Template:Infobox Greek deity 阿里阿德涅(英語:Ariadne),古希臘神話人物,為克里特國王彌諾斯與帕西淮之女。她愛上了雅典英雄忒修斯,並且在代達羅斯給予的一條線的幫助下使其殺死了彌諾斯囚禁於迷宮中的半牛半人的妖怪彌諾陶洛斯。後來,她與忒修斯一起逃離了克里特島。她的結局說法不一。一說她被忒修斯拋棄後憤而自縊身亡;一說她在納克索斯島與酒神狄俄尼索斯結婚;一說她在塞浦路斯死於分娩。古希臘詩人與藝術家多以其作為創作題材,影響深遠。[1]
- ^ Peck, Harry Thurston. Harpers Dictionary of Classical Antiquities (1898).
- Kerenyi, Karl. Dionysos: Archetypal Image of Indestructible Life, part I.iii "The Cretan core of the Dionysos myth" Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1976.
- Peck, Harry Thurston. Harpers Dictionary of Classical Antiquities (1898).
- Ruck, Carl A. P. and Danny Staples. The World of Classical Myth. Durham: Carolina Academic Press, 1994.
- Barthes, Roland, "Camera Lucida". Barthes quotes Nietzsche, "A labyrinthine man never seeks the truth, but only his Ariadne," using Ariadne in reference to his mother, who had recently died.
- Theoi Project - Ariadne Assembles Greek and Latin quotations concerning Ariadne, in translation.