目录: |
1789年–1819年 · 1820年–1839年 · 1840年–1859年 · 1860年–1869年 · 1870年–1879年 · 1880年–1899年
案例名 | 引用 | 简介 |
首席大法官约翰·杰伊(1789年10月19日起)负责的案件 | ||
Van Staphorst v. Maryland | (1791) | first docketed case of the Supreme Court, settled before arguments |
West v. Barnes | 2 U.S. 401 (1791) | first decision of the Supreme Court, strictly interpreting procedural filing requirements mandated by statute |
Hayburn's Case | 2 U.S. 409 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) (1792) | 法院审判和权力分立 |
Chisholm v. Georgia | 2 U.S. 419 (1793) | first “major” case; federal jurisdiction over suits vs. states; state sovereign immunity; led to Eleventh Amendment |
佐治亚诉布瑞斯福特案 | 3 U.S. 1 (1794) | 陪审团无效 |
首席大法官约翰·拉特利奇(1795年8月12日起)负责的案件 | ||
United States v. Peters | 3 U.S. 121 (1795) | Federal district court has no authority over a foreign privateer when the captured ship was not within its jurisdiction. |
Talbot v. Janson | 3 U.S. 133 (1795) | 海事 and 公民权 |
首席大法官奥利弗·埃尔斯沃思(1796年3月8日起)负责的案件 | ||
海尔顿诉联邦政府案 | 3 U.S. 171 (1796) | tax on carriages |
Hollingsworth v. Virginia | 3 U.S. 378 (1798) | 第十一修正案正式批准,宪法修正案无需总统批准。 |
卡尔德龙诉布尔案 | 3 U.S. 386 (1798) | ex post facto clause applies to criminal, not civil cases |
New York v. Connecticut | (1799) | first original jurisdiction suit between two States |
首席大法官约翰·马歇尔(1801年2月4日)负责的案件 | ||
Talbot v. Seeman | 5 U.S. 1 (1801) (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) | Marine salvage rights in time of war |
马伯利诉麦迪逊案 | 5 U.S. 137 (1803年) | 高院对美国国国会制定的法律有司法审查权 |
Stuart v. Laird | 5 U.S. 299 (1803年) | enforceability of rulings issued by judges who have since been removed from office |
Little v. Barreme | 6 U.S. 170 (1804年) | presidential and congressional power |
Bailiff v. Tipping | 6 U.S. 406 (1805年) | a citation (a court order for a person to appear) must accompany a writ of error in order for the Supreme Court to hear the case |
Strawbridge v. Curtiss | 7 U.S. 267 (1806年) | federal diversity jurisdiction |
Ex parte Bollman | 8 U.S. 75 (1807年) | habeas corpus, definition of treason, Supreme Court's power to issue writs to circuit courts |
Fletcher v. Peck | 10 U.S. 87 (1810年) | 财产权 |
United States v. Hudson and Goodwin | 11 U.S. 32 (1812年) | Federal court jurisdiction over common law crimes |
The Schooner Exchange v. M'Faddon | 11 U.S. 116 (1812年) | capture and possession of foreign ships |
Fairfax's Devisee v. Hunter's Lessee | 11 U.S. 603 (1813年) | Loyalist property forfeiture |
Martin v. Hunter's Lessee | 14 U.S. 304 (1816年) | Loyalist property forfeiture, Supreme Court review of state court judgments |
Laidlaw v. Organ | 15 U.S. 178 (1817年) | the rule of caveat emptor in a commodity delivery contract |
麦卡洛克诉马里兰州案 | 17 U.S. 316 (1819年) | 含蓄默示权合理,联邦高于州 |
Sturges v. Crowninshield | 17 U.S. 122 (1819年) | 各州破产法的制定 |
Trustees of Dartmouth College v. Woodward | 17 U.S. 518 (1819年) | impairment of contracts |
案件名 | 引用 | 简介 |
The Amistad | 40 U.S. 518 (1841年) | 奴隶贸易和奴隶所有权 |
Swift v. Tyson | 41 U.S. 1 (1842年) | Federal common law in diversity jurisdiction cases, later overturned |
普里格诉宾夕法尼亚州案 | 41 U.S. 539 (1842年) | 逃奴 |
卢瑟诉博登案 | 48 U.S. 1 (1849年) | guarantee clause of Article Four of the United States Constitution |
Passenger Cases | 48 U.S. 283 (1849年) | taxation of immigrants, constitutionality of state laws regarding foreign commerce |
Sheldon v. Sill | 49 U.S. 441 (1850年) | Congressional control of the jurisdiction of the lower federal courts |
Hotchkiss v. Greenwood | 52 U.S. 248 (1850年) | Early standard for non-obviousness in United States patent law |
斯特雷德诉格雷厄姆案 | 51 U.S. 82 (1851年) | slavery and the application of state laws thereof. |
Cooley v. Board of Wardens | 53 U.S. 299 (1852年) | pilotage laws under the Commerce Clause |
斯科特诉桑福德案 | 60 U.S. 393 (1857) | 奴隶制,公民的定义 |
Ableman v. Booth | 62 U.S. 506 (1859年) | The contradiction of Federal law by States |
案件名 | 引用 | 简介 |
Prize Cases | 67 U.S. 635 (1863年) | presidential powers in wartime |
首席大法官莫里森·韦特(1874年3月4日)负责的案件 | ||
Totten v. United States | 92 U.S. 105 (1875年) | jurisdiction over espionage agreements |
美国诉克鲁克香克案 | 92 U.S. 542 (1875年) | application of the First and Second Amendments to the states |
穆恩诉伊利诺伊州案 | 94 U.S. 113 (1876年) | corporations and agricultural regulation |
Pennoyer v. Neff | 95 U.S. 714 (1877年) | bases of personal jurisdiction over defendants |
City of Elizabeth v. American Nicholson Pavement Co. | 97 U.S. 126 (1878年) | experimental use exception to the on-sale bar in United States patent law |
雷诺兹诉合众国案 | 98 U.S. 145 (1878年) | 一夫多妻制和宗教自由 |
威尔克森诉犹他州案 | 99 U.S. 130 (1878年) | 死刑 |
Trade-Mark Cases | 100 U.S. 82 (1879年) | Copyright Clause does not give Congress the power to regulate trademarks |
贝克诉塞尔登案 | 101 U.S. 99 (1879年) | 版权法和专利法的区别 |
案件名 | 引用 | 简介 |
Strauder v. West Virginia | 100 U.S. 303 (1880年) | exclusion of blacks from juries |
斯普林格诉美国 | 102 U.S. 586 (1881年) | constitutionality of income tax set up by the Revenue Act of 1864 |
Kilbourn v. Thompson | 103 U.S. 168 (1880年) | 国会调查的限制 |
Egbert v. Lippmann | 104 U.S. 333 (1881) | early case concerning the on-sale bar in patent law |
佩斯诉阿拉巴马州案 | 106 U.S. 583 (1883年) | affirmed that Alabama's anti-miscegenation statute banning interracial marriage and interracial sex was not a violation of the Fourteenth Amendment. |
美国诉哈里斯案 | 106 U.S. 629 (1883年) | No Congressional power to pass ordinary criminal statutes |
公民权利案 | 109 U.S. 3 (1883年) | power of federal government to prohibit racial discrimination by private parties |
Ex parte Crow Dog | 109 U.S. 556 (1883年) | repeal of law dealing with Native American Indians requires express language by Congress |
Hurtado v. California | 110 U.S. 516 (1884年) | no requirement that states use a grand jury to indict a defendant in a murder prosecution |
Burrow-Giles Lithographic Co. v. Sarony | 111 U.S. 53 (1884年) | copyrightability of photographs |
新英格兰互助人寿保险有限公司诉伍德沃思案 | 111 U.S. 138 (1884年) | 保险法 |
Elk v. Wilkins | 112 U.S. 94 (1884年) | 美国土著人的公民权 |
Head Money Cases | 112 U.S. 580 (1884年) | 合约 |
Cole v. La Grange | 113 U.S. 1 (1885年) | the court held that the Missouri legislature could not authorize a city to issue bonds to assist corporations in their private business. |
佐治亚州中央铁路和银行有限公司诉佩特斯案 | 113 U.S. 116 (1885年) | An appeal regarding monies owed and a lein upon the roadbed, depots, side tracks, turnouts, trestles, and bridges owned and used by the appellants. |
Avegno v. Schmidt | 113 U.S. 293 (1885年) | title to mortgaged property confiscated by the U.S. government during the Civil War |
Baylis v. Travellers' Ins. Co. | 113 U.S. 316 (1885年) | right to trial by jury in a civil case |
California Artificial Stone Paving Co. v. Molitor | 113 U.S. 609 (1885年) | Patent infringement case on an improvement in concrete paving |
Winona & St. Peter R. Co. v. Barney | 113 U.S. 618 (1885年) | 公共土地补助铁路建设 |
Kansas Pacific R. Co. v. Dunmeyer | 113 U.S. 629 (1885年) | 土地拥有权之争 |
Schmieder v. Barney | 113 U.S. 645 (1885年) | case regarding description of articles subject to duty |
Camp v. United States | 113 U.S. 648 (1885年) | 合约执行 |
Maxwell's Executors v. Wilkinson | 113 U.S. 656 (1885年) | 判决执行的误差 |
弗拉格诉沃克案 | 113 U.S. 659 (1885年) | 土地财产和债务 |
Railroad Commission Cases | 116 U.S. 307 (1886年) | contracts, police power, regulation of transport |
Yick Wo v. Hopkins | 118 U.S. 356 (1886年) | equal protection, racially-neutral laws administered in a discriminatory manner |
United States v. Kagama | 118 U.S. 375 (1886年) | federal court jurisdiction over crimes committed on Indian reservations |
Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Railroad | 118 U.S. 394 (1886年) | corporate personhood |
Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific Railway Company v. Illinois | 118 U.S. 557 (1886年) | regulation of interstate commerce by individual states, creation of ICC |
Ker v. Illinois | 119 U.S. 436 (1886年) | legality of abduction of criminal suspect abroad |
朗克尔诉合众国案 | 122 U.S. 543 (1887年) | 当总统被赋予最终决定法案制定的司法权时,总统无权指派他人代替行使权利。 |
电话案 | 126 U.S. 1 (1888年) | patent law |
首席大法官梅尔维尔·富勒(1888年10月8日)负责的案件 | ||
基德诉皮尔逊案 | 128 U.S. 1 (1888年) | Scope of the Commerce Clause |
登特诉西弗吉尼亚州案 | 129 U.S. 114 (1889年) | 医生的州执照 |
Botiller v. Dominguez | 130 U.S. 238 (1889年) | validity of Spanish and Mexican land grants within the Mexican Cession |
戴维斯诉比森案 | 133 U.S. 333 (1890年) | United States federal courts have jurisdiction to hear charges related to polygamy even though it be part of a religious belief |
汉斯诉路易斯安那州案 | 134 U.S. 1 (1890年) | sovereign immunity of states, interpreting the Eleventh Amendment |
芝加哥,密尔沃基和圣保罗铁路诉明尼苏达州案 | 134 U.S. 418 (1890年) | 州和铁路费用 |
In re Neagle | 135 U.S. 1 (1890年) | authority of the U.S. Attorney General to appoint U.S. Marshals as bodyguards to Supreme Court Justices |
LDS Church v. United States | 136 U.S. 1 (1890年) | upheld revocation of LDS Church charter and confiscation of church property |
In re Ross | 140 U.S. 453 (1891年) | application of U.S. law to foreign sailors on U.S. flagged ships while in another country |
Holy Trinity Church v. United States | 143 U.S. 457 (1892年) | 与外国公民的合约 |
伊利诺伊中央铁路诉伊利诺伊州案 | 146 U.S. 387 (1892年) | 铁路用地之争 |
尼克斯诉赫登案 | 149 U.S. 304 (1893年) | 在1883年关税法案中西红柿是蔬菜还是水果 |
士林格诉合众国案 | 155 U.S. 163 (1894年) | sovereign immunity forbids suit against the Federal government for patent infringement |
United States v. E. C. Knight Co. | 156 U.S. 1 (1895年) | 反托拉斯行动;糖业托拉斯案 |
斯帕夫訴美國案 | 156 U.S. 51 (1895年) | jury instructions |
科芬诉合众国案 | 156 U.S. 432 (1895年) | 无罪推定 |
In re Debs | 158 U.S. 564 (1895年) | strikes and interstate commerce |
波洛克诉农民贷款和信托公司案 | 158 U.S. 601 (1895年) | income tax and tariffs |
希尔顿诉盖奥特案 | 159 U.S. 113 (1895年) | doctrine of comity |
罗森诉合众国案 | 161 U.S. 29 (1896年) | defendant's ability to inspect evidence at obscenity trial overcame objection that indictment was too vague |
格尔诉康涅狄格州案 | 161 U.S. 519 (1896年) | 各州对其所拥有的野生动物具有管理其繁殖的权利 |
Talton v. Mayes | 163 U.S. 376 (1896年) | 美国宪法规定的人权不适用于部落政府 |
普莱西诉弗格森案 | 163 U.S. 537 (1896年) | 隔离但平等 |
United States v. Ball | 163 U.S. 662 (1896年) | 双重处罚 |
United States v. Trans-Missouri Freight Association | 166 U.S. 290 (1897年) | 铁路 |
Interstate Commerce Commission v. Cincinnati, New Orleans and Texas Pacific Railway Co. | 167 U.S. 479 (1897年) | 行政机构的权利 |
巴雷特诉合众国案 | 169 U.S. 218 (1898年) | South Carolina had not been subdivided into separate federal judicial districts |
霍顿诉哈迪案 | 169 U.S. 366 (1898年) | 矿工工作时间 |
美国诉黄金德案 | 169 U.S. 649 (1898年) | 公民权和种族 |
霍克诉纽约州案 | 170 U.S. 189 (1898年) | character and doctor’s licenses |
威廉姆斯诉密西西比州案 | 170 U.S. 213 (1898年) | 文化水平测试 |
布朗诉新泽西州案 | 175 U.S. 172 (1899年) | use of a struck jury |
Malony v. Adsit | 175 U.S. 281 (1899年) | trial judge must authenticate bill of exceptions |
Cumming v. Richmond County Board of Education | 175 U.S. 528 (1899年) | 公立学校中的隔离 |
案件名 | 引用 | 简介 |
首席大法官爱德华·道格拉斯·怀特(1910年12月19日)负责的案件 | ||
威姆斯诉合众国案 | 217 U.S. 349 (1910年) | cruel and unusual punishment |
玛斯夸特诉合众国案 | 219 U.S. 346 (1911年) | Advisory opinion doctrine |
Flint v. Stone Tracy Co. | 220 U.S. 107 (1911年) | constitutionality of corporate income tax |
美国诉格里莫 | 220 U.S. 506 (1911年) | 森林储备的控制 |
标准石油公司诉合众国案 | 221 U.S. 1 (1910年) | dissolving interstate monopolies |
道威尔诉合众国案 | 221 U.S. 325 (1911年) | 海岛案 |
Gompers v. Buck's Stove and Range Co. | 221 U.S. 418 (1911年) | contempt for violating an injunction against a worker's boycott |
霍克诉合众国案 | 227 U.S. 308 (1913) | upheld the Mann Act, but held that Congress could not regulate prostitution |
Bauer & Cie. v. O'Donnell | 229 U.S. 1 (1913) | extensions of patents by use of licenses, rights of copyright holder regarding “use” of copyrighted works |
查尔顿诉凯利案 | 229 U.S. 447 (1913) | procedures to approve extradition of criminal suspect to another country |
Stratton's Independence, Ltd. v. Howbert | 231 U.S. 399 (1913) | |
威克斯诉合众国案 | 232 U.S. 383 (1914) | establishment of the exclusionary rule for illegally obtained evidence |
奥坎波诉合众国案 | 234 U.S. 91 (1914) | 海岛案 |
Shreveport Rate Case | 234 U.S. 342 (1914) | Commerce clause, regulation of intrastate railroad rates |
Coppage v. Kansas | 236 U.S. 1 (1915) | Economic due process and yellow-dog contracts |
伯迪克诉合众国案 | 236 U.S. 79 (1915) | 宽恕的法律效应 |
Mutual Film Corporation v. Industrial Commission of Ohio | 236 U.S. 230 (1915) | free speech and the censorship of motion pictures |
吉恩诉合众国案 | 238 U.S. 347 (1915) | constitutionality of Oklahoma's "grandfather law" used to disenfranchise African-American voters |
Hadacheck v. Sebastian | 239 U.S. 394 (1915) | municipal regulation of land use |
Bi-Metallic Investment Co. v. State Board of Equalization | 239 U.S. 441 (1915) | denial of due process procedural protections for legislative and rulemaking acts, as opposed to adjudicatory proceedings |
Brushaber v. Union Pacific Railroad | 240 U.S. 1 (1916) | power to tax income under the Sixteenth Amendment |
Stanton v. Baltic Mining Co. | 240 U.S. 103 (1916) | power to tax income under the Sixteenth Amendment |
Georgia, Florida, & Alabama Railway Co. v. Blish Milling Co. | 241 U.S. 190 (1916) | responsibilities of parties under a bill of lading |
United States v. Forty Barrels and Twenty Kegs of Coca-Cola | 241 U.S. 265 (1916) | case brought against Coca-Cola under the Pure Food and Drug Act |
美国诉奥本海默案 | 242 U.S. 85 (1916) | doctrine of res judicata applies to criminal cases |
American Well Works Co. v. Layne & Bowler Co. | 241 U.S. 257 (1916) | scope of federal question jurisdiction in patent law case |
凯密乃提诉合众国案 | 242 U.S. 470 (1917) | Mann Act applies to consensual extramarital sex |
邦廷诉俄勒冈州案 | 243 U.S. 426 (1917) | 劳工法;十小时工作制 |
亚当斯诉坦纳案 | 244 U.S. 590 (1917) | Substantive due process, state's prohibition of employment agencies was unconstitutional under the Fourteenth Amendment |
Buchanan v. Warley | 245 U.S. 60 (1917) | constitutionality of local ordinance compelling racial segregation of residential housing |
芝加哥贸易委员会诉合众国案 | 246 U.S. 231 (1918) | Rules of a commodities exchange examined under rule of reason |
Hammer v. Dagenhart | 247 U.S. 251 (1918) | Congressional power to regulate child labor under the Commerce Clause |
International News Service v. Associated Press | 248 U.S. 215 (1918) | 新闻的财产权 |
申克诉合众国案 | 249 U.S. 47 (1919) | 言论自由,明显和当前的危险标准,戏院火警 |
德布斯诉合众国案 | 249 U.S. 211 (1919) | 暴动 |
艾布拉姆斯诉合众国案 | 250 U.S. 616 (1919) | validity of criminalizing criticism of the government |
案件名 | 引用 | 简介 |
史维基托恩木材公司诉合众国案 | 251 U.S. 385 (1920年) | Fruit of the poisonous tree doctrine in a tax evasion case |
Eisner v. Macomber | 252 U.S. 189 (1920年) | pro rata stock dividend not taxable income |
Missouri v. Holland | 252 U.S. 416 (1920年) | 州权 |
美国诉惠勒案 | 254 U.S. 281 (1920年) | Privileges and Immunities Clause and kidnapping |
Smith v. Kansas City Title & Trust Co. | 255 U.S. 180 (1921年) | federal question jurisdiction in state corporate law matter |
纽贝里诉合众国案 | 256 U.S. 232 (1921年) | Congress lacks the power to regulate primary elections |
Dillon v. Gloss | 256 U.S. 368 (1921年) | 宪法修正案程序 |
首席大法官威廉·霍华德·塔夫脱(1921年7月11日)负责的案件 | ||
United States v. Phellis | 257 U.S. 156 (1921) | shares in a subsidiary corporation issued to stockholders in the parent corporation considered taxable income |
萊瑟訴加內特案 | 258 U.S. 130 (1922) | constitutionality of Nineteenth Amendment |
巴尔扎克诉波多黎各案 | 258 U.S. 298 (1922) | 海岛案 |
美国诉莫兰德案 | 258 U.S. 433 (1922) | 第五宪法修正案 |
童工税案 | 259 U.S. 20 (1922) | docket title Bailey v. Drexel Furniture Co., found the Child Labor Tax Law of 1919 was not a valid use of Congress' power under the Taxing and Spending Clause |
Hill v. Wallace | 259 U.S. 44 (1922) | use of congressional taxing power under the Taxing and Spending Clause; relationship to Commerce Clause |
联邦棒球俱乐部诉全国联赛案 | 259 U.S. 200 (1922) | 棒球和反托拉斯管理 |
怀俄明州诉科罗拉多州案 | 259 U.S. 419 (1922) | 科罗拉多州是否可以转移跨州水系拉勒米河的水资源 |
高雄小泽诉合众国案 | 260 U.S. 178 (1922) | 规划和种族(日裔美国人) |
宾夕法尼亚煤炭公司诉马洪案 | 260 U.S. 393 (1922) | Substantive Due Process, Takings clause of the Fifth Amendment |
摩尔诉登普西案 | 261 U.S. 86 (1923) | mob-dominated trials, federal writ of habeas corpus, due process |
United States v. Bhagat Singh Thind | 261 U.S. 204 (1923) | 归化和种族(印度裔美国人) |
阿德金斯诉儿童医院案 | 261 U.S. 525 (1923) | 定约自由;最低公司法 |
巴尔的摩和俄亥俄铁路公司诉合众国案 | 261 U.S. 592 (1923) | creation of implied-in-fact contracts |
芝加哥市贸易委员会诉奥尔森案 | 262 U.S. 1 (1923) | constitutionality of the Grain Futures Act under the Commerce Clause |
Meyer v. Nebraska | 262 U.S. 390 (1923) | constitutionality of law prohibiting teaching of foreign languages; substantive due process |
Frothingham v. Mellon | 262 U.S. 447 (1923) | 纳税人标准被废弃 |
Rindge Co. v. County of Los Angeles | 262 U.S. 700 (1923) | eminent domain and the building of a scenic road |
Rooker v. Fidelity Trust Co. | 263 U.S. 413 (1923) | review of state court decisions by U.S. District Courts |
Chung Fook v. White | 264 U.S. 443 (1924) | Interpretation of Immigration Act of 1917; marked end of era of strict plain meaning interpretation of statutes |
United States v. Ninety-Five Barrels (More or Less) Alleged Apple Cider Vinegar | 265 U.S. 438 (1924) | legality of misleading but factually accurate packaging statements under the Pure Food and Drug Act |
卡罗尔诉合众国案 | 267 U.S. 132 (1925) | whether police searches of automobiles without a warrant violate the Fourth Amendment |
George W. Bush & Sons Co. v. Maloy | 267 U.S. 317 (1925) | Dormant Commerce Clause; states are not permitted to regulate common carriers engaged in interstate commerce on state highways |
林德诉合众国案 | 268 U.S. 5 (1925) | prosecution of physicians under the Harrison Narcotics Tax Act |
Irwin v. Gavit | 268 U.S. 161 (1925) | taxation of income from a trust |
Pierce v. Society of Sisters | 268 U.S. 510 (1925) | 隐私 |
吉特洛诉纽约州案 | 268 U.S. 652 (1925) | prosecution of seditious speech |
Bowers v. Kerbaugh-Empire Co. | 271 U.S. 170 (1926) | taxation of reduced loss on exchanged currency |
迈尔斯诉合众国案 | 272 U.S. 52 (1926) | Presidential authority to remove executive branch officials |
Village of Euclid, Ohio v. Ambler Realty Co. | 272 U.S. 365 (1926) | zoning, due process |
美国诉通用电气公司案 | 272 U.S. 476 (1926) | patentee who grants a single license to a competitor to manufacture the patented product may lawfully fix the price at which the licensee may sell the product |
Farrington v. Tokushige | 273 U.S. 284 (1927) | constitutionality of anti-foreign language statute in the Territory of Hawaii under the due process clause of the Fifth Amendment |
尼克松诉赫尔顿案 | 273 U.S. 536 (1927) | challenging the white primaries in Texas |
巴克诉贝尔案 | 274 U.S. 200 (1927) | compulsory sterilization, eugenics |
Hess v. Pawloski | 274 U.S. 352 (1927) | consent to in personam jurisdiction |
惠特尼诉加利福尼亚州案 | 274 U.S. 357 (1927) | prosecution of criminal syndicalism |
Gong Lum v. Rice | 275 U.S. 78 (1927) | admission of Chinese girl to school for White children in Mississippi |
新墨西哥州诉得克萨斯州案 | 275 U.S. 279 (1927) | 两州边界之争 |
Miller v. Schoene | 276 U.S. 272 (1928) | Substantive due process, takings clause |
Black and White Taxicab Co. v. Brown and Yellow Taxicab Co. | 276 U.S. 518 (1928) | what law is to be applied when courts sit in diversity jurisdiction |
Olmstead v. United States | 277 U.S. 438 (1928) | admissibility of illegally-obtained phone wiretaps as evidence |
威斯康星州诉伊利诺伊州案 | 278 U.S. 367 (1930) | federal power over state interests, Chicago Sanitary Canal |
塔夫脱诉鲍尔斯案 | 278 U.S. 470 (1929) | taxation of a gift of shares of stock under the Sixteenth Amendment (Chief Justice Taft did not participate) |
United States v. Schwimmer | 279 U.S. 644 (1929) | denial of naturalization to a pacifist, overruled by Girouard v. United States (1946) |
Pocket Veto Case | 279 U.S. 655 (1929) | constitutionality of the pocket veto |
Old Colony Trust Co. v. Commissioner | 279 U.S. 716 (1929) | third-party payment of income tax, effect of Revenue Act of 1926 |
案件名 | 引用 | 简介 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
钱伯斯诉佛罗里达州案 | 309 U.S. 227 (1940) | coerced confessions in a murder case | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Helvering v. Bruun | 309 U.S. 461 (1940) | A landlord realizes a taxable gain when he repossesses property improved by a tenant | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Thornhill v. Alabama | 310 U.S. 88 (1940) | free speech clause of First Amendment includes peaceful labor picketing | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
坎特韦尔诉康涅狄格州案 | 310 U.S. 296 (1940) | incorporated Free Exercise Clause | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
United States v. American Trucking Associations | 310 U.S. 534 (1940) | Motor Carrier Act of 1935 did not empower the Interstate Commerce Commission to regulate all employees of common and contract motor carriers, but rather only those whose duties affect safety of operation | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Minersville School District v. Gobitis | 310 U.S. 586 (1940) | saluting the flag | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Hansberry v. Lee | 311 U.S. 32 (1940) | res judicata may not bind a subsequent plaintiff who had no opportunity to be represented in the earlier civil action | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Helvering v. Horst | 311 U.S. 112 (1940) | refinement of assignment of income doctrine | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sibbach v. Wilson | 312 U.S. 1 (1941) | Erie doctrine, applicability of Federal Rules of Civil Procedure | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Railroad Commission v. Pullman Co. | 312 U.S. 496 (1941) | Abstention doctrine | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Cox v. New Hampshire | 312 U.S. 569 (1941) | petitions on public property | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
United States v. Darby Lumber Co. | 312 U.S. 100 (1941) | power of the United States Congress to regulate employment conditions; Commerce Clause | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
United States v. Classic | 313 U.S. 299 (1941) | power of the federal government to regulate primary elections
斯通时期美国最高法院案例列表,是指美国最高法院首席大法官哈伦·菲斯克·斯通 (1941年7月3日 - 1946年4月22日)任职期间依时间顺序排列的案例列表。 内容