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2007年1月,該委員會建議允許同性婚姻, with the caveat that individual officials of religious institutions holding a license to perform legally binding marriages should be exempt from performing such marriages if they are against it.
2007年3月,瑞典路德教會宣佈表示他們贊成同性婚姻。[2] 教會也準備給予民事結合伴侶執行祝福。然而教會方面並未使用äktenskap(婚姻)教會認為這一詞彙是使用於男性與女性之間的婚姻。同年3月由前司法大臣Hans Regner所撰寫的政府報告在稍晚發表,報告中建議將婚姻延伸至包括同性伴侶在內。[3]
政黨 | 立場 | 國會席次 | 政治地位 |
社會民主黨 | 贊成 | 130 | 反對黨 |
溫和黨 | 贊成 | 97 | 執政聯盟領導 |
中央黨 | 贊成 | 29 | 執政聯盟成員 |
自由人民黨 | 贊成 | 28 | 執政聯盟成員 |
基督民主黨 | 反對 | 24 | 執政聯盟成員 |
左翼黨 | 贊成 | 22 | 反對黨 |
綠黨 | 贊成 | 19 | 反對黨 |
瑞典政府是由溫和黨、中央黨、自由人民黨以及基督民主黨所組成。瑞典司法部長Beatrice Askwho is responsible in the matter, reacted positively when the commission presented its result。瑞典首相溫和黨黨魁弗雷德里克·賴因費爾特在LGBT權利上立場是自由派,他曾在1994年時投票贊成瑞典民事結合而當時其所屬的政黨立場是反對。How the legalising will end is not clear; one of the coalition partners is against the legalising。社會民主黨領導表示如果政府在這議題上沒有一致意見,將會提前推動法案進入國會表決。
2007年10月27日,執政聯盟領導的溫和黨正式地表示支持,這意味著國會中只剩下執政聯盟成員之一的基民黨,反對新法案讓同性婚姻合法。基民黨領導Göran Hägglund在瑞典的電台中表示:"My position is that I have been tasked by the party to argue that marriage is for men and women. ... When we discuss it between parties we are naturally open and sensitive to each other's arguments and we'll see if we can find a line that allows us to come together."[4]
2007年12月12日,the Church of Sweden gave the green light for same-sex couples to wed in the church, but recommended the term "marriage" be restricted to opposite-sex couples. It was asked by the Government for its opinion on the matter before the introduction of legislation in early 2008. 婚姻和"Marriage and (same-sex) partnerships are equivalent forms of unions. Therefore the Church of Sweden's central board says yes to the proposal to join the legislation for marriages and partnerships into a single law," the Church said in a statement. "根據瑞典教會領導階層表示'marriage'這個字,不論如何都應該只能使用於一名男性與一名女性所組成的關係。[5]
據報導顯示,政府將會在2008年初在國會提出同性婚姻的法案,然而they had yet to propose a bill.This was likely due to the Christian Democrats' opposition from within the four-party centre-right governing coalition despite their being the only party opposing the move. After negotiations on a compromise broke down and facing a parliamentary ultimatum[7] 2008年10月下旬,政府準備the government prepared to present its bill to a free vote; pending its passage, 瑞典同性婚姻將於2009年5月1日合法化。[8]
2009年1月21日該法案在瑞典國會以性別中立婚姻法案名義被提案進行表決。表決結果總共有261票贊成22票反對16票棄權。[9]該法案4月1日在瑞典國會獲得通過並在5月1日正式生效。[10] The bill was supported by all parties except the Kristdemokraterna, a small right-wing party within the governing coalition.[11]
Although a lower court - including the Court of Appeals - refused to hear the case, Sweden's highest court, the Supreme Administrative Court, agreed to accept the challenge. The couple argued that a same-sex marriage entered into in accordance with Canadian law should be recognized in Sweden, despite the fact that there is no legal basis for it under current Swedish law.
由Angus Reid Global Monitor所辦理的歐盟整合化及其社會議題態度的調查中,發現瑞典是在同性婚姻議題中表示贊同比例第二高的國家。調查顯示有71%的瑞典民眾尊重未來可能的同性婚姻,有51%的瑞典民眾贊成同性伴侶領養子女。[14]
- ^ Gays Win Marriage Rights, Sveriges Radio English, 1 April 2009
- ^ Swedish bishops say yes to gay church weddings
- ^ Inquiry gives green light to gay marriage
- ^ 6 of 7 Swedish Parties Back Gay Marriage. UPI.com. 2007-10-28.
- ^ Church of Sweden approves gay marriage law. The Local. 2007-12-07.
- ^ Kd-politiker går mot partiet. DN.se (Dagens Nyheter). 2008-01-14.
- ^ Government rules out gay marriage compromise
- ^ Sweden sets date for gay church weddings
- ^ Gays Win Marriage Rights, Sveriges Radio English, 1 April 2009
- ^ http://www.riksdagen.se/Webbnav/index.aspx?nid=45&sq=1&ID=rpjtok7D9_3_1B
- ^ http://www.thelocal.se/17050.html
- ^ Gay Couple Sues Swedish Government for Recognition. 2008-05-12. 已忽略未知参数
(帮助) - ^ High court rejects gay priest marriage case
- ^ Eight EU countries back same-sex marriage. [2008-05-15].