape.[109][110] Other unique examples of Chinese architecture include the Clan Jetties and Khoo Kongsi. Little India contains more Hindu and Indian Muslim architecture, as can be seen at the Sri Mahamariamman Temple and the Nagore Durgha Shrine.

Impressive heritage architecture can also be found outside the UNESCO World Heritage Site. This includes the colonial bungalows built by nouveau riche Chinese tycoons in the 19th. century along Northam Road (now Jalan Sultan Ahmad Shah), and stately mansions along the roads leading out of the city centre, such as The Residency and Suffolk House.

The Thai and Burmese communities have left their mark on George Town's landscape. At Pulau Tikus, Wat Chayamangkalaram, constructed by the Thais, is well known for its reclining Buddha statue, while Dhammikarama Burmese Temple is located nearby.

Further out into the suburbs, stands Kek Lok Si at Air Itam. The temple, completed in the 1930s, merge Chinese, Siamese and Burmese architectural styles into its main pagoda.

Komtar Tower, the tallest skyscraper in Penang, forms an imposing backdrop of George Town.


Since the mid 20th century, modern urbanisation has transformed much of George Town. Skyscrapers and high-rises have sprung up all over the city, sometimes side-by-side with heritage buildings.

High-rises at Jelutong, Gelugor and Air Itam can be seen in this picture taken from Penang Hill, the highest point of Penang Island.

Just south of the UNESCO World Heritage Site stands Komtar, the tallest skyscraper in Penang at nearly 250 meters tall. It forms the core of the modern city centre, surrounded by residential high-rises like Hotel Jen, St. Giles Wembley Hotel, Neo+ Hotel and Penang Times Square, as well as shopping centres including Prangin Mall, 1st. Avenue and Gama.

Skyscrapers and high-rises have also been built along George Town's northern shoreline from Northam Road (now Jalan Sultan Ahmad Shah) to Gurney Drive. Notably, Gurney Paragon, opened in 2013, includes the twin East and West Towers, the second tallest skyscrapers in Penang at 155 meters.

With increasing urbanisation, high-rises are also springing up within the suburban areas of George Town.

A roadside rojak stall in George Town. Roadside hawker stalls are ubiquitous throughout the city.





乔治市已经被CNN认定为亚洲最受欢迎的街头美食城市之一,也是2014年由孤独星球的罗宾·巴顿(Robin Barton)撰写的书中被认为是世界顶级餐饮目的地。[93][112] 巴顿在书中提到,槟城美食反映了1786年成立后成为贸易港口,混合了许多文化从马来人到印度人、欧洲人到中国人、缅甸人到泰国。乔治市都将其烹饪震中“。除了这个,时代杂志,也称赞槟城的街头小吃是亚洲最好的,并说“没有地方能够尝到这样美味又超级便宜的食物”。[113]

品尝槟城美食的最佳地点包括新关仔角浮罗池滑牛干东汕头街、纽冷、新世界小贩中心、槟榔律亚依淡。突出的槟城菜肴有『亚参叻沙』, 『炒粿条』, 『咖喱面』, 『福建面』, 『扁担饭』, 『蚝煎』、『罗惹』和『煎蕊』。乔治市的著名特殊地方小吃则有槟榔律煎蕊浮罗池滑福建面亚依淡亚参叻沙和暹路及沓田仔街的炒粿条[114][115][116][117][118][119]



乔治市至1919年开始拥有独特的大旗鼓游行庆典。[235] 虽然马来西亚新加坡都有大旗鼓游行,但槟城的大旗鼓游行是独一无二的,因为庆典需要平衡前额或手上的巨大旗帜。据说,新加坡甚至复制了槟城大旗鼓游行,以增值自己的农历新年庆祝活动。[120]时至今日,每年十二月,乔治市都会举行大旗鼓游行,也是大旗鼓游行槟城华人和州内主要庆典。[121]

贵族曲馬來語Bangsawan)是一个马来戏曲艺术形式,源自于印度、并在槟城发展时受印度、西方、伊斯兰、中华和印尼文化影响的槟城印度的马来剧院艺术形式(通常被称为“马来歌剧”)。因其在二十世纪后半叶衰退,而导致时至今日成为一个垂死挣扎的艺术形式。[122][123] 马来乐团曲(馬來語Boria)是槟城另一个传统的戏剧舞蹈,并以小提琴,马拉卡斯和Tabla伴奏。[124]


戏曲 (通常为潮州福建版本) 经常在乔治市各处特别建立的平台上表演,主要是在盂兰节时进行。乔治市还有木偶表演,虽然今天较少见到。

乔治城还有两个主要的西方乐团 - 槟城爱乐乐团(以前的槟城国家交响乐团和合唱团(PESSOC)),以及槟城交响乐团(PSO),以及几个室内和学校的音乐合奏团。[125][126] 槟州大会堂(Dewan Sri Penang)和在海峡岸广场的槟城表演艺术中心(Penangpac)是乔治市的两个主要表演场地。



2012年乔治市庆典期间,立陶宛艺术家恩尼斯(Ernest Zacharevic)在乔治市绘制了一系列关于当地文化、居民和生活方式的壁画。[127]现在,这些壁画是乔治市著名的旅游景点,其中『姐弟共骑』壁画是市内最多人拍摄的热门景点。 而恩尼斯也在乔治市绘制了6张壁画,但现在只剩下5张。











同时,市内穆斯林都在开放的屋子庆祝开斋节哈芝节和Maulidur Ra​​sul。兴都教徒庆祝屠妖节大宝森节庞格尔节,而锡克教则纪念拜萨哈节(锡克教丰收节)。基督教庆祝圣诞节耶稣受难节复活节卫塞节则是佛教的节庆。



另一个著名的节日是槟城热气球嘉年华,通常都会在每年的两月在马球场举行。[136][137] 这个特别的节日吸引了国内以及比利时荷兰美国等国外的气球爱好者。



乔治市为马来西亚体育贡献了许多人才。而妮科大卫,则被许多人认为是世界上最伟大的壁球女球员。妮科大卫出生在乔治市,并在年轻时在牛汝莪训练。[138][139] 壁球球员刘薇雯Ong Beng Hee也都来自乔治市,而陈炳顺也在2016年夏季奥运会羽毛球比赛获得了一面银牌。


本市也拥有相对发达的体育基础设施。位于柑仔园路槟岛市政厅体育场槟岛的主要足球场,容量约为25,000人。[140][141] 这里是槟城足球协会的主场,并是槟城足球协会球员法伊兹射入香蕉球的地方,使他赢得2016国际足联普斯卡什奖[142]位于湖内的槟城国际会展中心体育场,是一座室内体育场和水上运动中心,而牛汝莪的妮可尔大卫国际壁球中心则是乔治市主要的壁球训练中心。[143] 此外,成立于1864年的槟城赛马俱乐部,是马来西亚最大的赛马马术中心。[232]






乔治市拥有许多历史悠久和学校,可说是马来西亚教育制度和先驱。在英制下,第一所教会中学大英义学(Penang Free School)在1816年在乔治市创校。这些教会中学培育了马来西亚最具影响力的人物,包括立法者、政治家、专业人士和商人。其次是华文学校,其中市内一些也是全国最古老的学校之一,从而使乔治市成为东南亚华文教育的核心。

最近市内也建立了若干间国际学校,以照顾不断增长的外籍人口。这些国际学校提供小学至中学教育和普通教育高级程度证书(A Levels)国际文凭(International Baccalaureate)。












东姑阿都拉曼技术学院和峇都兰樟职业学校(Batu Lanchang Vocational School)是乔治市唯二由政府运营的技职中学。







  • 立达学院(DISTED)
  • Penang Skills Development Centre
  • PTPL学院
  • Olympia College
  • The One Academy
  • Cosmopoint College







由马来西亚卫生部掌管的槟城中央医院,建于1882年,是乔治市主要的公共医院。它现在也是北马地区的主要医院。[151] 医院内的医学院也将于2017年完成。



公共医院 私人医院
  • 槟榔医院
  • 鹰阁医药中心
  • 卢源来专科医院
  • 槟城南华医院
  • 槟安医院
  • 玛丽安山医院
  • 槟城康丽医院
  • Optimax眼科医院(在青草巷)




乔治市的主流报纸包括英文日报《星报》(英語:《The Star》),《新海峡时报》(英語:《The New Straits Times》)和免费的太阳报(英語:《The Sun》);马来文报纸有《每日新闻》(馬來語Berita Harian)、巫统宣传报章《马来西亚前锋报》(馬來語Utusan Malaysia)、《大都会日报》(馬來語Harian Metro)、《世界报》(馬來語Kosmo!) 还有Sinar Hariam;中文报纸有《光华日报》、《星洲日报》、《中国报》、《东方日报》;和淡米尔文日报有《淡米尔日报》、《马来西亚南班》和《麦卡奥赛》。《马来邮报》是英文周刊。《南洋商报》和《The Edge财经报》是中文和英文的财经报刊。而这些报纸都在国内流通。

2011年,槟城首席部长林冠英宣布正式启动《Time Out杂志》的槟城版。[154]这个国际杂志槟城版分为三个版本:印刷年刊、官网网站和移动应用程序。[155]槟城州政府也出版了自己的多语言报纸《珍珠快讯》,每半个月免费发行一次。这个以槟城为中心的报纸着重于槟城目前所面对的问题。这也是马来西亚目前唯一拥有四种语言的政府报章,并供民众免费下载






频率 广播电台 经营者 语言
87.8 One FM 首要媒体 汉、粤
88.2 Hot FM 首要媒体
89.9 Fly FM 首要媒体
91.0 Mix FM Astro电台
92.8 Hitz FM Astro电台
93.9 Mutiara FM 马来西亚广播电视
94.5 988电台 马来西亚星报 汉、粤
94.9 Radio Klasik FM 马来西亚广播电视
96.7 Minnal FM 马来西亚广播电视
97.1 Sinar FM Astro电台
98.1 Red FM 马来西亚星报(即将来临:Astro电台
98.7 TraXX FM 马来西亚广播电视
99.3 THR Raaga Astro电台
99.7 My FM Astro电台 汉、粤
101.3 爱FM 马来西亚广播电视 汉、粤、闽
102.4 Suria FM 马来西亚星报
103.6 Era FM Astro电台
104.4 LiteFM Astro电台
107.6 Capital FM 马来西亚星报(即将来临:Astro电台






现更名为敦林苍祐大道日落洞高速公路,位于槟岛东海岸,途经市中心、槟威大桥峇六拜工业区最后在槟城国际机场结束,是槟岛的大动脉。槟城中环公路, consisting of a number of major roads like 苏格兰路和青草巷, was also created to alleviate traffic congestion around the city centre during rush hours. Meanwhile, the city proper is also linked with the western parts of Penang Island, such as Balik Pulau, via the 跨岛联邦公路6号, a circuitous route that winds along the island's coastline.








曾经很长一段时间,公共巴士服务受到不同巴士公司之间的激烈竞争的困扰,而民众对这些巴士的服务不满意。[159][160][161]2007年,马来西亚联邦政府宣布马来西亚基建属下的吉隆坡快捷通 将接管槟城所有公共巴士并以『槟城快捷通』的名义下为民众服务。 槟城快捷通刚开始时在槟岛拥有150辆巴士,并运营28条路线。这项服务在这之后也扩展其运营的路线,改善了乔治市的公交服务。槟城的公共巴士搭乘量也从2007年的每天低于30,000人次增加到2010年的75,000名乘客。[162] 截至2016年 (2016-Missing required parameter 1=month!),槟城快捷通在大槟城共有406辆巴士在56条路线穿行,其中30条路线是岛内路线。[163]此外,槟岛市政厅也与槟城快捷通合作,在乔治市市中心提供免费穿梭巴士服务,以减少市内的交通拥堵。[159]最近,名为随乘随下(英語:Hop-On Hop-Off)的露天双层巴士也被引入槟城。 [164]



于2016年启动的连接脚车( LinkBike),使乔治市成为新的槟城山铁路缆车,自2011年以来一直在使用。马来西亚城市中第一个拥有公共自行车共享系统的城市。


目前乔治市正在努力促进民众使用行人专用道步行和自行车作为更环保的代步工具。[166] 几家公司已将租用自行车引进古迹区,而全市内现已拥有完善的专用自行车道。[167][168]2016年,公共自行车共享系统连接脚车(LinkBike)在启动,而这个由电子操作的系统需要通过使用智能手机租借自行车,目前LinkBike在槟岛共有25个站点。[169][170][171]





Penang International Airport, 位于乔治市南部16 km(9.9 mi)的槟城国际机场 south of George Town proper, was opened in 1935 while Penang was part of the Straits Settlements, making it the oldest airport in Malaysia. It serves as the main airport for the northern region of Malaysia, with extensive links to major regional cities.

The airport connects Penang with several major Asian cities, including Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Medan, Bangkok, Jakarta, Hong Kong, Guangzhou, Taipei, Ho Chi Minh City and Yangon.[178][179] It is also the hub for two Malaysian low-cost carriers - AirAsia and Firefly.

The airport is one of the nation's busiest, with the second largest cargo traffic and the third highest passenger traffic as of 2013. This reflects Penang Island's role as a major tourism attraction and a manufacturing hub. Due to its proximity to the Bayan Lepas Free Industrial Zone, the airport plays a vital part in facilitating the transport of goods and products to and from the factories in Bayan Lepas.


View of George Town and the Port of Penang, as seen from mainland Seberang Perai.
A cruise liner docked at Swettenham Pier, George Town.

The Port of Penang is one of the major ports of Malaysia and the most important harbour within the northern region of the country. The Port consists of eight facilities; while the main container and cargo terminals are located in Butterworth on the mainland, the sole Port facility on Penang Island is Swettenham Pier at Weld Quay, George Town.[180]

Over the past decades, the loss of George Town's free port status and the development of Port Klang, near Kuala Lumpur, have somewhat reduced the Port of Penang's trade volume.[36][102] Nonetheless, the Port still plays an important role for northern Malaysia, as it links George Town with more than 200 ports worldwide.[181] > As of 2010, the Port of Penang handled over 1.1 million TEU of cargo, the second highest amount in Malaysia.[73]

In addition, Swettenham Pier also accommodates cruise ships, making it one of the major entry points into George Town (and the most direct one, as it is located within the UNESCO World Heritage Site).[182] This also makes cruise tourism a major component of tourism arrivals into Penang. As of 2014, Swettenham Pier recorded 1.2 million tourist arrivals and attracted some of the world's largest cruise liners, such as the RMS Queen Mary 2.[87] A number of cruise ships also call Swettenham Pier as their homeport, bringing tourists into and out of George Town towards regional destinations like Phuket and Singapore.

A Penang Ferry crossing the Penang Strait towards George Town.

Occasionally, Swettenham Pier hosts warships as well, including those from Singapore, Thailand and the United States.[183][184][185]


The Penang Ferry Service connects George Town with the town of Butterworth on the Malay Peninsula, serving as a convenient mode of transportation across the Penang Strait for the residents of George Town. It is the oldest ferry service in Malaysia, having been in operation since 1920. Currently, four ferries ply the Penang Strait between George Town and Butterworth daily.[186] There have been concerns in recent years over the loss-making Penang Port Commission, a Malaysian federal government agency that runs the ferry service.[187]



乔治市是英属马来亚第一个完成电气化的水电计划的城市[191] 目前,工业和家庭用电皆由国家能源(TNB)提供。

马电讯是州内的陆上电话服务提供商和互联网服务供应商(ISP)。移动网络运营商和移动ISP则有明讯数码网络天地通U Mobile

截至2014年第一季度,槟城的宽带普及率达到80.3%,全国内仅低于吉隆坡[192]目前,槟城州政府正在将免费无线网络服务扩散至全州。槟城免费无线网络(Penang Free Wi-Fi)的目标为提高槟城的互联网渗透率,让任何人都能免费使用。[193]截至2015年,在乔治市市中心带宽速度已增加到每秒3Mbit,而槟城州境内也已经安装了超过1,560个热点供民众使用。[194]槟城也是马来西亚目前唯一一个提供给市民免费互联网连接的州属。[195]













位于升旗山的Sri Aruloli Thirumurugan Temple 是槟城州内其中一个最古老的兴都庙。[230]




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  • Suet Leng Khoo; Narimah Samat; Nurwati Badarulzaman; Sharifah Rohayah Sheikh Dawood The Promise and Perils of the Island City of George Town (Penang) as a Creative City (archive link). Urban Island Studies. (2015).
  • Francis, Ric; Ganley, Colin. Penang Trams, Trolleybuses & Railways: Municipal Transport History 1880s–1963. Penang: Areca Books. (2006, 2nd ed. 2012) ISBN 983-42834-0-7.
  • Khoo Salma Nasution. More Than Merchants: A History of the German-speaking Community in Penang, 1800s–1940s. Areca Books. (2006). ISBN 978-983-42834-1-4
  • Ooi Cheng Ghee. Portraits of Penang: Little India. Areca Books. (2011). ISBN 978-967-5719-05-9

