File:Windows Phone 7 Start.png | |
开发者 | 微軟 |
作業系統家族 | Windows CE |
運作狀態 | 已發布 |
支援平台 | Silverlight、Microsoft XNA |
内核类别 | Windows CE 6.0 R3/7.0 |
许可证 | 專有軟體(Microsoft EULA) |
官方網站 | |
Windows Phone是一個由微軟製作並發行的觸控操作模式行動作業系統(开发代号為Photon)。[1]微軟在發行這個作業系統時,主要的銷售對象是一般的消費市場,而非以前版本所瞄準的企業市場。[2]它首先於2010年10月21日在歐洲、新加坡以及澳洲發行,接著則是於同年的11月8日在美國及加拿大、11月24日在墨西哥發行。亞洲地區則是預計於2011年的第一季發行。[3]在Windows Phone中,微軟將其使用介面套用了一種稱為“Metro”的設計語言(曾被使用於Zune中),並將微軟以及其它第三方的軟體整合到了作業系統中,以嚴格控制執行它的硬體。[4]
這個版本是微软行動作業系统的重要升级[5][6],而原本针对测试者的测试版预计于2009年11月就要释出[7][8]。在最初的计划中,它的正式版預計是在2009年發行,但是许多方面的延迟使得微软决定先用Windows Mobile 6.5来过渡。[9]這個版本改进了原本的用户界面、多点觸控功能以及运动感应功能[10],而MWg和HTC等公司都已經推出了數款適用於Windows Phone的觸控式手機。[11][12]主要的新功能包括了重新设计的界面、新版本的Microsoft Office Mobile、Internet Explorer Mobile和Windows Media Player、以及具有加速度感应的手势功能。[13]
Windows Phone 7曾于2010年2月16日更名为“Windows Phone 7 Series”[14],其後再於4月2日取消“Series”,改回“Windows Phone 7”。[15]
發行時,Windows Phone只提供五種語言的版本:英語、法語、意大利語、德語和西班牙語。Windows Phone Marketplace則只在17個國家或地區允許購買和銷售應用程式:澳大利亞、奧地利、比利時、加拿大、法國、德國、香港、印度、愛爾蘭、意大利、墨西哥、新西蘭、新加坡、西班牙、瑞士、英國和美國。[16]
微軟於2011年9月27日開始發行Windows Phone的一項重大更新(开发代号為Mango),其中包含了許多系統修正和新增的功能,以及包括了繁體中文和簡體中文在內的17種新的顯示語言。
早在2004年時,微軟就開始以“Photon”的計畫代號開始研發Windows Mobile的一個重要版本更新,但進度緩慢,最後整個計畫都被取消了。[17]直到2008年,微軟才重新組織了Windows Mobile的小組,並繼續開發一個新的行動作業系統。[18]原本计划它的正式版是在2009年發行,但是许多方面的延迟使得微软决定先用Windows Mobile 6.5来过渡。[19]
Windows Phone的研發一蹴而就。造成的後果之一就是,舊有的Windows Mobile應用程式無法正常在Windows Phone系統中執行。微軟的一位行動作業系統產品經理賴瑞·利伯曼(Larry Lieberman)說道:「如果我們有更多的時間和資源的話,或許我們就能夠做些什麼來改善它的向下相容性。」[20]利伯曼指出,微軟曾試著以一個新的角度來觀望行動電話市場,並更加注重最終使用者(End-user)的使用經驗,而不是像以往一樣將焦點放在企業網路上。[20]Windows Phone開發部門的副總裁泰瑞·邁爾森(Terry Myerson)說道:「為了要藉由不使用手寫筆、改採電容型的觸控螢幕、以及其它硬體的更動來改善Windows Phone 7的使用經驗,我們不得不打破Windows Mobile 6.5的應用程式相容性。」[21]
Windows Phone是微軟的行動作業系統之重大升級,其前身即為Windows Mobile。在Windows Phone官方發布之前,微軟開始將運行Windows Mobile作業系統的裝置稱為「Windows Phone」。起初,微軟將此作業系統命名為「Windows Phone 7 Series」,但被認為太過於冗長以及不容易表達。於是,微軟之後於2010年4月2日宣布,將會刪去名稱中的「Series」字樣,而改稱為「Windows Phone 7」。[22]微軟對於此事的官方聲明如下:
「顧客們想要一個更簡單、更一致性的名稱。最重要的是要將焦點放在我們於十月發表的Windows Phone品牌上,而我們也將會投資更多於Windows Phone 7,後續的發展將不可限量。」
2010年2月時,由微軟所發佈的一份新聞稿中列出了一些將會協助製作及運行Windows Phone的相關企業和公司。不少硬體公司都有出現在該列表中。
微軟在2010年2月15日,於巴塞隆納舉辦的2010年全球移動通訊大會首次透露了有關Windows Phone的消息。[23]接著在同年3月15日舉辦的2010微軟開發者大會(MIX 2010)中發表了進一步的細節內容。其最終的SDK版本則是於同年的9月16日發佈。[24]
之後,HP決定將不製作運行Windows Phone的硬體裝置,並聲明將專注於發展其新購買的webOS作業系統。[25]
Windows Phone目前支援25種語言,Windows Phone Marketplace則提供了35個國家/地區購買及販售應用程式。[26]
2010年10月11日,微軟執行長史蒂夫·巴爾默發佈了十款運行Windows Phone的裝置,分別由HTC、戴爾,三星和LG等廠商製作,並於同年10月21日在歐洲和澳洲地區;11月8日在美國地區開始銷售。當時在30個國家中,共計有60個電信公司支援或販售該十款裝置,並預計在2011年將會發行更多款式的裝置。[27]
2011年2月11日,微軟執行長史蒂夫·巴爾默以及諾基亞執行長斯蒂芬·埃洛普在倫敦的一場新聞發佈會上公佈了兩公司間的合作細節,其中提到Windows Phone將會成為諾基亞生產的裝置中最主要運行的手機作業系統。[28]該發佈會中強調了創造「一個新的全球手機生態系統」,並提到了Windows Phone和Android以及iOS兩個作業系統的競爭局面,將其形容為「一場三匹馬的賽跑」。會中也公佈了微軟和諾基亞間服務的整合,並特別提到Bing將會提供給諾基亞的裝置作為新的搜尋引擎、諾基亞自家地圖和Bing Maps之間的整合以及諾基亞Ovi商店和Windows Phone市集間的整合。[28]此合作關係涉及了「版稅權的交手、市場營銷以及廣告收入的共享資金」,而微軟事後聲明這筆資金將會「數以億計」。[29]
微軟於2011年5月25日發佈了更多即將合作發行Windows Phone的廠商。其中包括了諾基亞以外的Acer、富士通以及ZTE都預計將在Windows Phone的第一次重大更新發佈後發行他們所生產的Windows Phone裝置。[30]
Windows Phone使用了一套稱為「Metro」的新使用者介面,其與微軟已經中止的Kin很相似。[31]其主畫面,亦稱為「開始畫面」,是由許多正方或長方圖形、稱為「動態磚」(Live Tiles)的元素所組成的。動態磚相當於可以連結至應用程式、功能以及其它獨立的元件(如連絡人、網頁或媒體項目)的按鈕。使用者可以自行增加、重新排列或刪除動態磚。[32]即使在裝置鎖定的情況下,動態磚也能夠依據其所代表的內容隨時更新——例如,電子郵件的動態磚上面會顯示尚未閱讀的郵件有幾封;或者是氣象的動態磚也能夠顯示即時更新的天氣內容。[33]目前動態磚只支援縱向的版面,無法在橫向模式中顯示。
有些Windows Phone的功能會被整合至一個「中心」(hubs)裡,它透過Windows Phone和許多知名社交網站(如Facebook、Windows Live和Twitter)的整合,提供了本機以及線上的內容統整。[33]例如,「相片」中心會顯示出透過裝置拍下的相片以及使用者的Facebook相簿;「連絡人」中心則會顯示由各來源(包括Windows Live、Facebook和Gmail等)彙整的連絡人清單。從中心裡,使用者可以直接在社交網站的近況上留言,甚至按「讚」……等。其它內建的中心還包括了「音樂+影片」(與Zune整合)、「遊戲」(與Xbox Live整合)、「市集」以及「Microsoft Office」等。[33]
Windows Phone使用了多點觸控科技。[33]預設的Windows Phone介面採用了能夠在OLED螢幕中延長電池使用壽命的黑色佈景主題,因為全黑的像素不需發出光線。[34]使用者也能夠自行選擇白色的背景以及各種輔色主題,[35]而使用者介面中的元件,如動態磚等,就會以使用者所選擇的輔色來呈現。第三方的應用程式也能夠自動套用使用者所選擇的佈景主題。[36][37]
使用者可以透過螢幕上的虛擬鍵盤來輸入文字。在Windows Phone的輸入法中,有一個用來鍵入表情符號的鍵盤,使用者透過單一按鍵即可鍵入其內建的表情符號。[38]除此之外,其輸入法亦支援拼字檢查[38]和單字預測。[39]在點選一下鍵入過的單字後,輸入法將會列出一些類似的單字,使用者可以透過這個方法來更改已鍵入的內容。[40]在英文輸入法中,長按某些特定的鍵可以顯示出相似的非英文字母,如按住e鍵,將會出現e、ë、é、ê、è等選字。在橫向模式中,虛擬鍵盤中的按鍵較縱向模式中的稍大一些,且按鈕的間距也較寬。而Windows Phone的裝置也能透過硬體上的實體鍵盤輸入文字。[41]
起初,Windows Phone因為沒有複製貼上的功能而飽受批評,不過微軟已在Nodo(7.0.7392)更新中修正了此一問題。
Windows Phone透過「訊息」中心整合了發送以及接收訊息的功能。「訊息」中心讓使用者除了可以收發傳統文字簡訊之外,也可以透過它來和Windows Live Messenger以及Facebook中的連絡人聊天。Windows Phone中的語音辨識系統能夠將語音轉換為文字,反之亦然,故使用者也可以藉由語音辨識系統來輸入簡訊。
Windows Phone 7.5中內建了一款排版引擎以Internet Explorer 9做為基礎的Internet Explorer Mobile。[42]Windows Phone剛發行時所內建的Internet Explorer並不支援Flash以及Silverlight。
Windows Phone上的Internet Explorer讓使用者能夠建立一個屬於自己的「我的最愛」清單,並能夠將常用的網頁連結作為動態磚釘選在開始畫面中。該網頁瀏覽器最多支援6個索引標籤,而每個索引標籤中的網頁都能夠個別平行載入。[43]其它的功能包括了多點觸控手勢的支援、精簡的使用者介面、順暢的放大/縮小動畫、可儲存網頁中的圖片、透過電子郵件分享網頁以及網頁的內部搜尋(即搜尋網頁中的文字內容)。[44]微軟宣布將會定期提供Windows Phone網頁瀏覽器及其排版引擎的更新,並會將此更新從Windows Phone的更新系統中獨立出來。[45]
在一次展示中,微軟說使用者將能夠透過網頁瀏覽器觀看YouTube上的影片。當使用者從行動版的YouTube網頁中點選一部影片時,Windows Phone將會透過一個獨立的應用程式開啟該影片,並自動將該影片整合至「音樂+影片」中心裡。[46]
Windows Phone透過「連絡人」中心來統整使用者在各來源中的通訊錄。使用者可以直接透過裝置手動建立連絡人或者是從Facebook、Windows Live Contacts、Twitter以及LinkedIn等來源匯入連絡人。「連絡人」中心內的「最新動向」以及「圖片」兩個標籤中即會顯示來自社交網站中的新聞動態和圖片。其中的「我」標籤則會顯示出自己的社交網站狀態以及塗鴉牆,並讓使用者能夠透過它來更新自己的近況、或者在Bing Maps和Facebook中打卡。每個連絡人或群組都能被釘選至開始畫面,而被釘選的動態磚上則會顯示該連絡人的大頭貼圖片、社交網站近況等資訊。除此之外,使用者也能透過「連絡人」中心檢視連絡人的Facebook塗鴉牆以及其來自各網站的個人資訊(包括電子郵件、電話等)。
如果同一位連絡人在兩個(或多個)社交網站中都有建立檔案,使用者則能夠將兩個(或多個)連絡人的資料互相連結、整合,以方便透過單一連絡人便可瀏覽所有資料。[47]Windows Phone 7.5讓使用者可以將多位連絡人分類至「群組」中,而每個群組也都如同單一連絡人,可以直接從「連絡人」中心內存取,或是被釘選至開始畫面中。
Windows Phone中的電子郵件收發程式內建了Hotmail、Exchange、Yahoo! Mail以及Gmail的支援,使用者也能夠透過POP3和IMAP協議的設定來使用其它的電子郵件服務,使用者可以選擇將多個信箱合而為一、或是分開檢視,而其中內建的帳號類型支援連絡人和行事曆的同步。另外,其程式也能夠以主旨、內容、寄件人以及收件人等字串來搜尋電子郵件。
Zune for Windows Phone is an application providing entertainment and synchronization capabilities between PC and Phone.[48] Windows Phone multimedia experience is divided in to two distinct hubs, Music + Videos hub and Pictures hub, both of which are similar in appearance and functionality to that of the Zune HD.
The "Music + Videos hub" plays music, videos, and podcasts, and allows users to access the Zune Marketplace to buy music or rent it with the Zune Pass subscription service, and view artist biographies and photos.[38] This hub also includes Smart DJ which can suggest songs similar to those locally stored on the phone.
The "Pictures hub" displays the user's Facebook and Windows Live photo albums alongside photos taken with the phone's camera. Users can also tag and upload photos to social networks and comment on online photos directly from the Pictures hub.[38] Multi-touch gestures permit zooming in and out of photos.
Media support
According to Brandon Miniman's test review for, he stated "if Zune can play it, your Windows Phone 7 device can play it" - this refers to the supported playback of files.[49] The audio file formats, supported, include WAV, MP3, WMA, AMR, AAC/MP4/M4A/M4B and 3GP/3G2 as standards. The video file formats, supported, include WMV, AVI, MP4/M4V, 3GP/3G2 and MOV (QuickTime) standards. These supported audio and video formats would be dependent on the codecs contained inside them. It has also been previously reported that the DivX and Xvid codecs within AVI are also playable on the system.[50][51] Unlike the previous Windows Mobile operating system, there are currently no third-party applications for handling other video formats. The image file formats that are supported include JPG/JPEG, PNG, GIF, TIF and Bitmap (BMP).[52][53]
Xbox Live on Windows Phone provides some Xbox 360 features on Windows Phone devices by displaying the user's avatar in a 3D fashion. Via "Games hub", the users are able to interact with the avatar, view gamerscore and leaderboards, message Xbox Live friends, and Spotlight.[54] Multiplayer (turn-based) gaming with live multiplayer are also released.[55] Microsoft has unveiled more than 50 premium Windows Phone Games titles at Gamescom that makes use of Xbox Live on mobile.[56] Xbox Live on Windows Phone currently doesn't offer real-time multiplayer games, but will be added in the future.[57] Some key features of Xbox Live on Windows Phone include ability to be signed in simultaneously on the console and phone, send and receive messages between Console and Phone, unlock unique gamer points only available by purchasing the gaming title on the phone, etc.
Microsoft's hardware requirements stipulate that every Windows Phone must have a dedicated Search button on the front of the device that performs different actions.[33] Pressing the search button while an application is open will allow users to search within applications that take advantage of this feature; for example, pressing Search in the People hub will let the users search their contact list for specific people.[58] This has been changed in Windows Phone 7.5 however - as the search button is reserved for Bing - so applications that previously used this feature (such as the Marketplace) now include soft search buttons.
In other cases, pressing the Search button will allow the user to perform a search of web sites, news, and map locations using the Bing application.[59]
Windows Phone also has a voice recognition function, powered by TellMe, which allows the user to perform a Bing search, call contacts or launch applications by speaking. This can be activated by pressing and holding the phone's Start button.
Bing is the default search engine on Windows Phone handsets due to its deep integration of functions into the OS (which also include the utilization of its map service for location-based searches and queries). However, Microsoft has stated that other search engine applications can be used.[59][60][60]
Aside from location-based searches, Bing Maps also provide turn-by-turn navigation service to Windows Phone user and Local Scout shows interest points such as attractions and restaurants in the nearby area.
Bing Audio allows the user to match a song with its name and Bing Vision allows the user to match barcodes and tags with the product online.
Office suite
The "Office hub" organizes all Microsoft Office apps and documents. Microsoft Office Mobile provides interoperability between Windows Phone and the desktop version of Microsoft Office. Word Mobile, Excel Mobile, PowerPoint Mobile, OneNote Mobile, and SharePoint Workspace Mobile allow most Microsoft Office file formats to be viewed and edited directly on a Windows Phone device.
Microsoft Office files from SkyDrive and Office 365, as well as files stored locally on the phone, can be accessed through the Office Hub. Office files are sorted by tiles: Word documents (blue tile), Excel spreadsheets (green tile), PowerPoint presentations (red tile), and OneNote documents (purple tile).
In Windows Phone 7, multitasking is limited to bundled apps. Starting with Windows Phone 7.5, a card-based task switcher can be accessed by pressing and holding the back button. The screenshot of last five open app are shown as cards. Apps can be kept running even when out of view through "Live Agents".[61] In other cases, apps are suspended and can be quickly resumed.
Zune Software manages the contents on Windows Phone devices and Windows Phone can wirelessly sync with Zune Software. In addition to accessing on the Windows Phone devices, Zune software can also access the Zune Marketplace to purchase music, videos, and all apps for Windows Phone. While music and videos are both stored locally on the PC and on the phone, apps are only stored on the phone even if purchased from the Zune Software. Zune Software can also be used to update all Windows Phone devices. Although Zune Software is unavailable on Mac OS X operating system, Microsoft has released Windows Phone Connector which allow Windows Phone devices to sync with iTunes for Mac and iPhoto.[62][63][64]
Windows Phone OS doesn't support usual USB sync with Microsoft Outlook's Contacts, Tasks and Notes as opposed to older versions of Windows Mobile with Desktop ActiveSync[65][66]. Syncing Contacts and Appointments is done via a cloud-based service (Windows Live, Google, or Exchange Server) only. There's no way to sync this personal information directly from a computer to a windows phone and back[67]. Petition for Microsoft was filled to reinstate USB sync for Outlook[68].
According to Microsoft documentation, software updates will be delivered to Windows Phone users via Microsoft Update, as is the case with other Windows operating systems.[69] Microsoft has the intention to directly update any phone running Windows Phone instead of relying on OEMs or wireless carriers.[70] The software component, called Windows Phone Update, exists both on the phone (for smaller updates, over-the-air) and in the Zune Software for Windows PCs (for larger updates, via USB connection). Users will be notified to attach their phones to a PC if such an update is required.[71] Microsoft has said that in the future, all updates, both large and small will eventually support over-the-air downloads.[72] Charlie Kindel, Program Manager for the developer experience of Windows Phone, confirmed that the update infrastructure system for Windows Phone was available and that Microsoft is "in a position where we have the systems in place to effectively and reliably deliver updates to (Windows Phone) users".[73]
Microsoft plans to regularly ship minor updates that add features throughout the year, and major updates once a year.[74]
7008 - Improvement for future update
7390 - Codename "NoDo" with Copy and Paste, fast application startup, and deeper Facebook Integration
7392 - Revoking of fradumental certificate
7720 - Windows Phone 7.5 Mango available now[75]
All third-party applications can be updated automatically from the Windows Phone Marketplace.[76]
Advertising platform
Microsoft has also launched an advertising platform for the Windows Phone platform. Microsoft's General Manager for Strategy and Business Development, Kostas Mallios, said that Windows Phone will be an "ad-serving machine", pushing advertising and brand-related content to the user. The platform will feature advertising tiles near applications and toast notifications, which will bring updating advertising notifications. Mallios said that Windows Phone will be able to "preserve the brand experience by going directly from the web site right to the application", and that Windows Phone "enables advertisers to connect with consumers over time".[77] Mallios continued: "you're now able to push information as an advertiser, and stay in touch with your customer. It's a dynamic relationship that is created and provides for an ongoing dialog with the consumer."[78]
Windows Phone supports the following Bluetooth profiles[79]:
- Advanced Audio Distribution Profile (A2DP 1.3)
- Audio/Video Remote Control Profile (AVRCP 1.0)
- Hands Free Profile (HFP 1.5)
- Headset Profile (HSP 1.1)
- Phone Book Access Profile (PBAP 1.0)
Windows Phone 7 最低硬件要求 |
電容式,4點多點觸摸屏幕與 WVGA (800x480) 分辨率 |
1 GHz ARM v7 "Cortex/Scorpion" 或更好的處理器 |
渲染DirectX9的GPU |
256MB內存 及最少8GB閃存 |
加速度計與指南針, 光感應器, 接近感應器 及 AGPS |
5百萬像素相機與 LED 閃光燈 |
FM 收音機 |
6個實體按鍵 - back, Start, search, camera, power/sleep and Volume Up and Down.[80] |
- ^ Windows Mobile 7: A Pocket PC Central Brief. [2008-05-31].
- ^ Peter Bright. Windows Phone 7 Series in the Enterprise: not all good news. 2010-03-16 [2010-11-20].
- ^ Sean Hollister. Microsoft prepping Windows Phone 7 for an October 21st launch? (update: US on Nov. 8?). 2010-09-26 [2010-09-29].
- ^ Everything Is Different Now.
- ^ Motorola: Windows Mobile 7 coming in 2010 - Neowin.
- ^ Windows Mobile 7 coming next year, says Ballmer- WMPoweruser.
- ^ Office 14 and Windows Mobile 7: Another Day, Another Roadmap... - Uxevangelist.
- ^ Windows Mobile: What’s coming when - All about microsoft -
- ^ Ballmer Admits Windows Mobile 7 is Late? Also: Ouch! - WMExperts.
- ^ HTC: Android Q4, Windows Mobile 7 Q1 09. [2008-07-14].
- ^ MWg releasing Windows Mobile 7 gear before the year's out?.
- ^ HTC exec claims Q109 for first Windows Mobile 7 phones?.
- ^ Is this Windows Mobile 7?. [2008-09-11].
- ^
- ^ Bonnie Cha. Microsoft drops 'Series' from Windows Phone 7. cnet. 2010-04-02 [2010-06-03].
- ^ Microsoft and Partners Unveil Windows Phone 7 Global Portfolio
- ^ What Windows Phone 7 Could Have Been. 2010-02-25 [2010-06-05].
- ^ Thoughts on Windows Phone 7 Series (BTW: Photon is Dead). 2010-02-17 [2010-06-05].
- ^ Steve Ballmer wishes Windows Mobile 7 had already launched, but they screwed up. MobileTechWorld. 2009-09-24.
- ^ 20.0 20.1 Nicholas Kolakowski. Microsoft Explains Windows Phone 7 Lack of Compatibility. eWeek. 15 March 2010.
- ^ Windows Phone 7: A New Kind of Phone (36:47 min. in). Microsoft. 2010-06-13 [2010-09-09].
- ^ Bonnie Cha. Microsoft drops 'Series' from Windows Phone 7. cnet.
- ^ Mobile World Congress 2010 – day one overview. 2010-02-15 [2010-06-03].
- ^ Vlad Savov. Microsoft demoes Twitter and Netflix apps for Windows Phone 7, releases final dev tools. Engadget. 2010-09-16 [2010-09-29].
- ^ HP: No More Windows Phone 7 Smartphones. 25 July 2010 [13 December 2010].
- ^
- ^ Microsoft announces ten Windows Phone 7 handsets for 30 countries: October 21 in Europe and Asia, 8 November in US (Update: Video!). Engadget. 11 October 2010 [12 October 2010].
- ^ 28.0 28.1
- ^
- ^
- ^
- ^ Windows Phone 7 is official, and Microsoft is playing to win. 2010-02-15 [2010-2-15-10].
- ^ 33.0 33.1 33.2 33.3 33.4 Windows Phone 7: the complete guide. March 18, 2010 [September 19, 2010].
- ^ Rubenstein, Benjamin. Interview: Windows Phone 7 battery life, copy/paste, multitasking, and more. 2010-03-17 [2010-08-21].
- ^ The Most Comprehensive Windows Phone 7 Demo to Date. July 27, 2010 [September 19, 2010].
- ^ Channel 9 Demos Some Windows Phone 7 Apps. August 10, 2010 [September 19, 2010].
- ^ HTC HD7: Hello, All 4.3-Inches of Windows Phone 7. October 10, 2010.
- ^ 38.0 38.1 38.2 38.3 Topolsky, Joshua. Windows Phone 7 in-depth preview. 2010-07-19 [2010-09-04].
- ^ AutoCompleteBox in Windows Phone 7. September 8, 2010 [September 21, 2010].
- ^ Windows Phone 7 Keyboard Demoed, Deemed Fast, Responsive, Accurate. August 10, 2010 [September 19, 2010].
- ^ Windows Phone 7 Series Text Entry: Strict Hardware Requirements. August 17, 2010 [September 19, 2010].
- ^ Windows Phone 7.5 Mango in-depth preview. Engadget. 2010-02-15 [2010-02-19].
- ^ Exclusive: Windows Phone 7 Web Browser Comparison (Video)
- ^ First Look: Internet Explorer on Windows Phone 7 Series. March 15, 2010 [September 19, 2010].
- ^ IE Mobile Updates, Program Manager for IE Mobile team comments on update system for the browser. 2010-05-20.
- ^ Official YouTube support for Windows Phone 7 revealed | WMExperts
- ^ Linking Contacts. Microsoft. [6 September 2011].
- ^ Zune for Windows Phone 7. Microsoft. [16 December 2010].
- ^ Miniman, Brandon. Windows Phone 7: Which Video and Audio File Formats are Supported?. Pocketnow Win Phone 7. 21 September 2010 [06 August 2011].
- ^ Updates codec support list for Windows Phone 7 released, XVID and DIVX supported. 18 September 2010 [06 August 2011].
- ^ AVI/DivX support - Microsoft Answers. Microsoft Answers. 21 October 2010 [06 August 2011].
- ^ Supported Media Codecs for Windows Phone. Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN). [06 August 2011].
- ^ Audio file formats supported by the Zune software. MS zune file-formats. Microsoft 12 October 2010 [06 August 2011].
- ^ Games Hub for Windows Phone 7. Microsoft.
- ^ Alphajax is turn-based game.
- ^ Xbox Live games for Windows Phone 7 from Gamescom 2010. BestWP7Games. 18 August 2010.
- ^ Windows Phone 7 Online Multiplayer Games. Kev J. [23 December 2010].
- ^ Windows Phone 7 Series hands-on. SlashGear. 15 February 2010.
- ^ 59.0 59.1 Mary Jo Foley. Will all Xbox games work on Windows Phone 7 devices?. ZDNet. 15 February 2010.
- ^ 60.0 60.1 Windows Phone 7: Bing only default search option. Pocket-lint. 21 July 2010.
- ^
- ^ Mary Branscombe. Hands on: Windows Phone 7 Connector for Mac review. TechRadar.
- ^ Matthew Miller. Windows Phone 7 Connector syncs your Mac with your WP7 smartphone. ZDNet.
- ^ Chris Davies. Windows Phone 7 Connector for Mac demo. SlashGear.
- ^
- ^
- ^
- ^
- ^ Paul Thurrott. Windows Phone OS 7.0 Architecture Guide. April 19, 2010 [2010-09-09].
- ^ Microsoft talks Windows Phone 7 features, native code, multi-tasking and update process. MobileTechWorld.
- ^ M. Daou. Confidential Windows Phone 7 Development Guides leaked. 2010-05-16 [2010-06-03].
- ^ Windows Update for Windows Phone: This is What You've Been Waiting For.
- ^ Paul Thurrott. Windows Phone Update: May 2010. 2010-05-19 [2010-06-03].
- ^ Ina Fried. Ballmer talks Windows Phone 7 with CNET (Q&A).
- ^ Brad Molen. Windows Phone Mango. Engadget. 2011-06-27 [2011-06-27].
- ^ Chris Ziegler. Windows Phone Marketplace for Windows Phone 7 Series unveiled. Engadget. 2010-03-15 [2010-06-03].
- ^ MS Sees Windows Phone 7 as an 'Ad-Serving Machine'. NewsFactor Network. 25 June 2010.
- ^ Microsoft's Ad-Serving Machine. InformationWeek. 25 June 2010.
- ^
- ^ Windows Phone 7 Actually Requires Six Hardware Buttons