


这是本页的一个历史版本,由Sinanshi留言 | 贡献2013年4月12日 (五) 22:08 (修正笔误)编辑。这可能和当前版本存在着巨大的差异。

"Three maps of prehistoric America. (A) then gradual population expansion of the Amerind ancestors from their East Central Asian gene pool (blue arrow). (B) Proto-Amerind occupation of Beringia with little to no population growth for ≈20,000 years. (C) Rapid colonization of the New World by a founder group migrating southward through the ice-free, inland corridor between the eastern Laurentide and western Cordilleran Ice Sheets (green arrow) and/or along the Pacific coast (red arrow). In (B), the exposed seafloor is shown at its greatest extent during the last glacial maximum at ≈20–18 kya [25]. In (A) and (C), the exposed seafloor is depicted at ≈40 kya and ≈16 kya, when prehistoric sea levels were comparable. A scaled-down version of Beringia today (60% reduction of A–C) is presented in the lower left corner. This smaller map highlights the Bering Strait that has geographically separated the New World from Asia since ≈11–10 kya."



近年来,学术界不断用已经掌握的方法对一些已经建立起来的理论进行进一步证实或者是证伪,这些理论种较为出名的是认为克洛维斯人是第一个到达美洲的人类种群。[2] 随着发现的深入,过去的假设被重新审查并且新的理论随即被提出。考古证据表明,古印地安人大规模的扩张在上个冰河时期末期, 或者更精确地说,是末次冰盛期(Late Glacial Maixmum),也就是距今16,500–13,000年前。[3]


迁徙模型在时间上大致分为两派。[4][5] 第一种叫做"短时理论"(short chronology theory),短时理论认为人类第一次从阿拉斯加迁徙至新大陆的发生晚于距今15,000 – 17,000年前,之后展开了波浪式的移民推进(waves of immigrants)。[6][7] 第二种叫做"长时理论"(long chronology theory)其认为,第一批人类到达美洲大陆所在的半球时间要远早于15,000 – 17,000年前,他们认为可能的时间为 21,000–40,000年前。[8][9] ,然后才是第二波巨大的移民潮。[10][11][12]

一个引发巨大争论的原因是,南部美洲和北部美洲的古印地安人定居点在考古证据上的不连续。一个大体上统一的考古学文化在北部和中部美洲被发现,距今至少有13,500年的历史,考古学家称之为克洛維斯文化[13] 然而,同一时代的南美洲的据点就缺乏这样的一致性,拥有更大的文化多样性。考古学家认为,"克洛斯先至论"和古印地安人时间框架都不足以解释复杂的美洲石器时代(lithic stage)工具是如何在南美洲出现的。一些理论学家正在寻求一种可以整合南北美洲考古记录的新的殖民模型。

时间 公元前 B.C. 白令海峡 "大陆桥" 海岸线 Mackenzie 走廊
38,000–34,000 可通行 (开启) 开启 关闭
34,000–30,000 淹没 (关闭) 开启 开启
30,000–22,000 可通行 (开启) 关闭 开启
22,000–15,000 可通行 (开启) 开启 关闭
15,000–today 淹没 (关闭) 开启 开启


  1. ^ Goebel, Ted; Waters, Michael R.; O'Rourke, Dennis H. The Late Pleistocene dispersal of modern humans in the Americas (PDF). Science. 2008, 319 (5869): 1497–1502 [2010-02-05]. PMID 18339930. doi:10.1126/science.1153569. 
  2. ^ Gremillion, David H. Archaeolog: Pre Siberian Human Migration to America: Possible validation by HTLV-1 mutation analysis. Traumwerk.stanford.edu. 2008-09-25 [2010-10-12]. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1000078. 
  3. ^ Bonatto, Sandro L.; Salzano, Francisco M. A single and early migration for the peopling of the Americas supported by mitochondrial DNA sequence data. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 1997, 94: 1866–1871. PMC 20009可免费查阅. PMID 9050871. doi:10.1073/pnas.94.5.1866. 
  4. ^ Phillip M. White. American Indian chronology: chronologies of the American mosaic. Greenwood Publishing Group. 2006: 1 [29 November 2011]. ISBN 978-0-313-33820-5. 
  5. ^ Wells, Spencer; Read, Mark. The Journey of Man - A Genetic Odyssey (Digitised online by Google books). Random House. 2002: 138–140 [2009-11-21]. ISBN 0-8129-7146-9. 
  6. ^ Chaw joins poop in archaeology arsenal. University of Wisconsin. 
  7. ^ Axelrod, Alan. The Complete Idiot's Guide to American History. Alpha Books. 2003 [2010-02-05]. ISBN 0-02-864464-6. 
  8. ^ Introduction. Government of Canada. Parks Canada. 2009 [2010-01-09]. Canada's oldest known home is a cave in Yukon occupied not 12,000 years ago like the U.S. sites, but at least 20,000 years ago 
  9. ^ Pleistocene Archaeology of the Old Crow Flats. Vuntut National Park of Canada. 2008 [2010-01-10]. However, despite the lack of this conclusive and widespread evidence, there are suggestions of human occupation in the northern Yukon about 24,000 years ago, and hints of the presence of humans in the Old Crow Basin as far back as about 40,000 years ago.  [失效連結]
  10. ^ 引用错误:没有为名为national的参考文献提供内容
  11. ^ 引用错误:没有为名为dnaa的参考文献提供内容
  12. ^ 引用错误:没有为名为kind的参考文献提供内容
  13. ^ Lister, Adrian; Bahn, Paul G. Mammoths: Giants of the Ice Age. By Adrian Lister, Paul G. Bahn. 2007-11-10. ISBN 978-0-7112-2801-6. 
  14. ^ Jordan, David K. Prehistoric Beringia. University of California-San Diego. 2009 [2010-04-15].