


这是本页的一个历史版本,由Woodygong留言 | 贡献2006年8月12日 (六) 05:23编辑。这可能和当前版本存在着巨大的差异。

本条目描述真实的登月计划。关于同名电影,请参看阿波罗13号 (电影)
任务名称: 阿波罗13号
呼号: 指令/服务舱(CSM):奥德赛
成员: 3人
发射: 1970年4月11日
19:13:00 UTC
LC 39A
00:21:00 UTC
返回: 1970年4月17日
18:07:41 UTC
21° 38' 24" S - 165° 21' 42" W
飞行时间: 5天22小时54分钟41秒
质量: CSM 28,945千克;
LM 15,235千克








(曾执行阿波罗-联盟, STS-5, STS-41-B以及STS-51)






  • 1970年4月15日,00:21:00 UTC
    • 距月球约254.3公里;
    • 距地球400,171公里(此距离可能是一个记录,请参阅下文)。



真实的名言:“好,休斯顿,我们这里已经出问题了” [1],出自斯威格特之口。稍后洛威尔则回报了一句类似的话:“休斯顿,我们已经出问题了。”


阿波罗13号任务开始时也曾出现过一次不甚闻名但同样危险的事故。第二级火箭燃烧时,中间的5号推进器提前关闭了。工程师们事后发现这个问题的起因是纵向藕合振动(pogo oscillation),而这种情况足以把第二级火箭撕裂。当时推进器承受着16赫兹的频率,68g的重力,发动机架被拉长了7.6厘米(约3英寸)。幸运的是,震动导致了推进器压力降低,控制电脑自动将其关闭。后来,根据这个问题,This was later traced to amplification of the pogo that had occurred on previous flights by an unexpected interaction with the cavitation in the turbopumps. Later missions had anti-pogo devices, as had already been planned since before 阿波罗13号, which solved the problem.


航天器在去月球的途中离地球321,860千米时,服务舱(SM)中的2号氧气罐发生了爆炸。用于保护液氧搅拌电机动力线缆的特氟纶保温材料在通电时着火。导致液氧罐内气压超过了额定的1000lbf/in²; (7 MPa),之后液氧罐爆炸了。这次爆炸损坏了服务仓上的其他部件,包括1号氧气罐。但在爆炸发生时,爆炸的起因还不能确定;一种推测称:是因为一个流星体的撞击导致了这次爆炸。 爆炸破坏了服务仓中的两个氧气罐,没有氧气就意味着无法为阿波罗13号的指令/服务仓提供电力,所以指令/服务仓被迫完全关闭。指令舱上载有一些电池,但这些为返回准备的电池只能提供从抛弃服务仓到溅落的大约10小时的电力,而且,这些电力要必须留做返回时使用。 阿波罗13号的成员依靠使用登月仓(LM,当时仍然连接在指令仓上)作为“救生艇”而得以幸存。


爆炸对指令仓的破坏意味着本次登月任务(计划登陆地点为法莫拉高地) 必须中止; a single pass around the Moon was made and the spacecraft returned to 地球 in what is called a modified circumlunar, cislunar, or free return trajectory, which goes completely around the moon in a Figure 8 geometry but is not considered a true orbit, as it is fleeting and there is no capture within the moon's gravity well. Considerable ingenuity under extreme pressure was required from both the crew and the flight controllers to figure out how to jury rig the craft for the crew's safe return, with much of the world watching the drama on television. One of the major stumbling blocks in this was that the LEM "lifeboat" was equipped to sustain two people for two days, and it would now have to sustain three people for four days. The LEM "lifeboat" procedure, was actually a procedure that was worked on/created during a training simulation (in the simulator) not long before the flight of 阿波罗13号.[1](Lovell and Kluger 83-87) 一个最大的问题是登月仓上的氢氧化锂二氧化碳过滤器不足以工作4天,而指令仓上的备用过滤器的形状又无法匹配登月仓上的过滤器插槽;所以,阿波罗13号上的乘员不得不在只使用飞船上能找到的材料的条件下制造了一个转换器。




A successful splashdown (NASA)



After the completion of the mission, there was a full investigation of the incident and the craft was modified to prevent future occurrences of the fault.

吉姆·洛威尔 and Jeffrey Kluger's book about the mission, Lost Moon, was later turned into a successful movie, 阿波罗13号, starring Tom Hanks, Bill Paxton and Kevin Bacon as the Apollo crewmen.





  • 一个温度调节装置,它可以控制罐子内的加热器以加速液氧的蒸发;
  • 一个温度计,它可以测定加热器的温度;
  • Valves and piping that were designed to allow the tank to be completely emptied of liquid by forcing gas into the tank;
  • 一层内部特氟纶涂层,用于保护电线不被极低温气体损坏;和
  • 一个内部风扇,用于搅动液氧(液氧在那种温度下如果长时间静置将会凝结)。

These were the basic design, manufacturing and operational problems that led to the accident.

  • The thermostat was originally designed to handle the 28 伏特 supply that would be used in the 指令舱. However, the specification for the tank was changed so that it had to handle 65 伏特s on the launch pad. Most of the wiring was changed to handle the higher voltage, but the thermostat was not. Engineers at Saturn V subcontractor Beechcraft, later admitted they knew they had put 65 volts through a line designed for only 28 volts. The tank then made it into the 阿波罗13号 Service Module which crippled the mission.
  • The thermometer was designed to read out at the highest operational temperature of the heater, about 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Higher temperatures registered at 100 °F, but the thermostat was supposed to cut out at 80 °F (27 °C), making higher temperatures impossible.
  • During assembly, the structure carrying the tank that failed was dropped about 2 inches (5 cm). The exterior was undamaged, but the pipes that directed flow within the tank became misaligned.
  • For ground testing the tank was filled. However, when it came time to empty it, the problem with the piping was discovered. As such, the tank could not be properly emptied except by running the heater to evaporate the liquid gas. Not using this tank would have delayed the mission and there was no alternative tank available. Lovell was aware of the decision to use the heater to evaporate the oxygen, which was calculated to take a few days at the highest operational temperature of 80 °F (27 °C).
  • However, when the heater was turned on continuously, the higher voltage fused the thermostat, which allowed the heater to keep heating up. Because the thermometer did not register temperatures higher than 100 degrees Fahrenheit (38 degrees Celsius), the monitoring equipment did not pick this up. The current recorder in the power supply showed that the heater was not cycling on and off, but no-one noticed it at the time. Instead of taking several days, the gas evaporated in hours, and the interior of the tank kept heating up, reaching an estimated 800 degrees Fahrenheit (430 °C). This burned off the teflon coating, leaving the wires inside the tank exposed.
  • The rest was inevitable. When the tank was refilled with oxygen, it became a bomb waiting to go off. The order to run the "cryo stir" to run the fans set off sparks inside the tank which led to the explosion.
  • The close proximity of the oxygen tanks exacerbated the situation. Although the second tank survived the explosion, its valves were damaged which allowed the oxygen within to leak out. In future Apollo missions, the two oxygen tanks were situated farther apart.


  • 因为时间仓促,水瓶座号上的标牌没能更换(上面刻着马丁利的名字),航空航天局给了吉姆·洛威尔另一块标牌(上面刻着斯威格特的名字)以便他在登陆月球以后盖在原来那块上。但是因为水瓶座号没能完成登月,所以洛威尔保留了这块牌子,现在这块标牌作为仅有的几件任务纪念品之一放在洛威尔的家里。
  • As a result of following the free return trajectory, the altitude of 阿波罗13号 over the lunar far side was approximately 100 km greater than the corresponding orbital altitude on the remaining Apollo lunar missions. This could mean an all-time altitude record for human spaceflight—not even superseded as of 2006—but this may well not be the case: the variation in distance between Earth and the Moon owing to the eccentricity of the Moon's orbit about Earth is much larger than this 100 km. The Guinness Book of Records listed this flight as having the absolute altitude record for a manned spacecraft, and Lovell should have received a certificate from them attesting to this record (Lovell stated in the book Lost Moon that apart from the plaque and a couple of other pieces of salvage, the only other item he has regarding this mission was a letter from Charles Lindbergh).
  • 在阿波罗13号返回后对指令舱进行检查时发现,乘员们曾试图给返回降落伞连接一个手动开关。但事实上他们把开关连接到抛弃降落伞的控制器上了。如果当时他们决定使用这个开关,那么他们事实上是抛弃了指令舱上的降落伞,那样则无异于跳海自杀。
  • 由于阿波罗13号无法登月,但三位宇航员安全返回地球,所以此次任务被称为一次“成功的失败”。


阿波罗13号的徽章上有3匹奔马,题词Ex luna, scientia(来自月球的知识),以及罗马数字的任务数字(13)。和阿波罗11号的徽章一起,两次任务的徽章是阿波罗计划各次任务徽章中仅有的没有任务成员名字的(考虑到发射前3天有任务成员的替换,这算得上是一次幸运的例外)。


The 指令舱 shell was formerly at the Musée de l'Air et de l'Espace, Paris. The interior components were removed during the investigation of the accident and reasembled into BP-1102A, the water egress training module, and were subsequently on display at the Museum of Natural History and Science in Louisville, Kentucky until 2000. The 指令舱 and the internal components were reasembled, and Odyssey is currently on display at the Kansas Cosmosphere and Space Center, Hutchinson, Kansas. The lunar module burned up in Earth's atmosphere 17 April, 1970, having been targeted to enter over the Pacific Ocean to reduce the possibility of contamination from a radioisotope thermoelectric generator (RTG) on board (had the mission proceeded as planned, the RTG would have been used to power the Apollo Lunar Surface Experiment Package, and then remained on the Moon). The RTG survived reentry (as designed) and landed in the Tonga Trench. While it will remain radioactive for approximately 2000 years, it does not appear to be releasing any of its 3.9 kg of radioactive plutonium. [2] NASA has expressed a wish that the RTG be recovered.


  • From the Earth to the Moon has one episode devoted to the mission, from the perspective of the television reporters covering the mission.
  • 阿波罗13号(1995年) - 由朗·霍华德导演的电影,由汤姆·汉克斯凯文·贝肯比尔·派克斯顿扮演三位宇航员,艾德·哈里斯出演金·克兰茨。此片基于吉姆·洛威尔所著《与月球失之交臂(Lost Moon)》一书。
  • In the 1993 film Falling Down, Michael Douglas' character compares himself to the crew of 阿波罗13号, claiming that he had passed the "point of no return" as they had, thus causing them to circle the moon.
  • The 1974 movie "Houston, We've Got a Problem", while set around the 阿波罗13号 incident, is truthfully a fictional drama about the crises faced by ground personnel when the emergency disrupts their work schedules and places additional stress on their lives. Only a couple of news clips and a narrator's solemn voice deals with the actual Apollo problems. In a letter to TV Guide, astronaut Jim Lovell criticized the movie, saying it would have been safer on the stricken spaceship.




  1. ^ Lovell, Jim, and Jeffrey Kluger. 阿波罗13号. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2000.