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Windows Phone 7
File:Windows Phone 7 logo.png
File:Windows Phone 7 Start.png
Windows Phone 7的起始介面
作业系统家族Windows CE
支援平台SilverlightMicrosoft XNA
内核类别Windows CE 6.0 R3/7.0
许可证专有软体(Microsoft EULA

Windows Phone 7是一个由微软制作并发行的触控操作模式行动作业系统(开发代号为Photon)。[1]微软在发行这个作业系统时,主要的销售对象是一般的消费市场,而非以前版本所瞄准的企业市场。[2]它首先于2010年10月21日欧洲新加坡以及澳洲发行,接著则是于同年的11月8日美国加拿大11月24日墨西哥发行。亚洲地区则是预计于2011年的第一季发行。[3]在Windows Phone 7中,微软将其使用介面套用了一种称为“Metro”的设计语言(曾被使用于Zune中),并将微软以及其它第三方的软体整合到了作业系统中,以严格控制执行它的硬体。[4]

微软在2010年2月15日,于巴塞隆纳举办的2010年全球移动通讯大会首次透露了有关Windows Phone 7的消息。[5]接著在同年3月15日举办的MIX 10会议中公布了额外的细节。最后的SDK则是在该年9月16日时开放下载。[6]

这个版本是微软行动作业系统的重要升级[7][8],而原本针对测试者的测试版预计于2009年11月就要释出[9][10]。在最初的计划中,它的正式版预计是在2009年发行,但是许多方面的延迟使得微软决定先用Windows Mobile 6.5来过渡。[11]这个版本改进了原本的用户界面、多点触控功能以及运动感应功能[12],而MWgHTC等公司都已经推出了数款适用于Windows Phone 7的触控式手机。[13][14]主要的新功能包括了重新设计的界面、新版本的Microsoft Office MobileInternet Explorer MobileWindows Media Player、以及具有加速度感应的手势功能。[15]

Windows Mobile 7曾于2010年2月16日更名为“Windows Phone 7 Series”[16],其后再于4月2日取消“Series”,改回“Windows Phone 7”。[17]

发行时,Windows Phone 7只提供五种语言的版本:英语法语意大利语德语西班牙语。Windows Phone Marketplace则只在17个国家及地区允许购买和销售应用程式:澳大利亚奥地利比利时加拿大法国德国香港印度爱尔兰意大利墨西哥新西兰新加坡西班牙瑞士英国美国[18]



早在2004年时,微软就开始以“Photon”的计画代号开始研发Windows Mobile的一个重要版本更新,但进度缓慢,最后整个计画都被取消了。[19]直到2008年,微软才重新组织了Windows Mobile的小组,并继续开发一个新的行动作业系统。[20]原本计划它的正式版是在2009年发行,但是许多方面的延迟使得微软决定先用Windows Mobile 6.5来过渡。[21]

Windows Phone 7的研发一蹴而就。造成的后果之一就是,旧有的Windows Mobile应用程式无法正常在Windows Phone 7系统中执行。微软的一位行动作业系统产品经理赖瑞·利伯曼(Larry Lieberman)说道:“如果我们有更多的时间和资源的话,或许我们就能够做些什么来改善它的向下相容性。”[22] Lieberman said that Microsoft was attempting to look at the mobile phone market in a new way, with the end user in mind as well as the enterprise network.[22] Terry Myerson, corporate VP of Windows Phone engineering, said, "With the move to capacitive touch screens, away from the stylus, and the moves to some of the hardware choices we made for the Windows Phone 7 experience, we had to break application compatibility with Windows Mobile 6.5."[23]


Windows Phone 7 is a rebranding of Microsoft’s old mobile OS called Windows Mobile. Before the official announcement of Windows Phone 7, Microsoft began to refer to devices running Windows Mobile as “Windows Phones”. Microsoft at first announced its new platform as "Windows Phone 7 Series" which initially came under criticism as being too wordy and difficult to say casually. Responding to this, on April 2, 2010 Microsoft announced that the "Series" would be dropped from the name, leaving the platform named Windows Phone 7.[24] Microsoft's official statement on the matter was:

"Customers want a simpler way to say and use the name consistently. The important thing is keeping the focus on the Windows Phone brand, which we introduced in October and will continue investing in through Windows Phone 7 and beyond."


In February 2010, a Microsoft press release listed the companies that would help make and operate Windows Phone 7. Many hardware makers were listed in the release.

HP later decided not to build devices for Windows Phone 7, citing that it wanted to focus on devices for its newly purchased WebOS.[25]

Windows Phone 7 supports five languages: English, French, Italian, German and Spanish. Windows Phone Marketplace allows buying and selling applications in 17 countries and regions: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, New Zealand, Singapore, Spain, Switzerland, Puerto Rico, United Kingdom, and United States.[26]

Windows Phone 7 was released in Europe on October 21, in North America on November 8, and in Mexico on November 24, 2010. A release in Asian countries will follow in 2011.[27][28]

On October 11, 2010, Microsoft's CEO Steve Ballmer announced 10 devices operating Windows Phone 7, made by HTC, Dell, Samsung, and LG, with sales beginning on October 21, 2010 in Europe and Australia and November 8, 2010 in the United States. The devices were available on 60 carriers in 30 countries, with additional devices to be launched in 2011.[29]

Microsoft reported on December 21, 2010 that in the first 6 weeks phone manufacturers sold 1.5 million Windows Phone 7 devices to mobile operators and retailers.[30] On January 26, 2011 Microsoft stated that in the 4th quarter of 2010 it had sold more than 2 million Windows Phone 7 licenses for phones, which manufacturers had delivered to mobile operators and retailers.[31] In January 2011, LG reported about its own handsets: "From an industry perspective we had a high expectation, but from a consumer point of view the visibility is less than we expected".[32] At CEBIT Preview, Deutsche Telekom told Yahoo that its Windows Phone 7 handsets are selling better than expected.[33] According to NPD Group, a group specialized in films, movies, and video games,[34] Windows Phone 7 achieved a market-share of 2% among smartphones sold to consumers in the United States, 2 months after release, in the 4th quarter of 2010.[35] On February 2, 2011, T-Mobile USA said of Windows Phone 7: "The customers are very satisfied with the experience. We’ve done well with the devices that we sold.”[36] On the 15th February 2011 Omar Khan, Chief Strategy Officer at Samsung Telecommunications America, said Samsung’s Focus handset, which launched on AT&T last November along with a handful of other Windows Phone 7 devices, has sold well, but did not provide specific sales figures. “We feel fairly confident in our Windows Phone portfolio,” he said.[37]

Partnership with Nokia

On 11 February 2011, at a press event in London, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer and Nokia CEO Stephen Elop announced a partnership between their companies in which Windows Phone 7 would become the primary smartphone operating system for Nokia.[38] The event was largely focused on creating “a new global mobile ecosystem”, suggesting competition with Android and iOS by saying "It is now a three horse race". Integration of Microsoft services with Nokia’s own services were announced specifically that Bing would power search across Nokia devices, and an integration of Nokia Maps with Bing Maps as well as Nokia’s application store being integrated with the Windows Phone Marketplace.[38]


Windows Phone 7 最低硬件要求
电容式,4点多点触摸屏幕与 WVGA (800x480) 分辨率
1 GHz ARM v7 "Cortex/Scorpion" 或更好的处理器
256MB内存 及最少8GB闪存
加速度计指南针, 光感应器, 接近感应器AGPS
5百万像素相机与 LED 闪光灯
FM 收音机
6个实体按键 - back, Start, search, camera, power/sleep and Volume Up and Down.[39]



  1. ^ Windows Mobile 7: A Pocket PC Central Brief. [2008-05-31]. 
  2. ^ Peter Bright. Windows Phone 7 Series in the Enterprise: not all good news. 2010-03-16 [2010-11-20]. 
  3. ^ Sean Hollister. Microsoft prepping Windows Phone 7 for an October 21st launch? (update: US on Nov. 8?). 2010-09-26 [2010-09-29]. 
  4. ^ Everything Is Different Now. 
  5. ^ Mobile World Congress 2010 – day one overview. 2010-02-15 [2010-06-03]. 
  6. ^ Vlad Savov. Microsoft demoes Twitter and Netflix apps for Windows Phone 7, releases final dev tools. Engadget. 2010-09-16 [2010-09-29]. 
  7. ^ Motorola: Windows Mobile 7 coming in 2010 - Neowin. 
  8. ^ Windows Mobile 7 coming next year, says Ballmer- WMPoweruser. 
  9. ^ Office 14 and Windows Mobile 7: Another Day, Another Roadmap... - Uxevangelist. 
  10. ^ Windows Mobile: What’s coming when - All about microsoft - ZDNet.com. 
  11. ^ Ballmer Admits Windows Mobile 7 is Late? Also: Ouch! - WMExperts. 
  12. ^ HTC: Android Q4, Windows Mobile 7 Q1 09. [2008-07-14]. 
  13. ^ MWg releasing Windows Mobile 7 gear before the year's out?. 
  14. ^ HTC exec claims Q109 for first Windows Mobile 7 phones?. 
  15. ^ Is this Windows Mobile 7?. [2008-09-11]. 
  16. ^ http://pdadb.net/index.php?m=os&id=c600p&c=microsoft_windows_mobile_7
  17. ^ Bonnie Cha. Microsoft drops 'Series' from Windows Phone 7. cnet. 2010-04-02 [2010-06-03]. 
  18. ^ Microsoft and Partners Unveil Windows Phone 7 Global Portfolio
  19. ^ What Windows Phone 7 Could Have Been. 2010-02-25 [2010-06-05]. 
  20. ^ Thoughts on Windows Phone 7 Series (BTW: Photon is Dead). 2010-02-17 [2010-06-05]. 
  21. ^ Steve Ballmer wishes Windows Mobile 7 had already launched, but they screwed up. MobileTechWorld. 2009-09-24. 
  22. ^ 22.0 22.1 Nicholas Kolakowski. Microsoft Explains Windows Phone 7 Lack of Compatibility. eWeek. 15 March 2010. 
  23. ^ Windows Phone 7: A New Kind of Phone (36:47 min. in). Microsoft. 2010-06-13 [2010-09-09]. 
  24. ^ Bonnie Cha. Microsoft drops 'Series' from Windows Phone 7. cnet. 
  25. ^ HP: No More Windows Phone 7 Smartphones. PCMAG.com. 25 July 2010 [13 December 2010]. 
  26. ^ Microsoft and Partners Unveil Windows Phone 7 Global Portfolio. Microsoft News Center. 
  27. ^ Windows Phone 7 coming to Europe in October, US in November, according to Microsoft COO (video)
  28. ^ ReMIX10(Korea) Keynote Session
  29. ^ Microsoft announces ten Windows Phone 7 handsets for 30 countries: October 21 in Europe and Asia, 8 November in US (Update: Video!). Engadget. 11 October 2010 [12 October 2010]. 
  30. ^ Windows Phone 7 Sales Off to a Promising Start, First Step in a New Era of Mobile. Microsoft. 2010-12-21. 
  31. ^ Windows Phone 7 sales top 2 million. 26 January 2011. 
  32. ^ Miles, Stuart. LG: Windows Phone 7 launch could have been better. pocket-lint.com. 2011-01-14. 
  33. ^ http://de.news.yahoo.com/26/20110120/ttc-dell-smartphones-mit-windows-phone-7-a0164be.html
  34. ^ http://npd.com/corpServlet?nextpage=entertainment-categories_s.html
  35. ^ Miles, Stuart. Windows Phone 7 Off to a Slow Start in Fourth Quarter, as Android Smartphone Market-Share Lead Increases. prweb.com. 2011-01-31. 
  36. ^ Azure now has 31,000 customers. The Seattle Times. 
  37. ^ http://blogs.forbes.com/elizabethwoyke/2011/02/15/samsung-reiterates-support-for-windows-phone-7-but-is-waiting-on-new-handsets/
  38. ^ 38.0 38.1 http://www.microsoft.com/presspass/press/2011/feb11/02-11partnership.mspx
  39. ^ Windows Phone 7 Actually Requires Six Hardware Buttons
