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鉛玻璃鉛水晶玻璃的一種,與一般碳酸鉀玻璃最大的不同為其中的取代[1]。鉛玻璃通常含有18至40%氧化鉛 (PbO),不過現代的鉛水晶 (Lead Crystal,又因其氧化矽起源而被稱為燧石玻璃) 至少含有24%氧化鉛[2]。鉛玻璃製品常因其裝飾性而被收藏。

把10至30%氧化鉛加入玻璃的技術首先由英格蘭人喬治·瑞芬史考夫特英语George Ravenscroft於1674年發現,這技術除增進玻璃的外觀外也使玻璃較易以煤粉為燃料的火爐熔解,另外也增長玻璃的可塑時間。

The term lead crystal is, by technicality, not an accurate term to describe lead glass, as glass, an amorphous solid, lacks a crystalline structure. The use of the term lead crystal remains popular for historical and commercial reasons. It is retained from the Venetian word cristallo to describe the rock crystal imitated by Murano glassmakers. This naming convention has been maintained to the present day to describe decorative hollow-ware.[3]

鉛玻璃容器英语List of glassware曾被廣泛用於儲藏和盛裝飲品,但因鉛中毒風險今日已甚少使用。因為如此其他物質被嘗試用來取代氧化鉛,如氧化鋇 (BaO)、氧化鋅 (ZnO)、氧化鉀 (K2O)。無鉛的水晶玻璃有和鉛水晶近似的折射率、重量較輕,但散射力較差[4]

In the European Union, labeling of "crystal" products is regulated by Council Directive 69/493/EEC, which defines four categories, depending on the chemical composition and properties of the material. Only glass products containing at least 24% of lead oxide may be referred to as "lead crystal". Products with less lead oxide, or glass products with other metal oxides used in place of lead oxide, must be labeled "crystallin" or "crystal glass".[5]


  1. ^ Newton, Roy G.; Sandra Davison. Conservation of Glass. Butterworth – Heinemann Series in Conservation and Museology. London: Butterworths. 1989. ISBN 0-408-10623-9. 
  2. ^ Hurst-Vose, Ruth. Glass. Collins Archaeology. London: Collins. 1980. ISBN 0-00-211379-1. 
  3. ^ Tait, Hugh (编). Five Thousand Years of Glass. University of Pennsylvania Press (orig. British Museum Press). 2004. ISBN 978-0-8122-1888-6. 
  4. ^ About Lead-free Crystal. 
  5. ^ Council Directive 69/493/EEC of 15 December 1969 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to crystal glass.