意識上傳或意識上載(Mind uploading)是一種科幻技術,該技術可以把人類腦部的所有東西包括(意識、精神、思想、記憶)上傳至電腦或其他人工智能的機器上。 未來學家認為,意識上傳是一個未來重要的生命延續概念。[1][2]
- ^ THE FUTURE OF HUMAN EVOLUTION, P.3-P.5, Future of Humanity Institute, University of Oxford
- ^ Future generations among humans and posthumans
- The Duplicates Paradox by Ben Best; theories about the problem of personal continuity
- Joe Strout's Mind Uploading Home Page
- MindUploading.org
- eSouls.info On capturing, archiving and future resurrection of eSouls - Steve Ianta's blog
- "The Day You Discard Your Body" by Marshall Brain
- Winter of our Consciousness, article in The Future Fire 3
- Reality 3.0: Uploading, Hypermediation & Paradise Engineering by Paul Hughes
- Links on uploading from Anders Sandberg
- Transhumanist writings on uploading from the Foresight Institute
- Reverse Engineering The Brain from IEEE Spectrum
- Whole Brain Emulation: A Roadmap by Anders Sandberg and Nick Bostrom, from the Future of Humanity Institute
- [1] by Lizzie Buchen from [2]