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網路遊戲經濟(或稱虛擬經濟)是指一存在於虛擬世界的突現經濟 。通常以交易網路遊戲中的虛擬物品為主。 人們參與這些虛擬經濟的主要目的是消遣和娛樂,並非必要需求。意思是指虛擬經濟沒有包含一些被視為沒有娛樂價值的現實經濟元素(例如玩家無需購買食物以維持生命或生存必要的物品)。然而,一些人亦會為獲取「現實」的經濟利益而活動於虛擬經濟的。
虛擬經濟可在MUD和MMORPG 看到。現時最龐大的虛構經濟位於MMORPG。一些人生模擬遊戲亦可以找到,而且可能是最常與現實接觸的虛擬經濟。例如:第二人生保護內裹認購者創造的財產的知識產權權利,和對以真實金錢兌換Linden幣的行為(遊戲中的法定貨幣)採取自由放任政策。虛擬經濟也可見於一些網頁遊戲,如以「現實金錢」換取遊戲內的道具和權利。
- 競爭: 物品具有極高的稀缺性。
- 持續性: 擁有物即使長期擱置亦不會消失。用戶期望可持續擁有財產。
- 互動連線: 財產可以對或被其他人和其他財產造成影響。財產的價值因應使用者的用途和創作而改變。
- 二級市場: 虛擬財產可被創造、交換、售賣、購買。當中可以涉及現實資產(通常是金錢)。
- 用戶加工: 用戶可通過自己加工鼓吹虛擬財產的價值。
Blizzards於2004年推出的魔獸世界在國際獲得了巨大的成功,帶領了MMORPG及其二級市場的主流意識,因此當時出現了大量的同類產業。在Google搜尋WoW Gold會得到大量的符合結果網頁,截至2006年6月[update]提供Gold的換購服務。虛擬經濟中的現實謀利產業成長至金錢流動以億位計算的商業活動。 無盡的任務玩家Brock Pierce及Alan Debonneville成立了Internet Gaming Entertainment Ltd (IGE),除了提供商品外,同時設有專業的客戶服務。 IGE擁有一已受訓工作人員專門處理財政的事務、客戶問答、技術支援,以確保玩家給予滿意的評價。它還利用了虛擬世界國際可達性,在香港設立了分店,所屬的工作人員都有一定的技術知識,負責紙娃娃系統、回收商品、分配商品。[2] 這種富商機的市場打通了虛擬世界與現實世界的邊境。
過百個公司在這新興市場取得了成功。部分公司提供多樣虛擬物品,[3] 另一部分則提供多樣虛擬服務。[4] 虛擬世界為他們謀取了極多收益,一些像43歲的 Wonder Bread送貨人John Dugger的人,曾為虛擬世界消費US$750,使他數星期的薪金都不翼而飛了。[5] 他購買的虛擬資產包括位於寧靜海岸山坡(虛構)的九間房子、三間商店、天井、上級石製牆壁。Dugger反映一些玩家可以為電腦的數據而花費大量的金錢。
雖然虛擬市場的成長速度驚人,但它到底能為商界帶來多少程度的機會,則仍未清楚。原因是虛擬商品缺乏分配需求的地點。例如2008年一次對第二人生作出的分析顯示,當中的衡量經濟不平等達至現實經濟之中最差水平。基尼係數:90.2,戴爾指數:91%。[來源請求] 可是,以現賽的經濟標準量度虛擬經濟可能是不合適的,當中的經濟發展取決於玩家的投放時間和心力。
Price comparison
Tools for the comparison of this secondary market have recently become more numerous. This has occurred as a response to alleviate the labor involved in leveling that requires hours, days or weeks to achieve. Being able to exchange real money for virtual currency provides the player purchasing power for virtual commodities. As such, players are guaranteed opportunities, increased skills and a fine reputation, which is a definite advantage over others.
Eye On MOGS was the first site to tackle comparison of virtual currency sellers. They offered the opportunity to convert real life earnings into virtual gold, platinum, ISK or Credits, depending on one's inhabited virtual world.[6] Another notable entry was GamerPrice, which deployed bots offering real-time price results.
Others include Gilfinder.com, BuddyPlayer, Gold Price Watcher, GameUSD and WoW Gold Seeker.
As MMORPGs continue to grow in popularity and the secondary markets grow with them (some industry experts have suggested that secondary market sales may total more than subscription sales by 2009),[來源請求] services like those above are likely to become less curiosities and more accepted means of interacting with these markets.[來源請求]
Taxation and gambling
Income from sale of virtual items is being considered as real revenue as players in such games have ascribed a real-world value onto them: "By taking any aspect of the game and connecting it directly to the real world, the games have only brought this possibility on themselves."[7] And as that ascribed value is being increasingly converted into to real money, attention is now being given by those in taxation law and in governments.
Commentators in taxation law speculate "that profits made in virtual worlds could be taxable even before they are withdrawn as dollars."[8] The speculation seems to based on the observation that, as one commentator said, "the easier it is to buy real goods with virtual currency (e.g. order a real life pizza) the more likely the IRS will see exclusively in-world profits as taxable."[9]
This conversion has led to direct comparisons with other on-line games of chance as 'virtual winnings'. Once converted into real currencies these 'winnings' have been measurable for some time in real terms. This is why gamers and companies engaged in this conversion, where it is allowed under license from developers, are now being encouraged to apply for licenses under EU legislation:
Now we’ve spoken with the gambling commission, and they』ve said that MMOGs aren’t the reason for the act, but they won’t say outright, and we’ve asked directly, that they won’t be covered. You can see how these would be ignored at first, but very soon they could be in trouble. It’s a risk, but a very easy risk to avoid.[10]
During an interview with Virtual World News, a representative of the British law firm Campbell Hooper stated that, "In the US there seems to be a general blanket ban on gambling. There doesn’t seem to be that ban on skill gaming."[10] However, in the EU, skill gaming does fall under the definition of gambling. Compliance in the EU though will likely only require MMOGs "to do what’s fair and reasonable in that situation."[10]
When queried about games where there is an 'unofficial secondary market', the representative responded: "Ultimately the point is whether the thing that you win has value in money or money’s worth. If it does have value, it could be gambling."[10] So to avoid regulation by these laws, the "operator would need to take reasonable steps to ensure that the rewards they give do not have a monetary value[,]"[10] possibly by demonstrating enforcement of their Terms of Service user agreement prohibiting 'unofficial secondary markets'.
很多MMORPG如RuneScape、魔獸世界、Guild Wars、戰錘Online、指環王Online:安格瑪之影 、最終幻想XI嚴格地禁止以真實金錢換取遊戲幣、道具、任何遊戲有關物品。RuneScape移除了不平衡貿易和PK系統。最終幻想XI及戰錘Online設有排除任何此類交易的團隊。
於現實世界中,玩家的行動可能會破壞市場經濟的隱定性。打錢使貨幣的增加速度高於平常,惡化通貨膨脹。 在極端的例子中,一些駭客入侵遊戲系統,藉以創造大量貨幣。這會引發惡性通貨膨脹。
- ^ Blazer, Charles. 五大虛擬財產指標. Pierce Law Review. 2006, 5: 137 [2008-05-02].
- ^ Castronova, Edward. 虛擬世界:網路遊戲的生意和文化. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. 2005: 164.
- ^ 魔獸商店.
- ^ VCSale.
- ^ Dibbell, Julian. The Unreal Estate Boom. Wired. 2003, (11.01). 已忽略未知參數
) (幫助) - ^ Eye On MOGS.
- ^ Masnick, Mike. Nice Work Retrieving That Magic Sword…... But Now You Need To Pay Uncle Sam For It. Techdirt. 18 October 2006.
- ^ Ambrogi, Robert J. Virtual Income, Real World Taxation. Legal Blog Watch. 26 October 2007.
- ^ Duranske, Benjamin. Two Experts Suggest Virtual World Profits May Be Taxable Even Before Conversion to Real World Cash. Virtually Blind. 23 October 2007.
- ^ 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 UK Gambling Act: How to Protect Your Virtual World. Virtual Worlds News. 11 July 2007.
- ^ Castronova, Ted; Fairfield, Joshua. Dragon Kill Points: A Summary Whitepaper. Rational Models Seminar. University of Chicago: 1–10. October 16, 2006 [2008-12-21].
- ^ Gilbert, Dan; Whitehead, James; Whitehead, James II. Hacking World of Warcraft. John Wiley & Sons. 2007: 183, 184. ISBN 9780470110027.
- Virtual Economy Research Network bibliography – a comprehensive bibliography of publications related to virtual economy英語
- Castronova, Edward. "Virtual Worlds: A First-Hand Account of Market and Society on the Cyberian Frontier," CESifo Working Paper No. 618, December 2001.英語
- Castronova, Edward. "On Virtual Economies," CESifo Working Paper Series No. 752, July 2002.英語
- Castronova, Edward. "The Price of 'Man' and 'Woman': A Hedonic Pricing Model of Avatar Attributes in a Synthethic World," CESifo Working Paper Series No. 957, June 2003.英語
- Dr. Richard A. Bartle, Pitfalls of Virtual Property – A philosophical case against the concept of "virtual property" ownership. 英語
- Virtual Economies The Economist, Jan 2005, (subscription)英語
- Zonk (Slashdot). "Virtual Island Sells For $26,500". 14 December 2004.英語
- Fairfield, Joshua, "Virtual Property". Boston University Law Review, Vol. 85, 2005英語
- Internet Gambling Regulation Present and Future – Mark Methenitis' Essay for Texas Tech University School of Law detailing internet gambling and economies within MMORPG's and the problems that will be faced in the future.英語
- Economic Theory and MMOGs – Powerpoint presentation by Sam Lewis, a designer working with SOE, on the interaction between economic theory and MMO design.英語
- World of Warcraft Gold Study, detailing effects of real money trade on the European and American realms. Includes realm by realm statistics.英語
- Virtual Goods: the next big business model by Susan Wu英語
- Lastowka, Greg and Hunter, Dan. "The Laws of the Virtual Worlds," California Law Review英語
- Yoon, Ung-Gi. "Real Money Trading in MMORPG items from a Legal and Policy Perspective", South Korean Judge's thought on RMT in virtual world 英語